183 research outputs found
Memilih Reksa Dana Dengan Tingkat Pengembalian Dan Tingkat Resiko Yang Sesuai
Memilih sarana investasi yang tepat kadangkala bukan hal yang mudah. Banyak hal yang harus dipertimbangkan diantaranya besarnya dana yang dimiliki, tujuan investasi, lamanya waktu investasi dan tingkat risiko yang bersedia dihadapi. Reksa Dana merupakan salah satu alternatif investasi yang tidak mensyaratkan jumlah dana yang cukup besar dan memiliki beberapa pilihan jenis investasi pada berbagai tingkat risiko dan tingkat pengembalian. Agar investasi aman , dalam memilih Reksa Dana perlu mencermati beberapa hal penting diantaranya siapa Manajer Investasinya, Bank Kustodian dan juga agen penjualnya
The purpose of this research aim to know the representation of historical event and historical fact in Tirani dan Benteng poem anthology by Taufiq Ismail. The background of the study was the researcher’s interest on poems by Taufiq Ismail which were anthology in Tirani and Benteng. The poems told about the historical events at the end of Soekarno era. This study used historical approach. The method used in this study was content analysis. The scope of the study was the analysis toward of the historical event representations and historical facts representation in the anthology. The focuses of this study were: (a) historical event representations, (b) artifact representations, (c) sociofact representation, and (d) mentifact representation. The results show that: (1) the event historical reprentations were: G30S/PKI event, collapse of Indonesian economic joint, event demonstration student in Tritura action causing to die Arief Rachman Hakim, (2) the artifact representations were: jacket covered with blod, rumpled banner, flag at half mast, weapon and steel bayonet, (3) sociofact representations were poverty and vertical as well as horizontal class conflicts, (4) mentifact representations were the spirit to defend truth and justice and the aspiration of the youths involved in Tritura action.Kata Kunci: historical study, poem, representation, historical fact, sociofac
Inflation, exchange rate, and stock return: The evidence from the LQ45 index constituents in Indonesia
Economic factors affect companies, especially those listed in the capital market. Consequently, it fundamentally affects investors’ wealth, reflected by the stock price movement. Accordingly, this study aims to investigate and analyze the influence of inflation and exchange rate as related ones on stock return. The population comes from 20 coherent non-financial companies selected as LQ45 index from 2016 to 2022. Then, this study applies the Slovin formula with a 10% error margin to determine the sample size of 17, taken by a simple random sampling method. Also, it uses the regression model with pooling data and t-statistic to examine stock return determinants. Once meeting classical assumptions, this study checks the relationships. Its result demonstrates a positive influence of inflation on stock return, confirming the perspective declaring common stock becomes the hedging tool on inflation. Meanwhile, the IDR/USD exchange rate negatively associates with this return: The more powerful the US Dollar, the more diminished the stock price of non-financial companies belonging to the LQ45 index.
Motivasi Berbelanja Pakaian Online Mahasiswa Jurusan Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau Pekanbaru
Online clothes shopping is a way of shopping by using current technology internet. Progress media changed the way the fulfillment of ones needs will compliance clothing.Trand including online clothing shop is in great demand all people. Motivation is an impulse or desire for someone to do something you want to achieve the objectives of certain research, shopping for clothes online is that students 2012. Student generation communication communications online shopping for clothes because of the needs, lifestyle, influence of friends and the influence of advertising. Clothing is a primary need or basic human needs to be filled.Clothing is one tool to protect body. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the motivation that drives students to buy clothes online and how characteristics of students mentioned. As for researchers used theoretical basis is motivation, lifestyle and consumption. Whereas this study using Quantitative Descriptive, using purposive sampling technique or aims. Collection sample data by observation / direct observation, questionnaires, guided interviews and documentation. The number of respondents in this study as many as 24 people. Based on the results of the research, respondents choose online shopping for clothes because the clothes offered a nice, unique, cheap and not spending complex.Keywords: Motivation, Online Clothes Shoppin
The purpose of this research aim to know the representation of historical event and historical fact in Tirani dan Benteng poem anthology by Taufiq Ismail. The background of the study was the researcher’s interest on poems by Taufiq Ismail which were anthology in Tirani and Benteng. The poems told about the historical events at the end of Soekarno era. This study used historical approach. The method used in this study was content analysis. The scope of the study was the analysis toward of the historical event representations and historical facts representation in the anthology. The focuses of this study were: (a) historical event representations, (b) artifact representations, (c) sociofact representation, and (d) mentifact representation. The results show that: (1) the event historical reprentations were: G30S/PKI event, collapse of Indonesian economic joint, event demonstration student in Tritura action causing to die Arief Rachman Hakim, (2) the artifact representations were: jacket covered with blod, rumpled banner, flag at half mast, weapon and steel bayonet, (3) sociofact representations were poverty and vertical as well as horizontal class conflicts, (4) mentifact representations were the spirit to defend truth and justice and the aspiration of the youths involved in Tritura action
Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemerolehan bahasa dalam bidang sintaksis pada anak autis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data diperoleh berdasarkan wawancara terhadap orang tua dan guru anak autis dan pengamatan terhadap objek penelitian (anak autis). Data yang diperlukan diperoleh dengan teknik simak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh hasil bahwa pemerolehan sintaksis pada anak autis mengalami keterlambatan. Pemerolehan bahasa pada anak penderita autis berbeda dengan anak normal. Perbedaan tersebut sangat terlihat dari perilaku dan pola komunikasi yang dihasilkan oleh anak penderita autis. Penderita autis cenderung menghindari komunikasi. Kecuali dengan orang-orang yang telah lama dikenalnya seperti orang tuanya. Anak penyandang autis memperoleh sintaksis dari struktur luar yaitu ucapan yang didengarnya. Lalu ucapan tersebut diintegrasikan dari struktur dalam anak dan membentuk pola sintaksis. Anak memahami makna dari ucapan dan membentuk sintaksis dalam berkomunikasi. Ketika anak autis memperoleh sintaksis, maka ia terlebih dulu telah memaknai sintaksis tersebut. Jika anak autis gagal memaknai sintaksis tersebut, maka ia cenderung membeo. Kegagalan pemahaman semantik itu yang menyebabkan keterlambatan dalam pemerolehan sintaksis anak autis. kata kunci : pemerolehan sintaksis, anak autisme Abstract.The purpose of this study was to determine language acquisition in the field of syntax in autistic children. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Sources of data obtained based on interviews with parents and teachers of autistic children and observations of the object of research (autistic children). The required data is obtained by referring to the technique. Based on the results of the study, results were obtained that the acquisition of syntax in autistic children was delayed. Language acquisition in autistic children is different from normal children. The difference is very visible from the behavior and communication patterns produced by autistic children. Autistic people tend to avoid communication. Except with people he has long known like his parents. Children with autism get the syntax of the outer structure, the speech they hear. Then the speech is integrated from the structure in the child and forms a syntactic pattern. Children understand the meaning of speech and form syntax in communication. When an autistic child gets syntax, he has first interpreted the syntax. If an autistic child fails to interpret the syntax, then he tends to parrot. The failure of the semantic understanding causes delays in the acquisition of syntax of autistic children. keywords : syntactic acquisition, autistic childre
Is the banking stock return affected by exchange, interest, and inflation rates?
For public investors, the return becomes the appeal for investors to purchase and sell the stocks in the capital market. Fundamentally, in their analysis, they must consider macroeconomic factors, i.e., foreign exchange, interest, and inflation rates. This study investigates and analyzes these factors as the determinant of stock return. The return intended is owned by the Indonesian capital market-listed banks selected as Kompas 100 Index constituents. Eight years are used as time observation, i.e., from 2015 to 2022. Based on this period, 11 banks exist as the samples. Then, this study utilizes the regression model to analyze the data associated with hypothesis testing. After examining the hypotheses, this study concludes a negative relationship between the exchange rate of IDR/USD on banking stock return: The more weakened the IDR/USD, the lower the stock return. Similarly, this negative sign also happens in the relationship between interest rate and stock return. Conversely, inflation positively affects this return.
Dalam undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 1992 tentang kesehatan pasal 17 dinyatakan bahwa kesehatan anak diselenggarakan untuk mewujutkan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak dan kesehatan anak dilakukan melalui peningktan kesehatan anak dalam kandungan, masa bayi, masa balita, usia pra sekolah dan usia sekolah. Selanjutnya dalam pasal 45 dinyatakan bahwa kesehatan sekolah diselenggarakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan hidup sehat peserta didik dalam lingkungan hudup sehat sehingga peserta didik dapat belajar, tumbuh dan berkembang secara harmonis dan optimal menjadi sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas. Disamping itu kesehatan sekolah juga diarahkan untuk memupuk kebiasaan hidup sehat agar memiliki pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan untuk melaksanakan prinsip hidup sehat aktif berpartisipasi dalam usaha peningkatan kesehatan, baik di sekolah, rumah tangga maupun dalam lingkungan masyarakat. Konsep hidup sehat yang tercermin pada perilaku sehat dalam lingkungan sehat perlu diperkenalkan seawall mungkin pada generasi penerus dan selanjutnya dihayati dan diamalkan. Peserta didik bukanlah lagi semata-mata sebagai objek pembangunan kesehatan melainkan sebagai subjek dan dengan demikian diharapkan mereka dapat berperan secara sadar dan bertanggung jawab dalam pembangunan kesehatan. Anak sekolah tingkat SMP dan SMA atau sederajat memasuki usia remaja dimana periode ini terjadi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang pesat baik fisi, psikologis maupun intelektual. Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Khusus Anak Kelas 1 Medan adalah tempat dimana remaja yang terlibat dalam berbagai masalah kejatan, narkoba dan sejenisnya dibina untuk perbaikan kea rah yang positif, maka diperlukan pembinaan secara khusus sehingga mereka nanti pada saat keluat=r, dapat menjadi kader kesehatan yang mempengaruhi teman sebaya mereka. Metode pelaksanaan dengan ceramah dan praktek secara langsung
Antiviral Therapy for Hepatitis C Prophylaxis in Percutaneous Exposure and Acute Hepatitis C
Incidence of percutaneous exposure to hepatitis C virus (HCV) is still quite high, particularly in medical staffs. Though not all will cause infection, but if acute HCV infection occurs, it usually develops into chronic hepatitis which finally causes cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Untill now, there is no standard method either in regiments, administration time, or duration of administration to prevent HCV infection after exposure occurs, as well as the use of antiviral therapy in acute HCV. HCV therapy target is viral eradication, thus the therapy response is defined using virological parameter than clinical parameter. Different from hepatitis B virus (HBV), immunoglobulin administration after exposure to HCV is not recommended as it is not proven to prevent transmission, similarly with pegylated interferon (PEG-IFN) or interferon (IFN) administration. In addition, several studies concluded that risk of HCV transmission after percutaneous exposure is low, therefore regular strict monitoring (monthly in the first 16 weeks after exposure) to clinical and laboratory results (HCV-RNA, alanine aminotransferase) is more required, so that detection and early treatment to acute HCV can be performed, considering that several studies showed that early monotherapy using IFN/PEG-IFN in acute HCV could reach quite high sustained virological response (SVR)
Analisis Resiko Kesehatan Lingkungan Dampak Jangka Panjang Paparan Arsen, Timbal dan Mangan Di Daerah Zona Merah Gunung Sinabung Yang Sudah Di Tempati Kembali
Belum pernah dilakukan pengukuran ARKL dari logam berat lain selain Pb dari sayuran dan air yang di konsumsi di masyarakat sekitar zona merah gunung sinabung maka perlu untuk dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan disain penelitian cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan di 2 desa yang bedasa di zona merah di sekitar gunung sinabung yang telah di tempati kembali pasca erupsi Desa Simacem dan Desa Bekerah, Kec. Naman Teran. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat 2 jenis sampel yaitu sampel subjek dan sampel objek, sampel subjek penelitian adalah 60 masyarakat sampel objek penelitian adalah 4 titik sumber air besih dan 4 titik sumber sayuran metode analisis menggunakan spektophotometer.hasil penelitian ini adalah Konsentrasi logam As, Pb dan Mn pada sayuran dan minuman tidak ada yang melebihi nilai ambang batas dan masih terkategori aman. Terdapat risiko kesehatan karsinogen akibat pajanan As pada air yaitu sebanyak 39 (65%) responden dari 60 responden. Tidak terdapat risiko karsinogen akibat pajanan As, Pb dan Mn sayuran dan Pb dan Mn air. Rendahnya kadar logam As, Pb dan Mn pada sayuran dan air di Desa Simacem dan Desa Bekerah Kec. Naman Teran dikarenakan desa tersebut berlawan arah dari arah erupsi gunung sinabung yaitu ke arah timur. Logam As, Pb dan Mn yang ada di Desa tersebut diprediksi sebagaian besar berasal dari aktifitas pertanian dan sebagian kecil dari alami dari alam sendir
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