100 research outputs found


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    This research show that independent variable (PE, Inflation, JUB, and BI Rate ) simultaneously has significantly effect to dependent variable (Tabungan Mudharabah. This can be proved by significant value 0.000. Based on the test partially economic growth variable has a negative effect and not significant to Tabungan Mudharabah that showed by T test is 11.262. Inflation variable partially showed that has a negative effect and not significant to Tabungan Mudharabah that showed by T testing is -.391. Jumlah Uang Beredar (JUB) variable partially has positive effect and significant to Tabungan Mudharabah that showed by T test is 81.202. BI rate variable partially has positive effect and not significant to Tabungan Mudharabah that proved by T test is 1.306.Key word: economic growth, JUB , BI rate, Tabungan Mudharaba


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    This research show that independent variable (PE, Inflation, JUB, and BI Rate ) simultaneously has significantly effect to dependent variable (Tabungan Mudharabah. This can be proved by significant value 0.000. Based on the test partially economic growth variable has a negative effect and not significant to Tabungan Mudharabah that showed by T test is 11.262. Inflation variable partially showed that has a negative effect and not significant to Tabungan Mudharabah that showed by T testing is -.391. Jumlah Uang Beredar (JUB) variable partially has positive effect and significant to Tabungan Mudharabah that showed by T test is 81.202. BI rate variable partially has positive effect and not significant to Tabungan Mudharabah that proved by T test is 1.306. Key word: economic growth, JUB , BI rate, Tabungan Mudharaba

    Reveiw Jurnal Nasional

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    Industri Perbankan Syariah Dan Kondisi Ekonomi Makro Di Indonesia

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    Islam is a universal religion that has the Qur'an as a way of life. Universal here is not limited by time and place. The Qur'an which was revealed by Prophet Muhammad SAW regulates all aspects of human life. The purpose of this study is to identify and examine the Islamic banking industry and macroeconomic conditions in Indonesia. The method used is multiple regression analysis with estimation of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). The results of this study indicate that economic activity is an aspect that has become a concern since the emergence of Islam. Islamic banking at this time has a very rapid growth that is strongly influenced by macroeconomics in obtaining its goal of getting the highest profit. The variables studied are financial ratios that are adjusted to the decision of Bank Indonesia and accompanied by the MUI Fatwa influenced by CAR, FDR and BOPO. Each change in ROA can be explained through the variables CAR, FDR and BOPO of 82.9% while the remaining 17.1% is influenced by other factors)

    Effect of Monetary Aspects on the Performance of Islamic Banks in Indonesia

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    Actually, issue about Bank Performance is not special anymore. However, this topic in a dual banking system still an interesting issue. As in Indonesia, which have Islamic bank in a conventional economic system this Islamic Bank Performance (IBP) influence direct by monetary aspect. Using a quarterly panel data set from period 2001 until 2015; this research used econometric tools. Result shows that all variables are significantly affected. We prefer to used random effect that show the positive sign for Money Supply (MS), Exchange Rate (EXC) and Interest Rate (INTR) and negative sign for CPI. Then the result on Long term used ARDL Approach found that for PMG variable MS and INT have positive significant while EXC and CPI variable are negative significant. In MG estimates (Long term), MS, EXC and INTR are found to be positive significant while CPI variable have negative impact on IBP. Further more, in short time, PMG estimates result that MS and EXC shows negative impact and variables than have positive impact are CPI and INTR. While result in short run for MG estimates shows that MS, CPI and INTR have positive impact. Then EXC have negative impact. We suggest the government must always keep the monetary condition in a balance and healthy environment that support the development and improvement of Islamic Banking. Especially manage the INTR which is always have positive impact in all condition model. Keywords: Islamic Bank performance, CPI, Interest Rate, Money Supply, Exchange Rate JEL Classifications: E52, G2


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    Potensi ekonomi wisata religi di kota Palembang

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    The Perspective of the Malay Community in the Livelihood of Street Angklung Musicians in Malioboro Yogyakarta

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    The purpose of this study is to see how the views of the Malay community in the livelihoods of angklung musicians who are played in Yogyakarta by using the theory of structural functionalism. Angklung music performances in Yogyakarta are multifunctional. This means that now angklung music does not only present angklung as a traditional musical instrument, but also as a profession. Such as the transformation of the song being performed and the addition of dancers to attract the audience’s attention. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a library research approach. Data collection techniques in this study ar observation, interviews and documentation. The sample in this study in the Malay community who have lived in Yogyakarta, both for study and work. Form the observations and interviews that have been conducted, it shows that there are two views, namely positive and negative. This positive view is obtained because it is considered that the angklung musician profession is a form of high level creativity of the nation’s childern which not everyone can do it. With traditional instruments, but the arrangement and presentation of different music provides a special attraction for the audience. Then the negative view emerged because the movements of the dancers accompanying the angklung music were classified as erotic and contained element of sensuality toward the audience

    Penerapan Etika Bisnis Syariah Pada Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (Umkm) Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Pasar Swadaya Gotong Royong Masyarakat Batumarta Desa Baturaden Kecamatan Lubuk Raja Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu

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    Basic problems research this is how the application of the ethical principles of a business according to islamic syariah on micro business in the village baturaden ( kecamatan kabupaten oku the bottom of the king .As for the purpose of this study is to find the application of islamic business of ethical principle at a venture mikro.jenis this research is descriptive qualitative research was conducted research which is a devoted to described analyzed the phenomenon of events , social activities , attitude , trust , perception , the minds of the american individually as well as groups .Research object is the owner of micro business in the market swadaya gotong royong village community batumarta baturaden oku the bottom of the king . Data collection by means of observation , interview , documentation , and such .And is poured into table then analysis technique data using the qualitative method descriptive by pulling a conclusion by using a technique inductive , deductive , and comparative .The research results show that has not yet been fully know , understand and apply .It was because the small and medium businesses umkm players culinary in the market swadaya masyarakat gotong royong batumarta inside do the business practices employed in truth and do not have not been in accordance by islamic syaria
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