4,900 research outputs found

    Faktor-Faktor Personal sebagai Prediktor terhadap Resiliensi Perawat di Rumah Sakit Penyakit Infeksi Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso

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    . Daya tahan seorang perawat dalam menghadapi tuntutan pekerjaan dan tanggung jawabnya dalam merawat pasien di rumah sakit sangatlah diperlukan, agar seorang perawat dapat menyeimbangkan antara kinerja, masalah sehari-hari, dan beban pekerjaan yang dihadapi hampir setiap hari di dalam kehidupannya. Daya tahan yang dimaksud adalah resiliensi. Begitu pentingnya resiliensi bagi seorang perawat, namun, kajian maupun penelitian mengenai resiliensi pada perawat di RSPI-SS belum ada. Begitu juga dengan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi resiliensi tersebut.Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran tingkat resiliensi perawat dan prediktor resiliensi pada perawat di Rumah Sakit Sulianti Saroso pada semua ruangan dan bangsal yang langsung menangani pasien, khususnya pada pasien HIV AIDS. Populasi penelitian adalah para perawat di rumah sakit Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso, sedangkan sampel penelitian adalah perawat–perawat yang secara langsung merawat pasien. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara random. Untuk mengetahui tingkat resiliensi, self efficacy, hope, dan coping serta keterkaitan antara variabel, dilakukan pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan instrument penelitian yakni skala resiliensi, skala self efficacy, skala hope, dan skala strategi coping yang disusun sendiri oleh peneliti dan tim. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat resiliensi pada perawat di RSPI-SS berada pada level sedang. self efficacy dan hope terbukti merupakan prediktor terhadap resiliensi pada perawat

    Self-adjoint Momentum Operator for a Particle Confined in a Multi-Dimensional Cavity

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    Based on the recent construction of a self-adjoint momentum operator for a particle confined in a one-dimensional interval, we extend the construction to arbitrarily shaped regions in any number of dimensions. Different components of the momentum vector do not commute with each other unless very special conditions are met. As such, momentum measurements should be considered one direction at a time. We also extend other results, such as the Ehrenfest theorem and the interpretation of the Heisenberg uncertainty relation to higher dimensions.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Revisiting business relationship quality in subsistence marketplaces

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    Micro-entrepreneurs play a critical role in alleviating poverty in subsistence marketplaces through their business relationships with microfinance institutions. Despite the enormous importance of these relationships, a critical research question on the dimensions of business relationship quality and their overall effects on relationship outcomes remains unanswered. Thus, drawing on the relationship marketing, social exchange, and self-determination theories, this study answers the focal research question by conducting in-depth interviews (n = 30), thematic analysis, and a survey (n = 300) of micro-entrepreneurs in a subsistence marketplace. The findings show a third-order business relationship quality model with three second-order dimensions (i.e., business trust, business respect, and business reciprocity) and nine subdimensions. The findings confirm the impact of business relationship quality on business customer inspiration and business customer value examined in this marketplace. The findings also identify the mediating role of customer inspiration and both the moderating and quadratic roles of relationship quality on relationship outcomes. The predictive power of the business relationship quality model is validated through PLSpredict using a training sample (n = 270) and a holdout sample (n = 30)

    Magnetic fields and flows between 1 AU and 0.3 AU during the primary mission of HELIOS 1

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    The recurrent flow and field patterns observed by HELIOS 1, and the relation between these patterns and coronal holes are discussed. Four types of recurrent patterns were observed: a large recurrent stream, a recurrent slow (quiet) flow, a rapidly evolving flow, and a recurrent compound stream. There recurrent streams were not stationary, for although the sources recurred at approximately the same longitudes on successive rotations, the shapes and latitudinal patterns changed from one rotation to the next. A type of magnetic field and plasma structure characterized by a low ion temperature and a high magnetic field intensity is described as well as the structures of stream boundaries between the sun at approximately 0.3 AU

    Aplikasi Bahan Organik Pada Piringan Kelapa Sawit Untuk Meningkatkan Populasi Cacing Tanah Dan Ketersediaan Hara P Dan K

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    The earthworm contribute to soil fertility and environment quality but they need a suitable habitat to survive on the land including the presence of organic material as a food source. The present study was conducted in Sei Pancur Plantation, Tanjung Morawa, in March - September 2015. The design used in study was a factorial randomized block design consists two factors. The first was various types of organic materials : without organic matter (B0) ; litter (B1) ; empty fruit bunches oil palm (B2) ; litter+T.harzianum (B3) ; and empty fruit bunches oil palm+T.harzianum (B4). The second were method of application : evenly spread a layer (C1) ; stacked around turn rod (C2) ; and stacked on the edge of weeded circle (C3). The result found that application of organic materials significantly increased P-available, K-exchangeable, and earthworm. Method of applications significantly increased P-available and earthworm populations. The relationship among interaction of both significantly increased phosphate available and earthworm populations. Application on the edge of weeded circle was the best way to reduce P-available and earthworm populations. Empty fruit bunches oil palm+T.harzianum reduced K-exchangeable. Empty fruit bunches oil palm increased earthworm populations and litter+T.harzianum increased P-available.Key words : earthworm, method of applicaton, weeded circle, organic materialsThe earthworm contribute to soil fertility and environment quality but they need a suitable habitat to survive on the land including the presence of organic material as a food source. The present study was conducted in Sei Pancur Plantation, Tanjung Morawa, in March - September 2015. The design used in study was a factorial randomized block design consists two factors. The first was various types of organic materials : without organic matter (B0) ; litter (B1) ; empty fruit bunches oil palm (B2) ; litter+T.harzianum (B3) ; and empty fruit bunches oil palm+T.harzianum (B4). The second were method of application : evenly spread a layer (C1) ; stacked around turn rod (C2) ; and stacked on the edge of weeded circle (C3). The result found that application of organic materials significantly increased P-available, K-exchangeable, and earthworm. Method of applications significantly increased P-available and earthworm populations. The relationship among interaction of both significantly increased phosphate available and earthworm populations. Application on the edge of weeded circle was the best way to reduce P-available and earthworm populations. Empty fruit bunches oil palm+T.harzianum reduced K-exchangeable. Empty fruit bunches oil palm increased earthworm populations and litter+T.harzianum increased P-available

    Plasma pharmacokinetics, faecal excretion and efficacy of pyrantel pamoate paste and granule formulations following per os administration in donkeys naturally infected with intestinal strongylidae

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    The plasma disposition, faecal excretion and efficacy of two formulations of pyrantel pamoate in donkeys were examined in a controlled trial. Three groups of seven donkeys received either no medication (control) or pyrantel paste or granule formulations at horse dosage of 20mg/kg B.W. (equals 6.94 mg/kg PYR base) of body weight. Heparinized blood and faecal samples were collected at various times between 1 and 144 h after treatment. The samples were analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography. The last detectable plasma concentration (tmax) of paste formulation was significantly earlier (36.00 h) compared with granule formulation (46.29 h). Although, there was no significant difference on terminal half lives (t1/2: 12.39 h vs. 14.86 h), tmax (14.86 h vs. 14.00) and MRT (24.80 h vs. 25.44 h) values; the Cmax (0.09 ??g/ml) AUC (2.65 ??gh/ml) values of paste formulation were significantly lower and smaller compared with those of granule formulation (0.21 ??g/ml and 5.60 ??gh/ml), respectively. The highest dry faecal concentrations were 710.46 ??g/g and 537.21 ??g/g and were determined at 48 h for both paste and granule formulation of PYR in donkeys, respectively. Pre-treatment EPG of 1104, 1061 and 1139 were observed for the control, PYR paste and PYR granule groups, respectively. Pre-treatment EPG were not significantly different (P>0.1) between groups. Post-treatment EPG for both PYR treatment groups were significantly different (P95% efficacy) until day 28. In all studied donkeys, coprocultures performed at day-3 revealed the presence of Cyathostomes, S. vulgaris. Faecal cultures performed on different days from C-group confirmed the presence of the same genera. Coprocultures from treated animals revealed the presence of few larvae of Cyathostomes

    Analisis Produksi dan Efisiensi Ikan Laut Nelayan Bagan Mesin di Koto XI Tarusan Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan

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    South coast most of the territory is along the coast has the potential tomake the fishery once the prime mover (prime mover) South Coast economy.Support potential and natural conditions is an area big enough assets to driveeconomic growth in the South Coast region. Production of marine fish fishingcharts are many factors that influence engine. Among them is the amount of labor,fishing experience, working capital, mileage and length of fishing. The estimationresults of multiple regression equation is obtained as follows:LogY = 0,264LogX1 - 0,189LogX2 +0,306LogX3 + 0,97LogX4 - 0,315LogX5.R-squared value of marine fish production equation is equal to 0.382. This showsthe contribution of independent variables on the dependent variable is equal to 38percent. The use of factors of production the amount of labor (X1), the fishingexperience (X2), working capital (X3), mileage (X4) and duration of fishing (X5)is efficient

    Bouncing wave packets, Ehrenfest theorem, and uncertainty relation based upon a new concept for the momentum of a particle in a box

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    For a particle in a box, the operator is not self-adjoint and thus does not qualify as the physical momentum. As a result, in general the Ehrenfest theorem is violated. Based upon a recently developed new concept for a self-adjoint momentum operator, we reconsider the theorem and find that it is now indeed satisfied for all physically admissible boundary conditions. We illustrate these results for bouncing wave packets which first spread, then shrink, and return to their original form after a certain revival time. We derive a very simple form of the general Heisenberg–Robertson–Schrödinger uncertainty relation and show that our construction also provides a physical interpretation for it

    Confined Charged Particles in C-periodic Volumes

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    Charged particles in an Abelian Coulomb phase are non-local infraparticles that are surrounded by a cloud of soft photons which extends to infinity. Gauss' law prevents the existence of charged particles in a periodic volume. In a CC-periodic volume, which is periodic up to charge conjugation, on the other hand, charged particles can exist. This includes vortices in the 33-d XY-model, magnetic monopoles in 44-d U(1)\mathrm{U}(1) gauge theory, as well as protons and other charged particles in QCD coupled to QED. In four dimensions non-Abelian charges are confined. Hence, in an infinite volume non-Abelian infraparticles cost an infinite amount of energy. However, in a CC-periodic volume non-Abelian infraparticles (whose energy increases linearly with the box size) can indeed exist. Investigating these states holds the promise of deepening our understanding of confinement.Comment: Proceedings for the 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, LATTICE202

    Seroprevalence of antibodies of Neospora spp. and Toxoplasma gondii in horses from southern Italy 

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    The consumption of horse meat has been epidemiologically linked to clinical toxoplasmosis in humans and neosporosis that may cause clinical illness in horses. Here we determined seroprevalence of antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii Nicolle et Manceaux, 1908 and species of Neospora Dubey, Carpenter, Speer, Topper et Uggla, 1988 in horses from Italy. Blood samples were collected from 643 apparently healthy horses from 60 farms of 51 municipalities in southern Italy. The presence of antibodies against T. gondii and Neospora spp. were detected by indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT); a titre = 50 was considered positive. The same sera were also tested for antibodies against Neospora spp. by a competitive-inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA); samples with = 30% inhibition were considered positive. Antibodies against T. gondii and Neospora spp. were detected in 19 (3.0%) and 15 (2.3%) horses by IFAT, respectively, without statistical difference between gender, age and breeds (p-value = 0.05). Antibodies against species of Neospora were detected in 70 (10.9%) horses by cELISA with statistical difference in gender (6.0-18.5%, p-value = 0.05) and breeds (0-19.4%, p-value = 0.05). Although T. gondii infection rates were low, the risk of human infection should not be dismissed, particularly in Italy where consumption of raw or undercooked horse meat has a long tradition
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