20 research outputs found

    Active vs. Passive: The architecture of four modes

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    [Resumen] Este artículo tiene como objetivo establecer una nueva catalogación de arquitecturas a partir de su forma de gestionar el clima con el fin de resituar la gestión climática del espacio y el papel de su habitante como material fundamental del proyecto arquitectónico. En un recorrido que sigue las investigaciones sobre las cualidades térmicas en los edificios de Lisa Heschong, pasando por los planteamientos sobre la pérdida de relación con el clima de Eva Horn, para finalmente complementar los modos de gestión climática propuestos por Reyner Banham. Se desarrollan ejemplos de los cuatro modos en su estado puro: Retardante, Hermético, Selectivo y Regenerativo; separándolos conceptualmente para incorporarlos como material arquitectónico de una manera necesariamente combinada. Y así volver a establecer una relación activa entre las experiencias habitables y la riqueza de las variaciones climáticas.[Abstract] This article aims to establish a new register of architectures based on their way of managing the climate in order to relocate the climatic management of the space and the role of its inhabitant as a fundamental material of the architectural design. In a line that follows Lisa Heschong's research on building’s thermal qualities, passing through Eva Horn's views on the loss of relationship with the climate, to finally complement the climate management modes proposed by Reyner Banham. Examples of the four modes are developed in their raw condition: Retardant, Hermetic, Selective and Regenerative; separating them conceptually to incorporate them as architectural material in a necessarily combined way. And thus re-establish an active relationship between habitable experiences and the richness of climatic variations

    Activo vs. Pasivo: La arquitectura de los cuatro modos

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    This article aims to establish a new register of architectures based on their way of managing the climate in order to relocate the climatic management of the space and the role of its inhabitant as a fundamental material of the architectural design. In a line that follows Lisa Heschong's research on building’s thermal qualities, passing through Eva Horn's views on the loss of relationship with the climate, to finally complement the climate management modes proposed by Reyner Banham. Examples of the four modes are developed in their raw condition: Retardant, Hermetic, Selective and Regenerative; separating them conceptually to incorporate them as architectural material in a necessarily combined way. And thus re-establish an active relationship between habitable experiences and the richness of climatic variations.Este artículo tiene como objetivo establecer una nueva catalogación de arquitecturas a partir de su forma de gestionar el clima con el fin de resituar la gestión climática del espacio y el papel de su habitante como material fundamental del proyecto arquitectónico. En un recorrido que sigue las investigaciones sobre las cualidades térmicas en los edificios de Lisa Heschong, pasando por los planteamientos sobre la pérdida de relación con el clima de Eva Horn, para finalmente complementar los modos de gestión climática propuestos por Reyner Banham. Se desarrollan ejemplos de los cuatro modos en su estado puro: Retardante, Hermético, Selectivo y Regenerativo; separándolos conceptualmente para incorporarlos como material arquitectónico de una manera necesariamente combinada. Y así volver a establecer una relación activa entre las experiencias habitables y la riqueza de las variaciones climáticas

    UNITAT 75 SLLS : un nou parc de bombers voluntaris per als incendis de sisena generació i gimnás municipal a Sant Llorenç Savall

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    El projecte arrenca al evidenciar-se la imprescindibilitat del Parc de Bombers Voluntaris de Sant Llorenç Savall. L’aïllament geogràfic i de connectivitat, juntament amb la densitat i continuïtat del paisatge que l’envolta el converteixen en un enclavament imprescindible. L’aixecament del Parc existent, contrastat amb les Directrius tècniques i de disseny per a l’elaboració dels projectes pels Parcs de Bombers, confirma la pertinència del projecte. El fet que els mateixos agents locals es plantegin la seva reubicació, i el document de Plans estratègics del Departament d’Interior que pressuposta una necessària reforma total de l’edifici, corroboren aquest fet. Atenent la importància de la funció d’aquesta arquitectura mes enllà del seu recipient, el projecte s’esforça a estudiar el programa i a la recerca de la seva ubicació ideal. S’actualitzen les exigències de les Directrius en favor d’un nou Parc més sensible a la seva condició social de voluntaris, a les especificitats dels teixits urbans locals i a la potencialitat de les noves generacions d’incendis. - La ubicació resultant és una nau infrautilitzada al polígon industrial de Ponsferrer en relació directa a l’equipament esportiu del poble. - El programa resultant és un equipament doble. La peça de gimnàs dels bombers s’obre al poble sencer oferint un nou servei alhora que augmenta la visibilitat del Parc. Creix la intensitat d’ús augmentant l’eficiència de la inversió de recursos. - La lectura dels atributs de la preexistència es converteix en pauta. El projecte interroga l’heterogeneitat de condicions del seu emplaçament per descobrir el que cadascuna d’elles pot contribuir en la definició del conjunt. Compleix la seva comesa de manera tècnica, i el seu caràcter i expressivitat aflora en la gestió dels accidents i contradiccions entre la preexistència i les exigències del programa específic.El proyecto arranca al evidenciarse la imprescindibilidad del Parque de Bomberos Voluntarios de Sant Llorenç Savall. El aislamiento geográfico y de conectividad, junto con la densidad y continuidad del paisaje que le rodea lo convierten en un enclave imprescindible. El levantamiento del Parque existente, contrastado con las Directrices técnicas y de diseño para la elaboración de los proyectos por los Parques de Bomberos, confirma la pertinencia del proyecto. El hecho de que los propios agentes locales planteen su reubicación, y el documento de Planes estratégicos del Departamento de Interior que presupuesta una necesaria reforma total del edificio, corroboran este hecho. Atendiendo a la importancia de la función de esta arquitectura más allá de su recipiente, el proyecto se esfuerza en estudiar el programa y la búsqueda de su ubicación ideal. Se actualizan las exigencias de las Directrices a favor de un nuevo Parque más sensible a su condición social de voluntarios, a las especificidades de los tejidos urbanos locales y a la potencialidad de las nuevas generaciones de incendios. - La ubicación resultante es una nave infrautilizada en el polígono industrial de Ponsferrer en relación directa con el equipamiento deportivo del pueblo. - El programa resultante es un equipamiento doble. La pieza de gimnasio de los bomberos se abre al pueblo entero ofreciendo un nuevo servicio a la vez que aumenta la visibilidad del Parque. Crece la intensidad de uso aumentando la eficiencia de inversión de recursos. - La lectura de los atributos de la preexistencia se convierte en pauta. El proyecto interroga la heterogeneidad de condiciones de su emplazamiento para descubrir lo que cada una de ellas puede contribuir a la definición del conjunto. Cumple su cometido de forma técnica, y su carácter y expresividad aflora en la gestión de los accidentes y contradicciones entre la preexistencia y las exigencias del programa específico.The project stems from the realisation that the Sant Llorenç Savall Volunteer Fire Station is essential. Its geographical and connectivity isolation, together with the density and continuity of the surrounding landscape, make it an essential enclave. The survey of the existing Fire Station, compared with the technical and design guidelines for the design of the Fire Stations, confirms the pertinence of the project. The fact that the local agents themselves are considering its relocation, and the document of the Departament of the Interior which assigns a budget for the a full refurbishment of the building, corroborate this fact. Considering the importance of the function of this architecture beyond the building, the project strives to examine its programme and searches for its ideal location. The guidelines are updated in favour of a new Fire Station that is more sensitive to the social condition of the volunteers, to the specificities of the local urban fabric and to the potential of the new generations of fires. - The resulting location is an underused warehouse in the industrial area of Ponsferrer in direct relation to the sports facilities of the village. - The resulting programme is a double facility. The firefighters' gymnasium opens up to the whole village, providing a new service while at the same time increasing the visibility of the volunteers' work. The usage of the building grows, increasing the efficiency of the investment of resources. - The interpretation of the attributes of the pre-existence becomes a guideline. The project interrogates the heterogeneous conditions of its site to discover what each of them can contribute to the definition of the whole. It fulfils its task in a technical manner, and its character and expressiveness emerge from the management of the accidents and contradictions between the pre-existences and the requirements of the specific programme

    Hcverso1 and 2: Faldaprevir with deleobuvir (BI 207127) and ribavirin for treatment-naïve patients with chronic hepatitis C virus genotype-1b infection

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    he interferon-free combination of once-daily faldaprevir 120 mg, twice-daily deleobuvir 600 mg, and weight-based ribavirin was evaluated in two Phase III studies (HCVerso1, HCVerso2) in hepatitis C virus genotype-1b-infected, treatment-naïve patients, including those ineligible for peginterferon (HCVerso2). Patients without cirrhosis were randomized to 16 weeks (Arm 1; n=208 HCVerso1, n=213 HCVerso2) or 24 weeks (Arm 2; n=211 in both studies) of faldaprevir + deleobuvir + ribavirin. Patients with compensated cirrhosis received open-label faldaprevir + deleobuvir + ribavirin for 24 weeks (Arm 3; n=51, n=72). Primary endpoints were comparisons of adjusted sustained virologic response (SVR) rates with historical rates: 71% (HCVerso1) and 68% (HCVerso2). Adjusted SVR12 rates were significantly greater than historical controls for Arms 1 and 2 in HCVerso2 (76%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 71-81, P=0.002; 81%, 95% CI 76-86, P<0.0001) and Arm 2 in HCVerso1 (81%, 95% CI 77-86, P<0.0001), but not for Arm 1 of HCVerso1 (72%, 95% CI 66-77, P=0.3989). Unadjusted SVR12 rates in Arms 1, 2, and 3 were 71.6%, 82.5%, and 72.5%, respectively, in HCVerso1 and 75.6%, 82.0%, and 73.6%, respectively, in HCVerso2. Virologic breakthrough and relapse occurred in 24-week arms in 8%-9% and 1% of patients, respectively, and in 16-week arms in 7%-8% and 9%-11% of patients, respectively. The most common adverse events were nausea (46%-61%) and vomiting (29%-35%). Adverse events resulted in discontinuation of all medications in 6%-8% of patients. In treatment-naïve patients with hepatitis C virus genotype-1b infection, with or without cirrhosis, faldaprevir + deleobuvir + ribavirin treatment for 24 weeks resulted in adjusted SVR12 rates significantly higher than historical controls. Both studies were registered in ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT01732796, NCT01728324)

    Aforismes autobiogràfics : 2014-2020

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    Glecaprevir and pibrentasvir in patients with HCV and severe renal impairment

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is more prevalent among patients who have chronic kidney disease than among those who do not have the disease. Patients with chronic kidney disease who also have HCV infection are at higher risk for progression to end-stage renal disease than those who have chronic kidney disease without HCV infection. Patients with both HCV infection and advanced chronic kidney disease have limited treatment options. METHODS: We conducted a multicenter, open-label, phase 3 trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of treatment with the combination of the NS3/4A protease inhibitor glecaprevir and the NS5A inhibitor pibrentasvir for 12 weeks in adults who had HCV genotype 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 infection and also had compensated liver disease (with or without cirrhosis) with severe renal impairment, dependence on dialysis, or both. Patients had stage 4 or 5 chronic kidney disease and either had received no previous treatment for HCV infection or had received previous treatment with interferon or pegylated interferon, ribavirin, sofosbuvir, or a combination of these medications. The primary end point was a sustained virologic response 12 weeks after the end of treatment. RESULTS: Among the 104 patients enrolled in the trial, 52% had genotype 1 infection, 16% had genotype 2 infection, 11% had genotype 3 infection, 19% had genotype 4 infection, and 2% had genotype 5 or 6 infection. The sustained virologic response rate was 98% (102 of 104 patients; 95% confidence interval, 95 to 100). No patients had virologic failure during treatment, and no patients had a virologic relapse after the end of treatment. Adverse events that were reported in at least 10% of the patients were pruritus, fatigue, and nausea. Serious adverse events were reported in 24% of the patients. Four patients discontinued the trial treatment prematurely because of adverse events; three of these patients had a sustained virologic response. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with glecaprevir and pibrentasvir for 12 weeks resulted in a high rate of sustained virologic response in patients with stage 4 or 5 chronic kidney disease and HCV infection. Copyright © 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society