68 research outputs found

    Photonic Intermediate Structures for Perovskite/c-Silicon Four Terminal Tandem Solar Cells

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    Tandem perovskite/silicon devices are promising candidates for highly efficient and low-cost solar cells. Such tandem solar cells, however, require careful photon management for optimum performance, which can be achieved with intermediate photonic structures. Here, we identify the ideal requirements for such intermediate structures in perovskite/silicon tandem cells. Counter-intuitively, we find that the reflectance in the perovskite absorption window, i.e., below approx. 800 nm wavelength, does not have a strong impact on the tandem performance. Instead, the main function of the intermediate structure is to act as an optical impedance matching layer at the perovskite–silicon interface. This insight affords the design of simple and tolerant photonic structures that can obtain efficiencies surpassing 30%, assuming a passivated emitter, rear locally diffused (PERL) bottom cell and realistic perovskite top cell, by optical impedance matching alone

    Reducing the Surface Area of Black Silicon by Optically Equivalent Structures

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    Black silicon is a promising low-cost technology to boost the efficiency of solar cells. The large surface area of black silicon, however, imposes challenges such as increased surface recombination and Auger recombination in doped nanostructures. This issue motivates the search for structures with lower surface area but similar optical properties. Here, we identify an approach for reducing the surface area of black silicon, while maintaining optical performance. Specifically, we have demonstrated via simulations that wavelength-scale arrays of nanotapers have similar antireflection properties as black silicon, but with less than half of the surface area. Additionally, we highlight that the light-trapping properties of black silicon are not optimal, and that its performance can be further improved by using nanostructures with controlled scattering properties. We quantify the optical performance of the structures and their surface area, thus identifying optically equivalent structures with reduced surface areas. We believe that these findings will help to boost the efficiency of devices based on black silicon

    Metal-insulator-metal nanoresonators - Strongly confined modes for high surface sensitivity

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    Photonic and plasmonic refractive index sensors are able to detect increasingly smaller refractive index changes and concentrations of clinically relevant substances. They typically exploit optical resonances and aim to maximise the field overlap with the analyte in order to achieve high sensitivity. Correspondingly, they operate on the basis of maximizing the bulk sensitivity, which favours spatially extended modes. We note that this strategy, counter-intuitively, is not necessarily suitable for detecting biomolecules and one should focus on the surface sensitivity instead. Here, we show that by confining light tightly in metal-insulator-metal (MIM) nanoresonators, the surface sensitivity is significantly increased despite a clear decrease in bulk sensitivity. In particular, we experimentally show the operation of third order MIM resonators which support both extended surface plasmon polariton (SPP) modes and localized MIM modes. We are able to demonstrate that the MIM mode has a sensitivity of 55 nm/RIU to a 10 nm layer, which is approximately twice as high as that of the SPP mode. Overall, our work emphasizes the importance of the surface sensitivity over the more commonly used bulk sensitivity and it shows a novel approach for improving it. These insights are highly relevant for the design of next generation optical biosensors

    Paths to light trapping in thin film GaAs solar cells

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    It is now well established that light trapping is an essential element of thin film solar cell design. Numerous light trapping geometries have already been applied to thin film cells, especially to silicon-based devices. Less attention has been paid to light trapping in GaAs thin film cells, mainly because light trapping is considered less attractive due to the material's direct bandgap and the fact that GaAs suffers from strong surface recombination, which particularly affects etched nanostructures. Here, we study light trapping structures that are implemented in a high-bandgap material on the back of the GaAs active layer, thereby not perturbing the integrity of the GaAs active layer. We study photonic crystal and quasi-random nanostructures both by simulation and by experiment and find that the photonic crystal structures are superior because they exhibit fewer but stronger resonances that are better matched to the narrow wavelength range where GaAs benefits from light trapping. In fact, we show that a 1500 nm thick cell with photonic crystals achieves the same short circuit current as an unpatterned 4000 nm thick cell. These findings are significant because they afford a sizeable reduction in active layer thickness, and therefore a reduction in expensive epitaxial growth time and cost, yet without compromising performance

    Spatial resolution effect of light coupling structures

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    This research project was founded by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) of Brazil (302397/2014-0), by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11204386, 11411130117, 11334015), by the Open research project of the State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies, Sun-Yat Sen University of China (OEMT-2015-KF-12, OEMT-2015-KF-13) and by EPSRC of U.K. under grant EP/J01771X/1 (Structured Light). Kezheng Li is also supported by the aboard exchange scholar and international doctoral cooperative project of Sun Yat-sen University.The coupling of light between free space and thin film semiconductors is an essential requirement of modern optoelectronic technology. For monochromatic and single mode devices, high performance grating couplers have been developed that are well understood. For broadband and multimode devices, however, more complex structures, here referred to as "coupling surfaces", are required, which are often difficult to realise technologically. We identify general design rules based on the Fourier properties of the coupling surface and show how they can be used to determine the spatial resolution required for the coupler's fabrication. To our knowledge, this question has not been previously addressed, but it is important for the understanding of diffractive nanostructures and their technological realisation. We exemplify our insights with solar cells and UV photodetectors, where high-performance nanostructures that can be realised cost-effectively are essential.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Insights into directional scattering : from coupled dipoles to asymmetric dimer nanoantennas

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    Strong and directionally specific forward scattering from optical nanoantennas is of utmost importance for various applications in the broader context of photovoltaics and integrated light sources. Here, we outline a simple yet powerful design principle to perceive a nanoantenna that provides directional scattering into a higher index substrate based on the interference of multiple electric dipoles. A structural implementation of the electric dipole distribution is possible using plasmonic nanoparticles with a fairly simple geometry, i.e. two coupled rectangular nanoparticles, forming a dimer, on top of a substrate. The key to achieve directionality is to choose a sufficiently large size for the nanoparticles. This promotes the excitation of vertical electric dipole moments due to the bi-anisotropy of the nanoantenna. In turn, asymmetric scattering is obtained by ensuring the appropriate phase relation between the vertical electric dipole moments. The scattering strength and angular spread for an optimized nanoantenna can be shown to be broadband and robust against changes in the incidence angle. The scattering directionality is maintained even for an array configuration of the dimer. It only requires the preferred scattering direction of the isolated nanoantenna not to be prohibited by interferenc

    On Metalenses with Arbitrarily Wide Field of View

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    Metalenses are nanostructured surfaces that mimic the functionality of optical elements. Many exciting demonstrations have already been made, for example, focusing into diffraction-limited spots or achromatic operation over a wide wavelength range. The key functionality that is yet missing, however, and that is most important for applications such as smartphones or virtual reality, is the ability to perform the imaging function with a single element over a wide field of view. Here, by relaxing the constraint on diffraction-limited resolution, we demonstrate the ability of single-layer metalenses to perform wide field of view (WFOV) imaging while maintaining high resolution suitable for most applications. We also discuss the WFOV physical properties and, in particular, we show that such a WFOV metalens mimics a spherical lens in the limit of infinite radius and infinite refractive index. Finally, we use Fourier analysis to explain the dependence of the FOV on the numerical aperture

    Interplay between Optical and Electrical Properties of Nanostructured Surfaces in Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells

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    Light trapping has now been recognized as an essential element of highly efficient solar cells. A large number of sophisticated nanostructures have been developed and optically characterized, many of which have been aimed at thin-film silicon technology. It is still an open question whether such nanostructures are beneficial for thick devices, however, especially, since highly efficient solar cells employ >100 μm thick absorber materials and wet etched micron-sized pyramids for light trapping. In this paper, we study and compare the optical and electrical performances of binary quasirandom nanostructures with pyramidal structures to address this question. We show that, while simulations indicate that pyramids have better optical performance, the best overall performance observed experimentally was achieved with binary nanostructures. We found that the experimental short-circuit current for a solar cell patterned with a quasirandom nanostructure is 3.2 mA/cm2 higher than the current observed with pyramids. We attribute this higher current to a better balance between optical performance and surface recombination achieved by the binary nanostructures. This result indicates that binary nanostructures may be beneficial even for thick solar cells

    Highly Efficient Air-Mode Silicon Metasurfaces for Visible Light Operation Embedded in a Protective Silica Layer

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    Dielectric metasurfaces have significant potential for delivering miniaturized optical systems with versatile functionalities, leading to applications in various fields such as orbital angular momentum generation, imaging, and holography. Among the different materials, crystalline silicon has the advantage of technological maturity and high refractive index, which increases design flexibility and processing latitude. The second, and often overlooked, advantage of silicon is that it affords embedding the metasurface in a protective material such as silica, which is essential for practical applications. The trade-off against this high refractive index is silicon's absorption at visible wavelength, which requires new design strategies. Here, such a strategy based on metasurfaces supporting air modes is identified that can lead to a transmission efficiency as high as 87% at a wavelength of 532 nm. This exceptional efficiency is obtained by using the high index to confine the electric field in the periphery of the meta-atoms, thereby reducing absorption losses. As an example, the design of a fully embedded metasurface is described that can generate vortex beams with various orders of orbital angular momentum. It is envisioned that the proposed strategy paves the way for practical applications of high-efficiency metasurfaces based on crystalline silicon

    Type 2 diabetes mellitus alters cardiac mitochondrial content and function in a non-obese mice model

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is associated with an increase of premature appearance of several disorders such as cardiac complications. Thus, we test the hypothesis that a combination of a high fat diet (HFD) and low doses of streptozotocin (STZ) recapitulate a suitable mice model of T2DM to study the cardiac mitochondrial disturbances induced by this disease. Animals were divided in 2 groups: the T2DM group was given a HFD and injected with 2 low doses of STZ, while the CNTRL group was given a standard chow and a buffer solution. The combination of HFD and STZ recapitulate the T2DM metabolic profile showing higher blood glucose levels in T2DM mice when compared to CNTRL, and also, insulin resistance. The kidney structure/function was preserved. Regarding cardiac mitochondrial function, in all phosphorylative states, the cardiac mitochondria from T2DM mice presented reduced oxygen fluxes when compared to CNTRL mice. Also, mitochondria from T2DM mice showed decreased citrate synthase activity and lower protein content of mitochondrial complexes. Our results show that in this non-obese T2DM model, which recapitulates the classical metabolic alterations, mitochondrial function is impaired and provides a useful model to deepen study the mechanisms underlying these alterations.This study was supported by Coordenacao de aperfeicoamento de pessoal de nivel superior (CAPES), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq) and Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ)