197 research outputs found

    Time-Delayed transfer functions simulations for LMXBs

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    Recent works (Steeghs & Casares 2002, Casares et al. 2003, Hynes et al. 2003) have demonstrated that Bowen flourescence is a very efficient tracer of the companion star in LMXBs. We present a numerical code to simulate time-delayed transfer functions in LMXBs, specific to the case of reprocessing in emission lines. The code is also able to obtain geometrical and binary parameters by fitting observed (X-ray + optical) light curves using simulated annealing methods. In this work we present the geometrical model for the companion star and the analytical model for the disc and show synthetic time-delay transfer functions for different orbital phases and system parameters.Comment: Contribution presented at the conference "Interacting Binaries: Accretion, Evolution and Outcomes", held in Cefalu, Sicily (Italy) in July 2004. To be published by AIP (American Institute of Physics), eds. L. A. Antonelli, L. Burderi, F. D'Antona, T. Di Salvo, G.L. Israel, L. Piersanti, O. Straniero, A. Tornambe. 4 pages, 4 figure

    An atlas of line profile studies for SU UMa type cataclysmic variables

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    We present H-alpha line-profile analyses for the seven SU UMa type dwarf novae AK Cnc, WX Cet, AQ Eri, VW Hyi, RZ Leo, TU Men, and HS Vir. All data sets are treated in the same manner, applying a sequence of techniques for each system. The basic ingredients of this sequence are the diagnostic diagram to determine the zero point of the orbital phase, and Doppler tomography to visualise the emission distribution. We furthermore introduce a new qualitative way of to evaluate the Doppler fit, by comparing the line profile of the reconstructed with the original spectrum in the form of the V/R plot. We present the results of the analysis in the compact form of an atlas, allowing a direct comparison of the emission distribution in our targets. Although most of the data sets were not taken with the intention of a line-profile analysis, we obtain significant results and are able to indicate the type of the additional emission in these systems. Our objects should have in principle very similar physical properties, i.e. they cover only a small range in orbital periods, mass ratios, and mass-transfer rates. Nevertheless, we find a large variety of phenomena both with respect to the individual systems and also within individual data sets of the same object. This includes `canonical' additional emission components from the secondary star and the bright spot, but also emission from the leading side of the accretion disc.Comment: 20 pages, 25 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, figures have been diminished in size and qualit

    Las nuevas tecnologías al servicio de la igualdad: análisis de las páginas web de las unidades de igualdad de las universidades españolas

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    [RESUMEN] La comunicación a través de la página web y su utilización a favor de unos determinados objetivos debería constituir una de las preocupaciones básicas de cualquier institución. La bibliografía relativa a las Unidades de Igualdad de las universidades españolas creadas en la primera década del siglo XXI es todavía escasa. Desde ese doble ángulo, la atribución a las nuevas tecnologías de un papel clave en la sociedad actual y la ausencia de trabajos, se ofrece una breve presentación de las Unidades de Igualdad en la que éstas se cuantifican, se identifican diferentes nombres utilizados y fechas de creación, y se destaca el papel de la Red de Unidades de Igualdad de Género para la Excelencia Universitaria (RUIGEU). El trabajo prosigue con un estudio descriptivo de las páginas web de las Unidades de Igualdad, en el que se relacionan características y contenidos (información, actividades, publicaciones, enlaces, planes de igualdad), identificando los elementos más favorables y los más deficientes, para concluir con una serie de propuestas de mejora

    V348 Puppis: a new SW Sex star in the period gap

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    We present time-resolved optical spectroscopy and photometry of the nova-like cataclysmic variable V348 Puppis. The system displays the same spectroscopic behaviour as SW Sex stars, so we classify V348 Pup as a new member of the class. V348 Pup is the second SW Sex system (the first is V795 Herculis) which lies in the period gap. The spectra exhibit enhanced HeII 4686 emission, reminiscent of magnetic cataclysmic variables. The study of this emission line gives a primary velocity semi-amplitude of K1 ~= 100 km/s. We have also derived the system parameters, obtaining: M1 ~= 0.65 Msun, M2 ~= 0.20 Msun (q ~= 0.31), i ~= 80 deg and K2 ~= 323 km/s. The spectroscopic behaviour of V348 Pup is very similar to that of V795 Her, with the exception that V348 Pup shows deep eclipses. We have computed the ``0.5-absorption'' spectrum of both systems, obtaining spectra which resemble the absorption spectrum of a B0 V star. We propose that absorption in SW Sex systems can be produced by a vertically extended atmosphere which forms where the gas stream re-impacts the system, either at the accretion disc or at the white dwarf's magnetosphere (assuming a magnetic scenario).Comment: 6 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Determining the profile of people with fall risk in community-living older people in Algarve region: a cross-sectional, population-based study

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    One in three people aged 65 years or older falls every year. Injuries associated with this event among the older population are a major cause of pain, disability, loss of functional autonomy and institutionalization. This study aimed to assess mobility and fall risk (FR) in community-living older people and to determine reliable and independent measures (health, social, environmental and risk factors) that can predict the mobility loss and FR. In total, 192 participants were included, with a mean age of 77.93 ± 8.38. FR was assessed by EASY-Care (EC) Standard 2010, the Tinetti Test and the Modified Falls Efficacy Scale (MFES). An exploratory analysis was conducted using the divisive non-hierarchical cluster method, aiming to identify a differentiator and homogeneous group of subjects (optimal group of variables) and to verify if that group shows differences in fall risk. Individually, the health, social, environmental and risk factor categories were not found to be an optimal group; they do not predict FR. The most significant predictor variables were a mix of the different categories, namely, the presence of pain, osteoarthritis (OA), and female gender. The finding of a profile that allows health professionals to be able to quickly identify people at FR will enable a reduction in injuries and fractures resulting from falls and, consequently, the associated costs.This research was funded by 0551_PSL_6_E-PSL-“Programme for a Long-lived Society” project, INTERREG V-A Spain-Portugal (POCTEP), financed by the cross-border Spain-Portugal European Territorial Cooperation Program, financed by the European Regional Development Fund.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hegemony and counterhegemony in network society: the use of memes for political purposes in the electoral periods 2018- 2019

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    Desde sus inicios, Internet ha sido un espacio de comunicación y desarrollo de discursos tanto hegemónicos como contrahegemónicos. El desarrollo tecnológico y social de la red ha dado lugar a nuevos fenómenos de la comunicación tales como el meme, que se ha popularizado en los últimos años en buena parte debido a la facilidad con la que se propaga -viraliza- por la red, así como lo versátil de su formato, que permite expresar mensajes muy complejos en un espacio muy reducido. Además, al tratarse de una forma de comunicación donde la autoría es secundaria, y que por su simplicidad se encuentra prácticamente al alcance de cualquier usuario, es muy susceptible de ser utilizada con fines de propagación de discursos con una importante carga ideológica, ya sea implícita o explícita. El presente trabajo se centra en ilustrar cómo el meme se convierte en un elemento reproductor de discursos tanto hegemónicos como contrahegemónicos, y más específicamente, cómo esto ocurre en un contexto temporal de marcado interés político. Para ello, se llevará a cabo un Análisis Crítico del Discurso -ACD- que partirá de una muestra de memes en formato imagen obtenida de varios perfiles de la red social Instagram. Dicha muestra abarcará temporalmente desde el inicio de la campaña electoral de las elecciones al Parlamento de Andalucía de 2018, hasta las últimas elecciones autonómicas y europeas en el Estado Español, el día 26 de mayo de 2019. También se tendrán en cuenta comentarios y otras formas de feedback por parte de los usuarios en las publicaciones originales, con la finalidad de obtener una visión de conjunto; de este modo además de conocer el mensaje y posicionamiento del emisor, se obtendrá una perspectiva general más detallada acerca de las comunidades donde se generan y reciben dichos mensajes. Resulta de especial relevancia contextualizar los tipos de emisores y receptores, su actividad y sus relaciones, ya que la existencia de unos entramados -networks- más o menos definidos que se articulan en torno a la emisión y recepción de memes, evidencia su eficiencia como elemento reproductor de discursos con carga ideológica.Since its beginnings, Internet has been a space for the development and communication of hegemonic and counterhegemonic discourses. Technologic and social development has given birth to new phenomena such as memes. This particular phenomenon has become pretty popular because of its easiness to become viral, as well as its format versatility, which allows to express complex messages in a pretty small space. Also, because the authorship is a minor aspect of the meme and also because its simplicity allows to make the message comprehensible for almost all publics, it has a very high susceptibility to become a way of propagation for ideological discourses. The present work will be focused on illustrate how memes become a discursive reproduction element, either hegemonic or counterhegemonic, and more specifically, how this happens in a moment of high political interest such as the Spanish electoral period started in the 2018 campaign for the Andalusian Parliament until the last elections happened before this work was finished –those happened the 26th of May, 2019-. To do this, the main analysis tool will be the Critical Discourse Analysis; it will be applied to a sample of visual memes obtained from the social media site Instagram. Comments from the users and other forms of online feedback will also taken into account to have a wider view of the picture; this way will allow to know the political stances of those who emit the messages and the communities they take part of. It is especially relevant to contextualize the emisor and receptor types, their activity and their relationships, because the existence of more or less defined networks articulated around memes, are a defining point as a reproductive element of ideologically imbued discourses.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CSO2016-78386-

    Evidence of magnetic accretion in an SW Sex star: discovery of variable circular polarization in LS Pegasi

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    We report on the discovery of variable circular polarization in the SW Sex star LS Pegasi. The observed modulation has an amplitude of ~0.3 % and a period of 29.6 minutes, which we assume as the spin period of the magnetic white dwarf. We also detected periodic flaring in the blue wing of Hbeta, with a period of 33.5 minutes. The difference between both frequencies is just the orbital frequency, so we relate the 33.5-min modulation to the beat between the orbital and spin period. We propose a new accretion scenario in SW Sex stars, based on the shock of the disk-overflown gas stream against the white dwarf's magnetosphere, which extends to the corotation radius. From this geometry, we estimate a magnetic field strength of B(1) ~ 5-15 MG. Our results indicate that magnetic accretion plays an important role in SW Sex stars and we suggest that these systems are probably Intermediate Polars with the highest mass accretion rates.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letters. LaTeX, 14 pages, 3 PostScript figure

    Reproducción de pensamiento y cosmovisiones en la web 2.0 : el caso del meme en Andalucía

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    Una de las premisas fundamentales de las que parte la antropología es que el ser humano se diferencia del resto de animales por su capacidad simbólica, esto es, la capacidad para dotar de significado a elementos físicos y abstractos y de poder comunicarlos a sus congéneres de un modo que les resulte inteligible. La capacidad de comunicación es fundamental para el desarrollo del ser humano como ser social, y en el actual contexto de hiperconectividad global, surgen nuevas formas de comunicación y expresión. Internet, por supuesto, no se ha quedado fuera; autores como Manuel Castells (2001) afirman que los aspectos socioculturales de la cotidianeidad permean en la red y contribuyen a la reproducción de los esquemas de poder y hegemonía. Para estudiar este fenómeno, se ha optado por centrar la atención en el caso de los memes emitidos por páginas de temática andaluza o tocante a lo andaluz presentes en la red social Facebook. A partir de una muestra de imágenes seleccionadas de diez páginas diferentes, se tratará de hallar aspectos comunes que puedan encontrarse presentes en los memes, tales como la presencia de discurso identitario, contenido político, denuncia social, referencias a la cultura folk y de masas, así como a la presencia (y uso) de elementos reconocibles como andaluces