74 research outputs found

    Characteristics of oven-dried Jerusalem artichoke powder and its applications in phosphate-free emulsified chicken meatballs

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    [EN] In this study, we aimed to investigate chemical and technological characteristics of oven-dried Jerusalem artichoke powder (JAP) to be further incorporated into emulsified chicken meatballs (with/without sodium carbonate) as sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) replacers. The dietary fiber content of JAP was quite high to improve the health profile of the meat system. JAP samples showed equivalent technological quality to industrial inulin in terms of water-holding, oil-binding, emulsification and gelling abilities. Phosphate-free meatballs formulated with JAP and sodium carbonate had better health impacts compared with phosphate containing meatballs while cooking characteristics were similar. The results showed that oven-dried JAP presented a good health profile and high technological quality to be evaluated as inorganic phosphate replacers in formulation of emulsified poultry products.The authors would like to extend special thanks to the Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Science, Industry, and Technology for financial support to this study with Project No: 0764.STZ.2014 (SAN-TEZ Program), and many thanks to the co-partner company (Abalıoğlu Co., Izmir).Öztürk, B.; Serdaroğlu, M. (2018). Characteristics of oven-dried Jerusalem artichoke powder and its applications in phosphate-free emulsified chicken meatballs. En IDS 2018. 21st International Drying Symposium Proceedings. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1171-1178. https://doi.org/10.4995/IDS2018.2018.7965OCS1171117

    Quality changes of sucuks produced with turkey meat and olive oil during fermentation and ripening

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    [EN] In this study, it was aimed to determine the effects of partial replacement of beef fat with olive oil on quality changes of fermented turkey sausages (sucuk) during processing. Three formulations were prepared by using the lipid phase as 100% beef fat (control), 85% beef fat+15% olive oil and 70% beef fat+30% olive oil. Total moisture, pH, acidity, water activity (aw) and peroxide values were analyzed in sausage dough, at the end of the fermentation and at the end of ripening. The production steps significantly affected moisture decrease in samples, pH and aw values were decreased and acidity was increased in all samples during production. Peroxide value of the samples increased during processing steps and the samples with olive oil had higher peroxide values compared to control. The results showed that during processing steps of fermented turkey sausages, considerable changes could occur depending on lipid type.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) under the project number: 214-O181.Zungur-Bastıoğlu, A.; Serdaroğlu, M.; Öztürk, B.; Nacak, B. (2018). Quality changes of sucuks produced with turkey meat and olive oil during fermentation and ripening. En IDS 2018. 21st International Drying Symposium Proceedings. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1179-7. https://doi.org/10.4995/IDS2018.2018.7966OCS1179

    Kemik ayırma tekniklerinin dana ve hindi etinin kimyasal kompozisyonu ve bazı özellikleri üzerine etkileri

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    Bu çalışmada mekaniksel olarak ve elle kemiklerinden ayrılan daha ve hindi etlerinin bazı kimsayal ve fiziksel özelliklerinin karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Örneklerin kimyasal kompozisyonu, TBA değerleri, kolesterol, kalsiyum ve demir içerikleri saptanmış, hunter renk parametreleri ve yağ asitleri kompozisyonları belirlenmiştir. Kemik ayırma yöntemi hindi ve dana etinin kimyasal kompozisyonu üzerine etkili bulunmuştur. Mekaniksel olarak kemiklerin ayrılması örneklerin kolesterol, demir ve kalsiyum içeriklerinin artmasına neden olmuştur. Elle ayıklanan hindi etinde bazı yağ asitleri (C16:0, C18:l ve C18:2) oranları yüksek bulunmuştur. Mekaniksel ayıklama işlemi C18:l, C18:2 ve C18:3 oranlarının artmasına neden olmuştur. Mekaniksel olarak ve elle ayıklanan dana etinde C18:l, C16:0 ve C18:0 oranlarının yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır.The objective of this research was to compare some chemical and physical characteristics of mechanically deboned and hand deboned turkey meat and beef. Samples were analyzed for proximate composition, cholesterol, TBA, calcium and iron contents, hunter colour parameters and fatty acid composition. Deboning method affected chemical composition of beef and turkey meat. Mechanical deboning resulted higher cholesterol values and calcium and iron content. In hand deboned turkey meat the most abundant fatty acids were C16:0, 018:1 and C18:2. Mechanical deboning process was increased the percent of 018:1, C18:2 and C18:3 in turkey meat. C16:0, C18:0 and C18:l were the major fatty acids in mechanically deboned and hand deboned beef

    Koyun karkaslarına elektirik uygulamasının et kalitesine olan etkilerinin araştırılması

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    The effects of electrical stimulation and post - mortem storage temperatures on glycolytic changes and meat quality of lamb carcasses were studied. For that purpose 16 lamb carcasses were used. After completion of slaughtering and dressing procedures the carcasses were split into sides. The left sides were electrically stimulated directly with 48 volt, 1.5 amp for 60 seconds. The non-stimulated right sides were used as controls. Lamb carcasses were evaluated in two different experiments. In the first experiment 10 pairs of carcass sides (involving left and right sides) were seperated in two groups. 5 pairs of stimulated (ES) and control (C) sides were stored for 24 hours at 3 C during post-mortem. Other 5 pairs were stored at 16 C for the same period. The temperature and pH were determined and lactic acid, ATP analyses were done on the S. membranosus muscles at 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 24 hours post mortem. At 24 hours post-mortem L. dorsi and S. tendinosus muscles were removed from the sides for evaluating the effects of electrical stimulation on cooking and eating characteristics. For this purpose cooking and thawing losses and shear force values were determined and sensory panel was performed on L. dorsi muscle at 24 th hour post-mortem and after storage at - 18 C for 7 days. Moisture, protein, fat and ash analyses were done on S. tendinosus muscles of all sides to determine the effects of electrical stimulation on chemical composition. The second experiment involves to investigate the effects of electrical stimulation on some eating characteristics of muscles during the aging period. For this purpose L. dorsi, S. membranosus, P. major, B. femoris, S. tendinosus and R. femoris muscles were removed (hot-boned) from the rest 6 pair of carcass sides (ES and C). The muscles were aged at 3°C for 5 days. Shear force values and cooking losses were determined on P. major and L. dorsi muscles before and on 3 rd and 5 th days of aging. Expressible juice was also determined in all muscles at the same period of aging. - 79 -It was found that electrical stimulation of carcasses was responsible for the acceleration of rigor mortis at two different post-mortem storage temperatures. The storage of non-stimulated carcasses at low temperature were found in cold shortening conditions. On the other hand non-stimulated carcasses at high temperature completed rigor mortis in 8 hours. Findings about cooking and eating characteristics indicate that electrical stimulation increased cooking losses in muscles which were cooked after rigor mortis but had no effect on thawing losses. Electrical stimulation decreased shear force values at two different post-mortem storage temperatures. The improvement of tenderness by electrical stimulation was also substantiated by the higher sensory panel scores. Electrical stimulation had no effect on panel juiciness scores. Expressible juice amounts of muscles which were aged at 3 C for 5 days were not affected by stimulation. Electrical stimulation had no effect on tenderness before the aging period. But aging period increased tenderness both electrically stimulated and control muscles, however electrically stimulated muscles were found more tender than control muscles. Chemical composition was not affected by stimulation.Yapılan çalışmada koyun karkaslarına kesim sonrası verilen 48 Volt elektriksel uyarının ve kasların ölüm sertliği süresince bekletildikleri sıcaklıkların glikolizis parametreleri ve et kalitesi üzerine olan etkileri incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla 16 adet koyun karkası ortadan ikiye bölünerek sol yarılarına direkt olarak 48 volt 1.5 amper elektrik akımı 1 dk süreyle uygulanmış, sağ yarım karkaslar ise kontrol grubu olarak incelenmiştir. Araştırmada kullanılan koyun karkasları iki farklı deneme grubuna ayrılarak incelenmiştir. 10 koyun' a ait 1/2 karkaslar sağ ve sol yarıları birlikte olmak üzere 5 karkasdan oluşan iki gruba ayrılmışlardır. 5 koyun 'a ait 1/2 (EU) ve (K) karkaslar 24 saat süreyle +3 C da diğer 5 karkası bulunduran grup ise 16 C'da 24 saat süreyle bekletilmiştir. Her iki farklı sıcaklıkta bekletilen (EU) ve (K) 1/2 karkaslarına ait S. membranosus kaslarında 0, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ve 24. saatlerde kas sıcaklıkları, pH değerleri ölçülmüş, laktik asit, ATP analizleri yapılmıştır. Elektriksel uyarının kasların pişirme ve yeme karakteristikleri üzerine olan etkilerinin incelenmesi amacıyla 24 saat sonunda karkasların L. dorsi kaslarında glikolizis sonrası ve -18 C'da 7 gün depolama sonrası pişirme, çözünme kayıpları saptanmış, kesme direnci değerleri ölçülmüş ve duyusal değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Kasların kimya sal bileşiminin saptanması ve elektriksel uyarının kimyasal bileşim üzerine olan etkilerinin araştırılması amacıyla 1/2 karkaslara ait S. tendinosus kaslarında nem, protein, yağ, kül analizleri yapılmış tır. 2. denemede ise olgunlaşma evresi boyunca yeme karakteristikleri üzerine elektriksel uyarının etkileri araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla 6 adet koyuna ait (EU) ve (K) 1/2 karkaslarından L. dorsi, S. membrano sus, P. major, B.femoris, S. tendinosus ve R.femoris kasları sıcak 77olarak çıkartılmış ve +3 C 'da 5 gün süreyle olgunlaştırılmıştır. Olgunlaşma öncesinde ve olgunlaşmanın 3- ve 5. günlerinde P.malor ve L. dorsi kaslarının kesme direnci değerleri ve pişirme kayıpları saptanmıştır. Ayrıca ele alınan kasların tümünde ayni periyotlar içinde serbest su tayinleri yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak elektriksel uyarı verilmiş karkaslarda her iki farklı glikolizis sıcaklığında da ölüm sertliği gelişiminin hızlandığı sap tanmıştır. Elektriksel uyarı verilmeyen ve düşük glikolizis sıcaklı ğında bekletilen karkaslarda ise soğuk kısalması koşullarının geliş tiği gözlenmiştir. Elektriksel uyarı verilmeyen ve yüksek sıcaklıkta bekletilen karkasların ölüm sertliği süresini ancak 8 saat de tamam ladığı belirlenmiştir. Elektriksel uyarının etin pişirme ve yeme karakteristikleri üzerine etkileri incelendiğinde, elektriksel uyarının glikolizis sonrasında pişirilen kasların pişirme kayıp larını arttırdığı, çözünme kayıplarını ise etkilemediği belirlen miştir. Her iki farklı glikolizis sıcaklığında bekletilen kasların kesme direnci değerleri, elektriksel uyarı verilen gruplarda daha düşük bulunmuş, elektriksel uyarının gevreklik üzerine olan bu etkisi duyusal panel tarafından da belirlenmiştir. Kas örneklerinin duyusal olarak değerlendirilen sululuk özelliğinin ise elektriksel uyarıdan etkilenmediği saptanmıştır. Elektriksel uyarı sonrası +3 C'da 5 gün süreyle olgunlaştırılan kasların serbest su miktarları üzerine elektriksel uyarının etkili olmadığı saptanmıştır. Pişirme kayıpları ise olgunlaşma başlangıcın da elektriksel uyarıdan etkilenmezken, olgunlaşmanın ilerleyen gün lerinde elektriksel uyarının kaslarda önemli miktarda pişirme kaybına yol açtığı belirlenmiştir. Elektriksel uyarı olgunlaşma başlangıcın da kasların gevrekliği üzerine etkili bulunmazken, olgunlaşma sonunda kontrol örneklerine oranla bu kasların daha gevrek oldukları saptan mıştır. Elektriksel uvarının kasların kimyasal bileşimi üzerine herhangi bir etkisi ortaya çıkmamıştı

    The importance of bacteriocins in meat and meat products

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    Son yıllarda kimyasal katkı maddelerini içermeyen, tux oram azaltılmış ve mümkün olduğunea a/ işlem görmüş gıdalara karşı tüketicilerin ilgisi gittikçe artmaktadır, fin az şekilde işlem görmüş gıdaların mikrobiyolojik güvenliğinin sağlanması ise özel uygulamaları gerektirmektedir. Mikroorganizma ve enzimlerin gıdaları koruyucu amaçlı kullanımı biyolojik koruma olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Gıdaların üretiminde antimikrobiyal etkiye sahip en önemli mikroorganizma grubu laktik asit bakterileridir. Laktik asit bakterileri, etin doğal florasının bir bileşeni olmakla birlikte, etin işlenmesi sırasında florada baskın hale gelmektedir. Bu derlemede laktik asit bakterilerinin bakteriosinleri ile et ve et ürünlerinde biyolojik koruyucu olarak kullanımları incelenmiştir.There is an increasing consumer demand for food products which are free ol chemical additives, reduced in salt and processed as little as possible. These minimally processed foods require special application to assure (heir microbiological safety. The use of microorganisms and enzymes for food preservatives is called biopreservation. The most important group of microorganisms with antimicrobial effect used in the production ol foods is ihe lactic acid bacteria. In meats although lactic acid bacteria constitue apart of the initial microflora. fhev become dominant during the processing ol meats. In this research bacicriocins of lactic acid bacteria and their u.sage in meal and meat products for biopreservation are discussed


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    Inulin is a soluble dietary fiber extracted by a washing process mainly from chicory roots. In recent years, inulin has been mentioned as an ingredient having an important application potential in various areas such as chemical, food industry and pharmacy. Since there has been a rising demand for consumption of healthier meat products all over the world due to high and saturated fat content of these products, it is important to suggest healthier ingredients that have an ability to compensate for fat replacement. There has been a growing increase in number of studies on the incorporation of inulin in the formulation of various meat products, due to the positive impacts of inulin on textural, sensory and technological quality parameters compared to full-fat products, as well as it has beneficial effects promoting human health. In this review, we have chosen to briefly highlight inulin in terms of its physico-chemical properties, health implications and potential applications in meat products.Inulin is a soluble dietary fiber extracted by a washing process mainly from chicory roots. In recent years, inulin has been mentioned as an ingredient having an important application potential in various areas such as chemical, food industry and pharmacy. Since there has been a rising demand for consumption of healthier meat products all over the world due to high and saturated fat content of these products, it is important to suggest healthier ingredients that have an ability to compensate for fat replacement. There has been a growing increase in number of studies on the incorporation of inulin in the formulation of various meat products, due to the positive impacts of inulin on textural, sensory and technological quality parameters compared to full-fat products, as well as it has beneficial effects promoting human health. In this review, we have chosen to briefly highlight inulin in terms of its physico-chemical properties, health implications and potential applications in meat products


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    Over the years, numerous and varied techniques have been used for evaluation of meat quality and carcass composition. Very few existing assessment techniques meet industrial requirements, the most promising being cited as ultrasonic measurements for assessment of potential texture on live animals and whole carcasses and image processing and NIR spectroscopy of meat joints and cuts. In this article besides these techniques, electronic nose and NMR techniques are reviewed

    Fermente Sosis Formülasyonlarında Uygulanan Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar

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    Son yıllarda, tüketicilerin sağlıklı beslenme konusundaki bilinç düzeyi ve beklentilerindeki değişim ile birlikte, gıda endüstrisinde kolesterol, yağ ve tuz içeriği azaltılmış aynı zamanda fonksiyonel olarak geliştirilmiş daha sağlıklı gıda ürünlerinin formüle edilmesine yönelik araştırma ve geliştirme (Ar-Ge) çalışmaları hız kazanmıştır. Yüksek oranda doymamış yağ, kolesterol ve tuz içermeleri, kürleme katkısı olarak kullanılan nitritin karsinojen N-nitrozamin bileşiklerinin oluşumuna neden olması tüketicilerin fermente et ürünlerine kaygıyla yaklaşmalarına neden olmaktadır. Bu nedenle sağlığı ön planda tutan, fonksiyonel olarak geliştirilmiş, besleyici değeri yüksek ürün formülasyonlarının geliştirilmesi konusunda çalışmalar sürdürülmektedir. Bu makalede, fermente et ürünlerinde hayvansal yağın ve kullanılan doğal olmayan katkı maddelerinin olumsuz etkilerini azaltacak ve/veya ortadan kaldıracak sağlıklı ürün formülasyonlarının geliştirilmesi konusunda yürütülen çalışmalar derlenmiştir.In recent years, research and development studies have accelerated to formulate healthier, functional food products with a reduced fat, cholesterol, and salt content in food industry as a result of the changes in consumer expectations. Meat and meat products are important sources of proteins, vitamins and minerals, but they also contain saturated fatty acids, cholesterol, salt and nitrite which interacts with secondary amines to form carcinogenic N-nitrosamine compounds. Therefore, healthy product formulations to reduce and/or eliminate negative effects of animal fat, salt and nitrite additives in fermented meat products have been continuously studied. in this study, researches on healthy fermented meat product formulations to reduce and/or eliminate negative effects of animal fat and some additives in fermented meat products are presented

    Pectin: Properties and utilization in meat products

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    In recent years, there is increased awareness of conscious consumers about the fact that foods theyeat are related directly to their health. In meat industry research and development, studies haveaccelerated to formulate healthier meat products formulations using plant sources as additivewhich are also expected to improve the functional properties of the product. Pectin is a water soluble fiber with a structural complexity that occurs naturally in the cell walls of fruits and vegetables, contributes to reducing the risk of cancer, and has some health benefits. Gelation is the mostunique property of pectin; it forms a gel in the presence of Ca2+ ions or sugar and acid. Pectinpresents good water and fat binding property. Therefore, it can be used as a gelling agent,film/coating, and emulsifier and in low-calorie meat products as fat and /or sugar substitution (dietary fiber), as a natural component contributes to phosphate substitution and medical deliverysystems in meat products. In this paper, it was aimed to discuss the physico-chemical properties,health implications of pectin and its potential applications in meat products