1,248 research outputs found

    Static and dynamic properties of synaptic transmission at the cyto-neural junction of frog labyrinth posterior canal

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    The properties of synaptic transmission have been studied at the cyto-neural junction of the frog labyrinth posterior canal by examining excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) activity recorded intraaxonally from the afferent nerve after abolishing spike firing by tetrodotoxin. The waveform, amplitude, and rate of occurrence of the EPSPs have been evaluated by means of a procedure of fluctuation analysis devised to continuously monitor these parameters, at rest as well as during stimulation of the semicircular canal by sinusoidal rotation at 0.1 Hz, with peak accelerations ranging from 8 to 87 deg.s-2. Responses to excitatory and inhibitory accelerations were quantified in terms of maximum and minimum EPSP rates, respectively, as well as total numbers of EPSPs occurring during the excitatory and inhibitory half cycles. Excitatory responses were systematically larger than inhibitory ones (asymmetry). Excitatory responses were linearly related either to peak acceleration or to its logarithm, and the same occurred for inhibitory responses. In all units examined, the asymmetry of the response yielded nonlinear two-sided input-output intensity functions. Silencing of EPSPs during inhibition (rectification) was never observed. Comparison of activity during the first cycle of rotation with the average response over several cycles indicated that variable degrees of adaptation (up to 48%) characterize the excitatory response, whereas no consistent adaptation was observed in the inhibitory response. All fibers appeared to give responses nearly in phase with angular velocity, at 0.1 Hz, although the peak rates generally anticipated by a few degrees the peak angular velocity. From the data presented it appears that asymmetry, adaptation, and at least part of the phase lead in afferent nerve response are of presynaptic origin, whereas rectification and possible further phase lead arise at the encoder. To confirm these conclusions a simultaneous though limited study of spike firing and EPSP activity has been attempted in a few fibers

    Módulo II: Política de redes na atenção a saúde

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    Ministério da Saúd

    Módulo II: Política de redes na atenção a saúde

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    Ministério da Saúd


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    Teachers are guided by the curriculum in carrying out their duties in the field of education. In Indonesia, the current curriculum is the Merdeka curriculum. However, there is no standard format in the independent curriculum. This of course challenges teachers who are still experiencing the transition process from the K-13 curriculum to the Merdeka curriculum, especially Pattimura Jagakarsa Junior High School. For this reason, teachers need to improve their competence so that they can adapt to the dynamics of the world of education. The purpose of this service activity is to improve teacher competence so that learning activities can run effectively. This competency improvement was carried out through a two-day workshop with speakers from UNJ academics. The methods used are lectures, self-study, discussions, simulations, and questions and answers. The result is that 45% of teachers understand the planning and implementation of learning in the Merdeka curriculum, 32% of teachers understand enough, 23% of teachers still really need assistance. The trainees (teachers) are also able to make creative, interesting and innovative electronic modules. This indicates that the competence of the teachers has increased and they are ready to implement the Free Learning curriculum at  Pattimura High School Jagakarsa.   Abstrak Guru berpedoman pada kurikulum dalam menjalankan tugasnya di bidang pendidikan. Di Indonesia, kurikulum yang berlaku saat ini adalah kurikulum Merdeka. Namun, tidak ada format yang baku pada kurikulum merdeka. Hal ini tentu menyulitkan para guru yang masih mengalami proses transisi dari kurikulum K-13 ke kurikulum Merdeka, khususnya Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Pattimura Jagakarsa. Untuk itu, guru perlu meningkatkan kompetensinya agar dapat beradaptasi dengan dinamika dunia pendidikan. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru sehingga kegiatan pembelajaran dapat berjalan secara efektif. Peningkatan kompetensi ini dilakukan dengan workshop yang dilaksanakan selama dua hari dengan narasumber dari akademisi UNJ. Metode yang dilakukan  adalah lecturing, independent self study, diskusi, simulasi, dan Q&A. Hasilnya 45% guru telah memahami perencanaan dan implementasi pembelajaran pada kurikulum Merdeka, 32% guru cukup memahami, 23% guru masih sangat butuh pendampingan. Para guru sekaligus peserta pelatihan juga mampu membuat modul elektronik yang kreatif, menarik, dan inovatif.  Hal tersebut menandakan kompetensi para guru meningkat dan siap menerapkan kurikulum Merdeka Belajar di SMP Pattimura Jagakarsa

    Toeti Heraty: penyair feminis Indonesia (1967-2000)

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    This study aims to explain Toeti Heraty's biography as a feminist poet and also to describe her works with the theme of feminism both in the form of poetry and lyrical prose in the period 1967-2000. The method used is the historical method which consists of 5 steps namely identify the topic, heuristics, verification, interpretation, and historiography. The results of the study state that Toeti's initial contribution to the world of literature began when his poetry was published by Horison Magazine in 1967. In 1974 Toeti published a book of his poems entitled Sajak-Sajak 33. In 1982, Toeti published his second poetry anthology entitled Mimpi dan Pretensi. Toeti published his third anthology of poetry in 1995 entitled Nostalgi=Transendensi. Some of Toeti's poems carry the theme of feminism and the image of women in society. This theme is the hallmark of Toeti's poems.  The figure of speech that Toeti uses in her poetry is dominated by the irony of life.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan biografi Toeti Heraty sebagai seorang penyair feminis dan juga mendeskripsikan karya-karyanya yang bertemakan feminisme baik dalam bentuk sajak ataupun prosa lirik dalam rentang tahun 1967-2000. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode sejarah yang terdiri dari 5 tahapan yaitu pemilihan topik, heuristik, verifikasi, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa kiprah awal Toeti dalam dunia sastra dimulai ketika sajaknya diterbitkan oleh Majalah Horison pada tahun 1967. Pada tahun 1974 Toeti membukukan sajak-sajak yang diciptakannya dan diberi judul Sajak-Sajak 33. Tahun 1982, Toeti menerbitkan antologi puisi keduanya yang diberi judul Mimpi dan Pretensi. Toeti menerbitkan antologi puisinya yang ketiga pada tahun 1995 berjudul Nostalgi=Transendensi. Beberapa sajak yang Toeti buat mengusung tema feminisme dan citra perempuan dalam masyarakat. Tema tersebut menjadi ciri khas dari sajak-sajak ciptaan Toeti. Gaya bahasa yang Toeti gunakan dalam puisinya didominasi oleh ironi kehidupan

    Morphological e molecular identification of Anagrus \u2018atomus\u2019 group (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) individuals from different geographic areas and plant hosts in Europe.

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    Morphological identification and molecular study on the COI gene were simultaneously conducted on Anagrus Haliday \u2018atomus\u2019 group individuals collected in the field in Italy or supplied from a UK biofactory. Females were morphologically identified as A. atomus L. and A. parvus Soyka sensu Viggiani (\ubcA. ustulatus sensu Chiappini). Alignment of COI gene sequences from this study permitted recognition of a total of 34 haplotypes. Phylogenetic and network analyses of molecular data not only confirmed that A. atomus is a species distinct from A. parvus, but also suggested that two species may be included within morphologically identified A. parvus. Different geographical distribution and frequency of haplotypes were also evidenced. For males considered in this study, morphometric analyses revealed a character that could be useful to discriminate A. atomus from A. parvus. Both species were found in vineyards and surrounding vegetation, confirming the potential role of spontaneous vegetation as a source of parasitoids for leafhopper control in vineyards

    Review of the European Test Procedure for Evaporative Emissions: Main Issues and Proposed Solutions

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    The current European legislation on evaporative emissions dates back to the Directive 98/69/EC (Euro 3-4 standards). Since then neither the emission limits nor the test procedure have changed. As stated in several legislative documents the European Commission has now the obligation to review the evaporative emissions test procedure in order to improve control of evaporative emissions. In this report the main issues related to real world evaporative emissions and to the impact of ethanol used as transport fuel on the same emissions are addressed. In addition, modifications to the current European legislation to improve the control of real world evaporative emissions and to minimize the impact of ethanol are proposed. Moreover, this report provides an overview on evaporative emissions from passenger cars and on the effect of ethanol on them. A comparison between the European and US legislation is also provided.JRC.F.8-Sustainable Transpor

    Quantitative real-time PCR and high-resolution melting (HRM) analysis for strain-specific monitoring of fluorescent pseudomonads used as biocontrol agents against soil-borne pathogens of food crops

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    Fluorescent pseudomonads colonizing roots of crop plants and producing antifungal metabolites are regarded as a reliable alternative to chemical fungicides against soil-borne phytopathogens. Key factors in successful pathogen control are presence and activity at the appropriate concentration, time, and place of biocontrol agents. Thus, quantification methods to monitor population dynamics are pivotal to the development of reliable application protocols. Real-time PCR is nowadays the most widespread cultureindependent technique for the detection and enumeration of different target sequences. Here, its implementation with high resolution melting analysis as a powerful tool to accurately discriminate microbial inoculants is discussed