700 research outputs found

    Design and Performance Analysis of Small Scale Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine for Nano Grid Application

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    Wind energy, being easily accessible, environmentally friendly, and being cost effective, has become one of the world’s popular growing renewable energy sources of electricity generation. To spread this technology to mankind it is necessary to develop turbines in this way that people can use it individually and comfortably. This kind of thinking accelerates the advancement of integration of wind turbine with Nano grid concept. Although significant progress has been achieved in the wind technology, there is still scope to reduce the cost and improve the performance of small-scale wind turbines. Moreover, low wind velocity should also need to be utilized properly to achieve saturated energy production. So, concentration is going to small scale wind. Small scale wind energy systems such as Small Scale Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (SSHAWT), and Vortex Blade-Less (VBL) wind generators can provide a clean, prospective and viable option for energy supply. Moreover, this energy consumption system can also be utilized as one of the reliable power sources of Nano grid. To design efficient wind technologies it requires a smooth and continuous development process. The first part of the current study focused on the aerodynamic design and performance analysis of small-scale horizontal axis wind turbine blade using the blade element momentum (BEM) method with the most updated and corrected model. In this case, the blade was designed with a single airfoil. Results show that the maximum coefficient of performance is 0.446 at the tip speed ratio 6.5 which is very good indication in preliminary stage power prediction. The 2nd part of the study concentrated on improving the performance of blade by modifying the blade with a combination of three airfoils. After that, a comparative study was done between “Blade-Element-Momentum” (BEM) analysis and “Computational-Fluid-Dynamics” (CFD) analysis of mixed airfoil small-scale horizontal axis wind turbine blades. In CFD analysis, k-ω “Shear-Stress-Transport” (SST) model was conducted for three-dimensional visualization of turbine performance. The pitch is considered as fixed and rotor speed is variable for both of the studies. However, the best coefficient of performance was observed at 60 angle of attack. At this angle of attack, in the case of BEM, the highest coefficient of performance is 0.47 whereby CFD analysis, it is 0.43. Both studies show good performance prediction which is a positive step to accelerate the continuous revolution in the wind energy sector. However, as an extension of continuous study on small-scale wind energy systems, the aim of the 3rd part is to investigate the possible extraction of power from wind energy by using a new conceptual vortex bladeless wind generators. In this work, first of all design parameters were selected based on the Von Karman effect. After that a mathematical model was developed to get maximum lift force generated by the designed body. Finally, a complete model was recommended by fluid-structure interaction (FSI) simulation to get a clear idea of extracted vibration energy from vortex bladeless wind generator for further conversion to electricity generation

    News Framing In Bangladesh, India And British Media: Bangladesh Parliamentary Election 2018

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    The Bangladesh parliamentary election of 2018 was a significant political event in the South Asian region, and the news was covered across the world. After the abolition of the provision of parliamentary election under the non-partisan caretaker government from the constitution of Bangladesh, it was the first election in Bangladesh in which all opposition parties participated under a party government. This study examines how media from three different countries framed the issues of the election. These systematic and quantitative content analyses of three newspapers and online resources from the countries Bangladesh, India, and Britain examined how the media framed their election-related news, as well as differences across the countries\u27 newspaper coverage. The study finds that election conspiracy, intimidation, and conflict were the dominant frames throughout the coverage on Bangladeshi and British media. Indian media overlooked intimidation and conflict news but emphasized game and economic frames. The results indicate that when media covers a national election in another country, they give priority to the national policy of the country. In addition, the nationality of journalists also plays a significant role in the framing process

    Follikulaarsest vedelikust pÀrinevate ekstratsellulaarsete vesiikulite iseloomustus ja nende panus perikonseptsiooni keskkonnas

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneViljatuse levimus on tĂ€napĂ€eval ĂŒheks suurimaks murekohaks. Maailma Terviseorganisatsiooni prognooside kohaselt on viljatus 21. sajandil suuruselt kolmas ĂŒlemaailmne terviseprobleem, mis jÀÀb alla ainult vĂ€hi ja sĂŒdame-veresoonkonna haigustele. Abistav reproduktiivtehnoloogia (Assisted Reproductive Technology - ART), sealhulgas in vitro viljastamine, on oluline terapeutiline meetod viljatuse ravis. ART edukuse mÀÀr ei ole aga endiselt piisavalt kĂ”rgel tasemel ning on veel palju arenguruumi meetodi tĂ”husamaks muutmisel. Üks peamisi pĂ”hjuseid vĂ”ib olla sugurakkude kvaliteedi tĂ”stmise ebaĂ”nnestumine ning ka ebasobiv implatatsioonieelne keskkond. Viimastel aastatel on EV-sid (membraaniga ĂŒmbritsetud nanosuuruses osakesed) ĂŒha enam tunnustatud kui alternatiivset rakkudevahelise suhtluse viisi. Mitmed uuringud on nĂ€idanud, et EV-sid on eraldatud peaaegu kĂ”igist bioloogilistest vedelikest, sealhulgas follikulaarvedelikust (FF). FF-st pĂ€rinevad EV-d on olulised munarakkude kĂŒpsemiseks, viljastamiseks ja embrĂŒo arenguks ning EVd on ka potentsiaalsed patofĂŒsioloogiliste seisundite biomarkerid. Antud projektis uurisime FF EV-de rolli munajuha geeniekspressiooni reguleerimisel ning nende mĂ”ju spermatosoidide elutĂ€htsatele funktsioonidele. Lisaks uurisime ka EV kaasas kantavate komponentide muutuseid polĂŒtsĂŒstiliste munasarjade sĂŒndroomi (PCOS) patsientide FF EV-des vĂ”rreldes tervete inimestega. Meie esimene uuring nĂ€itas, et veiste FF ja FF EV-d muudavad veiste munajuhade epiteelirakkude geeniekspressiooni, mis vĂ”ib kaasa aidata implantatsiooni eelse mikrokeskkonna, viljastamise ja embrĂŒo varajase arengu ettevalmistamisele. Samamoodi nĂ€itas meie teine uuring, et veiste FF EV-d parendavad veiste spermatosoidide funktsionaalseid omadusi, eriti elujĂ”ulisust, kapatsitatsiooni ja akrosoomireaktsiooni. LĂ”puks nĂ€itas meie kolmas uuring EV kaasas kantavate komponentide muutuseid erinevates patofĂŒsioloogilistes seisundites (vĂ”rreldi PCOS patsiente ja viljakaid naisi) ja nende panust munasarjade signaali hĂ€iretesse. MiRNA-de analĂŒĂŒs nĂ€itas, et PCOS-i naistelt saadud FF EV-d kannavad tervete naistega vĂ”rreldes erinevaid miRNA-sid. Meie tulemused kinnitasid ka PCOS-i naiste puhul uudse FF EV-dest tuletatud miRNA, mida vĂ”iks kasutada PCOS-i diagnoosimise potentsiaalse biomarkerina. KokkuvĂ”tteks kinnitasid meie uuringute ĂŒldised leiud EV-de olemasolu FF-is ja nende mĂ”ju spermatosoididele ja munajuhade geeniekspressioonile ning erinevusi FF EV-de kaasas kantavates komponentides PCOS-i patsientide ja tervete naiste puhul.The prevalence of infertility is one of the most pressing issues in today’s society. Based on forecasts from the World Health Organization, infertility will rank third among the most serious global health problems in the twenty-first century, after cancer and cardiovascular disease. Assisted reproductive technology (ART), which includes in-vitro fertilization (IVF), is an essential therapeutic method for the treatment of infertility. However, the success rate of ART is still not up to the mark and there is abundant room for improvement in ART's. One of the main reasons hindering the success of ART’s could be the failure to enhance the quality of gametes, and undermining the factors present during preconception. Therefore, the current research identifies the bottleneck issues of infertility, methods for gametes improvement, and role of follicular fluid (FF) derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) in enhancing a suitable preconception environment that might be essential for fertilization and early embryo development. In recent years, EVs (membrane-bound nanosized particles) have become increasingly recognized as an alternative mode of intercellular communication. Many published studies have shown that EVs had been isolated from nearly every type of biological fluid, including FF. FF-derived EVs are essential for oocyte maturation, fertilization, embryo development and have potential to act as biomarkers. In this project, we investigated the role of FF EVs in regulating the gene expression of oviduct, its impact on vital functions of spermatozoa, and the cargo changes in FF derived EVs in Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) patients versus healthy people. Our first study showed that bovine FF and FF EVs alter the gene expression of bovine oviductal epithelial cells, which may contribute to the preparation of preconception microenvironment, fertilization and early embryo development. Similarly, our second study showed that bovine FF EVs enhances the functional properties of bovine spermatozoa, specifically viability, capacitation, and acrosome reaction. Finally, our third study showed EV cargo changes in different pathophysiological condition (PCOS and fertile women) and their contribution to ovarian signal disturbance. The miRNAs analysis revealed that FF EVs derived from PCOS women carry different miRNAs as compared to healthy women. Our results also confirmed novel miRNA derived from FF EVs in case of PCOS women, which could use as a potential biomarker for PCOS diagnosis. In conclusion, our studies overall findings confirmed the presence of EVs in FF and their effects on spermatozoa, and oviductal gene expression, and differences in cargo of FF EVs incase of PCOS patients versus healthy women.https://www.ester.ee/record=b551721

    Special and differential treatment in the WTO: Its content and competence for facilitation of development

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    Trade has inherent economic virtue, which is thought to be an important mechanism for the development of the world. The World Trade Organisation (WTO) tries to  introduce a new era of global economic cooperation through a fairer and more open multilateral trading system for the benefit and welfare of the people of its Members. Considering these facts, this trading system strives to introduce a principle where the conduct of international trade is based on cooperation rather than competition. The simple reason is that participating trading members are unequal and there  cannot be any fair competition among unequal competition under identical  conditions. Therefore, the Agreements of the WTO recognize the link between trade and development and contain special provisions for developing countries to combat the growing global economic challenges. These Agreements contain provisions which give developing countries special rights. These are called ‘Special and Differential Treatment’ (SDT) provisions. Special and differential treatments for developing countries allow justifiable deviation from obliging the basic principle of WTO i.e. the Most Favored Nation’s (MFN) treatment. Research and discourse on SDT shows two types of purposes are seen for SDT directed at developing countries: to help development and to help the international system by easing the integration of developing countries into it. This paper will give most emphasis on the development agendas of developing countries because the purpose of SDT as to help developing countries integrate into the trading system is based on an assumption that an effective regulatory system is itself an important tool for development, and as such need not be considered a separate purpose.Key words: World Trade Organisation, International Economic Law, Development, SD

    Rural consumers' adoption of CRM in a developing country context

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    This paper illustrates how understanding consumer preferences through market research may enhance CRM adoption among the rural customers of a developing country like Bangladesh. It presents the case of Community Information Centre (CIC) established by Grameenphone, a company owned by Telenor, the Norwegian telecommunications company and Grameen Bank, the Nobel prize winning micro credit organisation in the rural settings of Bangladesh. The paper shows that CIC is an innovative way of building and maintaining customer relationships and technological interface with the financially constrained consumers in a poor developing economy like Bangladesh
