437 research outputs found

    CpG island composition differences are a source of gene expression noise indicative of promoter responsiveness.

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    BACKGROUND: Population phenotypic variation can arise from genetic differences between individuals, or from cellular heterogeneity in an isogenic group of cells or organisms. The emergence of gene expression differences between genetically identical cells is referred to as gene expression noise, the sources of which are not well understood. RESULTS: In this work, by studying gene expression noise between multiple cell lineages and mammalian species, we find consistent evidence of a role for CpG islands as sources of gene expression noise. Variation in noise among CpG island promoters can be partially attributed to differences in island size, in which short islands have noisier gene expression. Building on these findings, we investigate the potential for short CpG islands to act as fast response elements to environmental stimuli. Specifically, we find that these islands are enriched amongst primary response genes in SWI/SNF-independent stimuli, suggesting that expression noise is an indicator of promoter responsiveness. CONCLUSIONS: Thus, through the integration of single-cell RNA expression profiling, chromatin landscape and temporal gene expression dynamics, we have uncovered a role for short CpG island promoters as fast response elements

    HDTD: analyzing multi-tissue gene expression data.

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    MOTIVATION: By collecting multiple samples per subject, researchers can characterize intra-subject variation using physiologically relevant measurements such as gene expression profiling. This can yield important insights into fundamental biological questions ranging from cell type identity to tumour development. For each subject, the data measurements can be written as a matrix with the different subsamples (e.g. multiple tissues) indexing the columns and the genes indexing the rows. In this context, neither the genes nor the tissues are expected to be independent and straightforward application of traditional statistical methods that ignore this two-way dependence might lead to erroneous conclusions. Herein, we present a suite of tools embedded within the R/Bioconductor package HDTD for robustly estimating and performing hypothesis tests about the mean relationship and the covariance structure within the rows and columns. We illustrate the utility of HDTD by applying it to analyze data generated by the Genotype-Tissue Expression consortium. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: The R package HDTD is part of Bioconductor. The source code and a comprehensive user's guide are available at http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/HDTD.html CONTACT: : [email protected] SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.This is the author accepted manuscript. It is currently under an indefinite embargo pending publication by Oxford University Press

    f-scLVM: scalable and versatile factor analysis for single-cell RNA-seq.

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    Single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) allows studying heterogeneity in gene expression in large cell populations. Such heterogeneity can arise due to technical or biological factors, making decomposing sources of variation difficult. We here describe f-scLVM (factorial single-cell latent variable model), a method based on factor analysis that uses pathway annotations to guide the inference of interpretable factors underpinning the heterogeneity. Our model jointly estimates the relevance of individual factors, refines gene set annotations, and infers factors without annotation. In applications to multiple scRNA-seq datasets, we find that f-scLVM robustly decomposes scRNA-seq datasets into interpretable components, thereby facilitating the identification of novel subpopulations

    Staged developmental mapping and X chromosome transcriptional dynamics during mouse spermatogenesis.

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    Male gametes are generated through a specialised differentiation pathway involving a series of developmental transitions that are poorly characterised at the molecular level. Here, we use droplet-based single-cell RNA-Sequencing to profile spermatogenesis in adult animals and at multiple stages during juvenile development. By exploiting the first wave of spermatogenesis, we both precisely stage germ cell development and enrich for rare somatic cell-types and spermatogonia. To capture the full complexity of spermatogenesis including cells that have low transcriptional activity, we apply a statistical tool that identifies previously uncharacterised populations of leptotene and zygotene spermatocytes. Focusing on post-meiotic events, we characterise the temporal dynamics of X chromosome re-activation and profile the associated chromatin state using CUT&RUN. This identifies a set of genes strongly repressed by H3K9me3 in spermatocytes, which then undergo extensive chromatin remodelling post-meiosis, thus acquiring an active chromatin state and spermatid-specific expression
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