1,360 research outputs found

    "Gender Inequalities in Allocating Time to Paid and Unpaid Work: Evidence from Bolivia"

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    This working paper analyzes paid and unpaid work-time inequalities among Bolivian urban adults using time use data from a 2001 household survey. We identified a gender-based division of labor characterized not so much by who does what type of work but by how much work of each type they do. There is a trade-off between paid and unpaid work, but this trade-off is only partial: women's entry into the labor market tends to result in a double shift of paid and unpaid work. We also find very high levels of within-group inequality in the distributions of paid and unpaid work-time for men and women, a sign that, beyond the sexual division of labor, subgroup differentiation is also important. Using decompositions of the inequality in the distribution of total time spent at work, we show that gender plays an important role in determining the proportion of paid to unpaid work done by individuals, but it plays a lesser role in determining the higher total workload of some individuals relative to others.

    Gender Inequalities in Allocating Time to Paid and Unpaid Work: Evidence from Bolivia

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    This Working Paper analyzes paid and unpaid work-time inequalities among Bolivian urban adults using time use data from a 2001 household survey. We identified a gender-based division of labor characterized not so much by who does which type of work but by how much work of each type they do. There is a partial trade-off between paid and unpaid work, but such a substitution is only partial: women?s entry into the labor market tends to result in a double work shift of paid and unpaid work. We also find very high levels of within-group inequality in the distributions of paid and unpaid work-time for men and women, a sign that beyond the sexual division of labor, subgroup differentiation is also important. Using decompositions of the inequality in the distribution of total time spent at work, we show that gender is an important variable to explain how much paid and unpaid work is done by individuals, but not so important to explain why some people have a higher total workload than others.Gender, Inequalities, poor, Bolivia

    End-to-end elasticity control of cloud-network slices

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    The design of efficient elasticity control mechanisms for dynamic resource allocation is crucial to increase the efficiency of future cloud-network slice-defined systems. Current elasticity control mechanisms proposed for cloud- or network-slicing, only consider cloud- or network-type resources respectively. In this paper, we introduce the elaSticity in cLOud-neTwork Slices (SLOTS) which aims to extend the horizontal elasticity control to multi-providers scenarios in an end-to-end fashion, as well as to provide a novel vertical elasticity mechanism to deal with critical insufficiency of resources by harvesting underused resources on other slices. Finally, we present a preliminary assessment of the SLOTS prototype in a real testbed, revealing outcomes that suggest the viability of the proposal.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Aplicação sequencial da escala de performance paliativa em pacientes paliativos internados em um hospital geral

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    Dissertação (mestrado profissional) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Cuidados Intensivos e Paliativos, Florianópolis, 2014.O entendimento sobre Cuidados Paliativos é uma necessidade crescente na área da saúde, pois a maioria dos pacientes que internam em hospitais gerais apresentam doenças crônico-degenerativas, muitas vezes terminais. A Escala de Performance Paliativa (PPS) é uma ferramenta amplamente utilizada nas situações de elegibilidade para esse fim, por ser um instrumento validado que permite a avaliação da funcionalidade e a compreensão da trajetória da doença de base. Propôs-se determinar o perfil clínico-epidemiológico e a funcionalidade de pacientes internados sob cuidados paliativos por meio da aplicação desse instrumento. Estudo de coorte prospectivo realizado em um hospital geral de ensino, no Brasil, em 2012, após a aprovação do Comitê de Ética da instituição. Por busca proativa ou parecer, a PPS foi aplicada de forma sequencial em 31 pacientes pelo Grupo de Cuidados Paliativos (GCP), em três etapas: pré-hospitalar (1ª) e intra-hospitalar (2ª e 3ª etapas, respectivamente, primeira visita da equipe paliativa durante a internação, e por alta, transferência ou óbito). Foi considerado como performance funcional estável a PPS entre 70 e 100%, transicional, de 40 a 60%, e no final de vida, de 10 a 30%. A idade média dos pacientes foi de 64 (±15) anos, sendo a maioria (67%) idoso (= 60 anos), do sexo feminino (61,3%), de cor branca (64,5%) e procedente do domicílio (67,%). O diagnóstico mais encontrado foi de neoplasia terminal (71%), e o acesso do GCP por parecer prevaleceu em relação à modalidade proativa (54,8% vs 45,2%). Na 1a etapa a PPS foi considerada estável em 48.4% dos pacientes, de transição em 45.2% e de final de vida em 6.5%. Na 2ª, esses números foram respectivamente 29%, 32.3% e 38.7%, e na 3a, 25%, 22% e 19%. Dez pacientes (32.3%) morreram durante o estudo, com a mesma proporção entre aqueles com ou sem doença oncológica. O perfil clínico epidemiológico de pacientes sob cuidados paliativos predominou em idosos e em pacientes com doença neoplásica. A piora da funcionalidade durante a internação foi demonstrada pela PPS sequencial, com a inversão na proporção de pacientes da fase estável para a de fim de vida.Abstract : Healthcare services require better understanding of Palliative Care, considering that most inpatients in general hospitals have chronic and degenerative illnesses, sometimes at end stages. The Palliative Performance Scale (PPS) is a tool widely used for this purpose, as it is a validated tool to assess functionality and understand the course of the disease. We propose to establish the clinical and epidemiologic profile and the functional status of inpatients receiving palliative care through the application of this instrument. Study of multiple cases performed in a Brazilian general university hospital in 2012, with the approval of the institutional Committee of Ethics and Human Research. By means of proactive or second opinion consultation, the Palliative Care Group (PCG) used the PPS in 31 consecutive patients in 3 steps: prehospital (1st) and inhospital (2nd and 3rd steps, respectively, first PCG visit during the hospitalization and discharge, transfer or death). PPS scores between 70-100% were considered stable functional status; 40-60% were transitional and 10-30% were considered end-stage. The mean age was 64 (±15) and most of the patients (67%) were elderly (=60 years), female (61.3%), white (64.5%) and coming from their homes (67%). Terminal cancer was found in most of the patients (71%), and the second consultation modality prevailed over the proactive one (54.8% vs. 45.2%). During the first step, the PPS was stable in 48.4% of the patients; transitional in 45.2%; and end-stage in 6.5%. During the second step, the scores were 29%; 32.3%; and 38.7% respectively, and during the third Step 25%, 22% and 19%. Ten of the patients died (32.3%) during the study, and no differences were observed between oncologic and no oncologic illness. The clinical epidemiologic profile of patients receiving Palliative Care has taken precedence in elderly patients with high prevalence of cancer. During the hospitalization, the worsening of the functional status was demonstrated using PPS by steps; an inversion in the ratio observed for the stable functional status compared to the end of life

    Assessment of Operating Condition Dependent Reliability Indices in Microgrids

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    Reliability analysis has been in place for decades, and its results are important for proper planning and operation of utility companies. Engineers must be able to quantify the current reliability of a system, as well as its potential improvement facing different modifications, in order to make informed planning decisions. Meanwhile, system operation has its performance measured through yearly reliability indices. The base of this method of analysis is the failure rate of the system components. In the traditional method, this probability of failure is determined by the components\u27 manufacturer and is considered to be constant. However, it is reasonable to assume that the operation of the system has an effect on the likelihood of random failures to happen to the components. This study proposes a different modeling of failure rate, taking the system state variables into consideration. The probability of having system voltages or currents beyond the acceptable limits is added to the random probability of failure. With this new consideration, an IEEE test system has seven of its reliability indices quantified for comparison. The inclusion of the newly modeled failure rate lead to a worsening of 11.07% in the indices, on average. A second analysis is performed considering a third scenario, with PV and wind based micro sources present in the microgrid system, and an improvement of 0.71% on the indices is noticed, compared to the second scenario. Finally, the effects of storage systems in the microgrid are investigated through a fourth scenario, in which two 2MWh battery systems are introduced, and an improvement of 3.05% is noticed in the reliability indices

    Hipertensão na gravidez: classificação, achados de dopplervelocimetria e resultados perinatais - estudo de 26 casos.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Tocoginecologia, Curso de Medicina, Florianópolis, 199

    Electronic Spreadsheets: Inconsistencies, Errors and Discrepancies

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    The authors, over more than 10 years dedicated to research and scientific production, which have been shared through books and scientific articles focused on information and communication technologies in relation to education and the contemporary context of technological dependence in which society is inserted today, demonstrate not only logical and conceptual weaknesses in the application of spreadsheets, but also discuss new perspectives on the use of complex systems that simulate intelligence. Thus, the present article is developed around the importance of effectively knowing the fundamental mathematical calculations, before indiscriminately accepting the mathematical projections presented by the main tools available in the market. Inconsistencies, weaknesses, and errors, both logical and mathematical in spreadsheets, will be presented, as well as their possible impacts on the market and society

    Nos bastidores corporativos, o sabor da vingança: Misbehaviour e humor como forma de resistência e subversão

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    Recentemente, foram divulgados vários casos de funcionários de corporações que adotaram postura inadequada em relação aos clientes, sinalizando que esses eventos são comuns e não raros. Neste artigo, foram entrevistados funcionários e ex-funcionários de redes de fast-food e de call centers com o objetivo de conhecer suas narrativas sobre os bastidores corporativos, focalizando a literatura sobre mau comportamento (misbehaviour) e humor como forma de resistência nas organizações. A análise aponta para duas narrativas principais: "a vingança é um prato que se serve frio" e "o cliente não é o rei".Se han divulgado recientemente varios casos de empleados de empresas que han adoptado una actitud inadecuada hacia los clientes, lo que indica que estos eventos no son raros, sino comunes. En este artículo, se entrevistan a empleados y ex empleados de cadenas de comida rápida y de centros de llamadas con el fin de conocer sus relatos sobre lo que ocurre detrás de la escena en las empresas. Se utiliza la bibliografía sobre la mala conducta (misbehaviour) y el humor como forma de resistencia en las organizaciones. El análisis señala dos ideas principales: la venganza es un plato que se sirve frío, y el cliente no es el rey.Recently, several cases of employees of corporations that have adopted an improper attitude toward clients were released, indicating that these events are common, not rare. In this article, we interviewed officials and former employees of fast-food and call centers in order to meet their narratives about the corporate scenes, focusing on the literature on misbehaviour and humor as a form of resistance in organizations. Our analysis points to two main narratives: revenge is a dish best served cold; and the customer is not king