31 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Komunikasi Pimpinan Terhadap Semangat Kerja Staff Marketing Pada PT. Sinarmas Multifinance Cabang Pekanbaru

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    According to the human relations theory pioneered by Bernard (1938), Mayo (1933), Roethlishetger, and Dicshon (1939), this theory suggested organizational refinement and improvement strategies by increasing satisfaction of member organizations and create an organization that can help individuals develop its potential. To avoid this need to have a way that can create a harmonious labor relations, mutually beneficial cooperation and mutual understanding that ultimately all parties can get satisfaction together. Communication is carried out by the leadership against subordinates certainly has an important role in creating a harmonious labor relations, mutually beneficial cooperation and mutual understanding so that all parties can get satisfaction together. The purpose of this research is to find out how big the influence of communication leadership against the marketing staff morale at PT. Sinarmas Multifinance branch Pekanbaru.The methods used in this study i.e., quantitative methods. Data collection techniques in the study using a detailed questionnaire. The number of samples to study as many as 40 of the respondents. Withdrawal of samples using the method of census sampling or saturated. To know the influence of both these variables, the researchers used a simple linear regression analysis. For the processing of data is carried out using a questionnaire, the statistical program Product And Service Solution (SPSS) Windows version 18.The results of the research on the influence of communication leadership against the marketing staff morale at PT. Sinarmas branch Multifinance Pekanbaru obtained coefficients regression on this research is Y = 12.618 + 0.567 X with significance level smaller than 0.000 α = 0.05. This means that there is a leader of communication influence against the marketing staff morale at PT. Sinarmas branch Multifinance Pekanbaru of 49.70% and enter influencial medium category. The percentage shows that communication conducted the leadership is quite effective to improve the morale of employees. H0 is rejected and thus Ha is received

    Kajian Sistem Pengaturan Tarif untuk Meningkatkan Jumlah Penumpang

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    Tarif merupakan salah satu faktor terpenting yang akan digunakan oleh masyarakat dalam memilih angkutan umum atau angkutan pribadi. Jenis tarif yang dapat digunakan berupa seragam atau graduated. Lebih dari itu, pengembangan tarif dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengunaan angkutan umum. Jenis pengembangan tarif dapat dilakukan berdasarkan Perubahan tarif dasar dan metode pembelian tiket. Kajian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui jenis pengembangan tarif seperti apa yang mampu meningkatkan penggunaan angkutan umum. Elastisitas tarif dan perbedaan metode pembayaran tarif menjadi faktor yang dilihat pada kajian pustaka yang dilakukan, sehingga dapat diketahui jenis strategi pengembangan yang mungkin dilakukan

    Pola Osmoregulasi, Pertumbuhan Dan Kelulushidupan Keong Macan (Babylonia Spirata L) Pada Media Dengan Salinitas Berbeda

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    Keong macan (Babylonia spirata L) merupakan sejenis gastropoda yang mempunyai toleransi yang tinggi terhadap salinitas, namun salinitas juga merupakan faktor kritis terhadap kelulushidupan dan pertumbuhan keong macan. Salinitas media berperan dalam mengendalikan proses osmoregulasi keong macan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh salinitas terhadap pola osmoregulasi, pertumbuhan dan kelulushidupan keong macan pada media dengan salinitas berbeda. Materi yang digunakan adalah keong macan (Babylonia spirata L) yang diperoleh dari perairan Jepara dengan rata-rata bobot awal ±8,4 g/ekor dengan kepadata 2 ekor/L. Metode yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Sistematis (RAS) dengan 3 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan pada tiap perlakuannya dengan faktor utamanya adalah salinitas media. Perlakuan yang diujikan adalah dengan perlakuan S1 dengan salinitas 27 ppt (Hipo-osmotik), S2 dengan salinitas 31 ppt (Iso-osmotik), dan S3 dengan salinitas 35 ppt (Hiper-osmotik). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli-Oktober 2011. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa salinitas berpengaruh nyata (p<0,05) terhadap Tingkat Kerja Osmotik (TKO), pertumbuhan dan kelulushidupan keong macan. Pola osmoregulasi keong macan pada perlakuan S2 (31 ppt) mengalami pola regulasi iso-osmotik, sementara pada perlakuan S1 (27 ppt) mengalami pola regulasi hiper-osmotik, sedangkan pada perlakuan S3 (35 ppt) mengalami pola regulasi hipo-osmotik. TKO terendah berada pada perlakuan S2 (31 ppt) sebesar 0,14 mOsm/l H2O, sedangkan pada perlakuan S1 (salinitas 27 ppt) memiliki tingkat kerja osmotik (TKO) tertinggi yakni sebesar 135,87 mOsm/l H2O. Laju pertumbuhan mutlak dan laju pertumbuhan spesifik terbaik berada pada perlakuan S2 (31 ppt) dengan nilai masing-masing sebesar 3,10% dan 0,35%. Tingkat kelulushidupan (SR) keong macan terbaik berada pada perlakuan S2 (31 ppt) dengan nilai SR 100%

    Analisis Perbandingan Algoritma Klasifikasi Data Mining untuk Dataset Blogger dengan Rapid Miner

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    Data mining merupakan sebuah proses untuk menganalisa sebuah kasus untuk menemukan performaterbaik dari algoritma yang diuji. Salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan informasi atau pola dari kumpulandata yang besar adalah dengan menggunakan teknik-teknik dalam data mining. Ada banyak metodeklasifikasi yang di gunakan untuk menghasilkan nilai akurasi yang akurat. Terdapat 5 algoritma klasifikasiyang digunakan dalam mengklasifikasi dataset blogger yaitu decision tree, Naïve bayes, k-nearestneighbour, ID3, dan CHAID. Dataset menggunakan data blogger dari UCI Machine Learning Repository.Blogadalah media yang bergantung pada teknologi informasi dan kemajuan teknologi. Penelitian ini diujiDengan menggunakan validasi 10-fold cross validation dan uji t-test. Sehingga hasil tertinggi dari nilai akurasiyang didapat adalah sebesar 85.00% untuk algoritma KNN. Sedangkan untuk nilai AUC algoritma CHAIDyang memiliki hasil tertinggi yaitu sebesar 0.758. dan dari asil uji t-test yang dilakukan bahwa algoritmaID3,CHAID dan Naive Bayes merupakan algoritma dengan performa terbaik yang diterapkan pada datasetblogger. Sedangkan untuk algoritma KNN dan C45 merupakan algoritma dengan performa yang kurangbaik dengan nilai AUC 0,500%

    Analisis Kinerja Ruas-ruas Jalan Lingkungan Dengan Model Pembebanan Lalu Lintas Menggunakan Emme 3.4.1 (Studi Kasus : Kabupaten Sukamara, Kalimantan Tengah)

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    Kabupaten Sukamara is a currently growing Kabupaten, especially Kecamatan Balai Riam and Kecamatan Permata Kecubung, but the location is difficult to reach and can be said isolated. One of the aspect that can improve and develop Kabupaten Sukamara is transportation, because the transportation facilities and infrastructure that exist currently is very low in Kabupaten Sukamara, in this case, especially the road which connects the villages because the lack of road development as a rural access. The methodology used for analyze the performance of the road is by calculate the number of trip generation based on the population of study area based on method developed by the Ministry of Public Works for planning transportation of urban road which belong to the small town category. The next step is to analyze the amount of trip that generates Origin Destination Matrice (OD) by using Double Constrain Gravity method (DCGR), assign OD matrice to the road network by using EMME 3.4.1 and calculate the road capacity,then calculate and analyze volume capacity ratio (VCR) based on the assignment result and the road capacity calculation. By determining the 20 year plan, the prediction of trip generation of Kabupaten Sukamara is 235.023 people/day. Based on OD matrice, can be known that the closer the distance trip, the greater the trip that occur and vice versa. From the calculation, the capacity of the collector road is 1.197 smp/hour, local road is 856 smp/hour and small road is 838 smp/hour. From the assignment result, the largest trip volume is 314 smp/hour and the smallest is 1 smp/hour, so the largest VCR value is 0,279 which means VCR < 0,8 for every road that connects the villages. Therefore, the performance condition of the entire road that connects the villages can be concluded stable/safe

    Build and Design of Voyage Account Applications Using C#, WPF, and SQL Server 2012 (Case Study PT. X)

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    Voyage Account is an application that record consumption data on each voyage, then the data is used to calculate the profit or loss of each voyage. The application interface was created using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Prototyping development methods were used to create these applications, C# as the programming language, and SQL Server 2012 as the database. This study discusses the making of the interface, backend, and database of application. WPF has been selected, because WPF is the latest technology developed by Microsoft after WinForms. WPF presents a display that can be customized to user needs. The test results showed that the Voyage Account application is already functioning in accordance with wishes of the user, the test is done using sql query by entering the appropriate username and password and match the query returns results with what is displayed by the application. As for testing the interface shows if WPF can be flexibly adapted to the screen resolution of 1366 x 768, 1920 x 1080 and 1280 x 720

    Attitude towards Zika among frontline physicians in a dengue-endemic country: A preliminary cross-sectional study in Indonesia

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    In dengue-endemic countries such as Indonesia, Zika may be misdiagnosed as dengue, leading to underestimates of Zika disease and less foreknowledge of pregnancy-related complications such as microcephaly. Objective: To assess the attitudes of frontline physicians in a dengue-endemic country toward testing for Zika infection among patients with dengue-like illnesses. Methods: A cross-sectional online survey was conducted among general practitioners (GPs) in Indonesia. The survey assessed their attitude and also collected sociodemographic data, characteristics of their medical education, professional background, and workplace, and exposure to Zika cases. A two-step logistic regression analysis was used to assess possible variables associated with these attitudes. Results: A total of 370 GPs were included in the final analysis of which 70.8% had good attitude. Unadjusted analyses suggested that GPs who were 30 years old or older and those who had medical experience five years or longer had lower odds of having a positive attitude compared to those who aged younger than 30 years and those who had medical experience less than five years, OR: 0.58; 95%CI: 0.37, 0.91 and OR: 0.55; 95%CI: 0.35, 0.86, respectively. No explanatory variable was associated with attitude in the fully adjusted model. Conclusion: Our findings point to younger GPs with a shorter medical experience being more likely to consider testing for Zika infection among their patients presenting with dengue-like illnesses. Strategic initiatives may be needed to enhance older or longer-experienced physicians' capacity in diagnosing Zika infection