60 research outputs found

    Coupled Mg/Ca and Clumped Isotope Measurements Indicate Lack of Substantial Mixed Layer Cooling in the Western Pacific Warm Pool During the Last āˆ¼5 Million Years

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    The Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP) plays a crucial role in influencing climate dynamics both in the tropics and globally. Yet, there is an ongoing controversy concerning the evolution of surface temperatures in the IPWP since the Pliocene, which is fueled by contradictory proxy evidence. Temperature reconstructions using TEX86 indicate a gradual cooling by āˆ¼2Ā°C from the Pliocene to today while Mg/Ca-based studies using planktonic foraminifera do not report any long-term trends. A bias in Mg/Ca records due to seawater chemistry changes has been suggested as an explanation for this proxy mismatch. Here, we present data from two independent foraminifera-based temperature proxies, Mg/Ca and clumped isotopes (Ī”47), measured on the same samples from IODP Site U1488 in the IPWP. We reconstructed mixed layer and subsurface temperatures and find very good agreement among Mg/Ca and Ī”47 when applying a minor correction for changing Mg/Ca ratios of seawater. Diagenetic effects could influence Ī”47 but the evaluation of foraminifera preservation at Site U1488 suggests that this effect is unlikely to have masked a long-term trend in the data. While remaining uncertainties prevent us from fully ruling out particular hypotheses, our study adds evidence that mixed layer temperatures likely did not cool substantially, while subsurface temperatures cooled more strongly since the Pliocene. The substantial Pleistocene cooling previously observed in TEX86 data is consistent with this finding when interpreting it as a combined surface and subsurface signal.publishedVersio

    A Conceptual Model for the Response of Tropical Rainfall to Orbital Variations

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    Tropical rainfall to first order responds to variations in Earthā€™s orbit through shifts of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and changes in zonally averaged rainfall intensity. Here, a conceptual model is developed that represents both processes and their response to orbital insolation variations. The model predicts the seasonal evolution of tropical rainfall between 30Ā°S and 30Ā°N. Insolation variations impact seasonal rainfall in two different ways: thermodynamically, leading to variations in rainfall intensity through modulation of the water vapor content of the atmosphere; and dynamically, leading to shifts of the ITCZ through modulation of the global atmospheric energy budget. Thermodynamic and dynamic effects act together to shape the annual-mean response of tropical rainfall to changes in Earthā€™s orbit. The model successfully reproduces changes in annual-mean rainfall inferred from paleo-proxies across several glacialā€“interglacial cycles. It illuminates how orbital precession and variations of Earthā€™s obliquity affect tropical rainfall in distinct ways near the equator and farther away from it, with spectral signatures of precession and obliquity variations that shift with latitude. It also provides explanations for the observed different phasings of rainfall minima and maxima near the equator and away from it. For example, the model reproduces a phase shift of ~10 ka between rainfall records from caves in northern Borneo (4Ā°N) and from China (approximately 30Ā°N). The model suggests that such phase shifts arise through a different weighting of ITCZ shifts and variations in rainfall intensity, thus providing insight into the mechanisms that drive tropical rainfall changes on orbital time scales

    Coupled Southern Ocean cooling and Antarctic ice sheet expansion during the middle Miocene

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    The middle Miocene climate transition (~14 million years ago) was characterized by a dramatic increase in the volume of the Antarctic ice sheet. The driving mechanism of this transition remains under discussion, with hypotheses including circulation changes, declining carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and orbital forcing. Southern Ocean records of planktic foraminiferal Mg/Ca have previously been interpreted to indicate a cooling of 6ā€“7ā€‰Ā°C and a decrease in salinity that preceded Antarctic cryosphere expansion by up to ~300,000 years. This interpretation has led to the hypothesis that changes in meridional heat and vapour transport along with an early thermal isolation of Antarctica from extrapolar climates played a fundamental role in triggering ice growth. Here we revisit the middle Miocene Southern Ocean temperature evolution using clumped isotope and lipid biomarker temperature proxies. Our records indicate that the Southern Ocean cooling and the associated salinity decrease occurred in phase with the expansion of the Antarctic ice sheet. We demonstrate that the timing and magnitude of the Southern Ocean temperature change seen in previous reconstructions can be explained if we consider pH as an additional, non-thermal, control on foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios. Therefore, our new dataset challenges the view of a thermal isolation of Antarctica preceding ice sheet expansion, and suggests a strong coupling between Southern Ocean conditions and Antarctic ice volume in times of declining atmospheric carbon dioxide.acceptedVersio

    Hydroclimate variability was the main control on fire activity in northern Africa over the last 50,000 years

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    North Africa features some of the most frequently burnt biomes on Earth, including the semi-arid grasslands of the Sahel and wetter savannas immediately to the south. Natural fires are fuelled by rapid biomass production during the wet season, its desiccation during the dry season and ignition by frequent dry lightning strikes. Today, fire activity decreases markedly both to the north of the Sahel, where rainfall is extremely low, almost eliminating biomass over the Sahara, and to the south where forest biomes are too wet to burn. Over the last glacial cycle, rainfall and vegetation cover over northern Africa varied dramatically in response to gradual astronomically-forced insolation change, changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, and abrupt cooling events over the North Atlantic Ocean associated with the reorganisation of Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC). Here we report the results of a study into the impact of these climate changes on fire activity in northern African over the last 50,000 years (50 kyr). Our reconstructions come from marine sediments with strong age control that provide an uninterrupted record of charcoal particles exported from the African continent. We studied three sites on a latitudinal transect along the northwest African margin between 21 and 9Ā°N. Our sites exhibit a distinct latitudinal relationship between past changes in rainfall and fire activity. At the southernmost site (GeoB9528-3, 9Ā°N), fire activity decreased during intervals of increasing humidity, while our northernmost site (ODP Site 658, 21Ā°N) clearly demonstrates the opposite relationship. The site in the middle of our transect, offshore of the present day southern Sahel today (GeoB9508-5, 15Ā°N), exhibits a ā€œGoldilocksā€ relationship between fire activity and hydroclimate, wherein charcoal fluxes peak under intermediate rainfall climate conditions and are supressed by transition to more arid or more humid conditions. Our results are remarkably consistent with the predictions of the intermediate fire-productivity hypothesis developed in conceptual macroecological models and supported by empirical evidence of modern day fire activity. Feedback processes operating between fire, climate and vegetation are undoubtedly complex but temperature is suggested to be the main driver of temporal change in fire activity globally, with the precipitation-evaporation balance perhaps a secondary influence in the Holocene tropics. However, there is only sparse coverage of Africa in the composite records upon which those interpretations are based. We conclude that hydroclimate (not temperature) exerted the dominant control on burning in the tropics of northern Africa well before the Holocene (from at least 50 ka).publishedVersio

    Stable Biological Production in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Across the Plio-Pleistocene Transition (āˆ¼3.35ā€“2.0 Ma)

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    Upwelling within the Eastern Equatorial Pacific (EEP) Ocean is a key factor for the Earth's climate because it supports >10% of the present-day biological production. The dynamics of upwelling in the EEP across the Plio-Pleistocene transitionā€”an interval particularly relevant for understanding near-future warming due to Anthropocene-like atmospheric carbon-dioxide levelsā€”have been intensively studied for the region east of the East Pacific Rise. In contrast, changes of the equatorial upwelling regime in the open Pacific Ocean west of this oceanographic barrier have received markedly less attention. We therefore provide new proxy records from Ocean Drilling Program Site 849 located within the EEP open-ocean upwelling regime. Our target interval (āˆ¼3.35ā€“2.0 Ma) covers the Plio-Pleistocene transition characterized by the intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (iNHG). We use benthic Ī“18O values to generate a new, high-resolution age model for Site 849, and sand-accumulation rates together with benthic Ī“13C values to evaluate net export production. Although showing temporary substantial glacial-interglacial variations, our records indicate stability in net export production on secular timescales across the iNHG. We suggest the following processes to have controlled the long-term evolution of primary productivity at Site 849. First, nutrient export from the high latitudes to the EEP; second, a successive shoaling of the Pacific nutricline during the studied interval; and third, a simultaneous reduction in dust-borne iron input.publishedVersio

    Fault-controlled fluid circulation and diagenesis along basin-bounding fault systems in rifts - Insights from the East Greenland rift system

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    In marine rift basins, deep-water clastics (>200ā€‰m) in the hanging wall of rift- or basin-bounding fault systems are commonly juxtaposed against crystalline ā€œbasementā€ rocks in the footwall. A distinct feature of such fault systems is therefore the juxtaposition of relatively highly permeable, unconsolidated sediments against relatively low-permeable basement rocks. Due to limited surface exposure of such fault zones, studies elucidating their structure and evolution are rare. Consequently, their impact on fluid circulation and diagenesis within and proximal to the fault zone as well as into the hanging wall strata are also poorly understood. Motivated by this, we here investigate a well-exposed strand of a major basin-bounding fault system in the East Greenland rift system, namely the Dombjerg Fault which bounds the Wollaston Forland Basin, northeast (NE) Greenland. Here, syn-rift deep-water clastics of Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age are juxtaposed against Caledonian metamorphic basement. Previously, a āˆ¼ā€‰1ā€‰km wide zone of pervasive pore-filling calcite cementation of the hanging wall sediments along the Dombjerg Fault core was identified (Kristensen et al., 2016). In this study, based on Uā€“Pb calcite dating, we show that cementation and formation of this cementation zone started during the rift climax in Berrisianā€“Valanginian times. Using clumped isotope analysis, we determined cement formation temperatures of āˆ¼ā€‰30ā€“70ā€‰āˆ˜C. The spread in the formation temperatures at similar formation age indicates variable heat flow of upward fluid circulation along the fault in the hanging wall sediments, which may root in permeability variations in the sediments. Calcite vein formation, postdating and affecting the cementation zone, clusters between āˆ¼ā€‰125 and 100ā€‰Ma in the post-rift stage, indicating that fracturing in the hanging wall is not directly related to the main phase of activity of the adjacent Dombjerg Fault. Vein formation temperatures at āˆ¼ā€‰30ā€“80ā€‰āˆ˜C are in a similar range as cement formation temperatures. Further, similar minor element concentrations of veins and adjacent cements indicate diffusional mass transfer into fractures, which in turn infers a subdued fluid circulation and low permeability of the fracture network. These results imply that the cementation zone formed a near-impermeable barrier soon after sediment deposition, and that low effective permeabilities were maintained in the cementation zone even after fracture formation, due to poor fracture connectivity. We argue that the existence of such a cementation zone should be considered in any assessments that target basin-bounding fault systems for, e.g., hydrocarbon, groundwater, geothermal energy, and carbon storage exploration. Our study highlights that the understanding of fluid flow properties as well as fault-controlled diagenesis affecting the fault itself and/or adjacent basinal clastics is of great fundamental and economic importance

    Multi-proxy speleothem-based reconstruction of mid-MIS 3 climate in South Africa

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    The southern coast of South Africa displays a highly dynamical climate as it is at the convergence of both the Atlantic and Indian Ocean, and it is located near the subtropical/temperate zone boundary with seasonal influence of easterlies/westerlies. The region hosts some key archeological sites with records of significant cognitive, technological and social developments. Reconstructions of the state and variability of past climate and environmental conditions around sites of archeological significance can provide crucial context for understanding the evolution of early humans. Here we present a short but high-resolution record of hydroclimate and temperature in South Africa. Our reconstructions are based on trace elements, calcite and fluid inclusion stable isotopes, and fluid inclusion microthermometry from a speleothem collected in Bloukrantz Cave, in the De Hoop Nature Reserve in the Western Cape region of South Africa. Our record covers the time period from 48.3 to 45.2 ka during Marine Isotope Stage 3. Both 18Oc and 13Cc show strong variability and covary with Sr/Ca. This correlation suggests that the control on these proxies originates from internal cave processes such as Prior Calcite Precipitation, which we infer to be related to precipitation amount. The hydroclimate indicators furthermore suggest a shift towards overall drier conditions after 46 ka, coincident with a cooling in Antarctica and drier conditions in the eastern part of South Africa corresponding to the Summer Rainfall Zone. Fluid inclusion-based temperature reconstructions show good agreement between the oxygen isotope and microthermometry methods, and results from the latter display little variation throughout the record, with reconstructed temperatures close to the present-day cave temperature of 17.5 &deg;C. Overall, the BL3 record thus suggests stable temperature from 48.3 to 45.2 ka whereas precipitation was variable with marked drier episodes on sub-millennial timescales.</p

    Reducing Uncertainties in Carbonate Clumped Isotope Analysis Through Consistent Carbonate-Based Standardization

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    About a decade after its introduction, the field of carbonate clumped isotope thermometry is rapidly expanding because of the large number of possible applications and its potential to solve longā€standing questions in Earth Sciences. Major factors limiting the application of this method are the very high analytical precision required for meaningful interpretations, the relatively complex sample preparation procedures, and the mass spectrometric corrections needed. In this paper we first briefly review the evolution of the analytical and standardization procedures and discuss the major remaining sources of uncertainty. We propose that the use of carbonate standards to project the results to the carbon dioxide equilibrium scale can improve interlaboratory data comparability and help to solve longā€standing discrepancies between laboratories and temperature calibrations. The use of carbonates reduces uncertainties related to gas preparation and cleaning procedures and ensures equal treatment of samples and standards. We present a set of carbonate standards of diverse composition, discuss how they can be used to correct for mass spectrometric biases, and demonstrate that their use significantly improves the comparability among four laboratories. We propose that the use of these standards or of a similar set of carbonate standards will improve the comparability of data across laboratories.publishedVersio

    Coupled Mg/Ca and Clumped Isotope Measurements Indicate Lack of Substantial Mixed Layer Cooling in the Western Pacific Warm Pool During the Last āˆ¼5 Million Years

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    The Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP) plays a crucial role in influencing climate dynamics both in the tropics and globally. Yet, there is an ongoing controversy concerning the evolution of surface temperatures in the IPWP since the Pliocene, which is fueled by contradictory proxy evidence. Temperature reconstructions using TEX86 indicate a gradual cooling by āˆ¼2Ā°C from the Pliocene to today while Mg/Ca-based studies using planktonic foraminifera do not report any long-term trends. A bias in Mg/Ca records due to seawater chemistry changes has been suggested as an explanation for this proxy mismatch. Here, we present data from two independent foraminifera-based temperature proxies, Mg/Ca and clumped isotopes (Ī”47), measured on the same samples from IODP Site U1488 in the IPWP. We reconstructed mixed layer and subsurface temperatures and find very good agreement among Mg/Ca and Ī”47 when applying a minor correction for changing Mg/Ca ratios of seawater. Diagenetic effects could influence Ī”47 but the evaluation of foraminifera preservation at Site U1488 suggests that this effect is unlikely to have masked a long-term trend in the data. While remaining uncertainties prevent us from fully ruling out particular hypotheses, our study adds evidence that mixed layer temperatures likely did not cool substantially, while subsurface temperatures cooled more strongly since the Pliocene. The substantial Pleistocene cooling previously observed in TEX86 data is consistent with this finding when interpreting it as a combined surface and subsurface signal
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