1,839 research outputs found

    Nonprocedural Communication between Users and Application Software

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    This report is a survey of nonprocedural communication between users and application software in interactive data-processing systems. It includes a description of the main features of interactive systems, a classification of the potential users of application software, and a definition of the nonprocedural interface. Nonprocedural languages are classified into a number of broad groups and illustrated with examples. Finally, future trends in user-computer interfaces and possible developments in manager-oriented languages are discussed

    Possibilities of clay plasters shrinkage elimination

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    Hliněné omítky jež jsou aplikovány v interiérech mají funkci nejem estetickou, ale především tepelně akumulační. Aby bylo dosaženo lepších akumulačních vlastností je potřeba nanést omítku v dostatečně silné vrstvě. To však bývá často doprovázeno tvorbou prasklin při vysychání omítky. Tato bakalářská práce se bude zabývat možností eliminace tohoto negativního jevu přídavkem vhodných komponent s cílem potlačit smrštění a praskliny tvorbou ettringitu.Earth plasters which are applicated in interiers don´t have just an estetic, but mainly heat storage function. To accomplish better storage properties the plaster has to be laid on the wall in sufficient thick ply. But this use to be accompained by creating of cracks during dehydration of the plaster. This bachelor work will be considering possibilities of elliminating this negative event by additing suitable components to suppress shrinkage and cracks by creating ettringite.

    The Use of Translator Implementation Methods for Writing Nonprocedural Interfaces to Application Software Systems

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    One of the results of advances in computer hardware technology is a wider use of computers in almost all areas of society. There is a need to make it possible for many people to use application software systems that are produced for different areas. For people without data processing backgrounds it would seem wise to use a nonprocedural interface to these systems. The implementation of a nonprocedural interface as a part of an application software system can be facilitated using aspects of the theory and practice of the translator construction for programming languages. The purpose of this paper is to introduce programmers who lack theoretical background and/or practical experience in the area of translator design and implementation to the relevant aspects of its theory and practice

    Nonprocedural Communication between User and Application Software

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    The present paper is a survey of nonprocedural communication between a user and application software in interactive data processing systems. It includes a description of the main features of interactive systems, a classification of potential users of application software, and a definition of the nonprocedural interface. An annotated classification of the main types of nonprocedural languages is presented. Future trends in user-computer interfaces and possible developments of languages for managers are mentioned as well

    Road Surface Detection

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    Tato bakalářská práce pojednává o metodě detekce povrchu vozovky v obraze a je inspirovaná prací S. Thruna a H. Dahlkampa. Metoda pracuje s barevnými modely vozovky, které bývají přizpůsobeny měnícímu se prostředí. Tyto modely jsou využity ke klasifikaci obrazu, jejímž výstupem je detekovaná vozovka v obraze. Metoda je podrobně popsaná, implementovaná a důkladně testovaná. Výsledky testů jsou diskutovány a jsou navrhnuty způsoby zlepšení metody.This bachelor`s thesis deals with a method for road surface detection in picture and is inspired by work of S. Thrun and H. Dahlkamp. The method works with color models of road, which are adjusted to changing environment. Then these models are used to classify the picture. Output of this is the detected road. The method is thoroughly analyzed, implemented and tested. Test results are discussed and proposals for improvements are presented.