559 research outputs found

    The Gospel and Mass Communication

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    The gospel and its mission are effected in a world which they do not have to themselves. Others also build community by offering sôtêria and shalôm. In our time the mass communicators are decisive, and those who care both for gospel and world have to come to some sort of understanding of communication

    The Computer with Legs and the Rough Beast Slouching -Notes on Religion in the 1970s

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    The author reviews a variety of models used in religious interpretations that were popular in the sixties as a prelude to his discussion of the trends and images that theologians must discern and deal with during the cultural revolution of the seventies

    Discrimination By and Against Religion

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    Studies on the use of sulfites to control shrimp melanosis (Blackspot) (Presented at the 11th Annual Meeting of the Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries Technological Conference of the Americas, January 14, 1986, Tampa, Florida)

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    Shrimp melanosis, commonly known as 'blackspot' is a harmless but objectionable surface dicoloration caused by polyphenoloxidase enzyme systems which remain active during refrigeration or ice storage. In the early 1950's sulfiting agents, particularily sodium bisulfite was first introduced to prevent or inhibit melanosis, thus yielding a more valuable harvest (1). Such use of sulfites was 'prior sanctioned1 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1956 (2). More recent FDA decisions reaffirmed this practice, (3) but continuing regulatory scrutiny could restrict or eliminate the application of sulfite on shrimp. The regulatory action is prompted by an increasing concern for adverse 'allergic' reactions most common amongst hyper-(sulfite) sensitive asthmatics. Thus work was initiated to find alternatives to replace or reduce the amount of sulfites required to inhibit shrimp melanosis. This work would screen for possible alternatives which would require subsequent verification with field tests and statistical evaluations. (21pp.

    The Purpose of the Parables According to Mark 4:10-12

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    According to the plan of this study, the question as to whether this Logion is an intercalation of later Church teaching within a catena of parabolic sayings is reserved for the final chapter. Yet it is fundamental to an understanding of the discussion as it progresses for the reader to be aware of the critical dismissal of this entire passage as a vaticinium post eventum, interpolated by the evangelist because of the frustration of the early Church as it propagated the message of the Christ

    Locating Consent and Dissent in American Religion

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    Despite the legal separation of church and state in America, religion continues to play a vital role in American public life. This paper identifies the dual role of religion in American public life as both unifying and reforming. The unifying role has been more significant than the reforming role

    The Last of the Human Freedoms

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    Address to the graduating class of 1977 by Martin E. Marty, professor of the History of Modern Christianity at the University of Chicago

    Preaching on the Holy Spirit: A Study of Luther\u27s Sermons on the Evangelical Pericopcs

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    In our day the Holy Spirit suffers great ignominy, sighed Luther, in reference to current doctrinal misunderstanding. In our day the Holy Spirit suffers great ignominy, might be a contemporary comment on neglect of the worship of, and witness to, the Holy Spirit. It has become almost a rubric to bemoan this neglect on Whitsunday, the third great feast of the church year, but this complaint is often followed by a tendency to contribute to the neglect and the ignominy through silence from the pulpit, as far as a living concern for the work of the Holy Spirit is concerned, on the other days of the year

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