35 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Kamus Penyakit Manusia Berbasis Android

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    Perkembangan terhadap teknologi mendorong untuk mengembangkan aplikasi kamus penyakit manusia berbasis Android. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat suatu aplikasi kamus penyakit manusia untuk mengetahui tentang istilah-istilah penyakit, yang disertai dengan visualisasi gambar, text to speech, definisi tentang istilah penyakit serta keterangan tentang gejala-gejala penyakit sehingga membuat penggunaan kamus menjadi lebih praktis, karena mudah dibawa kemana. Batasan dari aplikasi ini yaitu hanya memiliki 1000 istilah penyakit, dan tidak dilengkapi dengan fitur update. Metode pengembangan aplikasi ini menggunakan RUP dan berorientasi objek. Pembuatan aplikasi menggunakan bahasa pemograman Java dengan kakas Eclipse dan juga SQLite untuk penyimpanan data. Aplikasi ini dapat melakukan text to speech, menampilkan gambar hasil pencarian dan keterangan penyakit

    The nuclear and organellar tRNA-derived RNA fragment population in Arabidopsis thaliana is highly dynamic

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    In the expanding repertoire of small noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), tRNA-derived RNA fragments (tRFs) have been identified in all domains of life. Their existence in plants has been already proven but no detailed analysis has been performed. Here, short tRFs of 19-26 nucleotides were retrieved from Arabidopsis thaliana small RNA libraries obtained from various tissues, plants submitted to abiotic stress or fractions immunoprecipitated with ARGONAUTE 1 (AGO1). Large differences in the tRF populations of each extract were observed. Depending on the tRNA, either tRF-5D (due to a cleavage in the D region) or tRF-3T (via a cleavage in the T region) were found and hot spots of tRNA cleavages have been identified. Interestingly, up to 25% of the tRFs originate from plastid tRNAs and we provide evidence that mitochondrial tRNAs can also be a source of tRFs. Very specific tRF-5D deriving not only from nucleus-encoded but also from plastid-encoded tRNAs are strongly enriched in AGO1 immunoprecipitates. We demonstrate that the organellar tRFs are not found within chloroplasts or mitochondria but rather accumulate outside the organelles. These observations suggest that some organellar tRFs could play regulatory functions within the plant cell and may be part of a signaling pathway.Cognat, Valerie Morelle, Geoffrey Megel, Cyrille Lalande, Stephanie Molinier, Jean Vincent, Timothee Small, Ian Duchene, Anne-Marie Marechal-Drouard, Laurence eng England 2016/12/03 06:00 Nucleic Acids Res. 2017 Apr 7;45(6):3460-3472. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkw1122.PMC538970

    Microbial carcinogenic toxins and dietary anti-cancer protectants

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    Parents’ experiences of having an excessively crying baby and implications for enhancing support services

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    Evidence suggests that around 20% of healthy babies cry for long periods without apparent reason, causing significant distress to parents and a range of adverse outcomes. This study explored parents' experiences of having an excessively crying baby and their suggestions for improved NHS support. Focus groups and interviews with 20 parents identified three key themes: disrupted expectations and experiences of parenthood; stigma and social isolation; seeking support and validation of experience. Parents experienced shock, anxiety and a sense of failure, leading to self-imposed isolation and a reluctance to seek help. Other people's reactions sometimes reinforced their feelings. Parents need more support, including from health professionals, to cope with excessive crying, and recommendations for this support are given

    Stapelbare Hochtemperaturbrennstoffzelle

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    DE 10342691 A UPAB: 20050506 NOVELTY - A stackable high-temperature fuel cell comprises an electrode unit with anode (3) at the fuel inlet and cathode (2) at the oxidant inlet with the cathode connected to an interconnection (5,8) by at least one sprung elastic contact. Pressure contacts (6) in the region of the cathode and interconnection are formed of electrically conductive ceramic. USE - As a stackable high-temperature fuel cell (claimed). ADVANTAGE - The contacts are chemically and mechanically stable at 800oC under oxidizing conditions and give a sufficiently high electrical conductivity


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    Context. The problem of constructing electroporation models for membranes of biological cells by the methods of nonlinear approximation using the experimental dependences of their specific electric conductivity on intensity pulsed electric field was solved in the paper.Objective is a construction of models, which adequately describe the experimentally obtained nonlinear effects of the conductivity of the cell, including reversible electroporation, irreversible electrical breakdown or local reversible electrical breakdown of membranes at the fusion of two contacting cells.Method. Polynomials of 8–10 degrees are chosen as the functions that modelling the experimental ones and the criteria for estimating the parameters of electroporation are the coordinates of the local extrema of their curvature and inflexion points that characterize the specified state of the cell membrane at current field intensity. The approximation problem was solved by the least squares method. The calculation of the estimate of the polynomials coefficients was carried out by the Gaussian elimination – the forward and reverse moves were realized. It is possible to search for extrema of the obtained polynomials of high degrees by specifying a calculation error. The root-mean-square error of the approximation is used for finding the degree of the polynomial. The current curvature of the polynomial is counted by calculating the first and second order derivatives of conductivity. The values of the curvature, which obtained via these methods, make possible to determine the inflexion points of the curve for purpose to determine breakdown of a cell membrane.Results. Applied software was developed, polynomial models of the conductivity of a biological cell in a varied intensity pulsed electric field were constructed and their quantitative mathematical analysis was carried out by using this software. All these calculations are proved by graphs, some of which can be viewed on an enlarged scale.Conclusions. The parameters of electroporation of a biological cell membrane obtained by analysing the curvature function of polynomial models are calculated. The developed analytical methods and software for determining the parameters of electroporation allow us to recommend them for use in practice in calculating the numerical values of the field intensity and conductivity at which specific electroporation regimes of the biological cell membrane are provided.Актуальность. В работе с помощью методов нелинейной аппроксимации решена задача построения моделей электропорации мембран биологических клеток по экспериментальным зависимостям их удельной электропроводности от напряженности импульсного электрического поля.Цель работы – построение моделей, адекватно описывающих экспериментально полученные нелинейные эффекты проводимости клетки, включая обратимую электропорацию, необратимый электропробой или локальный обратимый электропробой мембран при слиянии двух контактирующих клеток.Методы. В качестве функций, моделирующих экспериментальные данные, выбраны полиномы 8–10 степеней, а критериями оценки параметров электропорации определены координаты локальных экстремумов их кривизны и точек перегиба, которые характеризуют конкретное состояние мембраны клетки при данной напряженности поля. Задача аппроксимации решалась методом наименьших квадратов. Вычисление оценки коэффициентов полиномов производилось методом Гаусса – реализованы прямой и обратный ход. Имеется возможность отыскивать экстремумы полученных полиномов высоких степеней, задавая погрешность вычислений. Для подбора степени полинома использована среднеквадратическая ошибка аппроксимации. Вычислив первые и вторые производные проводимости, рассчитывается текущая кривизна полинома. Полученные предложенными методами значения кривизны позволяют определить точки перегиба кривой для определения электропробоя мембраны клетки.Результаты. Разработано прикладное программное обеспечение, с помощью которого построены полиномиальные модели проводимости биологической клетки в изменяемом по напряженности импульсном электрическом поле и проведен их количественный математический анализ. Все указанные расчеты подтверждаются графиками, часть из которых можно просмотреть в увеличенном масштабе.Выводы. Вычислены параметры электропорации мембраны биологической клетки, полученные путем анализа функции кривизны полиномиальных моделей. Разработанные аналитические методы и программное обеспечение для определения параметров электропорации позволяют рекомендовать их для использования на практике при вычислении числовых значений напряженности поля и проводимости, при которых обеспечиваются конкретные режимы электропорации мембраны биологической клетки.Актуальність. В роботі за допомогою методів нелінійної апроксимації розв’язана задача побудови моделей електропораці мембран біологічних клітин за експериментальними залежностями  їх питомої електропровідності від напруженості імпульсного електричного поля.Мета роботи – побудова моделей, що адекватно описують експериментально отримані нелінійні ефекти провідності клітини включаючи зворотню електропорацію, незворотній електропробій або локальний зворотній електропробій мембран при злитті двох контактуючих клітин.Метод. В якості функцій, що моделюють експериментальні, обрані поліноми 8–10 степеня, а критеріями оцінки параметрів електропорації визначені координати локальних екстремумів їх кривизни і точок перегину, які характеризують конкретний стан мембрани клітини при даній напруженості поля. Задача апроксимації розв’язувалась методом найменших квадратів. Обчислення оцінки коефіцієнтів поліномів здійснене методом Гауса – реалізовані прямий і зворотний хід. Є можливість відшукувати екстремуми отриманих поліномів високих степенів, задаючи похибку обчислень. Для підбору степеня полінома використана середньоквадратична помилка апроксимації. Обчисливши перші і другі похідні провідності, розраховується поточна кривизна полінома. Значення кривизни полінома, що отримані запропонованими методами, дозволяють визначити точки перегину кривої для визначення електропробою мембрани клітини.Результати. Розроблено прикладне програмне забезпечення, за допомогою якого побудовані поліноміальні моделі провідност біологічної клітини в імпульсному електричному полі з напруженістю, що змінюється, та проведено їх кількісний математичний аналіз. Всі указані розрахунки підтверджуються графіками, частину з яких можна переглянути у збільшеному масштабі.Висновки. Обчислено параметри електропорації мембрани біологічної клітини, що отримані шляхом аналізу функції кривизни поліноміальних моделей. Розроблені аналітичні методи і програмне забезпечення для визначення параметрів електропорації дозволяють рекомендувати їх для використання на практиці при обчисленні числових значень напруженості поля і провідності, при яких забезпечуються конкретні режими електропорації мембрани біологічної клітини

    Area specific resistance of oxide scales grown on ferritic alloys for solid oxide fuel cell interconnects

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    Planar solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) are considered to be power generators with high efficiency and low emission at small power units (1-200kWel). Many prototype systems are already successfully realized. For mass production the costs have to be reduced and the long-term stability has to be enhanced. Power losses less-than 0.5%/1000h is the target value for stacks in stationary SOFC-based power systems. To reach this goal, the factors influencing degradation have to be found and reduced. In this work the interaction between interconnect and different ceramic materials such as perovskites (La0.8Sr0.2(Mn,Co)O3, La0.65Sr0.3MnO3, La0.65Sr0.3(Mn,Co)O3) and spinels (Mn(Co,Fe)O4, (Cu,Ni)Mn2O4) was investigated on the cathode (air) side of conventional ferritic interconnect materials (CroFer22APU, ITMLC, ZMG232L). The method to determine the value of the area specific resistance between interconnect and contact layer (R ICC) within a tolerance of 10% has been developed to provide reliable data for ASR values and their degradation.The R ICC-value increases with annealing time. The degree of this increase depends on used materials and their combination. The spinel contact layers form a thin dense ceramic layer at the beginning of the annealing process. This layer reduces the oxidation rate of the alloy. Because of this protection layer a thinner oxide scale grows and the ASR aging rate is much lower (0.4-0.9m Omega cm2/1000h). The comparison of the aging rates of different alloys with La0.8Sr0.2(Mn,Co)O3 contact layer reveals remarkable differences: 3.1m Omega cm2/1000h for CroFer22APU, 10.9m Omega cm2/1000h for ITMLC and 21.2m Omega cm2/1000h for ZMG232L.The degradation in a stack has been determined from the R ICC-values and geometric factors. The impact of oxidation at the cathode side of interconnect is about one third of the total stack degradation. The method opens the possibility for comparing area specific resistances of special material combinations with high accuracy. By optimized material combinations the degradation in stacks can be reduced to less-than 0.5%/1000h

    3D-modeling of an integrated SOFC stack unit

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    Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are promising candidates for future energy supply by converting the chemical energy of the reactants directly into electrical energy. In this work, a thermo-fluid and electrochemical SOFC stack model of an existing stack is introduced. The stack is made of 30 repeating units in cross-flow design with an internal manifold system. In SOFC stacks different transport processes are present: heat and mass transfer, fluid flow and electrochemical conversions. Furthermore, different length scales can be found, ranging from several microns for the electrolyte thickness to some decimetres referring to stack height. Therefore, a detailed simulation is computationally expensive. To reduce computational costs, a homogenized description of the electrochemical active area, treated as a porous medium, is introduced. Additionally, the model comprises internal anode and cathode manifolds. Firstly, a comparison between a detailed and two homogenized thermo-fluid models of one repeating unit will be performed in order to verify our homogenization approach. The homogenized models show good agreement with the detailed case. In the second part, a homogenized thermo-fluid stack model is integrated into a hotbox environment, leading to a more realistic stack surrounding. In this case, the stack has an open cathode; the air supply through the hotbox induces a more uneven flow distribution at the cathode entrance. The influence of two different heat source distributions inside the stack will be compared. Finally, a two-dimensional electrochemical model of the active are a will be introduced. Temperature distributions for two fuel gas compositions, pure hydrogen and methane, are shown

    In vitro RNA uptake studies in plant mitochondria

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    During evolution, most of the ancestral genes from the endosymbiotic alpha-proteobacteria at the origin of mitochondria have been either lost or transferred to the nuclear genome. To allow the comeback of proteins and RNAs [in particular transfer RNA (tRNAs)] into the organelle, macromolecule import systems were universally established. While protein import processes have been studied into details, much less is known about tRNA mitochondrial import. In plants, part of the knowledge on the tRNA import process into mitochondria has been acquired thanks to in vitro import assays. Furthermore, the development of in vitro RNA import strategies allowed the study of plant mitochondrial gene expression. The purpose of this chapter is to provide detailed protocols to perform in vitro RNA uptake into potato (Solanum tuberosum) or Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mitochondria as well as approaches to analyze them

    Operation experience with a novel highly efficient micro-scale CHP system based on fuel-flexible gasification and a SOFC

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    An efficient and fuel flexible micro-scale biomass CHP technology based on the combination of a small-scale updraft gasifier with a SOFC system is developed within the project FlexiFuel-SOFC. High load flexibility and a maximum of full load operating hours of the CHP system is achieved by operating the CHP part of the plant with a side stream (product gas extracted from the gasifier) of a heat controlled system (gas burner and boiler as well as heat recovery). A gas cleaning unit (GCU) for the treatment of the side stream according to the requirements for the operation of the SOFC regarding contaminant (H2S, HCl) and TSP removal as well as tar content reduction was designed, constructed and successfully evaluated. A considerable reduction of the gravimetric tar content down to a suitable tar content for the operation of the SOFC stack module is achieved by gasifier internal tar reformation and a further reformation step in the tar reformer of the GCU. Comprehensive tests have been successfully performed with a broad spectrum of solid biomass fuels at a testing plant at BIOS in Graz. Promising test run results showing a basic proof of concept for the new technology could be gained