12,391 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Resilience and Body Image in College Women

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    Possessing a negative body image is associated with unhealthy eating habits and eating disorders in college women and has been linked to depression and negative feelings of self worth. Limited research exists on protective factors that have the potential to mitigate body image dissatisfaction. This paper examines the relationship of resilience to body image dissatisfaction in college women. Female, undergraduate college students were studied using previously validated measures. Results indicate that increased resilience is associated with improved body image

    Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine: Attitudes, Behaviors, and Beliefs of At-Risk Women

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    Cervical cancer is primarily caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) and is the second most common cause of cancer-related mortality among women. Female college students may be at risk for contracting HPV based on their sexual behavior. Following the release of the HPV vaccine, Gardasil®, this cross-sectional study was developed to (1) determine awareness of HPV and Gardasil®, (2) assess attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs about the HPV vaccine, and (3) identify information sources that female college students are accessing. Female college students voluntarily completed a self-administered questionnaire. Statistical analyses included descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlations and paired sample t-tests. Sexually active respondents would recommend the HPV vaccine to others and disagreed that vaccination would encourage risky sexual behavior. Correlations were identified on how self-reported knowledge influenced attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs regarding the HPV vaccine. These findings should assist in developing integrated public health education efforts for HPV vaccination that are targeted towards this at-risk population

    Teaching Physics Using Virtual Reality

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    We present an investigation of game-like simulations for physics teaching. We report on the effectiveness of the interactive simulation "Real Time Relativity" for learning special relativity. We argue that the simulation not only enhances traditional learning, but also enables new types of learning that challenge the traditional curriculum. The lessons drawn from this work are being applied to the development of a simulation for enhancing the learning of quantum mechanics

    Palliative care: promoting general practice participation

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    Specialist palliative care services and services involved in the pre-palliative phase of a patient’s disease must accept GPs as an integral part of the care tea

    A Fisher-eye lens on social work reform

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    Summary Mark Fisher’s Capitalist Realism, published in 2009, has been recognised as one of the most important contributions chronicling the rise, application and consequences of neoliberalism. However, Fisher’s ideas have until now only garnered passing mention in the study of neoliberalism in children and families social work in England, despite there being extensive research, argument and publication on the subject more broadly. This article attempts to rectify this gap and apply Fisher’s theory to the recent reforms in children and families social work in England. Findings The article applies Fisher’s commentary on the co-option of language, invoking crisis, bureaucracy and proposing change to implement no change, to the reforms in children and families social work that began with the implementation of Reclaiming Social Work in 2008. Since that time, the original architects of Reclaiming Social Work have gained significant positions of power and influence and been instrumental in introducing neoliberal reforms throughout children and families social work in England. Applications Through applying the approach and concepts of Mark Fisher, this article concludes that it is possible to determine that the current reforms are, at their core, neoliberal in nature and driven by an ideological imperative to transform children and families social work in England into a neoliberal edifice, with less public sector and state input and oversight and an increase in the influence of ‘not-for-profits’, charities and international for-profit consultancies

    Informed consent comprehension in African research settings

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    ObjectivePrevious reviews on participants' comprehension of informed consent information have focused on developed countries. Experience has shown that ethical standards developed on Western values may not be appropriate for African settings where research concepts are unfamiliar. We undertook this review to describe how informed consent comprehension is defined and measured in African research settings.MethodsWe conducted a comprehensive search involving five electronic databases: Medline, Embase, Global Health, EthxWeb and Bioethics Literature Database (BELIT). We also examined African Index Medicus and Google Scholar for relevant publications on informed consent comprehension in clinical studies conducted in sub-Saharan Africa. 29 studies satisfied the inclusion criteria; meta-analysis was possible in 21 studies. We further conducted a direct comparison of participants' comprehension on domains of informed consent in all eligible studies.ResultsComprehension of key concepts of informed consent varies considerably from country to country and depends on the nature and complexity of the study. Meta-analysis showed that 47% of a total of 1633 participants across four studies demonstrated comprehension about randomisation (95% CI 13.9–80.9%). Similarly, 48% of 3946 participants in six studies had understanding about placebo (95% CI 19.0–77.5%), while only 30% of 753 participants in five studies understood the concept of therapeutic misconception (95% CI 4.6–66.7%). Measurement tools for informed consent comprehension were developed with little or no validation. Assessment of comprehension was carried out at variable times after disclosure of study information. No uniform definition of informed consent comprehension exists to form the basis for development of an appropriate tool to measure comprehension in African participants.ConclusionsComprehension of key concepts of informed consent is poor among study participants across Africa. There is a vital need to develop a uniform definition for informed consent comprehension in low literacy research settings in Africa. This will be an essential step towards developing appropriate tools that can adequately measure informed consent comprehension. This may consequently suggest adequate measures to improve the informed consent procedure.ObjectifLes normes éthiques élaborées selon les valeurs occidentales ne sont peut-être pas appropriées au contexte africain où les concepts de recherche ne sont pas familiers. Cette revue décrit comment la compréhension du consentement éclairé est définie et mesurée dans les cadres de recherche africains.MéthodesDes recherches ont été effectuées sur Medline, Embase, Global Health, EthxWeb, base de données de la Bioéthique Littérature, Index Medicus African et Google Scholar pour des publications pertinentes sur la compréhension du consentement éclairé dans les études cliniques menées en Afrique sub-saharienne. 29 études répondaient aux critères d'inclusion; une méta-analyse a été possible pour 21 études. La compréhension des participants sur les domaines du consentement éclairé dans toutes les études admissibles a été comparée directement.RésultatsLa compréhension des concepts clés du consentement éclairé varie considérablement selon les pays et dépend de la nature et de la complexité de l’étude. La méta-analyse a montré que 47% des participants ont compris la randomisation (IC95%: 13,9 - 80,9%), 48% ont compris le placebo (IC95%: 19,0 - 77,5%), 30% ont compris le concept de méprise thérapeutique (IC95%: 4,6 - 66,7%). Les outils de mesure de la compréhension du consentement éclairé étaient développés avec peu ou pas de validation.ConclusionsLa compréhension des concepts clés du consentement éclairé est faible en Afrique. Il y a une nécessité vitale d’élaborer une définition uniforme pour la compréhension du consentement éclairé dans les cadres de recherche avec un faible niveau d'alphabétisation en Afrique.ObjetivoLos estándares éticos desarrollados basándose en valores occidentales podrían no ser apropiados para emplazamientos Africanos en donde los conceptos de investigación no son familiares. En esta revisión se describe como la comprensión del consentimiento informado se define y mide en un centro de investigación Africano.MétodosSe buscaron publicaciones relevantes sobre la comprensión del consentimiento informado en estudios clínicos en África subsahariana en Medline, Embase, Global Health, EthxWeb, Bioethics Literature Database, African Index Medicus y Google Scholar. 29 estudios satisfacían los criterios de inclusión y el metaanálisis era posible para 21. La comprensión del consentimiento informado por parte de los participantes se comparó directamente en todos los estudios elegibles.ResultadosLa comprensión de conceptos claves del consentimiento informado varió de forma considerable entre países, y dependía de la naturaleza y de la complejidad del estudio. El meta-análisis mostró que un 47% entendía la aleatorización (IC 95% 13.9-80.9%); un 48% entendía el placebo (IC 95% 19.0-77.5%); y un 30% entendió el concepto terapéutico errado (IC 95% 4.6-66.7%). Las herramientas para medir la comprensión del consentimiento informado se desarrollaron con poca o ninguna validación.ConclusionesEn África, la comprensión de conceptos claves del consentimiento informado es pobre. Existe una necesidad vital de desarrollar una definición uniforme para la comprensión del consentimiento informado en lugares con bajos niveles de alfabetización en África

    Toughening of BIS maleimide resins: Synthesis and characterization of maleimide terminated poly(arylene ether) oligomers and polymers

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    Amine functional poly(arylene ether) sulfones were previously reported. Herein, the chemistry was extended to amorphous poly(arylene ether) ketones because of their higher fracture toughness values, relative to the polysulfones. It was demonstrated that the amino functional oligomers undergo a self-crosslinking reaction at temperatures above about 220 C. This produces an insoluble, but ductile network that has excellent resistance. A ketamine structure hypothesis was proposed and verified using solid state magic angle NMR. In most cases, the water generated upon ketamine formation is too low to produce porosity and solid networks are obtained. The stability of the ketamine networks towards hydrolysis is excellent. The chemistry was further demonstrated to be able to crosslink preformed nonfunctional poly(arylene ether) ketones if a difunctional amine was utilized. This concept has the possibility of greatly improving the creep resistance of thermoplastics. Also, a new technique was developed for converting the amine functional oligomers cleanly into maleimide structures. This method involves reacting maleic anhydride with monomeric aminophenols in the presence of solvent mixtures

    Work hardening behavior in a steel with multiple TRIP mechanisms

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    Transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) behavior was studied in steel with composition Fe-0.07C-2.85Si-15.3Mn-2.4Al-0.017N that exhibited two TRIP mechanisms. The initial microstructure consisted of both {\epsilon}- and {\alpha}-martensites with 27% retained austenite. TRIP behavior in the first 5% strain was predominately austenite transforming to {\epsilon}-martensite (Stage I), but upon saturation of Stage I, the {\epsilon}-martensite transformed to {\alpha}-martensite (Stage II). Alloy segregation also affected the TRIP behavior with alloy rich regions producing TRIP just prior to necking. This behavior was explained by first principle calculations that revealed aluminum significantly affected the stacking fault energy in Fe-Mn-Al-C steels by decreasing the unstable stacking fault energy and promoting easy nucleation of {\epsilon}-martensite. The addition of aluminum also raised the intrinsic stacking fault energy and caused the {\epsilon}-martensite to be unstable and transform to {\alpha}-martensite under further deformation. The two stage TRIP behavior produced a high strain hardening exponent of 1.4 and led to ultimate tensile strength of 1165 MPa and elongation to failure of 35%.Comment: submitted to Met. Mater. Trans. A manuscript E-TP-12-953-

    The surface science of quasicrystals

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    The surfaces of quasicrystals have been extensively studied since about 1990. In this paper we review work on the structure and morphology of clean surfaces, and their electronic and phonon structure. We also describe progress in adsorption and epitaxy studies. The paper is illustrated throughout with examples from the literature. We offer some reflections on the wider impact of this body of work and anticipate areas for future development. (Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version