57 research outputs found

    The use of Instagram on education at the university level: a case study on the business management subject belonging to the industrial engineering degree

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    [EN] With one billion monthly active users, Instagram is one of the most popular social networks worldwide. A review on the role of Instagram in education has led to identify different purposes on Instagram use in different knowledge areas of teaching, and in different levels of education. This article presents the use Instagram application as an educational resource in the teaching-learning process, within the university environment. The objective is to improve this process through self-learning, developing posts with content related to the business management subject, specifically in the research area of industrial engineering. The purpose is threefold: (i) theoretical learning, the student uses Instagram posts published by the teacher to learn pills of concepts; (ii) practical learning, the student uses the teacher's posts related with industry professionals, showing the application of theoretical concepts in real life; (iii) autonomous teaching-learning, the student develops the content and posts of the Instagram account, with the supervision of the teacher.Andres, B.; Sempere-Ripoll, F.; Rodríguez Villalobos, A.; Mengual Recuerda, A. (2021). The use of Instagram on education at the university level: a case study on the business management subject belonging to the industrial engineering degree. ICERI Proceedings. 7986-7992. https://doi.org/10.21125/iceri.2021.18047986799

    Emotional Impact of Dishes versus Wines on Restaurant Diners: From Haute Cuisine Open Innovation

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    Haute cuisine is emblematic in the world of tourism and is of fundamental importance in the economic and social life in most countries worldwide. Haute cuisine gastronomic experiences play with the senses, involving the diner, thus generating a unique experience for the customer. This empirical study aims to analyze the influence on the consumer of the characteristic stimuli of a high-level gastronomic experience in a restaurant with two Michelin stars. Using neuromarketing biometrics, combined with a qualitative research technique, the objective of this research was to determine the emotional impact of the presentation and tasting of dishes compared to wines and to draw conclusions about each variable in the general experience. The results indicate that the dishes have a greater influence on the level of interest than the wines, and both have a different emotional impact at different moments of the experience due to its duration

    A Reference Model of Reverse Logistics Process for Improving Sustainability in the Supply Chain

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    [EN] The reverse logistics process (RLP) has become a key process for the supply chain (SC) given its importance for treating the increasing quantity of returned or recovered products and its impact on sustainability. However, the RLP is complex and involves a high degree of uncertainty and difficult decisions that affect SC efficiency. One of the aspects that can help the most to reduce this complexity and to improve SC efficiency is to formalize this process. The consulted studies agree on the numerous benefits of RLP formalization, but no tools, methodologies or specific solutions were found that help companies to advance in this matter. This work aims to develop a specific tool for RLP formalization so that its efficiency can be increased, leading to an improvement of SC sustainability. The main results comprise a reference model for RLP (RM-RLP) and an associated methodology so that any company can formalize its RLP by modeling its activities. The proposed tool (RM-RLP and methodology) is applied to a closed loop SC of relaxing chairs as an example of RLP formalization, proving its usefulness and, additionally, the improvements that can be reached in three RLP key indicators: total process duration, customer response time and the perceived autonomy and trust of the workers participating in the process.Alarcón Valero, F.; Cortés-Pellicer, P.; Pérez Perales, D.; Mengual Recuerda, A. (2021). A Reference Model of Reverse Logistics Process for Improving Sustainability in the Supply Chain. Sustainability. 13(18):1-29. https://doi.org/10.3390/su131810383S129131

    Aspects of Industrial Design and Their Implications for Society. Case Studies on the Influence of Packaging Design and Placement at the Point of Sale

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    [EN] This work aims to demonstrate that product design and packaging must be aligned with the point of sale and its social purpose. Manufacturing engineering is responsible for the design, development and improvement of production systems that convert raw materials into finished products. Each product is designed to be sold to numerous potential consumers, so the importance of the stimuli surrounding the product in packaging, and at the point of sale, cannot be underestimated. The environmental, social, and ethical commitments of industrial design (and their implications in manufacturing) are establishing universal principles in a common effort to foster a more harmonious and sustainable society. This work aims to analyse, through eye tracking biometric techniques, the level of saturation of information generated by the concentration of stimuli in packaging and the retail channel, possibly creating a lower level of attention towards the product itself. This research confirms that every product associated with a manufacturing process seeks to respond to a need, so the associated responsibility is significant. This would suggest that designers incorporate knowledge from multiple fields, including marketing strategies, design, research and development, basic knowledge related to production, integration management and communication skills. More than 50% of consumer attention is dedicated to other elements/items that accompany the product, so it is important to consider this in the design phase. The results can be used to improve efficiency in both generating product attention, and stimulus design for the purchasing process.Juárez Varón, D.; Mengual Recuerda, A.; Ferrándiz Bou, S.; Alarcón Valero, F. (2021). Aspects of Industrial Design and Their Implications for Society. Case Studies on the Influence of Packaging Design and Placement at the Point of Sale. Applied Sciences. 11(2):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11020517S11611

    Análisis del diseño de packaging de juguete educativo, mediante neuromarketing

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    [ES] Como resultado de la combinación de la neurociencia con el marketing, surge el neuromarketing, como una disciplina de investigación, aprovechando los avances de la tecnología. Este nuevo campo de conocimiento, va más allá de las herramientas tradicionales de investigación cuantitativa y cualitativa, y se centra en las reacciones cerebrales de los consumidores frente a los estímulos de marketing (Reimann, 2011). Así, la presente investigación, busca responder a la pregunta de ¿cómo mejorar la e¿ciencia del diseño de packaging en juguetes educativos, a través del neuromarketing?, utilizando conocimientos y técnicas de la neurociencia y técnicas de investigación cualitativa, con el ¿n de alcanzar diseños adecuados a las necesidades de marcas, anunciantes y consumidores, y para lograr que, las personas tomen mejores decisiones de compra.[EN] As a result of the combination of the Neuroscience with marketing, arises neuromarketing, as a research discipline, taking advantage the advances of technology. ¿is new field of knowledge, goes further of traditional tools of quantitative and qualitative research, and focusing in brain reactions of the consumers in front of the marketing stimuli (Reimann, 2011). ¿us, the present investigation, seeks to answer the question of ¿how to improve the efficiency of packaging design in educational toys, through the neuromarkenting? using knowledge and techniques of neuroscience and qualitative research techniques, in order to reach designs appropriate to the needs of brands, advertisers and consumers, and to achieve that, people make better purchasing decisions.Juárez Varón, D.; Tur-Viñes, V.; Mengual Recuerda, A. (2019). Análisis del diseño de packaging de juguete educativo, mediante neuromarketing. Cuadernos Latinoamericanos de Administración. 15(28). https://doi.org/10.18270/cuaderlam.v15i28.2676S152

    Neuromanagement: the scientific approach to contemporary management

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    [EN] The last years have been marked by the attempts to approach the management discipline from a new, innovative perspective, in accordance with the present times, marked by complex challenges and highly increased competition. Given the importance and impact of scientific advances and also the explosion of research in the field of neuroscience, management had to be redefined and its critical variables had to be analyzed from a different perspective. An interdisciplinary vision was needed to enable future researches and explanations of the decision-making processes, leadership practices, change management, innovation, creativity, human resources performance, engagement of people and emotions. Literature review has been made, from the classical management theories and models, the historical concepts of man, to the new, full of perspectives spectrum of neuroscience, brain functioning and, its infinite potential, that opened new horizons, uncovered resources and tools to face the realities of the new business world. The main purpose of this article is to overview the transition from management to neuromanagement, from leadership to neuroleadership, the role and impact of these concepts on the holistic approach of management science. This evolution allows not only the confirmation of a set of assumptions but also access to a wide range of knowledge, with multiple possibilities of applications in organizational management and opens avenues for future researches.Teacu (parincu), AM.; Capatina, A.; Juárez Varón, D.; Ferreirós Bennett, P.; Mengual Recuerda, A. (2020). Neuromanagement: the scientific approach to contemporary management. Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence. 14(1):1046-1056. https://doi.org/10.2478/picbe-2020-0099S10461056141Arias-Carrio, O., Stamelou, M., Murillo-Rodrıguez, E., Menendez-Gonzalez, M., & Poppel, E. (2010). Dopaminergic reward system: A short integrative review. International archives of medicine, 3(1), 24.10.1186/1755-7682-3-24Backhouse, R. E., & Medema, S. G. (2009). Defining economics: The long road to acceptance of the Robbins definition. Economica, 76, 805–820.10.1111/j.1468-0335.2009.00789.xBernard, C. (1948). Organization and Management. Cambridge, Harvard University Press.10.4159/harvard.9780674280625Bowlby, J., Ainsworth, M., & Bretherton, I. (1992). The origins of attachment theory. Developmental Psychology, 5, 759–775.Braidot, N. P. (2008). Neuromanagement : cómo utilizar a pleno el cerebro en la conducción de organizaciones. Ed. Buenos Aires: Granica.Bratianu, C., & Bejinaru, R. (2019). The theory of knowledge fields: A thermodynamics approach. Systems, 7(2), 20, 1-12.10.3390/systems7020020Bratianu, C., & Bejinaru, C. (2020). Knowledge dynamics: A thermodynamics approach. Kybernetes, 49(1), 6-21.10.1108/K-02-2019-0122Breiter, H.C., Aharon I., Kahneman D., Dale A., & Shizgal, P. (2001). Functional imaging of neural responses to expectancy and experience of monetary gains and losses. Neuron, 30 (2), 619-639.10.1016/S0896-6273(01)00303-8Bruce, L. L., & Braford, M. R. (2009). Evolution of the limbic system. Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 43–55.10.1016/B978-008045046-9.00965-7Bruce, K. (2006). Henry S. Dennison, Elton Mayo, and Human Relations historiography. Management and Organizational History, 1(2), 177-199.10.1177/1744935906064095Camerer, C. F., Loewenstein, G., & Prelec, D. (2004). Neuroeconomics: Why economics needs brains. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 106(3), 555–579.10.1111/j.0347-0520.2004.00377.xCamerer, C., Loewenstein, G., & Prelec, D. (2005). Neuroeconomics: How neuroscience can inform economics. 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    TGA Analysis forn Thermal Characterization of Polymer Blends for Injection

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    [EN] TGA analysis (thermogravimetric analysis) allows obtaining thermal information from polymers’ blends that have been studied in this work. SEBS blends were made using two commercial grades of transparent SEBS with extreme hardness. The specific thermal property determined in the SEBS blends was the evaluation of the degradation process (TGA). It is important to highlight the good resistance to degradation by both commercial grades of virgin SEBS with extreme hardness, and the blends obtained with these materials.[ES] TGA analysis (thermogravimetric analysis) allows obtaining thermal information from polymers’ blends that have been studied in this work. SEBS blends were made using two commercial grades of transparent SEBS with extreme hardness. The specific thermal property determined in the SEBS blends was the evaluation of the degradation process (TGA). It is important to highlight the good resistance to degradation by both commercial grades of virgin SEBS with extreme hardness, and the blends obtained with these materials.Juárez Varón, D.; Ferrándiz Bou, S.; Peydro, MA.; Mengual Recuerda, A. (2014). Análisis TGA para la caracterización térmica de mezclas de polímeros para inyección. 3C Tecnología. 3(3):152-161. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/77690S1521613

    A review of concurrent engineering

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    This paper attempts to explain and disaggregate different focuses of concurrent engineering, analyzing their application to product development and highlighting the improvements involved in their enforcement. Improvements can be observed in projects (quality), in scheduling (reducing the duration) and the cost of implementation (savings), basic achievements of concurrent engineering. Companies that already apply concurrent engineering are often multinationals, being the majority group in use. Its implementation in medium and small businesses is a very useful and achievable goal, in a field that has not developed the methodology. The entire organization (human group) is involved in the implementation of concurrent engineering, with an effort aimed at multifunctional integration and development of both product and process concurrently.Juárez Varón, D.; Peydro, MA.; Mengual Recuerda, A.; Ferrándiz Bou, S. (2015). A review of concurrent engineering. Annals of The University of Oradea. Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering. (3):94-97. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/65944S9497

    Verificación, mediante biometría de neuromarketing, del patrón de lectura propuesto en una imagen estática

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    Normal reading eye movement patterns have 3 main components: saccades that move the eyes from one word to another, saccades that return the eyes to the beginning of the next line, and fixation pauses between each saccade for word processing. information. The proposals for ocular patterns in static images serve to corroborate the behaviour of the order of viewing or reading. In this work, the response pattern to a static stimulus has been verified using neuromarketing biometrics, based on a text with changes in font size and location, which anticipates the users' fixation pattern. The biometrics used was eye tracking, obtaining visualization data, heat maps and fixation maps that verify the order followed by the majority of users. This passive technique was intended to obtain mental reading patterns, establishing areas of interest previously, through the eye tracker computer application. The result confirms that the reading pattern does not correspond to the indications of the text in the static image, discarding the stimulus proposal and discovering that the eye reads in a certain order, according to the learning culture.Los patrones normales de movimiento ocular de lectura tienen 3 componentes principales: movimientos sacádicos que mueven los ojos de una palabra a otra, movimientos sacádicos que devuelven los ojos al comienzo de la siguiente línea, y pausas de fijación entre cada movimiento sacádico para el procesamiento de la información. Las propuestas de patrones oculares en imágenes estáticas sirven para corroborar el comportamiento de orden de visualización o lectura. En este trabajo se ha verificado, mediante biometría de neuromarketing, el patrón de respuesta a un estímulo estático, basado en un texto con cambios de tamaño de letra y ubicación, el cual prevé el patrón de fijación de los usuarios. La biometría empleada fue eye tracking, obteniendo datos de visualización, mapas de calor y mapas de fijación que verifican el orden seguido por la mayoría de los usuarios. Con esta técnica pasiva se pretendía obtener los patrones mentales de lectura, estableciendo las áreas de interés previamente, a través de la aplicación informática del eye tracker. El resultado confirma que el patrón de lectura no se corresponde a las indicaciones del texto en la imagen estática, descartando la propuesta del estímulo y descubriendo que el ojo lee en un determinado orden, según la cultura de aprendizaje

    Information and communication technologies applied to programming flexible manufacturing systems.

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    [EN] The quantitative analysis of flexible manufacturing systems can be obtained using different techniques from mathematical modeling. This way a reconfiguration of the cell is tried, cradle in the continuous improvement of the same one. These models can be divided in three categories: static and determinist models, queuing models and simulation by computer. The discreet simulation of events in flexible manufacturing systems allows reconstructing with great detail complex operations, incorporating characteristic as plant distribution, transports and planning of production, allowing the redesign and continuous improvement of the system, non possible with the static models or queuing models.[ES] El análisis cuantitativo de sistemas de fabricación flexible puede ser logrado utilizando diferentes técnicas de modelado matemático. De esta manera se pretende una reconfiguración de la célula, basada en la mejora continua de la misma. Estos modelos pueden ser divididos en tres categorías: modelos estáticos y deterministas, modelos de colas y simulación por ordenador. La simulación discreta de eventos en sistemas de fabricación flexible permite reconstruir con gran detalle operaciones complejas, incorporando características como distribución en planta, transportes y planificación de producción, permitiendo el rediseño y mejora continua del sistema, no posible con los modelos estáticos o de colas.Juárez Varón, D.; Peydro, MA.; Ferrándiz Bou, S.; Mengual Recuerda, A. (2012). Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación aplicadas a la programación de sistemas de fabricación flexible. 3c Tic. (3):6-13. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/34373S613