257 research outputs found

    Habla Amigo y Entra: Tolkien and the Language of Wonder

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    This panel will deal with the way in which Tolkien\u27s works act as a threshold to approach the works of other Fantasy authors and literary traditions. It will also consider the reception of these works and how they are perceived differently when read in different languages, as well as the impact of localization. Moderator: Martha Celis-MendozaPanelist: Guillermo Don Juan Panelist: Aline Esperanza Maza Vázquez Panelist: Jorge de la VegaTech Mod: Jessica Dickinson Goodman

    Abundance and diversity of soil macroinvertebrates in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) plantations under organic and chemical fertilization in Belize

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    Many studies suggest that sugarcane management practices have negative impact on soil quality, especially on soil organisms, however, information on macroinvertebrate abundance and diversity in conventional sugarcane fields is scarce. This study determined the abundance and diversity of soil macroinvertebrates in sugarcane plantations under 2 types of soils, Cambisol and Fluvisol, with three types of fertilizer management: chemical fertilizer, vinasse and filter mud, and in a secondary forest (on a Cambisol). Sampling was carried out in northern Belize during two crop cycles (from May 2013 to May 2015). Soil macroinvertebrates were collected using monoliths based on Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF) Handbook of Methods at the end of the rainy seasons. The parameters evaluated were biomass, density and diversity of soil macroinvertebrates (number of morphospecies, an ecological index for tropical soil quality based on macrofauna, and a converted Shannon index (H_exp)), yield and plant response variables (number of stool, number of stem, number of active leaves, stem length and stem diameter). A total of 7,634 individuals were identified, grouped into 52 morphospecies belonging to 16 orders and three species of annelids. No significant differences existed among management systems (application of chemical fertilizer, vinasse, filter mud and secondary forest) on abundance and diversity of soil macroinvertebrates, yield and plant variables. However, there were significant differences between soils and cycles in some evaluated parameters. Presuming that soil type and seasonal conditions, in a two years trial, had higher weight on determine the studied parameters than the different management systems.Muchos estudios sugieren que las prácticas de manejo de la caña de azúcar tienen un impacto negativo en la calidad del suelo, especialmente en los organismos del suelo, sin embargo, la información sobre la abundancia y diversidad de macroinvertebrados en los campos de caña de azúcar convencionales es escasa. Este estudio determinó la abundancia y diversidad de macroinvertebrados del suelo en plantaciones de caña de azúcar en dos tipos de suelo, Cambisol y Fluvisol, tres tipos de manejo de fertilizantes: fertilizante químico, vinaza, cachaza, y en un bosque secundario (en un Cambisol). El muestreo fue llevado a cabo en el norte de Belice durante dos ciclos agrícolas (de mayo 2013 a mayo 2015). Los macroinvertebrados del suelo fueron colectados usando monolitos basados en el método del Manual de Métodos Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF) al final de las temporadas de lluvia. Los parámetros evaluados fueron biomasa, densidad y diversidad de macroinvertebrados del suelo (número de morfoespecies, un índice ecológico para la calidad del suelo tropical y un índice de Shannon convertido (H_exp)), rendimiento y variables de las plantas (número de cepas, número de tallos, número de hojas activas, largo del tallo y diámetro del tallo). Un total de 7,634 individuos fueron identificados, agrupados en 52 morfoespecies pertenecientes a 16 Ordenes y tres especies de anélidos. No existió diferencias significativas entre los sistemas de manejo (aplicación de fertilizante químico, vinaza, cachaza y bosque secundario) en la abundancia y diversidad de macroinvertebrados, rendimiento y variables de las plantas. Sin embargo, hubo diferencias significativas entre suelos y ciclos en algunos de los parámetros. Suponiendo que el tipo de suelo y las condiciones estacionales, en un ensayo de dos años, tuvieron mayor peso para determinar los parámetros estudiados que los diferentes sistemas de manejo

    Dispersion management in two-photon microscopy by using diffractive optical elements

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    We demonstrate efficient generation of wide-field fluorescence signals in two-photon microscopy exploiting diffractive optical elements and short pulses by using a dispersion-compensated beam delivery optics module. Computer-generated holograms are codified onto a phase-only spatial light modulator, which allows for arbitrary single-shot patterning of the sample. Spatiotemporal shaping of the pulse is mandatory to overcome spatial chirp and pulse-front tilt effects that spread both in space and time the irradiance patterns, thus limiting not only the spatial resolution but also the signal-to-noise ratio in two-photon microscopy. By using a multipass amplifier delivering 30 fs, 0.8 mJ pulses at 1 kHz repetition rate, we experimentally demonstrated arbitrary single-shot fluorescence irradiance patterns in Rhodamine B

    Evaluación del método ajuste por objetivo de la máquina cerradora continental en la Fábrica Productiva Yara (Original)

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    In Yara Productive Factory, which belongs to the Unidad Empresarial de Base Conservas de Vegetales de Granma, there is a ½ kg tinplate container sealing machine that closes different products, both for domestic consumption and for tourism. Among the main objectives established to determine the quality in the manufacturing processes of the products is related to the evaluation and analysis of the parameters of the sealing or double sealing, which must comply with the standards established for this process. Due to the great variety of container formats that exist and their different characteristics, the breakages that occur and the replacement of some of their components, it is necessary to make constant adjustments in the sealing machines that define the quality and acceptability of the closure. These adjustments require great precision, time and the use of some resources in the process, in order to guarantee the tightness of the package and the preservation of the packaged and capped products. The objective of this article is to evaluate the effectiveness of the target adjustment method in the optimal adjustment of the Continental seamer for ½ kg containers, in order to obtain a closure with the recommended specifications according to the standards, using a minimum of time and resources. Theoretical methods (analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction), empirical methods (documentary analysis, experiment) and mathematical statistics for data processing were used for the development of this research.En la Fábrica Productiva Yara, perteneciente a la Unidad Empresarial de Base Conservas de Vegetales de Granma, existe una máquina cerradora de envases de hojalata de ½ kg que realiza la acción del tapado de diferentes productos, tanto para el consumo nacional como para el turismo. Entre los principales objetivos establecidos para determinar la calidad en los procesos de elaboración de los productos se encuentra el relacionado con la evaluación y análisis de los parámetros del cierre o doble cierre, los cuales deben cumplir con las normas establecidas para dicho proceso. Por la gran variedad de formatos de envases que existen y sus diferentes características, por las roturas que se presentan y por el reemplazo de algunos de sus componentes, es necesario realizar constantes ajustes en las máquinas cerradoras que definen la calidad y aceptabilidad del cierre. Estos ajustes requieren de gran precisión, de tiempo y de la utilización de algunos recursos en el proceso, para garantizar la hermeticidad del envase y la conservación de los productos envasados y tapados. En el presente artículo se  propone como objetivo evaluar la efectividad del método ajuste por objetivo en la regulación óptima de la cerradora continental de envases de ½ kg, para la obtención de un cierre con las especificaciones recomendadas según los estándares, haciendo uso de un mínimo de tiempo y recursos. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación se emplearon métodos teóricos (análisis-síntesis, inducción-deducción), métodos empíricos (análisis documental, experimento) y estadísticos matemáticos para el procesamiento de los datos

    Fresnel phase retrieval method using an annular lens array on an SLM

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    Wavefront aberrations play a major role when focusing an ultrashort laser pulse to a high-quality focal spot. Here, we report a novel method to measure and correct wavefront aberrations of a 30-fs pulsed laser beam. The method only requires a programmable liquid-crystal spatial light modulator and a camera. Wavefront retrieval is based on pupil segmentation with an annular lens array, which allows us to determine the local phase that mini- mizes focusing errors due to wavefront aberrations. Our method provides accurate results even when implemented with low dynamic range cameras and polychromatic beams. Finally, the retrieved phase is added to a diffractive lens codified onto the spatial light modulator to experi- mentally demonstrate near-diffraction-limited femtosecond beam focusing without refractive components

    Programmable quasi-direct space-to-time pulse shaper with active wavefront correction

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    We experimentally demonstrate an extremely compact and programmable pulse shaper composed of a single phase mask encoded into a spatial light modulator. Its principle of operation is similar to the previously theoretically introduced quasi-direct space-to-time pulse shaper [Opt. Express 16, 16993 (2008)], which is based on diffractive optics. The proposed pulse shaper exhibits not only real-time temporal modulation, but also high-efficiency output pulses thanks to an active correction of the wavefront aberrations.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and the Generalitat Valenciana through Consolider Programme (SAUUL CSD2007-00013), and Prometeo Excellence Programme (PROMETEO/2012/021), and projects FIS2010-15746, P11B2010-26, and CTQ2008- 02578. We also thank the European network ITN FAS- TQUAST (PITN-GA-2008-214962). Authors are also very grateful to the SCIC of the Universitat Jaume I for the use of the femtosecond laser

    Mioma uterino gigante

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    El mioma uterino gigante es una afección benigna de la cual se describen pocos casos en la literatura. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 47 años de edad, con un tiempo de enfermedad de 4 años de evolución desde el diagnóstico del mioma uterino. El último año refiere opresión abdominal, aumento de volumen y sangrado vaginal abundante durante las menstruaciones. El tratamiento fue histerectomía abdominal total, previamente se realizó miomectomía con ligadura de pseudocápsula para controlar sangrado intraoperatorio. Se extrajo un mioma gigante del útero cuyo peso fue de 13,2 kg. Paciente con evolución favorable, fue dada de alta. Se decide realizar la presentación del caso a la comunidad médica por ser poco frecuente, además de recomendaciones para el manejo quirúrgico de las pacientes con tumores ginecológicos gigantes

    Controlled Multibeam Supercontinuum Generation With a Spatial Light Modulator

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    We report on deterministic femtosecond multifilamentation in fused silica by encoding a diffractive microlens array into a spatial light modulator. The efficiency and focal length of each microlens are modified through the addressing voltage. This allows for a precise control on the energy coupled to the filaments thus obtaining a homogenized supercontinuum pattern from an inhomogeneous irradiance input distribution. Slight changes in the focal length of the microlenses allow for independent tailoring of the supercontinuum spectra

    Dynamic Control of Interference Effects Between Optical Filaments through Programmable Optical Phase Modulation

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    Light beams shaped by programmable megapixel spatial light modulators (SLMs) are key to broadening the applications of photonics. In this paper, we consider the application of a SLM for the generation of two mutually coherent white-light continuum optical sources by filamentation of infrared femtosecond pulses in bulk. We demonstrate that the inhomogeneity of the input beam and the longitudinal separation of the generated filaments are crucial parameters that break down the mutual coherence across neighboring filaments. We show that local control over the optical phase enables us to gain fine control over filament interference effects.This work was supported by Generalitat Valenciana through the programme (PROMETEO\2012\021), Spanish Ministry of Science under Grant FIS2013-40666-P) and University Jaume I through the project P1 1B2013-53

    Diffraction-Based Phase Calibration of Spatial Light Modulators With Binary Phase Fresnel Lenses

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    We propose a simple and robust method to determine the calibration function of phase-only spatial light modulators (SLMs). The proposed method is based on the codification of binary phase Fresnel lenses (BPFLs) onto an SLM. At the principal focal plane of a BPFL, the focal irradiance is collected with a single device just able to measure intensity-dependent signals, e.g., CCD camera, photodiodes, power meter, etc. In accordance with the theoretical model, it is easy to extract the desired calibration function from the numerical processing of the experimental data. The lack of an interferometric optical arrangement, and the use of minimal optical components allow a fast alignment of the setup, which is in fact poorly dependent on environmental fluctuations. In addition, the effects of the zero-order, commonly presented in the diffraction-based methods, are drastically reduced because measurements are carried out only in the vicinity of the focal points, where main light contributions are coming from diffracted light at the BPFL. Furthermore, owing to the simplicity of the method, full calibration can be done, in most practical situations, without moving the SLM from the original place for a given application.This work was supported in part from MINECO under Grant FIS2013–40666-P, Generalitat Valenciana under Grants PROMETEO2012–021 and ISIC 2012/013, and Universitat Jaume I (P1-1B2012-55)