25 research outputs found

    Rappel historique et aspects stratigraphiques et taphonomiques du gisement pléistocène supérieur d'Arenal de son Servera (Majorque, îles Baléares)

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    The upper Pleistocene deposit of Arenal de son Servera is reviewed using data from earlier works and new considerations based on its stratigraphy and taphonomical aspects of the fossils. In the present study, five different kinds of facies are identified: [1] palaeosols with pebbles from the Miocene basement, [2] aeolianites, [3] foreshore deposits with thermophilous molluscan fossil fauna, [4] palaeosols resulting from the pedogenesis of the beach units, and [5] bioclastic channelled deposits eroding the underlaying units. The detailed taphonomical analysis revealed that the fossils enclosed in these rocks remained on the sea bottom for a significant amount of time, but they were not bioeroded, perhaps because a submerged sand bar repeatedly buried and exhumed them. In addition, the fact that Persististrombus latus shells are in their position of maximum stability allows to infer that they were washed up on the shore during moderately energetic events, possibly comparable to present-day ordinary storms. These two last points could be of interest to the field of coastal management, as they provide insight on the scope of physical changes these systems could undergo in the present warming of the Mediterranean.Le gisement pléistocène supérieur d'Arenal de son Servera est révisé grâce aux données d'études antérieures et à de nouvelles considérations sur sa stratigraphie et les aspects taphonomiques de ses fossiles. À l'occasion de cette étude, cinq différents types de faciès ont été reconnus: [1] des paléosols avec galets provenant du socle miocène, [2] des éolianites, [3] des dépôts d'estran à faune de mollusques fossiles thermophiles, [4] des paléosols issus de la pédogenèse des dépôts de plage, et [5] des dépôts bioclastiques chenalisants érodant les unités sous-jacentes. L'analyse taphonomique détaillée montre que les fossiles contenus dans ces roches ont résidé sur le fond marin pendant un laps de temps considérable, mais qu'ils n'étaient pas bio-érodés pour autant, peut-être parce qu'un banc de sable marin les a recouverts et découverts à de nombreuses reprises. De plus, le fait que les coquilles de Persististrombus latus sont retrouvées dans leur position de stabilité optimale laisse penser qu'elles aient été drossées sur la côte lors d'événements d'énergie modérée, vraisemblablement comparables aux tempêtes ordinaires actuelles. Ces deux derniers points pourraient présenter un intérêt dans le domaine de la gestion côtière, car ils permettent d'observer les changements physiques que ces systèmes peuvent enregistrer à l'occasion du réchauffement actuel de la Méditerranée

    Noves dades sobre l'os d'un tetràpode de gran mida del Permià mitjà-superior de Menorca (Mediterrània occidental)

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    A escala mundial, el Permià és un període geològic molt rellevant, ja que conté el registre del món abans de l'extinció massiva més grossa que hi ha haguda mai. Aquests ecosistemes eren complexos i, pel que fa als tetràpodes terrestres, hi havia dues línies evolutives dominants: els sauròpsids (grup que conté els actuals rèptils i aucells) i els sinàpsids (que conté els actuals mamífers). Tot i que hi ha roques d'aquest període que afloren a les Balears, aquestes han estat històricament molt poc estudiades. El present article descriu i analitza la primera resta fòssil de tetràpode que es va trobar al Permià de Menorca, consistent en un os de gran mida. El seu estudi detallat permet d'identificar-lo com una escàpula, però el fet que sigui incomplet i que no estigui preparat fa difícil d'assignar-lo a un grup de tetràpodes concret. La seva morfologia recorda a les escàpules dels pararrèptils pareiasaures, als sinàpsids «pelicosaures» esfenacodonts i als sinàpsids teràpsids. S'han trobat representants de tots tres grups en regions paleogeogràficament properes durant el Permià mitjà i superior. En qualsevol cas, aquest exemplar representa un nou registre per a la fauna del Permià de Menorca, i evidencia la importància de futurs mostreigs a la zona que puguin recuperar noves restes

    Documentació d'un peix del Miocè inferior d'Esporles (Mallorca, illes Balears, Mediterrània occidental)

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    Els fòssils de peixos són molt abundants a certs jaciments de les illes Balears. Generalment, però, aquests compareixen en forma de dents aïllades o otòlits; els fòssils d'espècimens complets són molt escassos. En aquesta nota es documenta un exemplar històric d'un peix fòssil complet i molt ben conservat trobat a Esporles (Mallorca), actualment perdut. Es determina que prové d'un aflorament del Miocè inferior, i concretament d'una fàcies litoral que pertany a la Formació Sant Elm. Les fotografies permeten afirmar que es tracta d'un teleosti. Baldament sia de manera preliminar, aquesta nota presenta el testimoni d'un fòssil significatiu per al registre de Balears. Aquest es podrà esmentar per completar futures reconstruccions dels paleoecosistemes d'aquesta edat a Mallorca

    Tàxons inèdits o poc coneguts per al Pleistocè superior litoral de Mallorca (Illes Balears, Mediterrani occidental) i consideracions sobre alguns jaciments

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    [cat]Es documenten per primera vegada al registre fòssil del Pleistocè superior de Mallorca els següents tàxons: Turritella turbona Monterosato, 1877, Semicassis saburon (Bruguière, 1792), Aporrhais pespelecani (Linnaeus, 1758) i Conus tabidus Reeve, 1844, essent aquesta darrera espècie una nova cita al registre fòssil i una espècie inclosa dins la fauna termòfila anomenada ‘senegalesa’. S’afegeixen, a més, un extens conjunt d’espècies inèdites als jaciments d’on provenen, algunes de rellevància paleoclimàtica i paleoecològica. Es citen restes de Myotragus balearicus Bate, 1909 dins un dipòsit litoral del OISS-5e, cas inèdit a Balears. En darrer terme, es fan algunes consideracions sobre l’estratigrafia d’algunes localitats com illeta de camp de Mar, punta Negra, torre de s’Estalella, na Llarga, cala Murada, cala Morlanda, cala Mosca, cala Nau, cala Mesquida i torrent de son Real.[eng]The following taxa are reported for the first time in the fossil record of the late Pleistocene of Majorca: Turritella turbona Monterosato, 1877, Semicassis saburon (Bruguière, 1792), Aporrhais pespelecani (Linnaeus, 1758) and Conus tabidus Reeve, 1844. Conus tabidus, included in the so-called ‘senegalese’ thermophilous fauna, is also a new species for the fossil record. What is more, an extensive number of unlisted species in particular localities is also added, some with paleoclimatic and paleoecological significance. Fossil remains of Myotragus balearicus Bate, 1909 are also recorded for the first time from an OISS-5e litoral deposit. Finally, considerations about some localities such as Illeta de camp de Mar, Punta Negra, Torre de s’Estalella, Na Llarga, Cala Murada, Cala Morlanda, Cala Mosca, Cala Nau, Cala Mesquida and Torrent de son Real are also briefly discussed

    Report of a fish from the lower Miocene of Esporles (Mallorca, Balearic Islands, western Mediterranean)

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    Els fòssils de peixos són molt abundants a certs jaciments de les illes Balears. Generalment, però, aquests compareixen en forma de dents aïllades o otòlits; els fòssils d’espècimens complets són molt escassos. En aquesta nota es documenta un exemplar històric d’un peix fòssil complet i molt ben conservat trobat a Esporles (Mallorca), actualment perdut. Es determina que prové d’un aflorament del Miocè inferior, i concretament d’una fàcies litoral que pertany a la Formació Sant Elm. Les fotografies permeten afirmar que es tracta d’un teleosti. Baldament sia de manera preliminar, aquesta nota presenta el testimoni d’un fòssil significatiu per al registre de Balears. Aquest es podrà esmentar per completar futures reconstruccions dels paleoecosistemes d’aquesta edat a Mallorca.Fish fossils are very abundant in some deposits of the Balearic Islands. However, they generally appear as isolated teeth or otoliths; complete fossils are very scarce. This note reports a historical fossil fish specimen from Esporles (Mallorca), whose location is currently unknown. It is here determined that the fossil was found in a lower Miocene deposit, specifically from a littoral facies belonging to the Sant Elm Formation. Based on the available pictures, the fish can be broadly classified in the infraclass Teleostei. Even though only in a preliminary way, this note presents the testimony of a significative specimen for the fossil record of the Balearic Islands. In the future, it can be cited to complete palaeo-ecosystem reconstructions of the lower Miocene of Mallorca

    Mollusca (Ammonoidea, Gastropoda, Bivalvia) del Ladiniense superior (Triásico Medio) de la isla de Mallorca (Islas Baleares Mediterráneo occidental): datos preliminares

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    A group of fossil molluscs with silicified presevation from the Muschelkalk facies (Middle Triassic) of the southwest of Serra de Tramuntana (Mallorca, western Mediterranean), is studied. Due to the biostratigraphical significance of its ammonoids, upper Ladinian is characterized for the first time on the island. In a similar way, the biogeographical context of the area during this interval is analyzed using the ammonoid, gastropoda and bivalvia records in a preliminary approach

    Paleoecosistemes del Permià i Triàsic continental de Mallorca (Illes Balears, Mediterrània occidental) : síntesi i prespectives futures

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    Altres ajuts: CERCA Programme/Generalitat de CatalunyaEl present article ofereix una revisió exhaustiva de tots els antecedents bibliogràfics sobre el permià i el triàsic de Mallorca en fàcies continentals, sintetitzant les dades més importants pel que fa a la geologia, paleontologia i datacions. Així, es destrien tres unitats litostratigràfiques del permià inferior-mitjà i quatre del triàsic inferior(?)-mitjà, amb un abundant registre fòssil que representa uns rics ecosistemes a la vorera de grans rius, situats a una paleolatitud equatorial amb un clima tropical. Aquesta publicació pretén servir de base per a futurs estudis sobre aquest tema, ressaltant la potencial gran importància del registre mallorquí en l'àmbit mundial per entendre com era la Terra fa més de 240 milions d'anys.The present paper offers an exhaustive review of all the previous works on the continental Permian and Triassic of Mallorca, synthesising all the relevant data regarding their geology, palaeontology and age attributions. This makes it possible to recognise three lithostratigraphic units forthe lower-middle Permian and four for the Lower(?)-Middle Triassic, with an abundant fossil record representing rich ecosystems on the banks of large rivers, located in an equatorial palaeolatitude and under a tropical climate. This work aims to serve as a basis for future studies to be built on, highlighting the potentially great international importance of the Mallorcan record to understand how the Earth looked like more than 240 million years ago

    Macrobioerosion structures on Persististrombus latus (Gmelin, 1791) from the late Pleistocene from Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean)

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    S’estudien un total de 557 conquilles de Persististrombus latus (Gmelin, 1791) provinents de diferents jaciments del Pleistocè superior litoral de l’illa de Mallorca (Illes Balears). S'hi reconeixen sis icnogè- neres relacionats amb l’activitat bioerosiva: Entobia, generada per esponges clionaides; Gastrochaenolites, produïda per bivalves litòfags; Caulostrepsis i Maeandropolydora, perforacions de poliquets espiònids; Renichnus, causats per la fixació de gasteròpodes vermètids i de poliquets serpúlids; i cicatrius de duròfags. Aquest conjunt s'ha identificat com pertanyent a la icnofàcies d'Entobia, pròpia de fons marins soms des del Mesozoic. D’altra banda, l’anàlisi de les proporcions de cada icnogènere en els respectius jaciments ha permès extreure informació paleoambiental relativa a la nitidesa de les aigües.A total of 557 shells of the gastropod species Persististrombus latus (Gmelin, 1791) from several late Pleistocene deposits in the island of Mallorca (Balearic Islands), are studied. Six ichnogenera related to bioerosion have been recognised: Entobia, generated by clionaid sponges; Gastrochaenolites, produced by lithophagous bivalves; Caulostrepsis and Maeandropolydora, borings of spionid polychaetes; Renichnus, caused by the fixation of vermetid gastropods and serpulid polychaetes; and durophagous scars. This assemblage has been identified to belong to the Entobia ichnofacies, typical of shallow marine bottoms since the Mesozoic. Moreover, the analysis of the proportions of each ichnogenus in the respective deposits has allowed to extract palaeoenvironmental information related to the water clearness

    Early adaptations of true flies (Diptera) to moist and aquatic continental environments

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    Altres ajuts: CERCA Programme/Generalitat de CatalunyaInsect colonization of continental aquatic ecosystems and their immediate surroundings was paramount for the establishment of complex trophic nets and organic-matter recycling in those environments. True flies and other insects such as mayflies developed crucial ecological roles in early continental aquatic ecosystems, as early as the Triassic. However, the mode and tempo of these processes remain poorly known, partly due to a critical fossil record gap before the Middle Triassic. Here we study the dipterans from the early Middle Triassic Konservat-Lagerstätte of Pedra Alta (Aegean, early Anisian, Spain), which yields the oldest records of the order. Protoanisolarva juarezi gen. et sp. nov., based on an exceptionally preserved larva, shares key features with the extant nematoceran family Anisopodidae. Developing in inferred moist terrestrial environments contiguous with pools inhabited by aquatic organisms, it represents the only known Triassic dipteran larva with terrestrial affinities indicating that the amphipneustic respiratory system of insect larvae extends back to c. 247 Ma. Two nematoceran aquatic pupae are also described: one classified as Voltziapupa cf. cornuta, and the other as an indeterminate taxon. Finally, an egg cluster belonging to the ootaxon Clavapartus latus is likely to have been produced by chironomids. These eggs were included in a mucilaginous matrix, a probable adaptation against predation and/or changing conditions, including desiccation. These new findings provide key data on the early evolutionary history of the mega-diverse order Diptera, the ecology of their ancestral pre-adult forms, and the functioning of early Middle Triassic continental aquatic ecosystems

    A captorhinid-dominated assemblage from the palaeoequatorial Permian of Menorca (Balearic Islands, western Mediterranean)

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    Altres ajuts: CERCA Programme/Generalitat de CatalunyaMoradisaurine captorhinid eureptiles were a successful group of high-fibre herbivores that lived in the arid low latitudes of Pangaea during the Permian. Here we describe a palaeoassemblage from the Permian of Menorca (Balearic Islands, western Mediterranean), consisting of ichnites of small captorhinomorph eureptiles, probably moradisaurines (Hyloidichnus), and parareptiles (cf. Erpetopus), and bones of two different taxa of moradisaurines. The smallest of the two is not diagnostic beyond Moradisaurinae incertae sedis. The largest one, on the other hand, shows characters that are not present in any other known species of moradisaurine (densely ornamented maxillar teeth), and it is therefore described as Balearosaurus bombardensis gen. et sp. nov. Other remains found in the same outcrop are identified as cf. Balearosaurus bombardensis gen. et sp. nov., as they could also belong to the newly described taxon. This species is sister to the moradisaurine from the lower Permian of the neighbouring island of Mallorca, and is also closely related to the North American genus Rothianiscus. This makes it possible to suggest the hypothesis that the Variscan mountains, which separated North America from southern Europe during the Permian, were not a very important palaeobiogeographical barrier to the dispersion of moradisaurines. In fact, mapping all moradisaurine occurrences known so far, it is shown that their distribution area encompassed both sides of the Variscan mountains, essentially being restricted to the arid belt of palaeoequatorial Pangaea, where they probably outcompeted other herbivorous clades until they died out in the late Permian