581 research outputs found

    Stratified Labelings for Abstract Argumentation

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    We introduce stratified labelings as a novel semantical approach to abstract argumentation frameworks. Compared to standard labelings, stratified labelings provide a more fine-grained assessment of the controversiality of arguments using ranks instead of the usual labels in, out, and undecided. We relate the framework of stratified labelings to conditional logic and, in particular, to the System Z ranking functions

    Energy Demand and Economy of Nutrient Supply through Distillers Grains with Solubles from Bioethanol Production

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    Two different distillers grains with solubles are analysed for its contents of nitrogen and phosphorus in untreated and processed fraction. Processing includes decanting, heating and anaerobic digestion. Untreated DGS contains approx. 3.3 to 8 g N·l-1 and 0.2 to 0.5 g P·l-1. These concentrations can be increased by one order of magnitude through processing. Anaerobic digestion shifts the availability of nutrients from organic fixed forms to inorganic one. Furthermore, anaerobic digestion delivers energy from methane formed rather than the consumption of energy immanent with the other ways of processing

    Unterschiede in der Entwicklung von Diät – induzierter Adipositas bei C57BL/6 Substämmen: Unterschiede in der Entwicklung von Diät – induzierter Adipositasbei C57BL/6 Substämmen: Untersuchung von phänotypischen und genetischen Unterschieden in C57BL/6 Substämmen

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    Die Prävalenz der Adipositas nimmt in Deutschland seit vielen Jahren kontinuierlich zu. Adipositas entwickelt sich auf der Grundlage und Wechselwirkung genetischer Faktoren mit Verhaltensmustern, Lebensgewohnheiten und Umwelteinflüssen. In der Adipositasforschung haben Modelltiere seit der Entdeckung des Fettgewebshormons Leptin 1994 einen wesentlichen Stellenwert erhalten. Unterschiedliche Modelle haben dazu beigetragen, die Bedeutung vererblicher Faktoren bei der Adipositas – Entstehung zu verstehen. Sogenannte transgene Tiere, mit organspezifisch induzierter Ausschaltung bzw. Über– oder Unterexpression bestimmter Gene sowie temporärer Beeinflussung von Genen, haben in den letzten 15 Jahren die biomedizinische Forschung im Adipositasfeld revolutioniert. Als Hintergrundstamm für transgene Tiere ist der Inzuchtmausstamm, C57BL/6, ein sehr verbreiteter Kontrollstamm. Der C57BL/6 Mausstamm wurde vom C57BL Stamm abgeleitet, welcher in den 1920er Jahren von C.C. Little in den Jackson Laboratories (Bar Harbor, Maine, USA) etabliert wurde. Mehr als neun C57BL/6 Substämme wurden in den 1970er Jahren generiert. Die Bezeichnung Substamm wird vorgenommen, wenn sie als Zweig eines Inzuchtstammes hervorgehen, und bekannt ist oder vermutet wird, dass er sich genetisch vom Originalstamm unterscheidet. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde überprüft, ob sich zwei C57BL/6 Substämme, der C57BL/6JRj und der C57BL/6NTac Stamm, hinsichtlich genetischer und phänotypischer Merkmale unterscheiden. Phänotypisch untersucht wurden die Ausprägung einer Diät induzierten Adipositas, Futteraufnahme, Fettmasse und die Bewegung der Tiere. Für die genetische Analyse wurden eine Single Nukleotid Polymorphismen (SNP) Analyse durchgeführt. Im Ergebnis zeigte sich, dass der C57BL/6JRj Stamm gegenüber einer Diät induzierte Adipositas geschützt ist, während der C57BL6/NTac Stamm eine signifikante Gewichtzunahme unter Hochfettbedingungen aufweist. Die tägliche Futteraufnahme der C57BL/6NTac Mäuse war signifikant reduziert, obwohl die relative viszerale Fettmasse über 50 Prozent zunahm. Die physische Aktivität zwischen beiden Substämmen unterschied sich nicht. Die genetische SNP Analyse ergab, dass sich beide Stämme in 11 SNPs voneinander unterscheiden. Zusammenfassend zeigt die Arbeit, dass sich die Substämme, C57BL/6NTac und C57BL/6JRj, der Mauslinie C57BL/6 phänotypisch und genetisch voneinander unterscheiden. Diese Arbeit unterstreicht die Wichtigkeit der kontinuierlichen Überwachung des genetischen Hintergrundes insbesondere bei der Nutzung von transgenen Tieren

    School-Class Co-Ethnic and Immigrant Density and Current Smoking among Immigrant Adolescents

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    Although the school-class is known to be an important setting for adolescent risk behavior, little is known about how the ethnic composition of a school-class impacts substance use among pupils with a migration background. Moreover, the few existing studies do not distinguish between co-ethnic density (i.e., the share of immigrants belonging to one’s own ethnic group) and immigrant density (the share of all immigrants). This is all the more surprising since a high co-ethnic density can be expected to protect against substance use by increasing levels of social support and decreasing acculturative stress, whereas a high immigrant density can be expected to do the opposite by facilitating inter-ethnic conflict and identity threat. This study analyses how co-ethnic density and immigrant density are correlated with smoking among pupils of Portuguese origin in Luxembourg. A multi-level analysis is used to analyze data from the Luxembourg Health Behavior in School-Aged Children study (N = 4268 pupils from 283 classes). High levels of co-ethnic density reduced current smoking. In contrast, high levels of immigrant density increased it. Thus, in research on the health of migrants, the distinction between co-ethnic density and immigrant density should be taken into account, as both may have opposite effects

    Potential Energy Driven Spin Manipulation via a Controllable Hydrogen Ligand

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    Spin-bearing molecules can be stabilized on surfaces and in junctions with desirable properties such as a net spin that can be adjusted by external stimuli. Using scanning probes, initial and final spin states can be deduced from topographic or spectroscopic data, but how the system transitioned between these states is largely unknown. Here we address this question by manipulating the total spin of magnetic cobalt hydride complexes on a corrugated boron nitride surface with a hydrogen- functionalized scanning probe tip by simultaneously tracking force and conductance. When the additional hydrogen ligand is brought close to the cobalt monohydride, switching between a corre- lated S = 1 /2 Kondo state, where host electrons screen the magnetic moment, and a S = 1 state with magnetocrystalline anisotropy is observed. We show that the total spin changes when the system is transferred onto a new potential energy surface defined by the position of the hydrogen in the junction. These results show how and why chemically functionalized tips are an effective tool to manipulate adatoms and molecules, and a promising new method to selectively tune spin systems

    Quantum Engineering of Spin and Anisotropy in Magnetic Molecular Junctions

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    Single molecule magnets and single spin centers can be individually addressed when coupled to contacts forming an electrical junction. In order to control and engineer the magnetism of quantum devices, it is necessary to quantify how the structural and chemical environment of the junction affects the spin center. Metrics such as coordination number or symmetry provide a simple method to quantify the local environment, but neglect the many-body interactions of an impurity spin when coupled to contacts. Here, we utilize a highly corrugated hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) monolayer to mediate the coupling between a cobalt spin in CoHx (x=1,2) complexes and the metal contact. While the hydrogen atoms control the total effective spin, the corrugation is found to smoothly tune the Kondo exchange interaction between the spin and the underlying metal. Using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy together with numerical simulations, we quantitatively demonstrate how the Kondo exchange interaction mimics chemical tailoring and changes the magnetic anisotropy

    On the correspondence between abstract dialectical frameworks and nonmonotonic conditional logics

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    The exact relationship between formal argumentation and nonmonotonic logics is a research topic that keeps on eluding researchers despite recent intensified efforts. We contribute to a deeper understanding of this relation by investigating characterizations of abstract dialectical frameworks in conditional logics for nonmonotonic reasoning. We first show that in general, there is a gap between argumentation and conditional semantics when applying several intuitive translations, but then prove that this gap can be closed when focusing on specific classes of translations

    Tracking Brownian motion in three dimensions and characterization of individual nanoparticles using a fiber-based high-finesse microcavity

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    The dynamics of nanosystems in solution contain a wealth of information with relevance for diverse fields ranging from materials science to biology and biomedical applications. When nanosystems are marked with fluorophores or strong scatterers, it is possible to track their position and reveal internal motion with high spatial and temporal resolution. However, markers can be toxic, expensive, or change the object's intrinsic properties. Here, we simultaneously measure dispersive frequency shifts of three transverse modes of a high-finesse microcavity to obtain the three-dimensional path of unlabeled SiO2_2 nanospheres with 300300μ\mathrm{\mu}s temporal and down to 88nm spatial resolution. This allows us to quantitatively determine properties such as the polarizability, hydrodynamic radius, and effective refractive index. The fiber-based cavity is integrated in a direct-laser-written microfluidic device that enables the precise control of the fluid with ultra-small sample volumes. Our approach enables quantitative nanomaterial characterization and the analysis of biomolecular motion at high bandwidth.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure