39 research outputs found

    Genesis and Residential Development of the Donja Street (Donja ulica) in Rab in the Late Middle Ages

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    Detaljnom analizom stambene arhitekture rapske Donje ulice utvrđeno je kako je najvjerojatnije izgrađena u drugoj polovini 12. ili početkom 13. stoljeća o čemu svjedoče romaničke bifore i monofore građevina na njezinim krajevima. Mnoge građevine iste ulice također imaju obilježja te brojne ulomke iz 15. i početka 16. stoljeća te tako svjedoče o još jednom valu gradnje koji se, poput prvoga, odvijao u vrijeme ekonomskog prosperiteta otoka.Detailed analysis of residential architecture of the Donja Street (Donja ulica) in Rab has determined that the street was most probably constructed in the second half of the 12th or in the early 13th century, which is testified by Romanesque mullioned and single-light windows on buildings at its ends. Numerous buildings in the same street are characterized by distinct features and fragments datable to the 15th or the early 16th century, suggesting a yet another building phase which also occurred in the period of economic prosperity of the island of Rab

    Munuscula in honorem Željko Rapanić

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    Recenzija, prikaz "Zbornika povodom osamdesetog rođendana" pod uredništvom Miljenka Jurkovića i Ante Miloševića

    Razvoj rapske Donje ulice i njene stambene arhitekture

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    [IZ ZAKLJUĈKA] Analizom građevina koje se nalaze na potezu Donje ulice, ali i sjevernoj strani Srednje, pokušalo se odrediti najstarije tragove građevina ovog podruĉja. Oni su utvrđeni na samim krajevima ulice u obliku romaniĉkih bifora na južnom proĉelju Kneževa dvora te romaniĉkih monofora na istoĉnom krilu građevine koja je danas dio palaĉe Nimira. Niz ulomaka koji se nalaze između ove dvije krajnje toĉke, mlađeg je postanka, a nepostojanje ranijih tragova objašnjava se pretežitom gradnjom drvenih kuća sve do kraja XIII. st. koje su zbog kratkotrajnosti materijala vremenom nestale. U obzir se pritom treba uzeti i postojanje puno novijih pregradnji i novogradnji koje su ranije građevine zasigurno prekrile barem nekoliko puta. ..

    Uloga lúka u mobilnosti umjetnika, prijenosu formi, funkcija, umjetničkih djela i ideja u srednjovjekovnoj mediteranskoj Europi

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    Sažetak 22. međunarodnog znanstvenog simpozija MIC-a za kasnu antiku i srednji vijek Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Poreč, 21.– 24. svibnja 2015

    Tradicije ranokršćanskog monaštva u prostoru i vremenu

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    Sažetak 19. međunarodnog znanstvenog simpozija MIC-a za kasnu antiku i srednji vijek Sveučilišta u Zagrebu "Redovništvo na otocima od IV. do XI. stoljeća", Osor, 24. – 27. svibnja 2012

    Influence of sowing time on Fusarium and fumonisin contamination of maize grains and yield component traits

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    The main aim of this research was to study the effect of two sowing times (early and late) on Fusarium and fumonisin contamination and some yield component traits of two maize hybrids from the FAO maturity groups 500 (ZP 560) and 600 (ZP 666) within a two-year growing season (2016–2017). F. verticillioides and F. subglutinans have been identified as Fusarium ear rot (FER) pathogens and potential producers of B-type fumonisins (FBs), with F. verticillioides as the predominant Fusarium species in both years. The incidence of F. verticillioides and FB levels were affected by sowing time and maize hybridity. With early sowing and the mid-maturity hybrid ZP 560, F. verticillioides and FB contamination were lower than with late sowing and the late-maturity hybrid ZP 666. Yield parameters also differed significantly between sowing time and maize hybrid treatments. Early sowing increased ear length (EL), number of grains per ear (NGE), grain weight per ear (GWE), and grain yield per hectare (GY). The late-maturity hybrid ZP 666 had higher yield component traits and GY than the mid-maturity hybrid ZP 560. EL, GWE, thousand-grain weight (TGW), and GY were affected by year. Interactions between sowing times and maize hybrids were highly significant (p ≤ 0.01) for FB level, GWE, and GY. The obtained results indicate the importance of applying early sowing to achieve high maize grain yields with lower contamination by F. verticillioides and FBs. Although mid-maturity hybrid ZP 560 and late-maturity hybrid ZP 666 showed significant differences in terms of levels of F. verticillioides and FB contamination, both were susceptible to F. verticillioides, with high FB levels. These results should be useful to breeders of maize hybrids to create genotypes more resistant to these fungal contaminants

    Mikobiota i mikotoksini u sveže požnjevenom i uskladištenom zrnu kukuruza

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    The incidence of mycobiota and mycotoxin levels were investigated in the freshly harvested maize kernel samples from October 2014 and in the samples of stored maize kernels from February 2015. Toxigenic fungal species (moulds) were isolated, cultivated and identified on agar plates according to standard mycological methods, while mycotoxins were detected by enzymelinked immuno-sorbent assay (ELISA). Mycological analyses of kernels showed the presence of toxigenic species from genera Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium. Among the Aspergillus species, Aspergillus flavus was identified with higher incidence in the stored kernels (10.25%), than in freshly harvested kernels (3.67%) whereas A. parasiticus was the predominant species in the freshly harvested kernels (4.17%) compared to the stored kernels (0%). From the genus Fusarium three species were identified: F. graminearum, F. subglutinans and F. verticillioides, with the incidence of 1.08%, 8% and 25.75%, respectively in freshly harvested kernels and the incidence of 2.50%, 7.10% and 29.75%, respectively in the stored kernels. Species from genus Penicillium had higher incidence in freshly harvested kernels (14.25%) than in the stored kernels (9%). In addition, tested samples of harvested and stored maize kernels were 100% positive with aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), deoxynivalenol (DON) and total fumonisins B1, B2 and B3 (FBs). The mean levels of AFB1, DON and FBs were 2.77 μg kg-1, 117.83 μg kg-1, and 3700.84 μg kg-1, respectively in the freshly harvested kernels and a mean levels of 2.16 μg kg-1, 2034.40 μg kg-1, and 5976.50 μg kg-1, respectively in the stored maize kernels. In the freshly harvested maize kernel samples, statistically significant (P ≤ 0.05) positive correlations of kernel moisture content with the incidence of Penicillium spp. (r = 0.47), and levels of AFB1 (r = 0.46) and FBs (r = 0.47), and between the incidence of Penicillium spp. and level of AFB1 (r = 0.53) were established. In the stored maize kernel samples, statistically significant (P ≤ 0.05) positive correlations were found between the incidence of F. subglutinans and level of FBs (r = 0.50) and between levels AFB1 and FBs (r = 0.52). A highly significant (P ≤ 0.01) positive correlation was established between the incidence of F. verticillioides and level of FBs (r = 0.64) in freshly harvested maize kernel samples. These results indicate that the incidence of toxigenic fungi and levels of mycotoxins, in particular DON and FBs, were higher in the stored maize kernel samples than in freshly harvested maize kernels. Therefore, to prevent the development of toxigenic fungi and mycotoxins accumulation in post-harvest period it is necessary to thoroughly dry maize and keep it in hygienic food storages.U radu je proučavana učestalost mikobiota i sadržaj mikotoksina u uzorcima zrna kukuruza sakupljenih tokom berbe u oktobru 2014. godine i u uzorcima uskladištenog zrna sakupljenih u februaru 2015. godine. Toksigene vrste gljiva (plesni) su izolovane, odgajene i identifikovane na hranljivoj podlozi prema standardnim mikološkim metodama, dok je sadržaj mikotoksina detektovan primenom imunoadsorpcione enzimske metode (ELISA). Mikološkim analizama zrna kukuruza ustanovljeno je prisustvo toksigenih vrsta iz rodova Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium. Među Aspergillus vrstama, Aspergillus flavus je identifikovana u većem procentu u uzorcima uskladištenog zrna (10,25%) nego u uzorcima sveže požnjevenog zrna (3,67%), a A. parasiticus bila je predominantna vrsta (4,17%) u uzorcima sveže požnjevenog u odnosu na uskladišteno zrno kukuruza (0%). Tri vrste roda Fusarium su identifikovane sa učestalošću od 1,08% (F. graminearum), 8% (F. subglutinans) i 25,75% (F. verticillioides) u požnjevenom zrnu, i sa učestalošću od 2,50% (F. graminearum), 7,10% (F. subglutinans) i 29,75% (F. verticillioides) u uskladištenom zrnu kukuruza. Vrste iz roda Penicillium imale su veću učestalost u uzorcima požnjevenog (14,25%) nego u uzorcima uskladištenog zrna (9%). Ispitivani uzorci sveže požnjevenog i uskladištenog zrna bili su 100% pozitivni sa aflatoksinom B1 (AFB1), deoksinivalenolom (DON) i ukupnim fumonizinima FB1, FB2 i FB3 (FBs). Prosečne koncentracije ovih toksina su iznosile 2,77 μg kg-1 (AFB1), 117,83 μg kg-1 (DON) i 3700,84 μg kg-1 (FBs) u uzorcima sveže požnjevenog zrna i 2,16 μg kg-1 (AFB1), 2034,40 μg kg-1 (DON), i 5976,50 μg kg-1(FBs) u uzorcima uskladištenog zrna. Statistički značajne (P ≤ 0.05) pozitivne korelacije ustanovljene su između sadržaja vlage zrna sa učestalošću Penicillium spp. (r = 0,47) i koncentracijama AFB1 (r = 0,46) i FBs (r = 0,47), kao i između učestalosti Penicillium spp. i koncentracije AFB1 (r = 0,53). U uzorcima uskladištenog zrna, statistički značajne (P ≤ 0.05) pozitivne korelacije ustanovljene su između učestalosti F. subglutinans i koncentracije FBs (r = 0,50) i između koncentracija AFB1 i FBs (r = 0,52). Statistički veoma značajna (P ≤ 0.01) pozitivna korelacija ustanovljena je između učestalosti F. verticillioides i koncentracije FBs (r = 0,64) u uzorcima sveže požnjevenog zrna kukruza. Rezultati ovih istraživanja ukazuju da su učestalosti toksigenih vrsta gljiva i koncentracije mikotoksina, posebno DON i FBs, bile više u uzorcima uskladištenog zrna nego u uzorcima sveže požnjevenog zrna. Zbog toga, da bi se sprečio razvoj toksigenih gljiva i akumulacija mikotoksina u postžetvenom periodu neophodno je kukuruz dobro osušiti i čuvati u higijensko ispravnim skladištima