10 research outputs found

    Treatment with embryonic stem-like cells into osteochondral defects in sheep femoral condyles

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    Background Articular cartilage has poor intrinsic capacity for regeneration because of its avascularity and very slow cellular turnover. Defects deriving from trauma or joint disease tend to be repaired with fibrocartilage rather than hyaline cartilage. Consequent degenerative processes are related to the width and depth of the defect. Since mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) deriving from patients affected by osteoarthritis have a lower proliferative and chondrogenic activity, the systemic or local delivery of heterologous cells may enhance regeneration or inhibit the progressive loss of joint tissue. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are very promising, since they can self-renew for prolonged periods without differentiation and can differentiate into tissues from all the 3 germ layers. To date only a few experiments have used ESCs for the study of the cartilage regeneration in animal models and most of them used laboratory animals. Sheep, due to their anatomical, physiological and immunological similarity to humans, represent a valid model for translational studies. This experiment aimed to evaluate if the local delivery of male sheep embryonic stem-like (ES-like) cells into osteochondral defects in the femoral condyles of adult sheep can enhance the regeneration of articular cartilage. Twenty-two ewes were divided into 5 groups (1, 2, 6, 12 and 24 months after surgery). Newly formed tissue was evaluated by macroscopic, histological, immunohistochemical (collagen type II) and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) assays. Results Regenerated tissue was ultimately evaluated on 17 sheep. Samples engrafted with ES-like cells had significantly better histologic evidence of regeneration with respect to empty defects, used as controls, at all time periods. Conclusions Histological assessments demonstrated that the local delivery of ES-like cells into osteochondral defects in sheep femoral condyles enhances the regeneration of the articular hyaline cartilage, without signs of immune rejection or teratoma for 24 months after engraftment.</br

    Tumore venereo trasmissibile: una patologia sempre attuale

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    Gli Autori analizzano i risultati ottenuti nel trattamento del Tumore Venereo Trasmissibile del cane mediante l'impiego della terapia chirurgica o della chemioterapia con vincristina. In caso di TVT molto esteso o a carico di particolari distretti anatomici la chirurgia è stata considerata aggressiva e la ricostruzione tessutale complessa se non impossibile. La principale complicanza a lungo termine è stata la stenosi uretrale. Il 25% dei casi ha presentato recidiva entro 12 mesi darintervento. La chemioterapia con vincristina ha determinato la scomparsa della neoplasia in tempi brevi, senza alcun segno di tossicità né recidive

    Repeated platelet concentrate injections enhance reparative response of microfractures in the treatment of chondral defects of the knee: an experimental study in an animal model

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    Purpose: To assess the histology and biomechanics of repair cartilage after microfractures with and without repeated local injections of platelet concentrate for the treatment of full-thickness focal chondral defects of the knee. Methods: A full-thickness chondral lesion on the medial femoral condyle was created in 30 sheep and treated with microfractures. Animals were divided into 2 groups, according to postoperative treatment: in group 1 we performed 5 weekly injections of autologous conditioned plasma, whereas group 2 did not undergo further treatments. Animals were killed at 3, 6, and 12 months after treatment. Macroscopic, histologic, and biomechanical evaluations were performed. Differences between groups at each time interval and differences over time within groups were analyzed for each outcome. Significance was set at P &lt; .05. Results: Group 1 showed significantly better macroscopic, histologic, and biomechanical results than group 2 at each time interval. Analysis of time effect within groups showed that in group 1, quality of repair tissue significantly improved from 3 to 6 months after treatment and remained stable over time for all the outcomes; in group 2 a significant histologic and mechanical deterioration was observed between 6 and 12 months' follow-up. Conclusions: Five repeated local injections of autologous conditioned plasma after microfractures in the treatment of full-thickness cartilage injuries promoted a better and more durable reparative response than isolated microfractures, although they did not produce hyaline cartilage. Clinical Relevance: Periodical intra-articular injections of platelet concentrate after microfractures may improve cartilage repair and prevent further degenerative changes

    Retrospective study of lameness in beef cattle in northeastern Sardinia, Italy.

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    Lameness is one of the most prevalent diseases affecting dairy and beef cattle, resulting in decreased animal performance, decreased animal welfare, and substantial economic loss. In extensive beef cattle farming, the risk factors for this multifactorial disease are largely unexplored. This study aims to conduct a preliminary epidemiological survey of risk factors in beef cattle in extensive breeding, evaluate the farmer's perception of lameness, and determine the recurrence frequency of the pathologies under investigation in treated animals. The study was conducted in Sardinia, Italy. The population of the study consisted of 14379 cattle from 230 farms. An ad hoc questionnaire was developed to collect all the necessary data. A strong association was found between breed and the occurrence and recurrence of lameness (p < 0.0001). In addition, the Country of origin of both bulls and cows was found to be correlated with the incidence of lameness (p < 0.0001 and 0.0001, respectively). Farmers who indicated on the questionnaire that lameness was not important on their farm had more animals with recurrences (p < 0.0001) than other farmers. The veterinarian's treatment choice differed significantly by farmer concern (p = 0.007) and was associated with less disease recurrence (p < 0.0001), resulting in greater farmer satisfaction (p < 0.007). Pure cow breed, French bull origin, and farmer's age were detected as significant predictors of lameness issues, with pure cow breed and French bull origin having the strongest associations (p = 0.009). Even though the results of this study are preliminary, they indicate that breed selection is crucial in extensive beef farms to reduce lameness prevalence. In addition, it would be reasonable to train breeders to prevent and diagnose lameness early in order to collaborate with veterinarians to prevent recurrence

    Characterization of the Sarcidano Horse Coat Color Genes

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    The goal of this study was to contribute to the general knowledge of the Sarcidano Horse, both by the identification of the genetic basis of the coat color and by updating the exact locations of the genotyping sites, based on the current EquCab3.0 genome assembly version. One-hundred Sarcidano Horses, living in semi-feral condition, have been captured to perform health and biometric checks. From that total number, 70 individual samples of whole blood were used for DNA extraction, aimed to characterize the genetic basis of the coat color. By genotyping and sequencing analyses of the MC1R Exon 1 and ASIP Exon 3, a real image of the coat color distribution in the studied population has been obtained. Chestnut and Black resulted in the most representative coat colors both from a phenotypic and genotypic point of view, that is suggestive of no human domestication or crossbreeding with domestic breed. Due to its ancient origin and genetic isolation, an active regional plan for the conservation of this breed would be desirable, focused on maintenance of resident genotypes and genetic resources. Collection and management of DNA, sperm, embryos, with the involvement of research centers and Universities, could be a valid enhancing strategy

    Citologia del liquor cefalo-rachidiano (LCR) nella diagnosi di cenurosi ovina: risultati preliminari

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    La cenurosi cerebrale è una malattia ad esito solitamente letale che colpisce prevalentemente gli ovini, sostenuta dalla forma larvale (Coenurus cerebralis) del parassita Taenia multiceps. Conosciuta sin dal XVII sec, costituisce un problema sanitario rilevante nelle regioni dove l’allevamento ovi-caprino è preminente, dato che il tasso medio di mortalità nella quota di rimonta può raggiungere il 20%.Vengono descritte due forme cliniche: acuta e cronica. La prima si osserva in genere in soggetti giovani ed è provocata dalla penetrazione e migrazione delle forme immature nel SNC. La gravità dei segni clinici, compatibili con una meningoencefalite, dipende dal numero di parassiti, dalla loro localizzazione nel SNC e dall’entità della risposta dell’ospite. La forma cronica colpisce animali di 10/18 mesi ed è causata dalla compressione della cisti ormai matura sulle strutture del SNC. Attualmente la diagnosi intra vitam è presuntiva basandosi sul segnalamento e sui segni clinici che, pur caratteristici, non sono sempre patognomonici. Accertamenti diagnostici quali gli esami sierologici non sono utili mentre l’uso della RMI e della TAC, specifici e sensibili, non sono compatibili con il rapporto costo/beneficio. Tuttavia la diagnosi in vita si rende quanto mai necessaria sia per differenziarla da malattie da prioni oggetto di misure sanitarie di controllo, sia per approntare un approccio terapeutico di tipo medico, al momento solo sperimentale, o chirurgico che può portare alla guarigione. Un aiuto potrebbe derivare dall’esame citologico del liquor cefalo rachidiano (LCR); metodica poco invasiva, rapida, economica e con un’ottima attendibilità nell’individuare forme infiammatorie, neoplastiche o degenerative

    Sheep embryonic stem-like cells engrafted into sheep femoral condyle osteochondral defects: 4-year follow-up

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    Abstract Background Articular cartilage lacks a regenerative response. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are a source of pluripotent cells for cartilage regeneration. Their use, however, is associated with a risk of teratoma development, which depends on multiple factors including the number of engrafted cells and their degree of histocompatibility with recipients, the immunosuppression of the host and the site of transplantation. Colonies of sheep embryonic stem-like (ES-like) cells from in vitro-produced embryos, positive for stage-specific embryonic antigens (SSEAs), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), Oct 4, Nanog, Sox 2 and Stat 3 gene expression, and forming embryoid bodies, were pooled in groups of two-three, embedded in fibrin glue and engrafted into osteochondral defects in the left medial femoral condyles of 3 allogeneic ewes (ES). Empty defects (ED) and defects filled with cell-free glue (G) in the condyles of the controlateral stifle joint served as controls. After euthanasia at 4 years post-engraftment, the regenerated tissue was evaluated by macroscopic, histological and immunohistochemical (collagen type II) examinations and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) assay to prove the ES-like cells origin of the regenerated tissue. Results No teratoma occurred in any of the ES samples. No statistically significant macroscopic or histological differences were observed among the 3 treatment groups. FISH was positive in all the 3 ES samples. Conclusions This in vivo preclinical study allowed a long-term evaluation of the occurrence of teratoma in non-immunosuppressed allogeneic adult sheep engrafted with allogeneic ES-like cells, supporting the safe and reliable application of ES cells in the clinic

    Host cell tropism, genome characterization, and evolutionary features of OaPV4, a novel Deltapapillomavirus identified in sheep fibropapilloma

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    Investigating papillomavirus (PV) diversity is crucial to fully comprehend pathogenicity, genetic features, and evolution of taxa hosted by domestic and wild animal species. This study reports the identification of OaPV4, a novel ovine PV type within Deltapapillomaviruses 3. The study of OaPV4 genomic features combined to in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry investigations allowed extrapolating several general biological features of ovine PVs, such as their cellular tropism, pathogenicity, and evolutionary history. Based on results, ovine PVs can be grouped into a polyphyletic ancient group of viruses, which splits in two main subgroups having peculiar cellular tropism and pathogenicity. Results add up to animal PV diversity and are crucial to future studies aimed to investigate the correlation between animal PV and cutaneous benign and malign proliferations

    Additional file 2: of Sheep embryonic stem-like cells engrafted into sheep femoral condyle osteochondral defects: 4-year follow-up

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    Table S3. Median (IQR)* of comparison between macroscopic assessment of treatments (ES, ED and G) at 2 and 4 years. Table S4. Median (IQR)* of comparison between histological assessment of treatments (ES, ED and G) at 2 and 4 years. (DOCX 18 kb