16,584 research outputs found

    Noise predictions and economic effects of nacelle modifications to McDonnell Douglas DC-8 airplanes

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    Noise predictions and economics of nacelle modifications to DC-8 aircraf

    Investigation of ground reflection and impedance from flyover noise measurements

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    An extensive series of flyover noise tests was conducted for the primary purpose of studying meteorological effects on propagation of aircraft noise. The test airplane, a DC 9-10, flew several level-flight passes at various heights over a taxiway. Two microphone stations were located under the flight path. A total of 37 runs was selected for analysis and processed to obtain a consistant set of 1/3 octave band sound pressure levels at half-second intervals. The goal of the present study was to use the flyover noise data to deduce acoustical reflection coefficients and hence, acoustical impedances

    Duct-lining materials and concepts

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    Acoustic characteristics evaluation of duct lining materials and design of acoustically absorptive aircraft inlets and fan duct

    Optimization guide for programs compiled under IBM FORTRAN H (OPT=2)

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    Guidelines are given to provide the programmer with various techniques for optimizing programs when the FORTRAN IV H compiler is used with OPT=2. Subroutines and programs are described in the appendices along with a timing summary of all the examples given in the manual

    New urea-absorbing polymers for artificial kidney machines

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    Etherified polymer is made from modified cellulose derivative which is reacted with periodate. It will absorb 2 grams of urea per 100 grams of polymer. Indications are that polymers could be used to help remove uremic wastes in artificial kidneys, or they could be administered orally as therapy for uremia

    Aldehyde-containing urea-absorbing polysaccharides

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    A novel aldehyde containing polymer (ACP) is prepared by reaction of a polysaccharide with periodate to introduce aldehyde groups onto the C2 - C3 carbon atoms. By introduction of ether and ester groups onto the pendant primary hydroxyl solubility characteristics are modified. The ACP is utilized to absorb nitrogen bases such as urea in vitro or in vivo

    Ground-runup tests of acoustically treated inlets and fan ducts

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    Ground performance tests on noise intensity of turbofan engine ducts modified by acoustic lining

    Conceptual design study of advanced acoustic-composite nacelles

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    Conceptual studies were conducted to assess the impact of incorporating advanced technologies in the nacelles of a current wide-bodied transport and an advanced technology transport. The improvement possible in the areas of fuel consumption, flyover noise levels, airplane weight, manufacturing costs, and airplane operating cost were evaluated for short and long-duct nacelles. Use of composite structures for acoustic duct linings in the fan inlet and exhaust ducts was considered as well as for other nacelle components. For the wide-bodied transport, the use of a long-duct nacelle with an internal mixer nozzle in the primary exhaust showed significant improvement in installed specific fuel consumption and airplane direct operating costs compared to the current short-duct nacelle. The long-duct mixed-flow nacelle is expected to achieve significant reductions in jet noise during takeoff and in turbo-machinery noise during landing approach. Recommendations were made of the technology development needed to achieve the potential fuel conservation and noise reduction benefits