598 research outputs found

    Personality traits as the corellates of work motivation and readiness for permanent education

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    Проблем мотивације за рад је дубоко везан за организацију и њено функционисање, и многа истраживања указују на то да мотивисаност значајно утиче на продуктивност. Циљ мотивисања људи јесте интеграција циљева и мотива у којој треба обезбедити да се људи понашају на начин који ће доприносити продуктивности организације, али уз истовремено задовољење потреба и интереса запослених. Зато менаџмент има задатак да оптимизира ову интеграцију како би били остварени и индивидуални и организациони циљеви. Мотивација за рад се дефинише различито, али, у основи, она покреће, организује, усмерава и утиче на интензитет и трајност радне активности. Са друге стране, свако извођење активности захтева одређена знања. Али, посебно у условима данашње технологије, једном стечено знање које се не развија кроз живот не може допринети унапређењу нашег извођења. Убрзани технолошки напредак модерног доба готово дневно мења услове и начине пословања, што захтева прилагођавање појединца. Због тога нам се процес перманентног образовања чини од велике важности у контексту општег циља оптималних перформанси и ефикасности на раду. У овом истраживању испитиван је утицај особина личности и социјалне одговорности запосленог појединца према организацији у којој ради, као независних варијабли, на мотивацију за рад, односно спремност на перманентно образовање. Полазна тачка испитивања мотивације за рад била је Типологија мотивационих извора коју предлажу Леонард, Бове и Шул (Leonard, Beauvais, School, 1999), а која претпоставља постојање пет мотивационих извора- интринзички мотивациони процеси; екстринзичка-инструментална мотивације; спољашња мотивација заснована на самоопажању; унутрашња мотивација заснована на самоопажању; мотивација интернализованих циљева. Наша претпоставка је била да одређене особине личности (емоционалне и конативне), могу бити повезане са одређеним мотивационим изворима, а евентуално откривање ове повезаности могло би бити од помоћи менаџменту у мотивисању запослених. Такође смо претпоставили да испитиване особине личности могу утицати и на спремност појединца на процес перманентног образовања, имајући у виду да сам процес подразумева неке особине попут радозналости, истрајности, отворености за нова искуства и сл. Социјална одговорност запосленог појединца према организацији у којој ради, као релативно нов концепт, подразумева облик просоцијалног понашања које је добровољно и превазилази формално прописано понашање у организацији. Наше истраживање је засновано на две димензије, које су се доследно потврђивале кроз различита истраживања као фактори ове одговорности, и то су алтруизам и савесност. За ове димензије је такође претпостављено да могу бити повезане и са спремношћу на перманентно образовање. Истраживање је извршено на пригодном узорку кога је сачињавао 401 испитаник...The problem of work motivation is deeply connected to the organization and its functioning, and many research show that the motivation has the significant influence on productivity. The aim of motivating is the integration of goals and motives in which one should ensure that people behave in the manner which will contribute to the organizational productivity and to the satisfaction of employee’s needs and interests, in the same time. That is why the management has the task to optimize this integration in the aim of realizing individual and organizational goals. There are different definition of work motivation, but basically, it activates, organizes, directs and influences the intensity and the duration of work activity. On the other side, performing of any activity demands certain knowledge. Especially, in the circumstances of the modern technology, once acquired knowledge, not developed during the life span can not contribute to the promotion of our performing. Fast technological development of the modern age changes daily the conditions and the manners of working, which requires the adaptation of an individual. That is why, the process of the permanent education seems very important to us, in the context of the general goal of optimizing work performances and efficiency. In this research it was investigated the influence of personality treats and Organizational Citizenship Behavior, as independent variables, on work motivation and readiness for permanent education. The base of work motivation’s investigation was the Typology of Motivational Sources, proposed by Leonard, Beauvais and School (1999) which assumes existing of five motivational sources- intrinsic motivational processes; extrinsic- instrumental motivation; extrinsic motivation based on the self-concept; intrinsic motivation based on the self-concept; internalized goals. Our hypothesis was that certain personality treats (emotional and conative) can be correlated to some motivational sources, and eventually recovering of this connection could be helpful to the management in motivating of the employees. Also, we presumed that investigated personality treats could influence the readiness of the individual on the process of permanent education, because that process includes some treats like curiosity, persistence, openness for new experiences ect. Organizational Citizenship behavior, as relatively new concept, is the form of prosaically behavior which is voluntary and goes out of formal prescribed organizational behavior. Our research is based on two dimensions which have been permanently confirmed as the factors of Organizational Citizenship Behavior through many research, and they are altruism and conciseness. These dimensions are also presumed as connected to the readiness for permanent education. The investigation has been conducted on the sample of 401 investigates..

    Improving the economic performances of the beet-sugar industry

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    General trend of free trade at the regional level as well as in the direction of European Union has motivated sugar factories located in Serbia to invest into technologies that are more efficient in order to make their products more competitive in the markets of Europe. Until 2005, the project of energy efficiency improvement in Serbian sugar factories was conducted in Crvenka and Žabalj. Now, they have energy consumption around 1 MJ/kg beet, in contrast to the previous consumption of 1.2 up to 1.5 MJ/kg beet. Further improvements are possible but investments would be high. A result of measurements taken during 2006, after the sugar factory "Donji Srem" - Pećinci was reconstructed showed that a considerable saving has been achieved. The first set of measurements showed that the energy consumption was 1.01 MJ/kg beet, which was 20% higher than intended, but at the same time energy savings were about 30% lower with respect to the values before the reconstruction

    Electrically Tunable Spin Polarization in a Carbon-Nanotube Spin Diode

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    We have studied the current through a carbon nanotube quantum dot with one ferromagnetic and one normal-metal lead. For the values of gate voltage at which the normal lead is resonant with the single available non-degenerate energy level on the dot, we observe a pronounced decrease in the current for one bias direction. We show that this rectification is spin-dependent, and that it stems from the interplay between the spin accumulation and the Coulomb blockade on the quantum dot. Our results imply that the current is spin-polarized for one direction of the bias, and that the degree of spin polarization is fully and precisely tunable using the gate and bias voltages. As the operation of this spin diode does not require high magnetic fields or optics, it could be used as a building block for electrically controlled spintronic devices.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure


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    The authors present the basic characteristics of the fish production in the Republic of Serbia. In the case of the fishpond "OZZ Despotovo", in the municipality of Bačka Palanka, the main economic indicators achieved in the production of freshwater fish (carp, grass carp, silver carp, catfish) are analyzed. The observed production requires very high investment per unit area (€ 4,381.39 ha-1). Despite significant investment, achieved economic results are relatively modest (the contribution margin € 892.15 ha-1; the cost-effectiveness ratio 1.09; the profit rate 8.10%). System support of country in the modernization of existing fishponds and raising the new ones, it can significantly contribute to the improvement of production and economic results in the fish production on the territory of the Republic of Serbia

    Brain and art: illustrations of the cerebral convolutions. A review

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    Background: Aesthetics and functional significance of the cerebral cortical relief gave us the idea to find out how often the convolutions are presented in fine art, and in which techniques, conceptual meaning and pathophysiological aspect.Materials and methods: We examined 27,614 art works created by 2,856 authors and presented in art literature, and in Google images search.Results: The cerebral gyri were shown in 0.85% of the art works created by 2.35% of the authors. The concept of the brain was first mentioned in ancient Egypt some 3,700 years ago. The first artistic drawing of the convolutions was made by Leonardo da Vinci, and the first colour picture by an unknown Italian author. Rembrandt van Rijn was the first to paint the gyri. Dozens of modern authors, who are professional artists, medical experts or designers, presented the cerebralc onvolutions in drawings, paintings, digital works or sculptures, with various aesthetic, symbolic and metaphorical connotation. Some artistic compositions and natural forms show a gyral pattern. The convolutions, whose cortical layers enable the cognitive functions, can be affected by various disorders. Some artists suffered from those disorders, and some others presented them in their artworks.Conclusions: The cerebral convolutions or gyri, thanks to their extensive cortical mantle, are the specific morphological basis for the human mind, but also the structures with their own aesthetics. Contemporary authors relatively often depictor model the cerebral convolutions, either from the aesthetic or conceptual aspect. In this way, they make a connection between the neuroscience and fineart

    Electric Field Effect in Ultrathin Films near the Superconductor-Insulator Transition

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    The effect of an electric field on the conductance of ultrathin films of metals deposited on substrates coated with a thin layer of amorphous Ge was investigated. A contribution to the conductance modulation symmetric with respect to the polarity of the applied electric field was found in regimes in which there was no sign of glassy behavior. For films with thicknesses that put them on the insulating side of the superconductor-insulator transition, the conductance increased with electric field, whereas for films that were becoming superconducting it decreased. Application of magnetic fields to the latter, which reduce the transition temperature and ultimately quench superconductivity, changed the sign of the reponse of the conductance to electric field back to that found for insulators. We propose that this symmetric response to capacitive charging is a consequence of changes in the conductance of the a-Ge layer, and is not a fundamental property of the physics of the superconductor-insulator transition as previously suggested.Comment: 4 pages text, 4 figure

    Application of electronic tongue in isotonic sports drinks characterization and differentiation during storage

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    The electronic tongue or taste sensor system, comprised of seven potentiometric sensors, was applied as a tool in isotonic sports drinks analyses and characterization. Recently, electronic tongue systems showed large potential in food quality control, and for the first time it was used in isotonic sports drinks differentiation. The ability of the electronic tongue to differentiate between isotonic sports drinks samples and to monitor isotonic sports drinks during shelf life was evaluated by PCA analysis. The obtained results showed that the electronic tongue system was capable of differentiating between differently flavoured isotonic sports drinks samples and was able to monitor the changes in isotonic sports drinks samples during storage. High correlations of the developed PLS models between the observed sensory taste attributes (sweet, sour, bitter taste intensity and chemical senses intensity) and physicochemical parameters (electrical conductivity, refractometric value, pH value) and predicted values of sensory taste attributes and physicochemical parameters evaluated by electronic tongue, confirmed the performance of the electronic tongue and also indicate that the electronic tongue system can be used for rapid evaluation of sensory taste attributes and physicochemical parameters of isotonic sports drinks

    Implementation of GIS technologies in assessment and protection of natural values of Tara National Park

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    Mount Tara is among the most important centers of Balkan and European ecosystem and species biodiversity. It is characterized by diversified and well-maintained communities of old deciduous and mixed coniferous forests (beech/fir/spruce). They represent a unique example of well preserved forests in SE Europe with numerous endemic and relict species of indigenous flora and fauna. The geographical information system (GIS) that we have created has proved an excellent tool for valorization and protection of all natural values and potentials of Tara National Park.Geografski informacioni sistem je: organizovan skup računarskog hardvera softvera, geografskih podataka i kadra, dizajniran da efikasno prikuplja smešta, nadgrađuje, manipuliše, analizira i prikazuje sve forme geografski referencirane informacije. Za ekologe GIS je otvorio nove mogućnosti za istraživanja i aplikaciju sakupljenih informacija. Zbog same kompleksnosti sistema životne sredine mi najčešće nastojimo da ih proučavamo koristeći redukcionistički pristup, fokusirajući ce na male, diskretne pojednostavljene aspekte. Međutim većina problema u životnoj sredini su više faktorijalni i zahtevaju razmatranje širokog spektra izvora informacija pitanja i interesa. Za većinu ekoloških studija potrebne su nam eksplicitnije i kvalifikovanije terenske informacije vezane za faktore koji bi mogli da objasne posmatranu ekosistemsku, faunističku i florističku raznovrsnost u dimenziji prostorne i vremenske distribucije uključujući i podatke o geologiji, klimi, pedologiji, distribuciji i ponašanju istrživanih vrsta. Ovde svoju ulogu pronalaze geografski informacioni sistemi (GIS). Nacionalni park Tara obuhvata najveći deo planine Tare u zapadnoj Srbiji prosečne nadmorske visine 1000-1200 m na 180 km od Beograda. Ukupna površina zaštićenog područja Nacionalnog parka je 19.175 ha, a 37.584 ha predstavlja zaštitnu zonu oko Nacionalnog parka. Pripada opštini Bajina Bašta. Planina Tara predstavlja jednu od vrućih tačaka specijskog i ekosistemskog diverziteta sa 35 različitih šumskih zajednica lišćarskog, mešovito četinarskog tipa, kao i 19 opisanih livadskih zajednica. Mnoge od njih posebno one sa Pančićevom omorikom, imaju reliktan ili endemoreliktan karakter. U tom smislu sasvim je opravdano što se Tara danas našla na listi područja značajnih za očuvanje ptičijeg sveta (IBA) i dnevnih leptira Evrope (PBA), a u toku je njeno uključivanje u međunarodnu listu područja značajnog za očuvanje svetske flore (IPA). Kako se gazdovanje i upravljanje praktično svim prirodnim potencijalima NP Tara, do sada dominantno zasnivalo na principima šumarske tehnologije i inženjeringa ovaj rad ima svoju punu naučnu opravdanost u pokušaju implementacije savremenih naučnih saznanja iz oblasti zaštite biodiverziteta, konzervacione ekologije geografije i prostornog planiranja u mehanizam upravljanja prirodnim nacionalnim resursima. Ovaj tip vrednovanja i zaštite otvara mogućnost primene održivog/usklađenog korišćenja resursa NP Tara. Tokom 2002. i 2003. godine formirane su teme GIS NP Tara koje obuhvataju prirodne (geomorfologija, geologija, pedologija, hidrologija, vegetacija, flora fauna), korišćene (eksploatacija šuma) i veštačke (antropogene) sadržaje (puteve, brane, naselja, turističke sadržaje i granice). Geografski informacioni sistem koji je formiran za NP Taru sa temama koje ga čine da prati okvire sličnih projekata rađenih u Evropi i svetu i jedan je od tipičnih geografskih informacionih sistema (iz oblasti ekologije, zaštite životne sredine, šumarstva, itd), koji sadrži gotovo sve vrste podataka (izuzev satelitskih snimaka) u GIS (rasterske, vektorske, DEM, baza podataka i aerofotogrametrijske snimke).Projekat ministarstv