226 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kapasitas Manajemen dan Entreprenuer Islami bagi Pemuda di Desa Persiapan Penanggak Batulayar

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    The purpose of this community service program is to provide knowledge about the importance of management, organization, the importance of entrepreneurship for the community, especially youth. The methods used in this activity as part of the mentoring are light discussions, lectures, discussions about the importance of management knowledge, local potential to develop an entrepreneurial spirit as well as entrepreneurial and economic insights in Islamic teachings. The result of this community service activity is that the community in Preparation village, Penanggak village, can develop knowledge about the material presented by seeing the enthusiasm and appreciation of the participants, the youth who participated from the many questions during the discussion. Awareness of the importance of skills in managing the 'village' organizational unit, and inculcating the entrepreneurial spirit of the community and youth are important factors to build and develop the village and the community in it so that it will soon become a definitive village and an independent village. Assistance from various parties is needed in order to increase management capacity and entrepreneurial spirit in the Preparation village of Penanggak village, Batulayar sub-district

    Penerapan Akad Ijarah pada Lahan Pertanian dengan Sistem Bayar Setelah Panen

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    Ijarah (lease) is one of the limitations that humans need in social life. If you look at the description above, it seems impossible for humans to be able to live well without having an oath with humans. Therefore, it can be said that basically ijarah is a form of activity between two parties or mutual assistance, and includes a form of help taught by religion. This research is a field research by taking the research location in Wotan Village, Panceng District, Gresik Regency. The theory used is ijarah contract and farmer's income. The research data obtained used a qualitative descriptive approach, while the data collection techniques used were interviews and documentation, where the interviewees were 5 land tenants and 5 land owners in Wotan Village. The findings of this study are the implementation of ijarah carried out by the Wotan Village community in its implementation in accordance with the provisions and conditions of the pillars according to Islamic law but in terms of contract transactions still using oral without any agreement or witnesses which still causes misunderstandings between the two parties in the future. day. The application of ijarah in Wotan Village still contains elements of fraud because of the prosecution of maintenance costs from the tenant to the land owner


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    Cattle are an important component in a farming system in West Nusa Tenggara. Farmers' lives can hardly be separated from livestock, although the basic needs of the farm family are met from food crops. Cow dwelling system, especially in Lombok Island using cages gathering (collective cage), so the security of cattle more secure and coaching more easily implemented. The demand for cattle from West Nusa Tenggara continues to increase as the Bali cattle from West Nusa Tenggara are free from disease (Mouth, Nails, Brucellosis, and SE). Adaptability is quite good and high fertility and purity is more assured. The increasing rate of demand is expected to have exceeded the production capability, which tends to decrease the population of cattle. If the development of Bali cattle with integrated management based on collective cages applied to all areas in West Nusa Tenggara is expected to grow Bali cattle breeding centers in rural areas with superior production, uniform and continuous so as to support the provision of seed and beef cattle in West Nusa Tenggara . To find out the prospect of development of Bali Cow breeding centers on marginal land to support the supply of beef cattle in West Nusa Tenggara has been done by survey method from January to December 2012 in 10 regencies / cities as West Nusa Tenggara

    Kepemimpinan Kiai dalam Mengembangkan Pendidikan Berbasis Karakter di Pesantren al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang

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    Characters is pillars of nation building, moral decadence happened can be overcome by character-based education. The existence of pesantren which mission is preaching Islam has advantages as educational institutions which not only improves the quality of science, but develop and cultivate students' character, because education is based on and driven by the values ​​of Islam. Kiai is a scholar who has task to edify the pupils as the Prophet task, he is also as a central figure in pesantren, whether or not the pesantren develope, depends entirely on the leadership of kiai. The result of the study about the role of kiai the first, he is as initiators, framers, originator and designer patterns of development, curriculum author, being the type of leadership is rational Sufi, charismatic and paternalistic spiritual. Second, the pattern of development of character-based education model patterns of internal and exsteren development. Third, the method of character education by teaching methods (At Ta'lim), methods of habituation (At Ta'wiid), and Qudwah methods. Fourth, inhibiting and supporters Factors

    Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Sablon Dan Souvenir Berbasis Manajemen Islami Bagi Remaja Desa Pagutan Lombok Tengah

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    The number of unemployed in Indonesia is currently quite worrying, teenagers of productive age who do not have the opportunity to continue their education to tertiary institutions plus the number of teenagers who drop out of elementary / junior high / high school / vocational school are expected to be able to take advantage of the little knowledge they have to create jobs. new job or take advantage of existing opportunities as an effort to work independently. Seeing this condition, it is necessary to make efforts to give birth to new entrepreneurs, namely how to provide assistance and training in producing potential individuals to become entrepreneurs. Through this community service activity, in collaboration with the Community Education and Training Institute (LPPM) Wahana Edication Pagutan Village provides entrepreneurship training for business development. The entrepreneurship training in question is Islamic-based screen printing and souvenir business training, the business actors in this case are the youth of Pagutan Village and have made a positive contribution to the growth and development of the economy in small and medium scale communities and of course support the skills of youth Pagutan Village in business competition

    Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Integrasi TIK Dalam Proses Pembelajaran Pada Pondok Pesantren Di Lombok Timur

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    The trend of information and communication technology (ICT) in education has become something that is very much needed for the development of education and learning in Indonesia. The integration of ICT in the learning process in Islamic boarding schools is still not optimal. Therefore, this study aims to determine the factors that influence ICT integration in the learning process in Islamic boarding schools in the East Lombok. The method used in this study is a qualitative method using several case studies. The data sources on the research were 32 Islamic Boarding School in east Lombok. While the technique of collecting data used survey, interview, and focus group discussion The results of this study revealed two main themes, barriers and support. Barriers are classified into two groups: teacher factors and institutional support factors (Islamic Boarding school). Teachers include lack of time, lack of qualified human resources and the complexity of ICT integration. At the same time, the factors are limited infrastructure, lack of training, lack of access, and lack of technical support. The use of ICT can increase students' creativity. As for the carrying capacity that they believe ICT use during teaching practice can improve their performance, leadership support is also a key factor determining the integration of ICT during the learning process.The trend of information and communication technology (ICT) in education has become something that is very much needed for the development of education and learning in Indonesia. The integration of ICT in the learning process in Islamic boarding schools is still not optimal. Therefore, this study aims to determine the factors that influence ICT integration in the learning process in Islamic boarding schools in East Lombok. The method used in this study is a qualitative method using several case studies to discuss more in-depth information about the factors that influence the integration of ICT in Islamic boarding school teachers in East Lombok during the learning process. The study revealed that the thematic analysis is divided into main themes, barriers, and drivers, which affect ICT integration during the learning process. Based on this theme, this research leads to developing a conceptual model of the factors influencing ICT integration.

    Peranan KSPPS Al Fitroh dalam Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat di Tinjau dari Ekonomi Islam (Studi Kasus KSPPS Al Fitroh Dukun Gresik)

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    The Indonesian economic system is known to have three pillars that support the economy, namely the three pillars are State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Private-Owned Enterprises (BUMS) and Cooperatives. Cooperatives in Indonesia function as the lifeblood of the Indonesian economy. Al Fitroh Sharia Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSPPS Al Fitroh) is one of the cooperatives located in Lowayu Dukun Gresik Village, which provides and provides savings and loan and financing services in accordance with sharia principles. KSPPS Al Fitroh in terms of Islamic economics has fulfilled and can be justified because in practice it follows the religion of Islam and helps brothers in need in accordance with the teachings of Islam which is rahmatan lilalamin, because in the process of helping it in the form of providing financing it is very easy and does not contain harmful elements and is prohibited by Islam. . The type of research that the researcher uses is qualitative research. Qualitative research is descriptive research and tends to use an inductive approach to analysis

    Tinjauan Hukum Islam terhadap Jual Beli Chip Higgs Domino Island

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    The more advanced the times, humans always twist their minds to benefit them in new ways, especially by buying and selling without money capital, with skill capital services someone will definitely not feel bored doing it. What is meant above is the sale and purchase of online game coins, why are online games booming now, even though there is also a game application available on the Playstore that makes the game his own, and without spending money only with internet data, he can have the game application, but someone now have no interest in games starting from scratch, and they just spend money to indulge their whims. The higgs domino island game is a game that is also booming in the social media market, there are various games that can be played on the higgs domino island application, one of which is the world's best and largest free online billiard game. Playing this game of course requires an opponent/friend playing at the same table, looking for an opponent in each game chosen randomly by the billiard game from users who are online


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    Abstrak:Dengan gaya bahasa refelektif, memberontak dan “kiri”, artikel ini berusaha menunjukkan relasi konsisten-koherensial antara kedewasaan beragama yang mengejawantah dalam kedewasaan berbudaya yang akhirnya akan mengantarkan pada penjaminan kedewasaan berbangsa.  Berislam, yang mencerminkan kedewasaan adalah keberagamaan yang berusaha menyadari bahwa praksis keagamaan bukan merupakan hakikat agama, sehingga –berislam—lebih merupakan tindakan manusia Muslim yang sadar budaya, sehingga untuk berislam tidak mesti mengidentifikasi diri sebagai Arab Murni, tetapi secara arif berusaha menyerap nilai lokalitas. Artinya, dewasa beragama, bermakna berusaha meletakkan yang universal pada tataran yang universal dan yang profan sebagai profan, memutlakkan yang mutlak dan merelatifkan yang relatif.Kata kunci:Islam, budaya lokal,  kedewasaan berbangs
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