1,159 research outputs found

    Osservazioni sullo Gnomologio Barns (P.EES = MP3 1574 = LDAB 1055)

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    Il lavoro prende in esame lo gnomologio papiraceo pubblicato nel 1950 da J. Barns (P.EES), offrendone un nuovo inquadramento papirologico e letterario alla luce dei risultati delle più recenti ricerche sulla letteratura gnomica dal periodo ellenistico alla tarda antichità. Vengono inoltre anticipati alcuni risultati di una nuova edizione del testo che comparirà nel 'Corpus dei papiri filosofici Greci e Latini', mettendo a fuoco, in particolare, due sezioni lacunose alla luce di un rinnovato esame del papiro effettuato da Maria Serena Funghi, e del confronto con altro materiale; a proposito di tali passi vengono discusse interpretazioni precedenti e si avanzano alcune nuove proposte di ricostruzione del testo.This paper examines the papyrus gnomology published in 1950 by J. Barns (P.EES). The place of this document in ancient gnomology is discussed in the light of the results of the latest researches on gnomic literature from the Hellenistic period to Late Antiquity. The paper also anticipates some results of a new edition of the text that will appear in the 'Corpus dei papiri filosofici Greci e Latini', focusing in particular on two lacunous passages. In the light of a new examination of the papyrus by Maria Serena Funghi, and of comparison with other material, previous interpretations are discussed and some new ways of text restoration are proposed


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    open3nobilancio sedimentario, litorale Veneto, erosione, allagamento costiero, gestione integrata della zona costiera.openRuol, Piero; Martinelli, Luca; Favaretto, ChiaraRuol, Piero; Martinelli, Luca; Favaretto, Chiar

    Sulla disposizione ottimale di frangiflutti galleggianti a catamarano combinati a convertitori di energia ondosa

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    - La ricerca in cui \ue8 inserito questo lavoro mira allo sviluppo di un dispositivo ibrido costituito da un convertitore di energia ondosa accoppiato ad un frangiflutti galleggiante. - Il frangiflutti, ancorato con pali, \ue8 costituito da elementi prefabbricati collegati rigidamente, in modo da formare una struttura a catamarano. - La configurazione migliore \ue8 la pi\uf9 stretta tra le due esaminate (8 m e 12 m di larghezza), che risulta molto efficiente pur senza essere soggetta a grosse sollecitazioni. - La struttura a catamarano \ue8 da preferire rispetto a quella tradizionale, a parit\ue0 di massa, sia in termini di trasmissione che di riflessione. - Il convertitore esaminato, idoneo ad integrare frangiflutti singoli, non \ue8 adatto ad integrare le strutture a catamarano

    Coastal Flooding Hazard Due to Overflow Using a Level II Method: Application to the Venetian Littoral

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    In recent years, marine flooding and its impacts have become a question of growing interest, since coastal areas are the most heavily populated and developed land zones in the world. This paper presents a rapid tool for mapping at regional scale the hazard associated with coastal flooding due to overflow. The tool merges a recently developed numerical model that solves a simplified form of the Shallow-Water Equations and is suited for Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) acceleration, with a Level II reliability method that allows producing hazard maps of inland flooding propagation. The procedure was applied to two stretches of the Venetian littoral, i.e., Valle Vecchia and Caorle, located in the northern Adriatic Sea. The application includes the site descriptions and the resulting hazard maps that show the probability of failure in each point of the coast for a given inland inundation level

    Innovative approaches for cancer treatment: current perspectives and new challenges

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    Every year, cancer is responsible for millions of deaths worldwide and, even though much progress has been achieved in medicine, there are still many issues that must be addressed in order to improve cancer therapy. For this reason, oncological research is putting a lot of effort towards finding new and efficient therapies which can alleviate critical side effects caused by conventional treatments. Different technologies are currently under evaluation in clinical trials or have been already introduced into clinical practice. While nanomedicine is contributing to the development of biocompatible materials both for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, bioengineering of extracellular vesicles and cells derived from patients has allowed designing ad hoc systems and univocal targeting strategies. In this review, we will provide an in-depth analysis of the most innovative advances in basic and applied cancer research

    Chapter L’educazione civica e la Resistenza: prospettive di Public History of Education

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    The introduction of civic education in the scholastic curriculum has offered to schools new opportunities for coping with the study of Resistance movement and other events occurred in contemporary history. Through some relevant didactic unit, the paper aims at giving to teachers some pratical examples, using the methodology of the Public History of Education

    Gianfranco Bandini, Stefano Oliviero (a cura di), Public History of Education: riflessioni, testimonianze, esperienze

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    The review article deals with the volume (edited by Gianfranco Bandini and Stefano Oliviero) "Public History of Education" (Fup Press, 2020). The volume rapresents one of the first steps taken by a new discipline: Public History of Education. Public History of Education aims at using Public History methodology and philosophy in dealing with history of education, as it is retrievable from the essays collected in the book

    A 3 Points Vision Based Approach for MAV Localization in GPS Denied Environments

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    International audienceThis paper introduces a new method to localize a micro aerial vehicle (MAV) in GPS denied environments and without the usage of any known pattern. The method exploits the planar ground assumption and only uses the data provided by a monocular camera and an inertial measurement unit. It is based on a closed solution which provides the vehicle pose from a single camera image, once the roll and the pitch angles are obtained by the inertial measurements. Specifically, the vehicle position and attitude can uniquely be determined by having two point features. However, the precision is significantly improved by using three point features. The closed form solution makes the method very simple in terms of computational cost and therefore very suitable for real time implementation. Additionally, because of this closed solution, the method does not need any initialization. Results of experimentation show the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Chapter Progettare percorsi didattici di Storia della scuola per le scuole secondarie di II grado

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    The paper deals with how Public History and Public History of Education can be applied in secondary schools. Several advantages can be achieved through their presence: firstly, they enhance the role of workshops in studying history; secondly, they increase the motivation in Special Education Needs students. Three project works will be presented as they show how Public History of Education can stimulate interdisciplinarity

    Training mothers: feminine vocational education in Italy during Fascism

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    Throughout the XX century, the term "feminine vocational education" changed its meaning several times. Were the vocational feminine schools aimed at training skilled industrial workers or at educating perspective high-ranked housewives? This paper aims at answering at this question. For such a pursue, it investigates national and local sources and it analyzes how the field changed during the first ten years Fascism ruled Italy. All the vocational schools were struck by a radical reform and by the efforts the Minister of National Education Giuseppe Belluzzo made for rationalize the field. In such a context, curricula taught in feminine vocational schools changed: more time was devoted to domestic economy and to subjects like literature and foreign languages. As the latter were traditionally included in women' curricula since XIX century, the issue highlights a relevant links between liberal and fascistic educational policies. However, the increasing role domestic education played shows the regime designed vocational feminine schools not for training skilled industrial workers, but for educating mothers. During Fascism, women workers were called to unskilled and low-paid roles for which no training was need; however, lacks in welfare state and economic crisis made the Regime pursue mothers to work hard for saving money and for elevating people's living standard
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