796 research outputs found

    Análisis de la composición mineral en alimentos congelados precocinados de consumo habitual

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    La realización del presente estudio analítico ha tenido como principal objetivo ampliar y mejorar los datos queactualmente vienen reflejados en las tablas de composición de alimentos españoles, aportando datos que, además depropios, corresponden a alimentos ampliamente distribuidos en el mercado español y son consumidos de formahabitual en nuestro país. El análisis de los diferentes minerales se ha realizado en 28 alimentos precocinados congelados,previamente seleccionados, entre los que se incluyen pastas, pizzas, arroces y fritos de mayor consumo. Estetipo de alimentos son susceptibles de sufrir pérdidas en minerales debido a los procesos de elaboración, congelacióny pretratamiento culinario a que son sometidos antes de su consumo, por lo que es de gran interés el conocimientode su composición mineral, dando respuesta a las exigencias de un amplio grupo de profesionales y consumidoresque requieren de esta información nutricional

    Biological and chemical factors controlling the patchy distribution of soil water repellency among plant species in a Mediterranean semiarid forest

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    Natural soil water repellency is a property that has already been observed in forest soils and is characterized by its patchy distribution. There are many factors involved in its development. In this work, we have studied a large number of chemical and biological factors under the influence of different plant species (. Pinus halepensis, Quercus rotundifolia, Cistus albidus and Rosmarinus officinalis) to learn which has the greatest responsibility for its presence and persistence in the top-soil layer. We observed strong and significant correlations between ergosterol, glomalin related soil protein (GRSP), extractable lipids, soil organic matter (SOM) content and water repellency (WR). Our results suggested lipid fraction as the principal factor. Moreover, apart from Pinus, fungal biomass seems to be also related to the SOM content. Soil WR found under Pinus appears to be the most influenced by fungi. Quality of SOM, to be precise, lipid fraction could be responsible for WR and its relationship with fungal activity.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CGL2010- 21670-C02-01, CGL2012-38655-C04-0

    The analytic hierarchy process to support decision-making processes in infrastructure projects with social impact

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    There is an increasing awareness among all kinds of organisations (in business,government and civil society) about the benefits of jointly working with stakeholders to satisfy both their goals and the social demands placed upon them. This is particularly the case within corporate social responsibility (CSR) frameworks. In this regard, multi-criteria tools for decision-making like the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) described in the paper can be useful for the building relationships with stakeholders. Since these tools can reveal decision-maker’s preferences, the integration of opinions from various stakeholders in the decision-making process may result in better and more innovative solutions with significant shared value. This paper is based on ongoing research to assess the feasibility of an AHP-based model to support CSR decisions in large infrastructure projects carried out by Red Electrica de España, the sole transmission agent and operator of the Spanishelectricity system

    Application of minidisk infiltrometer to estimate water repellency in Mediterranean pine forest soils

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    Assessment of soil water repellency (SWR) was conducted in the decomposed organic floor layer (duff) and in the mineral soil layer of two Mediterranean pine forests, one in Italy and the other in Spain, by the widely-used water drop penetration time (WDPT) test and alternative indices derived from infiltration experiments carried out by the minidisk infiltrometer (MDI). In particular, the repellency index (RI) was calculated as the adjusted ratio between ethanol and water soil sorptivities whereas the water repellency cessation time (WRCT) and the specifically proposed modified repellency index (RIm) were derived from the hydrophobic and wettable stages of a single water infiltration experiment. Time evolution of SWR and vegetation cover influence was also investigated at the Italian site. All indices unanimously detected severe SWR conditions in the duff of the pine forests. The mineral subsoils in the two forests showed different wettability and the clay-loam subsoil at Ciavolo forest was hydrophobic even if characterized by organic matter (OM) content similar to the wettable soil of an adjacent glade. It was therefore assumed that the composition rather than the total amount of OM influenced SWR. The hydraulic conductivity of the duff differed by a factor of 3.8-5.8 between the two forested sites thus influencing the vertical extent of SWR. Indeed, the mineral subsoil of Javea showed wettable or weak hydrophobic conditions probably because leaching of hydrophobic compounds was slowed or prevented at all. Estimations of SWR according to the different indices were in general agreement even if some discrepancies were observed. In particular, at low hydrophobicity levels the SWR indices gathered from the MDI tests were able to signal sub-critical SWR conditions that were not detected by the traditional WDPT index. The WRCT and modified repellency index RIm yielded SWR estimates in reasonable agreement with those obtained with the more cumbersome RI test and, therefore, can be proposed as alternative procedures for SWR assessment

    Hábitos alimenticios y frecuencia de consumo de alimentos en adolescentes escolarizados

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    The aim of this study is to know the alimentary habits (including like and dislike foods) of adolescent students of a district of the province of Granada (Spain) between 14 and 17 year olf. The results shows that girls have breakfast less frecuently that the boys. There is a low intake of fiber and vitamins rich foods (vegatables and legumes) and a high intake of saturated fats from animal foods (sausages and meats). The teenagers, especialy the boys, begining the intake of alcohol. The knowledge of the alimentary behavior of adolescents is important of the development of nutrition education programs specific for this ages.El objeto de este trabajo ha sido conocer los hábitos alimenticios y frecuencia de consumo de alimentos de adolescentes escolarizados en un centro de Enseñanza Media de la Provincia de Granada. Los resultados más destacables son el alto porcentaje de hembras que no desayunan, el consumo bajo de alimentos ricos en fibra y vitaminas (verduras, hortalizas, legumbres) y alto de alimentos que aportan proteína animal y grasa saturada (embutidos y carnes), junto con el inicio en el consumo de alcohol y la disminución, con la edad, en el consumo de leche en hembras. Se han analizado los alimentos que más gustan y menos gustan. El conocimiento del comportamiento alimenticio de los adolescentes es importante en el desarrollo de programas de Educación Nutricional específicos para estas edades

    Hábitos alimenticios y frecuencia de consumo de alimentos en adolescentes escolarizados

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    El objeto de este trabajo ha sido conocer los hábitos alimenticios y frecuencia de consumo de alimentos de adolescentes escolarizados en un centro de Enseñanza Media de la Provincia de Granada. Los resultados más destacables son el alto porcentaje de hembras que no desayunan, el consumo bajo de alimentos ricos en fibra y vitaminas (verduras, hortalizas, legumbres) y alto de alimentos que aportan proteína animal y grasa saturada (embutidos y carnes), junto con el inicio en el consumo de alcohol y la disminución, con la edad, en el consumo de leche en hembras. Se han analizado los alimentos que más gustan y menos gustan. El conocimiento del comportamiento alimenticio de los adolescentes es importante en el desarrollo de programas de Educación Nutricional específicos para estas edades.The aim of this study is to know the alimentary habits (including like and dislike foods) of adolescent students of a district of the province of Granada (Spain) between 14 and 17 year olf. The results shows that girls have breakfast less frecuently that the boys. There is a low intake of fiber and vitamins rich foods (vegatables and legumes) and a high intake of saturated fats from animal foods (sausages and meats). The teenagers, especialy the boys, begining the intake of alcohol. The knowledge of the alimentary behavior of adolescents is important of the development of nutrition education programs specific for this ages

    Comparative Multimodal Meta-analysis of Structural and Functional Brain Abnormalities in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

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    BACKGROUND: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) share inhibitory control deficits possibly underlying poor control over stereotyped and repetitive and compulsive behaviors, respectively. However, it is unclear whether these symptom profiles are mediated by common or distinct neural profiles. This comparative multimodal meta-analysis assessed shared and disorder-specific neuroanatomy and neurofunction of inhibitory functions. METHODS: A comparative meta-analysis of 62 voxel-based morphometry and 26 functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies of inhibitory control was conducted comparing gray matter volume and activation abnormalities between patients with ASD (structural MRI: 911; fMRI: 188) and OCD (structural MRI: 928; fMRI: 247) and control subjects. Multimodal meta-analysis compared groups across voxel-based morphometry and fMRI. RESULTS: Both disorders shared reduced function and structure in the rostral and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex including the anterior cingulate. OCD patients had a disorder-specific increase in structure and function of left basal ganglia (BG) and insula relative to control subjects and ASD patients, who had reduced right BG and insula volumes versus OCD patients. In fMRI, ASD patients showed disorder-specific reduced left dorsolateral-prefrontal activation and reduced posterior cingulate deactivation, whereas OCD patients showed temporoparietal underactivation. CONCLUSIONS: The multimodal comparative meta-analysis shows shared and disorder-specific abnormalities. Whereas the rostrodorsomedial prefrontal cortex was smaller in structure and function in both disorders, this was concomitant with increased structure and function in BG and insula in OCD patients, but a reduction in ASD patients, presumably reflecting a disorder-specific frontostriatoinsular dysregulation in OCD in the form of poor frontal control over overactive BG, and a frontostriatoinsular maldevelopment in ASD with reduced structure and function in this network. Disorder-differential mechanisms appear to drive overlapping phenotypes of inhibitory control abnormalities in patients with ASD and OCD