87 research outputs found

    Stepping out of the picture: Using drama in storyline topics

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    This chapter discusses using drama in storyline topics

    A curriculum for excellence review of research literature

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    Research suggests that the arts play significant part in the education of all pupils. The findings of numerous, wide-ranging studies indicate that the Expressive Arts fulfil a vital function in the development learners, meeting many of the outcomes described in the "Purposes of the Curriculum 3-18" diagram outlined on page 15 of "A Curriculum for Excellence". In the following review of recent research, it is evident that the arts provide meaningful contexts through which learners can actively participate in a wide range of learning experiences. It is evident that learning should take place in the arts: each separate discipline has its own knowledge and skills base. But learning also takes place through the arts. Because of the high level of active engagement and enjoyment experienced during good Expressive Arts lessons, learners gain a sense of achievement and increased self-esteem. Across the arts areas, learners are offered a very wide and varied range of experiences, enabling them to communicate in a number of ways, for example, orally, visually, through body language and through music. The collaborative nature of many arts activities enables learners to develop skills in working cooperatively with others, often in problem-solving, creative situations. The arts also offer many opportunities for learners to be pro-active and enterprising within meaningful and relevant contexts

    Bidirectional Relationships between Alcohol-Specific Parental Socialization Behaviors and Adolescent Alcohol Misuse

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    Background: Although numerous studies have examined parental influence on adolescent alcohol misuse, few have examined how adolescents impact parental behavior or the reciprocal nature of parent-adolescent behavior relative to alcohol misuse. Objectives: This study assessed bidirectional relationships between adolescent alcohol misuse and three alcohol-specific parenting behaviors (substance-specific monitoring, permissive communication messages about alcohol, and cautionary communication messages about alcohol). Methods: Data were from 1,645 parent-adolescent dyads drawn from a longitudinal study spanning grades 6–10. A multivariate latent curve model with structured residuals was used to test study hypotheses. Results: One marginally significant result emerged (increased alcohol misuse leads to greater substance-specific monitoring) after accounting for underlying developmental processes. Conclusions: Though practical implications are limited based on the results of the study, further directions for research regarding study design and measurement are provided to more fully examine dynamic processes between parents and adolescents relative to alcohol use

    Weight loss reversed obesity-induced HGF/c-Met pathway and basal-like breast cancer progression

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    Epidemiologic studies demonstrate that obesity is associated with an aggressive subtype of breast cancer called basal-like breast cancer (BBC). Using the C3(1)-TAg murine model of BBC, we previously demonstrated that mice displayed an early onset of tumors when fed obesogenic diets in the adult window of susceptibility. Obesity was also shown to elevate mammary gland expression and activation of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)/c-Met compared to lean controls, a pro-tumorigenic pathway associated with BBC in patients. Epidemiologic studies estimate that weight loss could prevent a large proportion of BBC. We sought to investigate whether weight loss in adulthood prior to tumor onset would protect mice from accelerated tumorigenesis observed in obese mice. Using a life-long model of obesity, C3(1)-TAg mice were weaned onto and maintained on an obesogenic high-fat diet. Obese mice displayed significant elevations in tumor progression, but not latency or burden. Tumor progression was significantly reversed when obese mice were induced to lose weight by switching to a control low-fat diet prior to tumor onset compared to mice maintained on obesogenic diet. We investigated the HGF/c-Met pathway known to regulate tumorigenesis. Importantly, HGF/c-Met expression in normal mammary glands and c-Met in tumors was elevated with obesity and was significantly reversed with weight loss. Changes in tumor growth could not be explained by measures of HGF action including phospho-AKT or phospho-S6. Other mediators associated with oncogenesis such as hyperinsulinemia and a high leptin:adiponectin ratio were elevated by obesity and reduced with weight loss. In sum, weight loss significantly blunted the obesity-responsive pro-tumorigenic HGF/c-Met pathway and improved several metabolic risk factors associated with BBC, which together may have contributed to the dramatic reversal of obesity-driven tumor progression. Future research aims to evaluate the role of obesity and the HGF/c-Met pathway in basal-like breast cancer progression

    A consensus statement on detection of hippocampal sharp wave ripples and differentiation from other fast oscillations

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    Decades of rodent research have established the role of hippocampal sharp wave ripples (SPW-Rs) in consolidating and guiding experience. More recently, intracranial recordings in humans have suggested their role in episodic and semantic memory. Yet, common standards for recording, detection, and reporting do not exist. Here, we outline the methodological challenges involved in detecting ripple events and offer practical recommendations to improve separation from other high-frequency oscillations. We argue that shared experimental, detection, and reporting standards will provide a solid foundation for future translational discovery.This work was funded by K23NS104252 (A.A.L.) R01 MH117777 (E.B., J.W.R.) Whitehall Foundation (KH) 5F31NS120783-02 (Z.L.) 1U19NS104590 (A.L.) R01NS106611-02 (J.S., M.K.) MTEC-20-06-MOM013 (J.S., M.K.) 1U19NS107609-01 (I.S., J.L.) 1U19NS104590 (A.L., J.S.F., I.S.) 1U19NS107609 (E.A.B., J.W.R., J.J.L., I.S.) La Caixa LCF/PR/HR21/52410030 (A.N.O., L.dl.P) European Research Council Consolidator Grant 101001121 (B.P.S.) U.S.-Israel BSF grant 2017015 (RM)U01-NS113198 (J.J.) NSF CAREER IOS-1844935 (M.vdM.) 1R01NS121764-01 (B.L.M.) R01 MH122391 (G.B.) 30MH126483 (J.A.G.) Fondation pour la Recherche MĂ©dicale EQU202103012768 (M.Z.) 1R16-NS131108-01 (L.L.)

    'The best thing for the baby': mothers' concepts and experiences related to promoting their infants' health and development

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    Mothers and pregnant women in contemporary western societies are at the centre of a web of expert and lay discourses concerning the ways they should promote and protect the health and development of their foetuses and infants. This article reports the findings from an Australian study involving interviews with 60 mothers. The findings explore in detail four topics discussed in the interviews related to pregnancy and caring for young infants: disciplining the pregnant body; promoting infants’ health; immunisation; and promoting infants’ development. It is concluded that the mothers were highly aware of their responsibilities in protecting their foetuses and infants from harm and promoting their health and development. They conceptualised the infant body as highly vulnerable and requiring protection from contamination. They therefore generally supported the idea of vaccination as a way of protecting their babies’ immature immune systems, but were also often ambivalent about it. The mothers were aware of the judgemental attitudes of others, including other mothers, towards their caring efforts and attempted to conform to the ideal of the ‘good mother’. The emotional dimensions of caring for infants and protecting their health are discussed in relation to the voluntary participation of mothers in conforming to societal expectations

    Diving into the vertical dimension of elasmobranch movement ecology

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    Knowledge of the three-dimensional movement patterns of elasmobranchs is vital to understand their ecological roles and exposure to anthropogenic pressures. To date, comparative studies among species at global scales have mostly focused on horizontal movements. Our study addresses the knowledge gap of vertical movements by compiling the first global synthesis of vertical habitat use by elasmobranchs from data obtained by deployment of 989 biotelemetry tags on 38 elasmobranch species. Elasmobranchs displayed high intra- and interspecific variability in vertical movement patterns. Substantial vertical overlap was observed for many epipelagic elasmobranchs, indicating an increased likelihood to display spatial overlap, biologically interact, and share similar risk to anthropogenic threats that vary on a vertical gradient. We highlight the critical next steps toward incorporating vertical movement into global management and monitoring strategies for elasmobranchs, emphasizing the need to address geographic and taxonomic biases in deployments and to concurrently consider both horizontal and vertical movements
