Al-Idaroh : Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
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    Strategi Manajemen Kepala Madrasah dalam Menanamkan Nilai-Nilai Keagamaan di Madrasah Yayasan Pendidikan MTs Al-Fajar Sei Mencirim Deli Serdang Sumatra Utara

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    Educational institutions are a forum or means for forming children's character. Within these religious values ??there are moral values. Schools must be able to carry out systematic planning or good management as a serious form of managing the best personality of children. This research aims to determine the Principal's Management Strategy in Instilling religious values ??in MTs Al-Fajar Sei Mencirim Education Foundation schools so that students' moral values ??are formed from Islamic activities in instilling religious values. The research method used was qualitative with a descriptive approach, by interviewing three research informants, namely the school principal and teachers. Data were analyzed using data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions and verification. The results of the research show that the management strategy carried out by the school principal in instilling religious values ??is that there are graduation requirements for MTs Al-Fajar students in the form of memorizing surahs and practicing worship. There are also routines carried out by saying hello, praying and worshiping. Supporting factors are prayer room facilities, mukena and Al-Qur'a

    Karakteristik Manajemen Kepemimpinan dalam Sudut Pandang Islam

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    Stimulus for someone who wants to be involved to take part in a leadership process varies. The diversity of desires or motivations and the background of one's intention to be involved in becoming a leader is a passion that cannot be prevented and legalized by law because by nature humans are caliphs on earth. The attitudes and characteristics that must be possessed by a leader are: Shidiq (honest), Trustworthy, not deceiving, keeping promises, generous, and not forgetting the hereafter. Leadership is very important for the success of an organization and the management of other people. In general, the concept of management is an activity that seeks to achieve certain goals or objectives by utilizing other people (getting things done through the efforts of other people). The approach used in this discussion is a literature study that collects information and data from various existing sources. Effective leadership is used according to the people it leads (circumstances and situations). An Islamic leader must have Islamic character and qualified abilities including: leadership skills in supervising and controlling his people, the ability to plan and solve problems, be full of responsibility and have social skills and have the knowledge and professional competence of members and followers

    Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru dalam Menyambut Kurikulum Merdeka

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    Education is a process of transforming knowledge from the teacher as an educator to his students as students. The teacher plays a very important role in improving the quality of the nation, a human being who has the character of karimah, in accordance with what was sparked by Nadhim Makarim in the independent learning curriculum that teachers must change, teachers must make changes in learning towards a better direction, learning in favor of students to achieve learning goals and create an environment learning that is conducive, comfortable, interesting and innovative, to welcome the independent learning curriculum teachers must continue to strive to develop their competencies, namely pedagogic competence, personal competence, social competence and professional competence. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with literature study methods and content analysis techniques to produce accurate dat

    Manajemen Strategi Pembiayaan Dalam Organisasi Sekolah

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    Research on Financing Strategy Management in School Organizations is motivated by the need for a strategy in managing school financing based on operational needs that have been designed. This research uses research methodslibrary research. With a descriptive qualitative approach. The data analysis technique was carried out using descriptive analysis. The data sources for this research come from scientific articles and books. The results of this research show that the strategy for managing school organization finances starts from planning, bookkeeping, spending, supervision and financial accountability, where the financial sources come from the APBN, APBD, parents and other sources. In managing financing, it must be based on the school's operational needs which include financing all activities, financing books, financing exams, financing consumables and school maintenance

    Etos Kerja dalam Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Menurut Tafsir Al-Wahidi (Kitab Al-Basit) terhadap Surat At-Taubah ayat 105

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    Islamic educational management is an important aspectof the development of educational system incorporanting religious values, morality and ethics. The work ethic of islami education management refers to the concept of combining learning, practice and behavior in accordance with Islamic teachings. An important reference in the analysis of work ethics in Islamic educational management is Tafsir Al-Wahidi (Kitab Al-Basith) on surah At-Taubah, verse 105. The research uses literature studies as a method of collecting data, adopting a qualitative research approach of descriptive and interprenting nature. The interpretation of the surah at-taubah verse 105, according to Al-Wahidi teaches the ethics of work for leaders and managers in the field of education management. Tafsir Al-Wahidi emphasizes the importance of taking into account various factor and perspectives when making decisions, as well asassesing the interests of users. Decisions should be made wisely and fairly and resources should be managed according to user needs. These cocepts serve as a guide for leaders and managers in establishing management system thst peomote good moral and ethical values and ensure participation and fairness.

    Rekrutmen Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan dalam Penempatan Kerja di SD IT Ma’arif Padang Panjang Sumatra Barat

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    This research aims to understand the recruitment system for educators and educational staff at SD IT Ma'arif Padang Panjang. The method used in this research is qualitative with a descriptive qualitative design. The subject of this research is the Staff of Wakaf Ma'arif Foundation Padang Panjang. Data collection is conducted through method triangulation, where data in the form of relevant documents obtained from the website and school files, then the accuracy of the documents is checked through interviews. The results of this research indicate that the recruitment, selection, and placement process at SD IT Ma'arif Padang Panjang adopts a one-stop approach. The initial steps involve identifying and analyzing the needs of educators and educational staff, followed by the foundation's announcement of job vacancies, administrative selection, written tests, Quran reading tests, psychological tests, and interviews. Subsequently, the results of the interviews are analyzed, and the announcement of accepted applicants is made. Afterward, the process of job placement, issuance of employment contracts, and a three-month training program are carried out

    Kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru

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    The progress of an institution is greatly influenced by the quality and professionalism of the Madrasa head in leading or empowering the entire madrasah organization, especially madrasa personnel, both educators and education staff. To make all this happen, the Madrasah Principal must have quality leadership in managing all school personnel so that their competence and potential can develop. Leadership of the Madrasah Head as Manager in improving Teacher Pedagogical Competence, namely: Involving teachers in training, Providing freedom for teachers to innovate to improve their skills, Using study time effectively at school, Guiding and providing direction to teachers, Keep up with developments in science and technology. Supporting factors for the leadership of the Madrasah Head as Manager in Increasing Teacher Pedagogical Competence are: Professional madrasa head, High teacher motivation, Adequate Facilities and Infrastructure. and Inhibiting factors for the leadership of the madrasa head as a manager in increasing the pedagogical competence of teachers at namely: a). Mindset (minset), b). A less creative way of teachin

    Bidang Garapan Administrasi dan Manajemen Sekolah Atau Madrasah

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    In order to raise the standard of education, human resource management is always linked to management and administration of education. Management can take the shape of agreements and guidelines, or it can take the form of a procedure for maintaining records. It is impossible to isolate educational management and administration from its various facets. We talk about the extent of education management and management procedures in this context. The purpose of management is to streamline organizational work systems and ensure successful and efficient implementation. This essay attempts to clarify how management is being implemented in the education sector, with a focus on the components and domains of school administration work. The "literature review" methodology is employed in this article for data collection and review. The eight components of the school management study include organization, administration, communication, administration/management, human resources/permanent, finance/finance, facilities, and public relations, according to the search results and literature review. Throughout the implementation phase, these eight components are connected. Eight Components Additionally, this is the responsibility of educational administration at the school level, which entails the following three key components of education management: The foundation of education governance consists of students, teachers, and curriculum, with support from five additional elements: organization, money, facilities and infrastructure, governance, business, and public relations

    Peran Guru dalam Implementasi Strategi Pembelajaran Ekspositori dalam Pembelajaran

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    Certain students still have difficulty understanding the lessons given by the teacher. Expository learning is a learning approach that emphasizes the process of conveying material to a group of students orally. The goal is to improve students' ability to learn and master subject matter in the most effective way, so that students can understand what is being taught. The authors used the bibliographic research method, or bibliography, to write this journal, and they used various reading sources as references. Expository strategies can be used in learning, this is done to achieve learning goals and make learning take place effectively and efficiently

    Evaluasi Pendidikan Menuju Insan Kamil dalam Perspektif Filsafat Ilmu

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    This article aims to explore the methods for conducting a thorough assessment using a scientific philosophical approach. Given that inconsistencies in educational assessment practices can yield suboptimal outcomes upon examination, it becomes imperative to employ appropriate techniques for a comprehensive review. The author has crafted this article using a research approach, gathering source materials from various repositories including library books, research reports, newspapers, books, theses, dissertations, and both printed and digital scientific journals. In the context of Islamic education, the objective of evaluation is to nurture al-Insan al-Kamil, or a well-rounded human being. Similarly, the primary goal of education is to instill faith, foster piety, cultivate a religious mindset, impart knowledge, and encourage the application of acquired knowledge in adapting to broader community life. Evaluation also serves as a means to furnish students with feedback regarding their accomplishments, as well as the depth of their perspectives and knowledge acquired throughout the learning journey. Furthermore, philosophy plays a pivotal role in educating individuals to think critically, gain insights, and reason comprehensively, enabling them to approach events or problems from multiple angles and ultimately arrive at correct solutions


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    Al-Idaroh : Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
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