98 research outputs found

    ジドウ セイト ノ ニンゲン カンケイ チョウセイリョク ノ イクセイ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ : ニンゲン カンケイ チョウセイリョク ノ テイギ ト イクセイ プログラム ノ カイハツ オ トオシテ

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    本研究は,児童生徒が人間関係をうまく結ぶ力としての人間関係調整力を育成するために,育成プログラムの開発・検討を行うことを目的とした。それには,まず,曖昧であり,一般的な概念としては見当たらない人間関係調整力の定義から始めた。しかし,人間関係調整力につながる資質・能力については非常に多岐にわたるものとなるため,育成プログラムを開発していく上では,「他者理解力」「自己表現力」「合意形成力」の3つの力に絞って開発を進めていこうと考えた。また,指導の継続性・系統性を実現するための系統的指導目標の作成を行った。育成プログラムとしては,①人間関係調整能力の直接的な育成(特活・道徳の時間・HR等を活用した育成),②人間関係調整力につながる資質・能力の育成(教科の授業における育成)の2方面からの授業実践を行った。その結果,「他者理解力」「自己表現力」「合意形成力」のそれぞれにおいて向上が見られた。The purpose of the current study was to develop a program aimed at promoting interpersonal adjustment competency among school students. The concept of interpersonal adjustment competency was defined; based on this definition, we focused on three domains: “competency for understanding others,” “competency for expressing oneself,” and “competency for mutual agreement.” To promote sequential and systematic learning, specific education goals for the program were employed. Two basic strategies were employed: 1) direct education through extracurricular activities, ethics classes, and homeroom classes, and 2) indirect education through regular classes. Results from questionnaires and reaction papers obtained from students revealed that scores for all three competencies increased after the program. Students also reported a heightened awareness of the importance of understanding others, expressing themselves, and mutual agreement

    Evaluation of Environmental Contamination and Estimated Radiation Exposure Dose Rates among Residents Immediately after Returning Home to Tomioka Town, Fukushima Prefecture

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    On 1 April 2017, six years have passed since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) accident, and the Japanese government declared that some residents who lived in Tomioka Town, Fukushima Prefecture could return to their homes.We evaluated environmental contamination and radiation exposure dose rates due to artificial radionuclides in the livelihood zone of residents (living space such as housing sites), including a restricted area located within a 10-km radius from the FDNPS, immediately after residents had returned home in Tomioka town. In areas where the evacuation orders had been lifted, the median air dose rates were 0.20 μSv/h indoors and 0.26 μSv/h outdoors, and the radiation exposure dose rate was 1.6 mSv/y. By contrast, in the "difficult-to-return zone," the median air dose rate was 2.3 μSv/h (20 mSv/y) outdoors. Moreover, the dose-forming artificial radionuclides (radiocesium) in the surface soil were 0.018 μSv/h (0.17 mSv/y) in the evacuation order-lifted areas and 0.73 μSv/h (6.4 mSv/y) in the difficult-to-return zone. These findings indicate that current concentrations of artificial radionuclides in soil samples have been decreasing in the evacuation order-lifted areas of Tomioka town; however, a significant external exposure risk still exists in the difficult-to-return zone.The case of Tomioka town is expected to be the first reconstruction model including the difficult-to-return zone

    The Anti-Obesity Effect of the Palatinose-Based Formula Inslow is Likely due to an Increase in the Hepatic PPAR-α and Adipocyte PPAR-γ Gene Expressions

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    Abdominal obesity is a principal risk factor in the development of metabolic syndrome. Previously, we showed that a palatinose-based liquid formula, Inslow/MHN-01, suppressed postprandial plasma glucose level and reduced visceral fat accumulation better than the standard formula (SF). To elucidate the mechanism of Inslow-mediated anti-obesity effect, expression levels of genes involved in the glucose and lipid metabolism were compared in Inslow- and SF-fed rats. Both fasting plasma insulin level and average islet sizes were reduced in the Inslow group. We also found less abdominal fat accumulation and reduced hepatic triacylglycerol content in the Inslow group. Expression of the β-oxidation enzymes and uncoupling potein-2 (UCP-2) mRNAs in the liver of the Inslow group were higher than the SF group, which was due to a concomitant higher expression of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-α mRNA in the former. Furthermore, expression of the UCP-2 and adiponectin mRNAs in the epididymal fat were higher in the Inslow group than the SF group, and were stimulated by a concomitant increase of the PPAR-γ gene expression in the former. These results strongly suggested that the anti-obesity effect of Inslow was due to an increase in the hepatic PPAR-α and adipocyte PPAR-γ gene expressions

    Search for Outer Massive Bodies around Transiting Planetary Systems: Candidates of Faint Stellar Companions around HAT-P-7

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    We present results of direct imaging observations for HAT-P-7 taken with the Subaru HiCIAO and the Calar Alto AstraLux. Since the close-in transiting planet HAT-P-7b was reported to have a highly tilted orbit, massive bodies such as giant planets, brown dwarfs, or a binary star are expected to exist in the outer region of this system. We show that there are indeed two candidates for distant faint stellar companions around HAT-P-7. We discuss possible roles played by such companions on the orbital evolution of HAT-P-7b. We conclude that as there is a third body in the system as reported by Winn et al. (2009, ApJL, 763, L99), the Kozai migration is less likely while planet-planet scattering is possible.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, PASJ in pres

    B ビョウイン ノ サンゴ ケアニュウイン ノ カダイ ニ ツイテ ノ イチコウサツ : -サンゴ 4カゲツ マデノ ハハオヤ ノ イクジ サポート ジョウキョウ ノ チョウサケッカ カラ -

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    背景 近年, 乳幼児虐待予防の観点から産後ケア事業が注目されている. A県のB病院は, 産後ケア入院事業を開設したが, 利用者が少なく事業目的が果たせていない現状である.目的 産後4ヶ月までの育児サポート状況を明確化し, A県B病院の産後ケア入院の課題について考察することを目的とする.方法 産後4ヶ月から1年未満の母親37名を対象に, 産後4ヶ月までのサポート状況と満足度, 専門家に望むサポート, 産後ケア入院に関する質問紙調査を行った.結果および考察 産後1ヶ月までの主な育児サポート者は実母82.9%, 夫68.6%で, 満足群は95.1%であった. 産後1ヶ月以降は, 夫85.7%, 実母94.3%で, サポート者なしが2.9%で, 満足群は82.9%であったが, 不満足群が2.9%から17.1%に増加したことから, この時期の育児サポートは必要性が高いと考える. 産後ケア入院について 「知らない」 者は62.9%であった. 「知らない」 者のうち50%は 「事前に知っていたら利用した」 と回答しており, 効果的な広報活動が必要である.Background The postpartum care enterprise attracts attention. Although B hospital of A prefecture established the postpartum care hospitalization enterprise, a user is the present condition that the business purpose cannot be achieved few.Objective The childcare support situation by four months of postpartum is clarified, and it aims at considering the subject of postpartum care hospitalization of an A prefectural B hospital.Methods Candidates are 37 mothers for less than one year from four months of postpartum.Results/Discussion The main support persons by one month of postpartum were 82.9% of a biological mother, and 68.6% of a husband, and the satisfactory group was 95.1%. The support persons after one month of postpartum were 85.7% of a husband, and 94.3% of a biological mother, those without a support person were 2.9%, and the satisfactory group was 82.9%. However, the dissatisfied group to child-rearing increased to 17.1% from 2.9%.Therefore, I think that the childcare support after one month of postpartum has high necessity. Next, those who "do not know" postpartum care hospitalization were 62.9%.Since 50% of those who "do not know" postpartum care hospitalization answered, "It used when knowing in advance", it thinks that effective publicity work is required

    Support for UNRWA's survival

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    The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) provides life-saving humanitarian aid for 5·4 million Palestine refugees now entering their eighth decade of statelessness and conflict. About a third of Palestine refugees still live in 58 recognised camps. UNRWA operates 702 schools and 144 health centres, some of which are affected by the ongoing humanitarian disasters in Syria and the Gaza Strip. It has dramatically reduced the prevalence of infectious diseases, mortality, and illiteracy. Its social services include rebuilding infrastructure and homes that have been destroyed by conflict and providing cash assistance and micro-finance loans for Palestinians whose rights are curtailed and who are denied the right of return to their homeland

    Field Effect of Alcohol, Cigarette Smoking, and Their Cessation on the Development of Multiple Dysplastic Lesions and Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Long-term Multicenter Cohort Study

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    [Background and Aims] Multiple developments of squamous dysplasia and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in the upper aerodigestive tract have been explained by field cancerization phenomenon and were associated with alcohol and cigarette use. Second primary SCC development after curative treatment impairs patients’ quality of life and survival; however, how these consumption and cessation affect field cancerization is still unknown. [Methods] This is a multicenter cohort study including 331 patients with superficial esophageal SCC (ESCC) treated endoscopically and pooled data from 1022 healthy subjects for comparison. Physiological condition in the background esophageal mucosa was classified into 3 groups based on the number of Lugol-voiding lesions (LVLs) per endoscopic view: grade A, 0; grade B, 1–9; or grade C, ≥10 LVLs. Lifestyle surveys were conducted using a self-administered questionnaire. Patients were counseled on the need for alcohol and smoking cessation by physicians and were endoscopically surveyed every 6 months. [Results] LVL grades were positively associated with alcohol drinking intensity, flushing reactions, smoking, and high-temperature food and were negatively associated with eating green and yellow vegetables and fruit. Second primary ESCC and head/neck SCC were significantly more prevalent in the grade C LVL (cumulative 5-y incidences 47.1%, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 38.0–57.2 and 13.3%, 95% CI = 8.1–21.5, respectively). Alcohol and smoking cessation significantly reduced the development of second primary ESCC (adjusted hazard ratios 0.47, 95% = CI 0.26–0.85 and 0.49, 95% CI = 0.26–0.91, respectively). [Conclusion] Alcohol drinking, smoking, flushing reaction, and high-temperature food were closely associated with field cancerization, and cessation of alcohol and smoking significantly reduced the risk of development of second primary cancer. UMIN Clinical Trials Registry ID:UMIN000001676