95 research outputs found

    Effectiveness and characteristics of a new technology to reduce ammonia, carbon dioxide, and particulate matter pollution in poultry production with artificial turf floor

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    Ammonia (NH3), carbon dioxide (CO2), and particulate matter (PM) are three major aerial pollutants that threaten the health of workers and animals in poultry production. An experiment was conducted in four laying hen rooms, with 735 to 740 hens per room, to study a new technology using artificial turf (AstroTurf®) floor for mitigation of the three pollutants. Air was sampled at three locations in each room to measure ammonia and carbon dioxide concentrations with an Innova 1412 multi-gas monitor for 83 days. Particulate matter was measured at one location at bird height in each room using a Dylos DC1700 Air Quality Monitor for 35 days. Ventilation rates in all rooms were monitored with RM Young anemometers. Compared with two wood shavings rooms, the two artificial turf rooms significantly (p\u3c0.01) reduced concentrations of ammonia by 51.0%, carbon dioxide by 13.5%, small particles by 77.5%, and large particles by 83.6%. They also significantly (p\u3c0.01) reduced ammonia and carbon dioxide emission rates by 38.4% and 8.3%, respectively. The artificial turf rooms’ lower ammonia concentrations and emissions were a result of lower manure pH. The artificial turf rooms also retained more nitrogen in manure. Lower carbon dioxide concentrations and emissions were partially attributed to less carbon dioxide released from manure. Lower PM concentrations were related to reduced PM sources on floor surfaces. Artificial turf rooms had smaller in-room ammonia and carbon dioxide concentration gradients. Artificial turf is a promising new technology to improve indoor air quality in and reduce pollutant emissions from poultry production

    'Senescence-associated vacuoles' are involved in the degradation of chloroplast proteins in tobacco leaves

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    Massive degradation of photosynthetic proteins is the hallmark of leaf senescence; however the mechanism involved in chloroplast protein breakdown is not completely understood. As small 'senescence-associated vacuoles' (SAVs) with intense proteolytic activity accumulate in senescing leaves of soybean and Arabidopsis, the main goal of this work was to determine whether SAVs are involved in the degradation of chloroplastic components. SAVs with protease activity were readily detected through confocal microscopy of naturally senescing leaves of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). In detached leaves incubated in darkness, acceleration of the chloroplast degradation rate by ethylene treatment correlated with a twofold increase in the number of SAVs per cell, compared to untreated leaves. In a tobacco line expressing GFP targeted to plastids, GFP was re-located to SAVs in senescing leaves. SAVs were isolated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Isolated SAVs contained chloroplast-targeted GFP and the chloroplast stromal proteins Rubisco (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase) and glutamine synthetase, but lacked the thylakoid proteins D1 and light-harvesting complex II of the photosystem II reaction center and photosystem II antenna, respectively. In SAVs incubated at 30°C, there was a steady decrease in Rubisco levels, which was completely abolished by addition of protease inhibitors. These results indicate that SAVs are involved in degradation of the soluble photosynthetic proteins of the chloroplast stroma during senescence of leaves.Instituto de Fisiología Vegeta

    Rancang Bangun Website Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Komputer (Studi Kasus : Program Studi Ilmu Komputer Universitas Mulawarman)

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi terutama internet, merupakan faktor utama pendorong perkembangan web jurnal. Kemudahan dalam mengakses informasi lewat internet sangat mendukung pengembangan pembuatan jurnal secara online. Jurnal online sangat bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa dan dosen untuk mengakses jurnal dimanapun dan kapanpun. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk merancang aplikasi Content Management System berbasis web untuk website Jurnal Informatika yang mempermudah mahasiswa dan dosen dalam memperoleh informasi jurnal secara online. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada perancangan aplikasi meliputi lima tahap yaitu tahap pengumpulan data, tahap penilaian, tahap perancangan, tahap integrasi dan pengujian serta tahap dokumentasi serta teknik pemodelan yang digambarkan dengan Unified Modeling Language (UML). Hasil yang dicapai dari perancangan adalah sebuah aplikasi dengan model Content Management System dalam bentuk web portal jurnal ilmiah bidang komputer yang memiliki beberapa fitur seperti manajemen jurnal dan manajemen anggota yang diharapkan dapat membantu pihak pengelola web portal dalam melakukan pengelolaan jurnal yang akan dipublikasikan

    'Senescence-associated vacuoles' are involved in the degradation of chloroplast proteins in tobacco leaves

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    Massive degradation of photosynthetic proteins is the hallmark of leaf senescence; however the mechanism involved in chloroplast protein breakdown is not completely understood. As small 'senescence-associated vacuoles' (SAVs) with intense proteolytic activity accumulate in senescing leaves of soybean and Arabidopsis, the main goal of this work was to determine whether SAVs are involved in the degradation of chloroplastic components. SAVs with protease activity were readily detected through confocal microscopy of naturally senescing leaves of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). In detached leaves incubated in darkness, acceleration of the chloroplast degradation rate by ethylene treatment correlated with a twofold increase in the number of SAVs per cell, compared to untreated leaves. In a tobacco line expressing GFP targeted to plastids, GFP was re-located to SAVs in senescing leaves. SAVs were isolated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Isolated SAVs contained chloroplast-targeted GFP and the chloroplast stromal proteins Rubisco (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase) and glutamine synthetase, but lacked the thylakoid proteins D1 and light-harvesting complex II of the photosystem II reaction center and photosystem II antenna, respectively. In SAVs incubated at 30°C, there was a steady decrease in Rubisco levels, which was completely abolished by addition of protease inhibitors. These results indicate that SAVs are involved in degradation of the soluble photosynthetic proteins of the chloroplast stroma during senescence of leaves.Instituto de Fisiología Vegeta


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    Perundungan atau bullying merupakan tindakan atau perilaku penggunaan kekuasaan untuk menyakiti seseorang atau kelompok yang dilakukan secara fisik, verbal maupun psikologis sehingga korban merasa tertekan, trauma dan tak berdaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Instrument dalam penelitian ini berupa angket kuesioner yang berisi tentang pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang terkait dengan tanda-tanda bullying yang sering terjadi dalam lingkungan sekolah. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 43 orang merupakan anak SDN Kedungsumur 3 yang sedang duduk di kelas 4, 5, dan 6. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat bentuk pelaku bullying berjenis laki – laki dan perempuan

    The Arabidopsis AAA ATPase SKD1 is involved in multivesicular endosome function and interacts with its positive regulator LYST-INTERACTING PROTEIN5

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    In yeast and mammals, the AAA ATPase Vps4p/SKD1 (for Vacuolar protein sorting 4/SUPPRESSOR OF K+ TRANSPORT GROWTH DEFECT1) is required for the endosomal sorting of secretory and endocytic cargo. We identified a VPS4/SKD1 homolog in Arabidopsis thaliana, which localizes to the cytoplasm and to multivesicular endosomes. In addition, green fluorescent protein-SKD1 colocalizes on multivesicular bodies with fluorescent fusion protein endosomal Rab GTPases, such as ARA6/RabF1, RHA1/RabF2a, and ARA7/RabF2b, and with the endocytic marker FM4-64. The expression of SKD1E232Q, an ATPase-deficient version of SKD1, induces alterations in the endosomal system of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Bright Yellow 2 cells and ultimately leads to cell death. The inducible expression ofSKD1E232Q in Arabidopsis resulted in enlarged endosomes with a reduced number of internal vesicles. In a yeast two-hybrid screen using Arabidopsis SKD1 as bait, we isolated a putative homolog of mammalian LYST-INTERACTING PROTEIN5 (LIP5)/SKD1 BINDING PROTEIN1 and yeast Vta1p (for Vps twenty associated 1 protein). Arabidopsis LIP5 acts as a positive regulator of SKD1 by increasing fourfold to fivefold its in vitro ATPase activity. We isolated a knockout homozygous Arabidopsis mutant line with a T-DNA insertion in LIP5. lip5 plants are viable and show no phenotypic alterations under normal growth conditions, suggesting that basal SKD1 ATPase activity is sufficient for plant development and growth.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Virological outcome of patients with HIV drug resistance attending an urban out-patient clinic in Uganda: a need for structured adherence counselling and third line treatment options

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    BACKGROUND HIV drug resistance and suboptimal adherence are the main reasons for treatment failure among HIV-infected individuals. As genotypic resistance testing is not routinely available in resource-limited settings such as Uganda, data on transmitted and acquired resistance is sparse. METHODS This observational follow-up study assessed the virological outcomes of patients diagnosed with virological failure or transmitted HIV drug resistance in 2015 at the adults' out-patient clinic of the Infectious Diseases Institute in Kampala, Uganda. Initially, 2430 patients on antiretroviral therapy (ART) underwent virological monitoring, of which 190 had virological failure and were subsequently eligible for this follow-up study. Nine patients diagnosed with transmitted drug resistance were eligible. In patients with a viral load > 1000 copies/mL genotypic resistance testing was done. RESULTS Of 190 eligible patients, 30 (15.8%) had either died or were lost to follow-up. A total of 148 (77.9%) were included, of which 98 had had a change of ART regimen, and 50 had received adherence counselling only. The majority was now on 2-line ART (N=130, 87.8%). The median age was 39 years (interquartile range: 32-46) and 109 (73.6%) were female. Virological failure was diagnosed in 29 (19.6%) patients, of which 24 (82.8%) were on 2-line ART. Relevant drug resistance was found in 25 (86.2%) cases, of which 12 (41.3%) carried dual and 7 (24.1%) triple drug resistance. CONCLUSION Two years after initial virological failure, most patients followed up by this study had a successful virological outcome. However, a significant proportion either continued to fail or died or was lost to follow-up

    Elección de frutas para licuados y frecuencia de consumo

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    Siendo necesario desarrollar y articular estrategias que permitan a los consumidores elegir alimentos y productos alimenticios saludables resulta de utilidad estudiar la influencia de los motivos de los consumidores en la elección de alimentos y su disposición a consumir comidas saludables. Se presentan aquí los resultados de la primera etapa de un estudio sobre percepción de producto saludable, intención de consumo y motivos de elección de alimentos referidos a licuados de frutas. Se realizó una encuesta auto-administrada a 104 consumidores ≥ 18 años, en la que se indagó sobre las 3 frutas de elección en orden de preferencia, la frecuencia de consumo durante el último año y los momentos del día preferidos para consumirlos. Se aplicó una regresión log-lineal para analizar los efectos de Frutas, Orden, Edad y Género sobre los conteos. Las frutas preferidas fueron banana, durazno y frutilla. Durante el último año, el 43,3% de los participantes consumió licuados de frutas una o más veces por semana en verano y el 16,3% consumió licuados una vez por semana el resto del año. Aunque los consumidores escogen distintos momentos del día para tomar licuados, la tarde es un momento elegido por la mayoría.As it is necessary to develop and articulate strategies that allow consumers to choose healthy foods and products, it is useful to study what influences the consumers on their choice of certain foods as well as their willingness to eat healthy foods. We present here the results of the first stage of a study upon healthy product perception, consumption intention and food choices in connection with fruit shakes. A self-administered survey was conducted among 104 consumers ≥ 18 years old, who had to mention which three fruits they liked most taking into account order of preference, frequency of consumption in the past year and favorite moment of the day to consume them. We applied a log-linear regression to analyze the effects of Fruits, Order, Age and Gender upon the counts. The favorite fruits were banana, peach and strawberry. In the past year, 43.3% of the participants consumed fruit shakes once or more than once per week in summer and 16.3% consumed them once a week the rest of the year. Even though consumers choose different moments of the day to take shakes, the afternoon is the moment chosen by the majority

    ¿Qué factores influyen en la elección de alimentos de los estudiantes de Ciencias de la Salud?

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    Objetivos: Desarrollar un cuestionario de elección de alimentos para ser utilizado en nuestro país. Describir y comparar los motivos que influencian la elección de alimentos entre los estudiantes de Nutrición, Odontología y Farmacia/ Bioquímica, de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Métodos: La muestra estuvo formada por 198 estudiantes de las carreras antes mencionadas de la UBA, con una edad mediana de 22 años. Se desarrolló un cuestionario preliminar en base a cuestionarios existentes y aportes de los investigadores, que fue auto-administrado a los estudiantes. Se realizó un análisis de factores para confirmar la estructura del cuestionario. Resultados: El análisis factorial detectó 9 factores: “Salud y contenido natural de los alimentos”, “Precio y accesibilidad en los comercios”, “Control de Peso”, “Ecología”, “Comodidad en la preparación”, “Estado de ánimo”, “Religión”, “Apariencia y aspectos extrínsecos” y “Atractivo sensorial”. En la elección de sus comidas, los estudiantes asignaron mayor importancia al atractivo sensorial (sabor y aroma), seguido por los motivos relacionados con la salud y el contenido natural de los alimentos, el precio y la accesibilidad en los comercios, así como a la apariencia y los aspectos extrínsecos. Conclusiones: Se desarrolló un cuestionario para evaluar qué motiva a los consumidores en la elección de sus comidas, que podrá utilizarse en futuras investigaciones. El mismo se aplicó a estudiantes de carreras relacionadas con las ciencias de la salud permitiendo conocer qué motiva sus elecciones.Objective: to develop a food choice questionnaire to be used in Argentina. To describe and compare the reasons that influence food choices among students of Nutrition, Dentistry and Pharmacy/ Biochemistry, University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Methods: The sample consisted of 198 students of the UBA careers mentioned above, with an average age of 22 years old. A preliminary questionnaire was developed based on existing questionnaires as well as contributions of researchers, and it was self- administered to students. A factor analysis was carried out in order to confirm the structure of the questionnaire. Results: the factor analysis identified 9 factors: “Health and natural content of foods”, “Price and accessibility in stores”, “Weight Control”, “Ecology”, “Comfort in preparation”, “Mood”, “Religion”, “Appearance and extrinsic aspects” and “Sensory Attractiveness”. In choosing their meals, the students gave greater importance to sensory attractiveness (taste and aroma), followed by health and natural content of food, price and accessibility in stores, appearance and extrinsic aspects. Conclusion: a questionnaire was developed to assess what motivates consumers when choosing their meals, which may be used in future research. This questionnaire was used with health science students to learn what motivates their choices

    'Senescence-associated vacuoles' are involved in the degradation of chloroplast proteins in tobacco leaves

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    Massive degradation of photosynthetic proteins is the hallmark of leaf senescence; however the mechanism involved in chloroplast protein breakdown is not completely understood. As small 'senescence-associated vacuoles' (SAVs) with intense proteolytic activity accumulate in senescing leaves of soybean and Arabidopsis, the main goal of this work was to determine whether SAVs are involved in the degradation of chloroplastic components. SAVs with protease activity were readily detected through confocal microscopy of naturally senescing leaves of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). In detached leaves incubated in darkness, acceleration of the chloroplast degradation rate by ethylene treatment correlated with a twofold increase in the number of SAVs per cell, compared to untreated leaves. In a tobacco line expressing GFP targeted to plastids, GFP was re-located to SAVs in senescing leaves. SAVs were isolated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Isolated SAVs contained chloroplast-targeted GFP and the chloroplast stromal proteins Rubisco (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase) and glutamine synthetase, but lacked the thylakoid proteins D1 and light-harvesting complex II of the photosystem II reaction center and photosystem II antenna, respectively. In SAVs incubated at 30°C, there was a steady decrease in Rubisco levels, which was completely abolished by addition of protease inhibitors. These results indicate that SAVs are involved in degradation of the soluble photosynthetic proteins of the chloroplast stroma during senescence of leaves.Instituto de Fisiología Vegeta