272 research outputs found
Utjecaji meÄuratnoga perioda na fotografiju socijalistiÄkoga realizma u Hrvatskoj i Srbiji (Sažetak)
The paper analyzes the photography of socialist realism using examples from several key photographers from the former Yugoslavia. The authors in this paper mostly belong to the Zagreb and Belgrade photography scene and the generation of photographers that appeared during the 1930s and 1940s. At the time of their appearance on the photography scene, several important events occurred. One of them is the international exhibition Film und Foto in Zagreb in 1930. This event and the emergence of certain trends in photography, such as straight photography and New Objectivity, certainly influenced photography in the local environment, which would mostly manifest after the Second World War with the emergence of socialist realism.Älanak analizira fotografiju socijalistiÄkoga realizma na primjeru radova nekoliko kljuÄnih fotografa u povijesti fotografije bivÅ”e Jugoslavije. U pitanju su autori koji su mahom pripadali zagrebaÄkoj i beogradskoj fotografskoj sceni i generaciji fotografa koja se pojavila tridesetih i Äetrdesetih godina 20. stoljeÄa. U vrijeme njihove pojave na fotografskoj sceni nekoliko je važnih dogaÄaja. MeÄu njima je svakako gostovanje internacionalne izložbe Film und Foto u Zagrebu 1930. godine. Ovaj dogaÄaj i pojava nekih svjetskih pokreta u fotografiji, poput Äiste ili prave fotografije, nove objektivnosti, svakako da su imali neki utjecaj i na fotografiju na ovim prostorima koji Äe se najviÅ”e oÄitovati poslije Drugoga svjetskog rata s pojavom socijalistiÄkoga realizma
The role of personality, self-concept and defensive motivation in predicting maths anxiety
IN ENGLISH: The goal of this research was to explore the relationships between personality, self- concept, learning strategies and mathematics anxiety in elementary school students. The sample consisted of 511 8th grade students from 36 Croatian elementary schools who completed the Maths Anxiety Scale, Big Five Inventory, the Self-Description Questionnaire-II and measures of self-regulatory learning strategies to assess self-handicapping, defensive pessimism and external attribution of failure. Separate hierarchical regression analyses were conducted by gender to test the predictive power of personality, self-concept and defensive motivational strategies on mathematics anxiety. Results indicate that the variables explained significant variance for both genders (girls R-square = .54 ; boys R- square = .38). Personality, self-concept and motivational strategies were all related to maths anxiety, however, a different pattern emerged with respect to gender. Maths self-concept is significantly negatively related to maths anxiety for both genders, while for boys, maths anxiety is related to low agreeableness and the use of external attribution of failure, and in girls it is predicted by higher neuroticism and defensive pessimism. Results indicate that maladaptive patterns of academic beliefs, motivations and behaviour related to mathematics in Croatian students are to some extent gender-specific, thus calling for specific intervention strategies tailored for boys and girls. --------------- IN CROATIAN: Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je istražiti odnose izmeÄu osobina liÄnosti, samopoimanja, strategija uÄenja i straha od matematike kod uÄenika osnovnih Å”kola. Uzorak se sastojao od 511 uÄenika 8. razreda iz 36 hrvatskih osnovnih Å”kola. Sudionici su ispunili Skalu za ispitivanje straha od matematike, Big Five inventar liÄnosti, Self-Description Questionnaire-II i mjere samoregulirajuÄih strategija uÄenja za procjenu samohendikepiranja, defanzivnog pesimizma i vanjske atribucije neuspjeha. Da bi se provjerila prediktivna snaga osobina liÄnosti, samopoimanja i defanzivnih motivacijskih strategija u objaÅ”njenju straha od matematike, provedene su odvojene hijerarhijske regresijske analize na poduzorku uÄenica i uÄenika. Rezultati pokazuju da ukljuÄene varijable objaÅ”njavaju znaÄajan dio varijance straha od matematike kod oba roda (uÄenice R2 = .54; uÄenici R2 = .38). Osobine liÄnosti, samopoimanje i motivacijske strategije uÄenja u oba su sluÄaja znaÄajno povezane sa strahom od matematike, no uoÄljiv je razliÄit obrazac povezanosti s obzirom na rod sudionika. MatematiÄko samopoimanje znaÄajno je negativno povezano sa strahom od matematike kod oba roda, dok je kod uÄenika strah od matematike povezan i s niskom ugodnoÅ”Äu i vanjskom atribucijom neuspjeha, a kod uÄenica i s viÅ”im neuroticizmom i defanzivnim pesimizmom. Rezultati upuÄuju da su maladaptivni obrasci akademskih uvjerenja, motivacije i ponaÅ”anja povezani s matematikom kod hrvatskih uÄenika donekle rodno specifiÄni, Å”to upuÄuje na potrebu provedbe specifiÄnih intervencija prilagoÄenih uÄenicima i uÄenicama
Interkulturna dimenzija Ŕkolskog kurikuluma
U radu se analizira naÄin na koji Å”kole u svojim kurikulumima primjenjuju interkulturalizam kako je definiran u Nacionalnom okvirnom kurikulumu. Nakon teorijskog uvoda, analizirani su kurikulumi pet Å”kola iz razliÄitih dijelova Hrvatske koji su izraÄeni u okviru projekta Razvoj kurikulumske kulture: Osnaživanje Å”kola za razvoj i implementaciju Å”kolskog kurikuluma. Rezultati ukazuju da se u analiziranim Å”kolskim kurikulumima interkulturno obrazovanje operacionalizira na razliÄite naÄine, ovisno o specifiÄnosti Å”kole i sredine u kojoj Å”kola djeluje. Stoga ono pokriva razliÄite teme kao Å”to su npr. upoznavanje sredozemnih kultura, romske kulture, islama i židovstva, suradnju sa Å”kolama iz susjednih zemalja i sl. U veÄini analiziranih kurikuluma vidljiva je neravnomjerna zastupljenost komponenti interkulturne kompetencije, pri Äemu je dominantan razvoj njezine kognitivne komponente
Osobnost brenda destinacije i predviÄanje ponaÅ”ajnih namjera turista: primjer grada Splita
U fokusu rada dva su fenomena koja su, iako donekle neobiÄna, relativno
uvriježena u opÄoj literaturi o ponaÅ”anju potroÅ”aÄa i upravljanju klasiÄnim brendovima
ā percepcija osobnosti brenda te samoprocjena podudarnosti izmeÄu osobnosti
pojedinca i osobnosti brenda. U okviru rada te se fenomene razmatra u kontekstu
istraživanja ponaÅ”anja turista i marketinga mjesta, odnosno turistiÄke destinacije. Kada
je rijeÄ o destinacijskim brendovima, percepcija osobnosti brenda odnosi se na viÄenje
toga kakva bi destinacija bila kad bi bila osoba, tj. procjenu skupa ljudskih osobina
povezanih s destinacijom. Procjena samo-podudarnosti pak podrazumijeva izjaŔnjavanje
osobe o tome koliko je njezina osobnost sukladna percipiranoj osobnosti destinacije.
Online istraživanjem u kojem su sudjelovali mlaÄi domaÄi posjetitelji grada Splita
(N = 263) ispitana je struktura percipirane osobnosti grada Splita te je analizirana uloga
koju percepcija osobnosti destinacije i procjena samo-podudarnosti imaju u predviÄanju
ponaŔajnih namjera turista (preporuka i ponovni posjet). Rezultati pokazuju da
sudionici u najveÄoj mjeri doživljavaju Split kao lijep, opuÅ”ten i veseo, a u najmanjoj
mjeri kao radiŔan, glamurozan i zapadni. Oni sudionici koji osobnost Splita doživljavaju
pozitivnijom te svoju osobnost procjenjuju sukladnijom osobnosti Splita skloniji
su tome da drugima preporuÄe posjet Splitu od onih sudionika koji se ne smatraju
sliÄnima Splitu te ga opÄenito doživljavaju negativnijim. Ponovni posjet predviÄa samo
percepcija osobnosti destinacije, pri Äemu je vjerojatnije da se u Split vrate one osobe
koje njegovu osobnost vide pozitivnijom. U okviru rasprave o nalazima istaknute su
osnovne metodoloÅ”ke zamjerke ovom i sliÄnim istraživanjima te navedene neke smjernice
za buduÄa istraživanja i praksu. (IN ENGLISH: This paper focuses on two phenomena that are quite unusual, but relatively often present in
the literature about consumer behaviour and traditional brand management ā brand personality
and self-congruity. Here they are examined within the framework of touristsā behaviour
and destination management. Consequently, brand personality relates to the perception of
destination as if it were a person, i.e. the assessment of a set of human characteristics associated
with the destination. Self-congruity stands for the assessment of the congruence between
oneās personality and destinationās personality. Online research on the sample of young domestic
tourists of the city of Split (N = 263) examined the structure of the perceived destination
personality of Split, and explored the role that the perceived destination personality and
self-congruity have in predicting touristsā behavioural intentions (recommendation and return).
The participants mostly perceived Split as beautiful, relaxed and cheerful, and the least
as hard-working, glamorous and western. Those participants who assessed the personality of
Split more positively and estimated their personality to correspond more to the personality
of Split, had greater tendency to recommend Split, in comparison to those participants who
did not see themselves to be similar to Split and assessed its personality more negatively. The
intention to return was only predicted by the perceived destination personality, with those
participants seeing the personality of Split more positively being more likely to visit again.
The discussion section includes some observations on the methodological shortcomings of
this and similar studies, as well as some guidelines for the forthcoming research and practice.
Chest pain is one of the most common clinical entities in the emergency room (ER) and it can be divided into the pain of cardiac and non-cardiac origin. This report aims to show the importance of diagnostic treatment for a patient with chest pain.Bol u prsima jedan je od najÄeÅ”Äih kliniÄkih entiteta s kojim se susreÄemo na objedinjenom hitnom bolniÄkom prijemu (OHBP), a prema uzroku može se podijeliti na bol kardijalnog i nekardijalnog podrijetla. Cilj je rada ukazati na važnost dijagnostiÄke obrade pacijenta s boli u prsima
Visualisations in Mathematics
U ovom diplomskom radu prikazani su dokazi nekih matematiÄkih tvrdnji pomoÄu
slika, preko kojih bi se uÄenicima u osnovnim pa i u srednjim Å”kolama mogao probuditi
interes za prouÄavanje matematike. PoÄinjemo prikazivanjem brojeva preko poznatih
objekata te preko duljine dužina, a zatim upoznavajuÄi se sa poploÄavanjima
ravnine u kojima uvodimo neke vrste poliomina, dotiÄemo se dokaza Teorema Äetiri
boje. Za kraj odlazimo u tri dimenzije, odnosno rjeŔavamo probleme koji se u ravnini
Äine nerjeÅ”ivi, no pogledamo li izvan okvira, tj. u prostoru, vrlo lako dolazimo
do rjeŔenja.In this graduate thesis, some proofs of mathematical claims are illustrated with
the help of images i.e. illustrations by which students in elementary and secondary
schools could awaken interest for studying and elaborating mathematics. We begin
by displaying numbers by graphical elements and over lengths of segments and then
getting familiar with tiling of the plane in which we introduce some types of polyominos,
which leads to mentioning some parts of the Four color theorem proof. Lastly
we discuss about three dimensions, apropos we solve problems which in plane seem
unsolvable, but if we look out of the box, i.e. in space, we can reach the solution
very eas
Determinants of students' mathematics self-concept: analysis of gender universalities and specificities
The aim of the research was to examine the role that personality variables, mathematics anxiety, stereotypes about mathematics as a male domain and the perception of mathematics teachersā role and behaviour have in explaining studentsā mathematics self-concept, over and above the information about their mathematics success. The participants were 8th grade students from 36 primary schools from Zagreb and the Zagreb County (N=511). The analysis of the contribution of the above-mentioned predictors was conducted on male and female samples separately. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed the contributions of individual variables and the overall contribution to the explanation of boysā (R=0.63) and girlsā (R=0.72) mathematics self- concept. Mathematics success was the strongest determinant of mathematics self-concept for both gender groups. Personality, i.e. conscientiousness was the gender-specific determinant that only contributed to the explanation of girlsā mathematics self-concept. The opposite was true for stereotypes about mathematics. Mathematics anxiety and the perception of teachersā role and behaviour were gender-universal determinants. The findings can serve to inform evidence-based planning and implementation of both gender universal and specific interventions for the enhancement of mathematics self- concept. (IN CROATIAN: Cilj istraživanja bio je razmotriti ulogu koju u objaÅ”njenju matematiÄkog samopoimanja, osim uspjeha u matematici, imaju osobine liÄnosti, matematiÄka anksioznost, stereotipi o matematici kao muÅ”kom podruÄju i percepcija uloge i ponaÅ”anja nastavnika matematike. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 511 uÄenika 8. razreda iz 36 osnovnih Å”kola u Zagrebu i ZagrebaÄkoj županiji. Analiza doprinosa spomenutih prediktora napravljena je na rodno odijeljenim uzorcima. Hijerarhijskim regresijskim analizama utvrÄeni su pojedinaÄni doprinosi varijabli i ukupni doprinos prediktora objaÅ”njenju varijance matematiÄkog samopoimanja uÄenika (R = 0.63) i uÄenica (R = 0.72). Uspjeh u matematici najsnažnija je odrednica matematiÄkog samopoimanja obiju rodnih skupina. LiÄnost, toÄnije, savjesnost rodno je specifiÄna determinanta koja doprinosi objaÅ”njenju varijance matematiÄkog samopoimanja uÄenica, ali ne i uÄenika. Obrnuto vrijedi za stereotipe o matematici koji su se pokazali rodno specifiÄnom determinantom samopoimanja uÄenika. Strah od matematike, percepcija uloge i ponaÅ”anja nastavnika rodno su univerzalne odrednice. Rezultati mogu doprinijeti utemeljenom planiranju i primjeni univerzalnih i specifiÄnih intervencija za poboljÅ”anje matematiÄkog samopoimanja uÄenica i uÄenika.
The association between personality, cognitive ability and proneness to prejudice towards different social groups
Istraživanja pokazuju da postoji pozitivna povezanost meÄu predrasudama prema
razliÄitim druÅ”tvenim skupinama, kao i odreÄena vremenska stabilnost te stabilnost rang
poretka u izraženosti predrasuda. Sukladno tome, opravdano je pretpostaviti da, osim nestalnih,
kontekstualnih faktora, antecedente izraženosti predrasuda mogu predstavljati i neke trajnije
dispozicije pojedinca. Cilj doktorskog rada je produbiti razumijevanje dispozicijskih osnova za
sklonost predrasudama prema razliÄitim druÅ”tvenim skupinama, odnosno pobliže istražiti odnos
osobina liÄnosti i kognitivnih sposobnosti s generaliziranim predrasudama. Istraživanje na
kojem se rad temelji provedeno je na reprezentativnom uzorku maturanata iz Grada Zagreba i
ZagrebaÄke županije (N = 1034). Istraživanjem su prikupljeni kvantitativni podaci o
kognitivnim sposobnostima, osobinama liÄnosti, desnoj autoritarnosti, orijentaciji na socijalnu
dominaciju te predrasudama prema starijim osobama, pretilim osobama, psihiÄki oboljelim
osobama, ateistima, gej muŔkarcima i imigrantima. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je
pozitivne interkorelacije izraženosti predrasuda prema pretilima, psihiÄki oboljelima, ateistima,
gej muÅ”karcima i imigrantima moguÄe objasniti latentnim g faktorom predrasuda koji upuÄuje
na sklonost generaliziranim predrasudama. Najvažniji korelati generaliziranih predrasuda su
orijentacija na socijalnu dominaciju, desna autoritarnost, otvorenost prema iskustvu i
kognitivne sposobnosti. Zajedno s ostalim dimenzijama liÄnosti iz petofaktorskog modela, ove
varijable objaÅ”njavaju tri Äetvrtine varijance latentnog konstrukta generaliziranih predrasuda.
Kognitivne sposobnosti i pored otvorenosti prema iskustvu imaju jedinstven doprinos predikciji
kriterija. Analiza mehanizama djelovanja dispozicijskih varijabli na generalizirane predrasude
pokazala je da: (1.) otvorenost prema iskustvu i kognitivne sposobnosti imaju na generalizirane
predrasude izravne i neizravne negativne efekte posredovane desnom autoritarnosti i
orijentacijom na socijalnu dominaciju; (2.) ugodnost ima neizravni pozitivni efekt posredovan
desnom autoritarnosti i neizravni negativni efekt posredovan orijentacijom na socijalnu
dominaciju; (3.) neuroticizam ima izravni i neizravni negativni efekt posredovan orijentacijom
na socijalnu dominaciju; (4.) ekstraverzija i savjesnost imaju iskljuÄivo neizravne pozitivne
efekte posredovane desnom autoritarnosti. Primarni doprinos istraživanja ogleda se u Äinjenici
da pruža uvid u, ranije nedovoljno istražen, meÄuodnos osobina liÄnosti i kognitivnih
sposobnosti u kontekstu predikcije predrasuda.Introduction. Prejudice most often denotes negative attitude towards a social group or
its members. Previous studies revealed a positive correlation between prejudices towards
different social groups, as well as certain time stability and rank-order stability of prejudice.
This suggests that individual's dispositions, along with contextual factors, may play a
significant role as antecedents of prejudice. This thesis focuses on personality and cognitive
ability as possible precursors of prejudice.
Three theories seem to be especially relevant when examining the relationship between
dispositions and prejudice: McCrae and Costaās (2008) meta-theoretical framework of the FiveFactor
Theory (FFT) of personality, Duckittās (2001) Dual-process motivational model of
ideology and prejudice (DPM) and Dhont and Hodsonās (2014) Cognitive Ability and Style to
Evaluation (CASE) model. According to the FFT, dispositions (as basic tendencies) should
relate to the ideological attitudes (as characteristic adaptations), which should further relate to
prejudice, ethnocentrism or discrimination (as objective biography). This is in line with the
postulates of the other two relevant theoretical frameworks. As stated in the DPM, the exposure
to threatening and competitive social surroundings results in the development of social
conformity (i.e. low openness and high conscientiousness) and toughmindedness (i.e. low
agreeableness). A person characterized by high social conformity reacts sensitively to signs of
threat within society and is eager to protect the established norms at any cost. Individuals
characterized by high toughmindedness perceive the world as a competitive jungle and tend to
be unattached and interpersonally aversive. These characteristics bring forward the
motivational goals for security and power (embodied in the right-wing authoritarianism and
social dominance orientation), which ultimately lead to prejudice. Finally, according to the
CASE model, lower cognitive ability and higher need for structure, order and predictability
enhance the perception of changing social environment as threatening. This leads to the
activation of the prevention focus, aimed at keeping the status quo. Perceived threat and
prevention focus can further lead to the right-wing, socially conservative attitudes that are
related to the resistance to change, and consequently, stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination.
The causal order of these modelsā components was supported both experimentally and
longitudinally. Although this thesis did not comprehensively test any of the above-mentioned
theoretical models, it largely aligned with the FFT, the DPM and the CASE model predictions
when building its hypotheses. The aim of the study. The aim of the study is to deepen the understanding of the
dispositional basis of proneness to prejudice. Empirical study was conducted examining the
relationship of personality traits and cognitive ability with generalized prejudice. It also
explored the mechanisms underlying the effects of dispositions on generalized prejudice and
analyzed the interdependence of dispositional predictors of generalized prejudice.
Methodology and data analysis. The study was conducted on a representative sample of
secondary school students from the City of Zagreb, Croatia and the Zagreb County. Participants
were 17-20 years old and were attending their final year of secondary education (N = 1034).
The measures encompassed dispositional variables - Big Five personality traits and cognitive
ability, ideological variables - right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation, as
well as different measures of prejudice - prejudice towards elderly people, prejudice towards
overweight people, prejudice towards individuals with mental illnesses, prejudice towards
atheists, prejudice towards gay men and prejudice towards immigrants. The data was analyzed
using exploratory factor analysis and series of regression analyses. In addition, structural
equation modelling with latent variables was performed.
Results and discussion. Results revealed that positive correlation between the measures
of prejudice towards overweight people, individuals with mental illnesses, atheists, gay men
and immigrants can be explained by the latent g factor of prejudice. Prejudice towards elderly
people shared less variance with other measures of prejudice and appeared to be somewhat suboptimal
indicator of the g factor of prejudice. Therefore, this indicator was not included in the
definition of the generalized prejudice construct. The lower correlation of this specific prejudice
measure with the g factor was discussed with respect to the following: the peculiarity of this
group as an untypical out-group; the prevailing norm of nurturance of traditional values in
contemporary Croatian society; and the opposite direction of its relations to the ideological
variables of right-wing authoritarianism [-] and social dominance orientation [+].
Generalized prejudice was strongly positively correlated to right-wing authoritarianism
and social dominance orientation and moderately negatively correlated to openness to
experience and cognitive ability. There was a low negative correlation of generalized prejudice
with neuroticism and low positive correlation of generalized prejudice with extraversion and
conscientiousness. The correlation of generalized prejudice with agreeableness was low and
statistically insignificant. The ideological variables, followed by openness to experience and
cognitive ability, appeared to be the most pertinent correlates of generalized prejudice. The
latter is in accordance with the theoretical background and previous empirical evidence about
these relationships. In the thesis, only tentative interpretations of the relationships of extraversion, conscientiousness and neuroticism with generalized prejudice were given, since
the correlations were low and the earlier findings were incongruent or inconsistent. The
unexpected finding revealing the non-significant relationship of agreeableness and generalized
prejudice was discussed in regard to the opposing direction of the correlations of agreeableness
with right-wing authoritarianism [+] and social dominance orientation [-], as well as regarding
the fact that the Big Five Inventory was used as a measure of personality traits.
A set of dispositional and ideological variables explained about three quarters of the
variance of the generalized prejudice latent variable. The dispositional predictors appeared to
be as useful in explaining the variance of generalized prejudice as the ideological variables
(with contribution shared with dispositional variables accounted for). The results indicated a
statistically significant contribution to the prediction of generalized prejudice by all the
individual predictors. The most important predictors were social dominance orientation, rightwing
authoritarianism and openness to experience. Importantly, cognitive ability and openness
to experience had non-redundant contributions to the explanation of the variance of the
generalized prejudice.
The present study also investigated the mechanisms underlying the effects of
dispositional variables on generalized prejudice. The analysis of direct and indirect effects
resulted in several notable conclusions. Firstly, the effect of the openness to experience and
cognitive ability on generalized prejudice was threefold: (1.) direct negative effects of these
variables suggested that higher openness to experience and higher cognitive ability were
associated with lower generalized prejudice; (2.) indirect negative effects via right-wing
authoritarianism suggested that individuals with higher openness to experience and higher
cognitive ability were more inclined to reject right-wing attitudes and thus had lower
generalized prejudice; and (3.) indirect negative effects via social dominance orientation
indicated that individuals who were more open to new experiences and had higher cognitive
ability were less focused on establishing hierarchy in social relations and thus less inclined to
generalized prejudice. Secondly, agreeableness had a dual contrasting effect on generalized
prejudice via right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation: (1.) an indirect
positive effect via right-wing authoritarianism suggested that more agreeable individuals were
more inclined to adhere to right-wing ideology and thus more inclined to generalized prejudice,
while (2.) an indirect negative effect via social dominance orientation suggested that the more
agreeable individuals were less supportive of social domination and thus, indirectly, less prone
to generalized prejudice. Thirdly, the effect of neuroticism on generalized prejudice was
twofold: (1.) a direct negative effect suggested that higher neuroticism (trait more characteristic of female compared to male participants) was associated with lower generalized prejudice,
while (2.) an indirect negative effect via social dominance orientation suggested that the
individuals with higher neuroticism preferred egalitarian social relations and thus demonstrated
lower generalized prejudice. Finally, extraversion and conscientiousness had positive effects
on generalized prejudice, mediated by the right-wing authoritarianism - more extroverted and
conscientious individuals were more inclined to favor right-wing authoritarian tendencies and
thus, indirectly, were more inclined to generalized prejudice. Comparing the magnitude of
indirect effects of dispositions for which both ideological variables served as mediators of the
effect on generalized prejudice, right-wing authoritarianism was found to be more important
mediator in the case of openness to experience, and social dominance orientation was found to
be more important mediator in the case of agreeableness and cognitive ability. In sum, both
right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation appeared to be of vital importance
in ensuring the mechanism through which the dispositions exerted its effects to prejudice, since
the former mediated the effects of five, and the latter mediated the effects of four (out of six
examined) dispositional variables to generalized prejudice. In addition, none of the
dispositional variables had exclusively direct effect on generalized prejudice. Rather, indirect
effects always followed the identified direct effects. However, it should be borne in mind that
the robustness of some (unforeseen) mechanisms might be brought into question by the
upcoming research, since the significance of some of the effects may well be influenced by the
fact that the analysis was performed on a large sample.
Conclusion. The present research contributes to better understanding of the role of
personality traits and cognitive ability as precursors of (generalized) prejudice, especially with
respect to their interdependence. A deeper understanding of the dispositional basis of proneness
to prejudice serves as one of the preconditions for the integration of these constructs into the
models that include a wider spectrum of prejudice antecedents. Indirectly, the research fuels
further advancement in the study of nature and determinants of prejudice and provides a basis
for the development of more effective interventions for prejudice reduction
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