86 research outputs found

    Oxygenation of Anandamide by Lipoxygenases

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    The endocannabinoids anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol are not only metabolized by serine hydrolases, such as fatty acid amide hydrolase, monoacylglycerol lipase, and α,β-hydrolases 6 and 12, but they also serve as substrates for cyclooxygenases, cytochrome P450s, and lipoxygenases. These enzymes oxygenate the 1Z,4Z-pentadiene system of the arachidonic acid backbone of endocannabinoids, thereby giving rise to an entirely new array of bioactive lipids. Hereby, a protocol is provided for the enzymatic synthesis, purification, and characterization of various oxygenated metabolites of anandamide generated by lipoxygenases, which enables the biological study and detection of these metabolites

    Anandamide as an intracellular messenger regulating ion channel activity.

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    Abstract The endocannabinoid anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine) was proposed to be an extracellular retrograde messenger, which regulates excitability of neurons by cannabinoid CB 1 receptordependent inhibition of neurotransmitter release. Recent findings indicate that the neuromodulatory actions of anandamide might be more complex. Anandamide has been shown to directly modulate various ion channels, such as ␣7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, T-type Ca 2+ channels, voltage-gated and background K + -channels and Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid type 1 (TRPV1) channels. The binding site of anandamide at some of these ion channels appears to be intracellular or at the bilayer interface. This rises the intriguing possibility that anandamide, prior to its release into the synaptic cleft, may regulate ion homeostasis and excitability of neurons as an intracellular modulator of ion channels independent of its action at cannabinoid CB 1 receptors. This possibility might extend the concept of anandamide as an endocannabinoid retrograde messenger and may have profound implications for its role in neurotransmission and neuronal function. Here, we will review the evidence for this hypothesis

    Endocannabinoid turnover in GtoPdb v.2023.1

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    The principle endocannabinoids are 2-acylglycerol esters, such as 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), and N-acylethanolamines, such as anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine, AEA). The glycerol esters and ethanolamides are synthesised and hydrolysed by parallel, independent pathways. Mechanisms for release and re-uptake of endocannabinoids are unclear, although potent and selective inhibitors of facilitated diffusion of endocannabinoids across cell membranes have been developed [29]. FABP5 (Q01469) has been suggested to act as a canonical intracellular endocannabinoid transporter in vivo [17]. For the generation of 2-arachidonoylglycerol, the key enzyme involved is diacylglycerol lipase (DAGL), whilst several routes for anandamide synthesis have been described, the best characterized of which involves N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine-phospholipase D (NAPE-PLD, [75]). A transacylation enzyme which forms N-acylphosphatidylethanolamines has been identified as a cytosolic enzyme, PLA2G4E (Q3MJ16) [66]. In vitro experiments indicate that the endocannabinoids are also substrates for oxidative metabolism via cyclooxygenase, lipoxygenase and cytochrome P450 enzyme activities [5, 24, 77]

    Endocannabinoid turnover in GtoPdb v.2021.3

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    The principle endocannabinoids are 2-acylglycerol esters, such as 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), and N-acylethanolamines, such as anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine, AEA). The glycerol esters and ethanolamides are synthesised and hydrolysed by parallel, independent pathways. Mechanisms for release and re-uptake of endocannabinoids are unclear, although potent and selective inhibitors of facilitated diffusion of endocannabinoids across cell membranes have been developed [28]. FABP5 (Q01469) has been suggested to act as a canonical intracellular endocannabinoid transporter in vivo [17]. For the generation of 2-arachidonoylglycerol, the key enzyme involved is diacylglycerol lipase (DAGL), whilst several routes for anandamide synthesis have been described, the best characterized of which involves N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine-phospholipase D (NAPE-PLD, [70]). A transacylation enzyme which forms N-acylphosphatidylethanolamines has been identified as a cytosolic enzyme, PLA2G4E (Q3MJ16) [62]. In vitro experiments indicate that the endocannabinoids are also substrates for oxidative metabolism via cyclooxygenase, lipoxygenase and cytochrome P450 enzyme activities [5, 23, 72]

    Endocannabinoid turnover (version 2019.4) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database

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    The principle endocannabinoids are 2-acylglycerol esters, such as 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), and N-acylethanolamines, such as anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine, AEA). The glycerol esters and ethanolamides are synthesised and hydrolysed by parallel, independent pathways. Mechanisms for release and re-uptake of endocannabinoids are unclear, although potent and selective inhibitors of facilitated diffusion of endocannabinoids across cell membranes have been developed [19]. FABP5 (Q01469) has been suggested to act as a canonical intracellular endocannabinoid transporter in vivo [12]. For the generation of 2-arachidonoylglycerol, the key enzyme involved is diacylglycerol lipase (DAGL), whilst several routes for anandamide synthesis have been described, the best characterized of which involves N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine-phospholipase D (NAPE-PLD, [49]). A transacylation enzyme which forms N-acylphosphatidylethanolamines has recently been identified as a cytosolic enzyme, PLA2G4E (Q3MJ16) [43]. In vitro experiments indicate that the endocannabinoids are also substrates for oxidative metabolism via cyclooxygenase, lipoxygenase and cytochrome P450 enzyme activities [4, 16, 51]

    Development of a multiplexed activity-based protein profiling assay to evaluate activity of endocannabinoid hydrolase inhibitors

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    Endocannabinoids, an important class of signaling lipids involved in health and disease, are predominantly synthesized and metabolized by enzymes of the serine hydrolase superfamily. Activity-based protein profiling (ABPP) using fluorescent probes, such as fluorophosphonate (FP)-TAMRA and β-lactone-based MB064, enables drug discovery activities for serine hydrolases. FP TAMRA and MB064 have distinct, albeit partially overlapping, target profiles, but cannot be used in conjunction due to overlapping excitation/emission spectra. We therefore synthesized a novel FP-probe with a green BODIPY as fluorescent tag and studied its labeling profile in mouse proteomes. Surprisingly, we found that the reporter tag plays an important role in the binding potency and selectivity of the probe. A multiplexed ABPP-assay was developed in which a probe cocktail of FP-BODIPY and MB064 visualized most endocannabinoid serine hydrolases in mouse brain proteomes in a single experiment. The multiplexed ABPP-assay was employed to profile endocannabinoid hydrolase inhibitor activity and selectivity in mouse brain

    Clickable Vitamins as a New Tool to Track Vitamin A and Retinoic Acid in Immune Cells.

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    The vitamin A derivative, retinoid acid (RA) is key player in guiding adaptive mucosal immune responses. However, data on the uptake and metabolism of vitamin A within human immune cells has remained largely elusive because retinoids are small, lipophilic molecules which are difficult to detect. To overcome this problem and to be able to study the effect of vitamin A metabolism in human immune cell subsets, we have synthesized novel bio-orthogonal retinoid-based probes (clickable probes), which are structurally and functionally indistinguishable from vitamin A. The probes contain a functional group (an alkyne) to conjugate to a fluorogenic dye to monitor retinoid molecules in real-time in immune cells. We demonstrate, by using flow cytometry and microscopy, that multiple immune cells have the capacity to internalize retinoids to varying degrees, including human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DCs) and naïve B lymphocytes. We observed that naïve B cells lack the enzymatic machinery to produce RA, but use exogenous retinoic acid to enhance CD38 expression. Furthermore, we showed that human DCs metabolize retinal into retinoic acid, which in co-culture with naïve B cells led to of the induction of CD38 expression. These data demonstrate that in humans, DCs can serve as an exogenous source of RA for naïve B cells. Taken together, through the use of clickable vitamins our data provide valuable insight in the mechanism of vitamin A metabolism and its importance for human adaptive immunity.Molecular Physiolog

    Discovery of Novel Small Molecule Activators of β-Catenin Signaling

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    Wnt/β-catenin signaling plays a major role in embryonic development and adult stem cell maintenance. Reduced activation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway underlies neurodegenerative disorders and aberrations in bone formation. Screening of a small molecule compound library with a β-galactosidase fragment complementation assay measuring β-catenin nuclear entry revealed bona fide activators of β-catenin signaling. The compounds stabilized cytoplasmic β-catenin and activated β–catenin-dependent reporter gene activity. Although the mechanism through which the compounds activate β-catenin signaling has yet to be determined, several key regulators of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, including glycogen synthase kinase 3 and Frizzled receptors, were excluded as the molecular target. The compounds displayed remarkable selectivity, as they only induced β-catenin signaling in a human osteosarcoma U2OS cell line and not in a variety of other cell lines examined. Our data indicate that differences in cellular Wnt/β-catenin signaling machinery can be exploited to identify cell type-specific activators of Wnt/β-catenin signaling

    Chemical Proteomic Analysis of Serine Hydrolase Activity in Niemann-Pick Type C Mouse Brain

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    The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is considered to be an endogenous protective system in various neurodegenerative diseases. Niemann-Pick type C (NPC) is a neurodegenerative disease in which the role of the ECS has not been studied yet. Most of the endocannabinoid enzymes are serine hydrolases, which can be studied using activity-based protein profiling (ABPP). Here, we report the serine hydrolase activity in brain proteomes of a NPC mouse model as measured by ABPP. Two ABPP methods are used: a gel-based method and a chemical proteomics method. The activities of the following endocannabinoid enzymes were quantified: diacylglycerol lipase (DAGL) α, α/β-hydrolase domain-containing protein 4, α/β-hydrolase domain-containing protein 6, α/β-hydrolase domain-containing protein 12, fatty acid amide hydrolase, and monoacylglycerol lipase. Using the gel-based method, two bands were observed for DAGL α. Only the upper band corresponding to this enzyme was significantly decreased in the NPC mouse model. Chemical proteomics showed that three lysosomal serine hydrolase activities (retinoid-inducible serine carboxypeptidase, cathepsin A, and palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1) were increased in Niemann-Pick C1 protein knockout mouse brain compared to wild-type brain, whereas no difference in endocannabinoid hydrolase activity was observed. We conclude that these targets might be interesting therapeutic targets for future validation studies

    A Fluorescence Polarization Activity-Based Protein Profiling Assay in the Discovery of Potent, Selective Inhibitors for Human Nonlysosomal Glucosylceramidase

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    Human nonlysosomal glucosylceramidase (GBA2) is one of several enzymes that controls levels of glycolipids and whose activity is linked to several human disease states. There is a major need to design or discover selective GBA2 inhibitors both as chemical tools and as potential therapeutic agents. Here, we describe the development of a fluorescence polarization activity-based protein profiling (FluoPol-ABPP) assay for the rapid identification, from a 350+ library of iminosugars, of GBA2 inhibitors. A focused library is generated based on leads from the FluoPol-ABPP screen and assessed on GBA2 selectivity offset against the other glucosylceramide metabolizing enzymes, glucosylceramide synthase (GCS), lysosomal glucosylceramidase (GBA), and the cytosolic retaining β-glucosidase, GBA3. Our work, yielding potent and selective GBA2 inhibitors, also provides a roadmap for the development of high-throughput assays for identifying retaining glycosidase inhibitors by FluoPol-ABPP on cell extracts containing recombinant, overexpressed glycosidase as the easily accessible enzyme source