158 research outputs found

    Role of Tight Glycemic Control during Acute Coronary Syndrome on CV Outcome in Type 2 Diabetes

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    Both incidence and mortality of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) among diabetic patients are much higher than those among nondiabetics. Actually, there are many studies that addressed glycemic control and CV risk, whilst the literature on the role of tight glycemic control during ACS is currently poor. Therefore, in this review, we critically discussed the studies that investigated this specific topic. Hyperglycemia is implicated in vascular damage and cardiac myocyte death through different molecular mechanisms as advanced glycation end products, protein kinase C, polyol pathway flux, and the hexosamine pathway. Moreover, high FFA concentrations may be toxic in acute ischemic myocardium due to several mechanisms, thus leading to endothelial dysfunction. A reduction in free fatty acid plasma levels and an increased availability of glucose can be achieved by using a glucose-insulin-potassium infusion (GIKi) during AMI. The GIKi is associated with an improvement of either long-term prognosis or left ventricular mechanical performance. DIGAMI studies suggested blood glucose level as a significant and independent mortality predictor among diabetic patients with recent ACS, enhancing the important role of glucose control in their management. Several mechanisms supporting the protective role of tight glycemic control during ACS, as well as position statements of Scientific Societies, were highlighted

    COVID-19 and arrhythmia: The factors associated and the role of myocardial electrical impulse propagation. An observational study based on cardiac telemetric monitoring

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    BACKGROUND: The heart is commonly involved in COVID-19, and rhythm disorders have been largely reported. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association of some non-cardiac and cardiac comorbidities and QT dispersion with arrhythmias and their impact on outcomes in hospitalized patients with COVID-19. METHODS: Each patient underwent cardiac telemetry monitoring through the entire hospitalization period, laboratory analyses, 12-lead ECG, and lung imaging examination. Patients with arrhythmia were divided into three groups (bradyarrhythmias, tachyarrhythmias, and tachy- and bradyarrhythmias). RESULTS: Two-hundred patients completed the study (males, 123; mean age, 70.1 years); of these, 80 patients (40%) exhibited rhythm disorders on telemetry. Patients with arrhythmia were older (p < 0.0001), had a greater number of comorbidities (p < 0.0001), higher values of creatinine (p = 0.007), B-type natriuretic peptide (p < 0.0001), troponin (p < 0.0001), C-reactive protein (p = 0.01), ferritin (p = 0.001), D-dimer (p < 0.0001), procalcitonin (p = 0.0008), QT interval (p = 0.002), QTc interval (p = 0.04), and QTc dispersion (p = 0.01), and lower values of sodium (p = 0.03), magnesium (p = 0.04), glomerular filtration rate (p < 0.0001), and hemoglobin (p = 0.008) as compared to patients without arrhythmia. By comparing the three subgroups of patients, no significant differences were found. At multivariate analysis, age [odds ratio (OR) = 1.14 (95% CI: 1.07–1.22); p = 0.0004], coronary artery disease [OR = 12.7 (95% CI: 2.38–68.01); p = 0.005], and circulating troponin [OR = 1.05 (95% CI: 1.003–1.10); p = 0.04] represented risk factors independently associated with arrhythmia. All-cause in-hospital mortality was ∼40-fold higher among patients with arrhythmia [OR = 39.66 (95% CI: 5.20–302.51); p = 0.0004]. CONCLUSION: Arrhythmias are associated with aging, coronary artery disease, subtle myocardial injury, hyperinflammatory status, coagulative unbalance, and prolonged QTc dispersion in patients with COVID-19, and confer a worse in-hospital prognosis. Given its usefulness, routinary use of cardiac telemetry should be encouraged in COVID wards

    Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma after HCV Clearance by Direct-Acting Antivirals Treatment. Predictive Factors and Role of Epigenetics

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    Abstract: Direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) induce a rapid virologic response (SVR) in up to 99% of chronic hepatitis C patients. The role of SVR by DAAs on the incidence or recurrence of carcinoma (HCC) is still a matter of debate, although it is known that SVR does not eliminate the risk of HCC. In this review, we made an updated analysis of the literature data on the impact of SVR by DAAs on the risk of HCC as well as an assessment of risk factors and the role of epigenetics. Data showed that SVR has no impact on the occurrence of HCC in the short–medium term but reduces the risk of HCC in the medium–long term. A direct role of DAAs in the development of HCC has not been demonstrated, while the hypothesis of a reduction in immune surveillance in response to the rapid clearance of HCV and changes in the cytokine pattern influencing early carcinogenesis remains to be further elucidated. HCV induces epigenetic alterations such as modifications of the histone tail and DNA methylation, which are risk factors for HCC, and such changes are maintained after HCV clearance. Future epigenetic studies could lead to identify useful biomarkers and therapeutic targets. Cirrhosis has been identified as a risk factor for HCC, particularly if associated with high liver stiffness and α-fetoprotein values, diabetes and the male sex. Currently, considering the high number and health cost to follow subjects’ post-HCV clearance by DAAs, it is mandatory to identify those at high risk of HCC to optimize management

    Dyskurs (post)konwencjonalnej tożsamości wobec merkantylistycznej natury globalizującego się świata

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    In this article I described the idea of globalization, but I abandoned a strictly scientific analysis and treated the subject more contemplatively. I described not only the process, but also the values (connected with the culture of instant gratification, globalization and the cultural homogenization) and the orientation connected with it (consumerism, commoditization of human life) which shape the surrounding reality as well as ourselves. The question of identity, which is constantly shaping, is significant in this context. It is, just as globalization, fluid, unspecified and ambivalent. I endeavour to prove the hypotheses by adducing sociological, cultural and philosophical classic writers. The very last ones – fairly unexpectedly – become crucial to me and they let me analyse the human nature in postmodern reality holistically

    Efficacy and safety of the sofosbuvir/velpatasvir combination for the treatment of patients with early mild to moderate COVID-19

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    : SARS-CoV-2 is still a health problem worldwide despite the availability of vaccines. Therefore, there is a need for effective and safe antiviral. SARS-CoV-2 and HCV necessitate RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) for replication; therefore, it has been hypothesized that RdRp inhibitors used to treat HCV may be effective treating SARS-CoV-2. Accordingly, we evaluated the effect of the sofosbuvir/velpatasvir (SOF/VEL) combination in early SARS-CoV-2 infection. A multicenter case-control study was conducted, enrolling 120 patients with mild or moderate COVID-19, of whom 30, HCV coinfected or not, received SOF/VEL tablets (400/100&nbsp;mg) once daily for 9&nbsp;days within a median of 6&nbsp;days from the beginning of infection and 90 controls were treated with standard care. The primary endpoint was the effect on viral clearance, and the secondary endpoint was the improvement of clinical outcomes. Nasal swabs for SARS-CoV-2 by PCR were performed every 5-7&nbsp;days. Between 5-14&nbsp;days after starting SOF/VEL treatment, SAS-CoV-2 clearance was observed in 83% of patients, while spontaneous clearance in the control was 13% (p &lt; 0.001). An earlier SARS-CoV-2 clearance was observed in the SOF/VEL group than in the control group (median 14 vs 22&nbsp;days, respectively, p &lt; 0.001) also when the first positivity was considered. None of the patients in the SOF/VEL group showed disease progression, while in the control group, 24% required more intensive treatment (high flow oxygen or noninvasive/invasive ventilation), and one patient died (p &lt; 0.01). No significant side effects were observed in the SOF/VEL group. Early SOF/VEL treatment in mild/moderate COVID-19 seems to be safe and effective for faster elimination of SARS-CoV-2 and to prevent disease progression

    Hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic HBV-HCV co-infection is correlated to fibrosis and disease duration

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a development of severe liver disease frequently due to HBV and/or HCV infection. The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the development of HCC in patients with HBV-HCV chronic infection compared with patients with single HBV or HCV infection and the viral and host factors correlated to HCC in co-infected patients. We studied 268 patients with histology proven chronic hepatitis: 56 had HBV-HCV co-infection (HBV-HCV group), 46 had HBV infection (HBV group) and 166 had HCV infection (HCV group). Patients were followed up for at least 3 years. Viral and host factors were studied. HCC was more frequent in HBV-HCV group (14%) compared with HBV (2%, p = 0.006) and HCV monoinfected (4%, p = 0.006). The Mantel-Haenszel test used to investigate the relationship between HBV-HCV co-infection and development of HCC indicated an association between development of HCC and HBV-HCV co-infection (p < 0.001). In the HBV-HCV group, patients with HCC were significantly older (p = 0.000), had longer disease duration (p = 0.001), higher blood glucose levels (p = 0.001), lower levels of steatosis (p = 0.02), higher levels of fibrosis (p = 0.000), higher HCV RNA (p = 0.01) than those without HCC. ALT, lipid profile, PNPLA3 variant distribution and HBV viral load did not differ among co-infected patients with or without HCC. In conclusion HCC was more frequent in our patients with HBV-HCV co-infection, than in those with HBV or HCV mono-infection; possible associated risk factors for HCC development seem a long duration of disease, high levels of fibrosis and carbohydrate intolerance

    Trigeminal neuralgia and persistent trigeminal artery

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    We report a case of trigeminal neuralgia caused by persistent trigeminal artery (PTA) associated with asymptomatic left temporal cavernoma. Our patient presented unstable blood hypertension and the pain of typical trigeminal neuralgia over the second and third divisions of the nerve in the right side of the face. The attacks were often precipitated during physical exertion. MRI and Angio-MRI revealed the persistent carotid basilar anastomosis and occasionally left parietal cavernoma. After drug treatment of blood hypertension, spontaneous recovery of neuralgia was observed and we planned surgical treatment of left temporal cavernoma