10,733 research outputs found

    The factorial validity and reliability of three versions of the Aggression Questionnaire using Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Exploratory Structural Equation Modelling

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    The Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) measures aggression in four domains: Anger, Hostility, Physical Aggression and Verbal Aggression. Moreover, a number of shorter versions of the AQ have emerged. The present study used a large sample of adolescents to test three versions of the AQ. In each case we examined a unidimensional model, a hierarchical model, and a four-factor model. Results of Confirmatory Factor Analysis revealed limited support for a unidimensional model in any of the AQ forms, with results supporting the widely used four-factor model, and to a lesser extent, the hierarchical model. Fit indices for both short-forms of the AQ using Exploratory Structural Equation Modelling were very good. However, results also revealed only partial gender invariance for both scales

    Midinfrared spectral investigations of carbonates: Analysis of remotely sensed data

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    Recent airborne thermal infrared observations of Mars from the Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO) have provided evidence for the presence of carbonates, sulfates, and hydrates. Using the optical properties of calcite and anhydrite, it was estimated that CO3's and SO4's constituted about 1 to 3 and 10 to 15 wt. percent, repectively of the materials composing the atmospheric dust. Using the derived value as an estimate of total CO3 abundance, and making an assumption that the CO3's were uniformly distributed within the Martian regolith, it was estimated that such a CO3 reservoir could contain roughly 2 to 5 bars of CO2. While the results indicate that several volatile-bearing materials are present on Mars, the observations from the KAO are inherently limited in their ability to determine the spatial distributions of these materials. However, previous spacecraft observations of Mars provide both the spectral coverage necessary to identify these materials, as well as the potential for investigating their spatial variability. This has prompted us to pursue a reinvestigation of the Mariner 6 and 7 infrared spectrometer and Mariner 9 infrared interferometer spectrometer observations. The former data have been recently made available in digital format and calibration of wavelengths and intensities are almost complete. Additionally, we are pursuing the derivation of optical constants of more appropriate carbonates and sulfates

    N=2 Gauge Theories: Congruence Subgroups, Coset Graphs and Modular Surfaces

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    We establish a correspondence between generalized quiver gauge theories in four dimensions and congruence subgroups of the modular group, hinging upon the trivalent graphs which arise in both. The gauge theories and the graphs are enumerated and their numbers are compared. The correspondence is particularly striking for genus zero torsion-free congruence subgroups as exemplified by those which arise in Moonshine. We analyze in detail the case of index 24, where modular elliptic K3 surfaces emerge: here, the elliptic j-invariants can be recast as dessins d'enfant which dictate the Seiberg-Witten curves.Comment: 42+1 pages, 5 figures; various helpful comments incorporate

    Experimental investigation of automotive refueling system flow and emissions dynamics to support CFD development

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    2019 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Government regulations restrict the evaporative emissions during refueling to 0.20 grams per gallon of dispensed fuel. This requires virtually all of the vapors generated and displaced while refueling to be stored onboard the vehicle. The refueling phenomenon of spit-back and early click-off are also important considerations in designing refueling systems. Spit-back is fuel bursting past the nozzle and into the environment and early click-off is the pump shutoff mechanism being triggered before the tank is full. Both are detrimental to customer satisfaction, and spit-back leads to failing government regulations. Development of a new refueling system design is required for each vehicle as packaging requirements change. Each new design (or redesign) must be prototyped and tested to ensure government regulations and customer satisfaction criteria are satisfied. Often designs need multiple iterations, costing money and time in prototype-based validation procedures. To conserve resources, it is desired to create a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tool to assist in design validation. To aid in creating such a model, controlled experiments were performed to inform and validate simulations. The simulations and experiments were performed on the same in-production refueling system. Test data provided characterization of non-trivial boundary conditions. Refueling experiments gave points of comparison for CFD results, especially the tank pressure. Finally, collection of emissions data during refueling experiments provided insight into the travel of gasoline vapor in the refueling system. All the information gathered provides greater understanding of the refueling process and will aid the continued development of CFD models for refueling

    The Private Sector Amendment to Australia\u27s Privacy Act: A First Step on the Road to Privacy

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    Global and national transfers of personal information and data protection laws meant to regulate such transfers will have a significant impact on the growing Internet. Yet vastly different philosophies on how to protect individuals\u27 personal information from theft or misuse by the private sector have led to very different regulatory models throughout the world. In the industrialized world, the European Union\u27s approach, a universally applicable, comprehensive data protection law, occupies one end of the regulatory spectrum, while a self-regulatory scheme like the United States\u27 stakes out the other end. Australia\u27s Private Sector Privacy Act Amendment ( 2000 Amendment ) lies somewhere in between. Australia\u27s 2000 Amendment has been called co-regulatory or light touch regulation partly because it was meant to allay citizens\u27 increasing privacy concerns, yet not impose a significant regulatory burden on industry. Australia \u27s Private Sector Privacy Bill was touted as an innovative compromise between costly state regulation and ineffective self-regulation. However, some of the concessions made in the name of flexibility and de-regulation have resulted in a weak regulatory scheme that produces inconsistent and ineffective information privacy protection. In particular, the small business exemption and the limited enforcement mechanisms weaken the 2000 Amendment so much as to call into question whether Australia\u27s information privacy law is merely a baby step away from self-regulation rather than a happy medium on the regulatory scale. If the 2000 Amendment is to provide Australians with the substantive privacy protections it sets forth, legislators should fix two flaws in the next round of private sector privacy regulation. First, they should close or phase out the small business exemption. Second, in order to give effect to the substantive provisions of the Amendment, the law should allow more effective enforcement by using a system of appropriate penalties that escalate according to the degree of non-compliance. These changes would provide more thorough protection of Australians \u27privacy, yet would not reduce the benefits derived from the co-regulatory model

    Evidence for the reliability and validity, and some support for the practical utility of the two-factor Consideration of Future Consequences Scale-14

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    Researchers have proposed 1-factor, 2-factor, and bifactor solutions to the 12-item Consideration of Future Consequences Scale (CFCS-12). In order to overcome some measurement problems and to create a robust and conceptually useful two-factor scale the CFCS-12 was recently modified to include two new items and to become the CFCS-14. Using a University sample, we tested four competing models for the CFCS-14: (a) a 12-item unidimensional model, (b) a model fitted for two uncorrelated factors (CFC-Immediate and CFC-Future), (c) a model fitted for two correlated factors (CFC-I and CFC-F), and (d) a bifactor model. Results suggested that the addition of the two new items has strengthened the viability of a two factor solution of the CFCS-14. Results of linear regression models suggest that the CFC-F factor is redundant. Further studies using alcohol and mental health indicators are required to test this redundancy

    A ROSAT Survey of Contact Binary Stars

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    Contact binary stars are common variable stars which are all believed to emit relatively large fluxes of x-rays. In this work we combine a large new sample of contact binary stars derived from the ROTSE-I telescope with x-ray data from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS) to estimate the x-ray volume emissivity of contact binary stars in the galaxy. We obtained x-ray fluxes for 140 contact binaries from the RASS, as well as 2 additional stars observed by the XMM-Newton observatory. From these data we confirm the emission of x-rays from all contact binary systems, with typical luminosities of approximately 1.0 x 10^30 erg s^-1. Combining calculated luminosities with an estimated contact binary space density, we find that contact binaries do not have strong enough x-ray emission to account for a significant portion of the galactic x-ray background.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, accepted by A

    Pairing, crystallization and string correlations of mass-imbalanced atomic mixtures in one-dimensional optical lattices

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    We numerically determine the very rich phase diagram of mass-imbalanced binary mixtures of hardcore bosons (or equivalently -- fermions, or hardcore-Bose/Fermi mixtures) loaded in one-dimensional optical lattices. Focusing on commensurate fillings away from half filling, we find a strong asymmetry between attractive and repulsive interactions. Attraction is found to always lead to pairing, associated with a spin gap, and to pair crystallization for very strong mass imbalance. In the repulsive case the two atomic components remain instead fully gapless over a large parameter range; only a very strong mass imbalance leads to the opening of a spin gap. The spin-gap phase is the precursor of a crystalline phase occurring for an even stronger mass imbalance. The fundamental asymmetry of the phase diagram is at odds with recent theoretical predictions, and can be tested directly via time-of-flight experiments on trapped cold atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures + Supplementary Materia

    Modeling Anisotropy in the Earthquake Cycle: a Numerical Multiscale Model

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    We have developed a methodology for incorporating and studying the effects of anisotropy when simulating the full earthquake cycle. The method is developed for a vertical strike-slip fault in two-dimensions, with antiplane motion. Inertial terms are dropped from the elastic anisotropic wave equation to obtain a steady state problem. This resulting equilibrium equation is discretized with a finite difference method. A nonlinear rate-and-state friction law is enforced at the fault. Time stepping is adaptive to capture highly varying time scales, and as such is able to produce self-consistent initial conditions