201 research outputs found

    O papel do capital humano na aceleração do crescimento econômico: uma análise teórica e empírica

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    This work performs a theoretical and empirical analysis of the theory about growth acceleration. The objective is to measure the contribution of human capital in episodes of accelerated growth, incorporating this variable in the acceleration model. Data are used for 40 countries from 1997 to 2015 and models are estimated in panel data, using the GMM System methodology with annual data extracted from the World Development Indicators. The evidence demonstrates that for the countries analyzed in the period considered, the variations in investment in human capital, measured through investment in education, did not affect the countries' accelerated growth. However, the estimates of the acceleration models with human capital showed that the rate of acceleration in the growth of world income was positive and statistically significant, which indicates that there is interdependence between countries in determining the acceleration of growth in each country.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)Este trabalho realiza uma análise teórica e empírica acerca da teoria da aceleração do crescimento. O objetivo é mensurar a contribuição do capital humano nos episódios de aceleração do crescimento, incorporando essa variável no modelo de aceleração. São utilizados dados para 40 países no período de 1997 a 2015 e são estimados modelos em dados em painel, utilizando a metodologia GMM System com dados anuais extraído do World Development Indicators. As evidencias encontradas mostraram que para os países analisados no período considerado, as variações do investimento em capital humano, mensurados por meio do investimento em educação, não afetaram a aceleração do crescimento dos países. Contudo, as estimações dos modelos de aceleração com capital humano mostraram que a taxa de aceleração do crescimento da renda mundial foi positiva e estatisticamente significativa, o que indica que há uma interdependência entre os países na determinação da aceleração do crescimento de cada país

    Microbiota fúngica e parasitas presentes em Tropidurus hispidus (Spix 1825), Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Dissertação de mestrado em EcologiaO conhecimento da prevalência de micro-organismos em uma população animal numa determinada região geográfica é importante para compreensão da distribuição das doenças mais comuns da espécie em estudo e sua importância para saúde pública. Com o crescimento demográfico e o processo de urbanização, houve um estreitamento na relação entre a população humana e os animais domésticos e silvestres, resultando na disseminação de agentes infecciosos e parasitários para novos hospedeiros e ambientes. Logo, o estudo ecoepidemiológico de animais silvestres e sua microbiota são de extrema importância para conhecer, intervir e recomendar ações que visem o controle de zoonoses. Considerando a rica biodiversidade do Brasil, principalmente no que diz respeito à fauna de lagartos, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a riqueza, diversidade e frequência da microbiota fúngica e parasitária de Tropidurus hispidus e analisar seu potencial zoonótico, já que a espécie coexiste com seres humanos, animais domésticos e de produção. A investigação das doenças infecciosas e parasitárias ocorreu no contexto etiológico, ecológico e epidemiológico do meio urbano. Foram realizados exames microbiológicos de swabs de cavidade oral, visando a pesquisa de fungos filamentosos e leveduras, exames coproparasitológicos para pesquisa de enteroparasitas e inspeção visual para pesquisa de ácaros. Os 50 animais foram capturados por meio de coletas ativas manuais utilizando laço de Lutz, em área domiciliar e peridomiciliar do bairro de Sítio dos Pintos, localizado na Região Metropolitana do Recife, Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil. Os fungos isolados neste estudo foram Candida spp, Geotrichum sp., Paecilomyces sp., Cladosporium spp., Penicillium sp., Fusarium sp., Alternaria sp., Beauveria sp., Aspergillus spp., Coccidioides sp. e Mycelia strerilia. Constatou-se crescimento fúngico em 100% das amostras analisadas, observando-se maior ocorrência de fungos filamentosos (100%) em relação a leveduras (10%). Em 32% (n=16) das amostras, houve associação entre gêneros e/ou espécies de fungos. Na pesquisa de ectoparasitas, 47 lagartos apresentaram-se infestados, correspondendo a uma prevalência de 94%. Destes, 100% estavam exclusivamente infestados pelo ácaro Eutrombicula alfreddugesi e 2,08% estavam co-infestados por larvas do carrapato Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Quanto aos helmintos e protozoários, constatouse uma prevalência de infecção enteroparasitária de 98% (n=49), que incluiu os lagartos infectados com, no mínimo, um parasita. Houve associação entre dois ou mais gêneros de enteroparasitos, em 87,75% (n=43) dos indíviduos. Foram identificados os nematóides: Parapharyngodon sp., Physalopetara sp. e uma espécie de ascarídeo; e protozoários da família Eimeriidae: Eimeria sp. A frequência de ocorrência dos nematóides foi de: 87,75% (n= 43), 53,06% (n=26) e 46,93% (n=23) para Parapharyngodon sp., Physaloptera sp. e uma espécie de ascarídeo, respectivamente. Os protozoários do gênero Eimeria apresentaram frequência de ocorrência de 87,75% (n=43). A partir desses resultados, conclui-se que existe uma gama muito variada de fungos e parasitas em T. hispidus. Sendo assim, por compartilharem o mesmo ambiente com humanos e animais domésticos, essa espécie de lagarto pode apresentar risco à saúde pública, especialmente para indivíduos imunocomprometidos.The knowledge of the prevalence of microorganisms in an animal population within a particular geographic region is important for understanding the distribution of the most common diseases of the studied species and its importance to public health. With population growth and urbanization, there was a narrowing in the relationship between humans and domestic and wild animals, resulting in the spread of infectious and parasite agents to new hosts and environments. Therefore, the ecoepidemiologic study of wild animals and their microbiota are extremely important to understand, intervene and recommend actions that address the control of zoonoses. Considering lizards biodiversity of Brazil, this study aimed to evaluate the richness, diversity and the parasitic and fungal microbiota of Tropidurus hispidus frequency and analyzing the zoonotic potential, since the species coexists with human beings, domestic and production animals. The infectious and parasitic diseases survey was analyzed in the context of etiologic, epidemiological and ecological urbanism. Microbiological swabs of the oral cavity examinations were carried out, and examined for filamentous fungi and yeasts, fecal examinations for parasitic diseases research and visual inspection for mite. The 50 animals used in the research were captured by means of active collections, manuals and tie Lutz, in a domiciliary area of Sítio dos Pintos neighborhood, located in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil. Fungi isolated in this study were Candida spp, Geotrichum sp., Paecilomyces sp, Cladosporium spp, Penicillium sp, Fusarium sp, Alternaria sp., Beauveria sp., Aspergillus spp., Coccidioides sp. and Mycelia sterilia. Fungal growth was found in 100% of the samples analyzed, with a higher occurrence of filamentous fungi (100%) compared to yeast (10%). There was association between gender and/or species of fungi in 32% (n=16) of the samples. Regarding the survey of ectoparasites, forty-seven lizards were infested, corresponding to a prevalence of 94%. Of these, 100% were exclusively infested by the mite Eutrombicula alfreddugesi and only 2.08% were coinfested by larvae of the tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Enteroparasitic infection was found in 98% (n = 49), which included lizards infected with at least one parasite. There was association between two or more gender of helminths and protozoa in 87,75% (n = 46) of individuals. Nematodes have been identified: Parapharyngodon sp., Physalopetara sp. and a kind of ascarid; and protozoans of Eimeriidae family: Eimeria sp. The prevalence rate of nematodes was 87.75% (n = 43), 53,06% (n = 26) and 46,93% (n=23) for Parapharyngodon sp., Physaloptera sp. and a kind of ascarid, respectively. The protozoa of genus showed prevalence rate of 87,75% (n=43). Based on these results, there is a very wide range of fungi and parasites in T. hispidus. Therefore, as they share the same environment with humans and domestic animals, this species of lizard may represent a risk to public health, especially for immunocompromised individuals

    Advanced structural characterization of biocompatible Ag-TiCN coatings

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    One of the main reasons for biomedical implants failure is the generation of wear debris together with microbial infection. To overcome this problem it has been proposed the use of very low wear coatings as diamond-like carbon (DLC), transitionmetal carbides (MeCx) or nitrides (MeNx) in combination with antibacterial elements such silver, gold or copper. The present work explores the potentialities of silver-containing carbon/nitride (Ag-TiCN) based coatings to be used as protective thin films for biomedical implants. Samples were prepared by DC unbalanced reactive magnetron sputtering with contents of Ag ranging from 0 to 20 at.% and Ti from 35 to 15 at.% while keeping C, N and O content constant. The coatings were fully characterized in terms of structure (XRD, Raman) and depth profiling composition by GDOES and RBS (using the nitrogen resonance at 3.70 MeV He+ ions). In particular, we have selected three samples with different Ag contents (0, 6 and 20%) and carried out and advanced surface characterization using XPS, ARXPS and HR-SEM to study the segregation of silver towards the surface. We have correlated the structure and composition of the films with their biological properties. Microbial adhesion was assessed for both bacteria (Staphylococcus epidermidis) and yeast (Candida albicans)

    Influencia del marketing inclusivo en la imagen de marca y la intención de compra en el sector de la ropa para hombres y mujeres en Bogotá

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo general aproximarse a la relación entre marketing inclusivo y su impacto en la imagen de la marca y posible influencia en la intención de compra de las y los consumidores. En este caso, el trabajo de grado se ubicó en las y los compradores de ropa en la ciudad de Bogotá. En donde se busca identificar cuáles son aquellos factores que tienen mayor peso a la hora de elegir alguna marca de ropa. Esto con el fin de identificar si el marketing inclusivo tiene impacto en la percepción y decisión del cliente. Esta monografía apuesta por una metodología de orden cualitativo y exploratorio. Por ello, tiene un componente de análisis de discurso de algunas campañas publicitarias de marcas de ropa que tienen presencia en Bogotá, así como, una exploración de las emociones que despiertan las campañas de ropa en una muestra de personas seleccionadas a conveniencia.1. Introducción ; 2. Objetivos ; 3. Revisión de literatura ; 4. Metodología ; 5. Principales tendencias y características del márketing inclusivo en el sector de la moda en el campo de vestuario para hombres y mujeres en Bogotá ; 6. Aspectos que atraviesan la intención de compra de consumidores y consumidoras de Bogotá ; Conclusiones ; Recomendaciones ; ReferenciasAdministrador de EmpresasThe general objective of this work is to approach the relationship between inclusive marketing and its impact on the brand image and possible influence on the purchase intention of consumers. In this case, the degree work was located in the clothing buyers in the city of Bogotá. Where it seeks to identify which are those factors that have greater weight when choosing a clothing brand. This in order to identify if inclusive marketing has an impact on customer perception and decision. This monograph is committed to a qualitative and exploratory methodology. For this reason, it has a discourse analysis component of some advertising campaigns of clothing brands that have a presence in Bogotá, as well as an exploration of the emotions that clothing campaigns arouse in a sample of people selected at convenience.Pregrad


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    O projeto CE-DOHS: Corpus Eletrônico de Documentos Históricos do Sertão, que conta com ótimos recursos tecnológicos, no universo das Humanidades Digitais, disponibiliza edições semidiplomáticas, em PDF, e, por meio do estabelecimento deredes com projetos que desenvolvem a Linguística de Corpus – como o projeto Corpus Histórico do Português Tycho Brahe (http://www.tycho.iel.unicamp.br/~tycho/corpus/), coordenado por Charlotte Galves (UNICAMP) –, também edições em linguagem XML, usando o eDictor, programa computacional desenvolvido por Kepler, Paixão de Souza e Faria (2007), para facilitar a edição eletrônica de textos antigos, que, anotada sintaticamente, permite a busca automática de dados no estudo linguístico

    Surface characterization of Ti-Si-C-ON coatings for orthopedic devices : XPS and Raman spectroscopy

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    Ti–Si–C–ON films were deposited by DC reactive magnetron sputtering and their chemical properties, biofilm formation and toxicity were characterized. Based on the films composition three different growth regimes were identified on the films; (I) N/Ti = 2.11 (high atomic ratio) and low oxygen content; (II) 0.77 ≤ N/Ti ≤ 1.86 (intermediate atomic ratio) and (III) N/Ti ≤ 0.12 (low ratio) and high oxygen content. The phase composition varied from mainly TiN on regime I to TiCN on regime 2 and titanium oxides on regime III. Taking into account the results of biological characterization (biofilm formation and cytotoxicity), it was possible to conclude that samples with a high TiN content (regime I) presented more favorable biocompatibility, since it was less prone to microbial colonization and also displayed a low cytotoxicity.The authors are grateful to Dr. Alicia Andres, Institut de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM-CSIC), for his assistance in carrying out the Raman spectroscopic analysis. The work was financially supported by the CRUP Institution (project "Accao No E-1007/08), and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (projects FUN-COAT CSD2008-00023, MAT2008-06618-C02 and Integrated action HP016-2007). This research is partially sponsored by FEDER funds through the program COMPETE- Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade and by Portuguese national funds through FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, under the project PTDC/CTM/102853/2008

    Progress in the control of bovine tuberculosis in Spanish wildlife

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    Special issue: 5th International Conference on Mycobacterium bovis.-- HAL Id: hal-00701898Despite the compulsory test and slaughter campaigns in cattle, bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is still present in Spain, and the role of wildlife reservoirs is increasingly recognized. We provide an update on recent progress made in bTB control in Spanish wildlife, including aspects of epidemiology, surveillance, host-pathogen interaction and wildlife vaccination.At the high densities and in the particular circumstances of Mediterranean environments, wild ungulates, mainly Eurasian wild boar and red deer, are able to maintain Mycobacterium bovis circulation even in absence of domestic livestock. Infection is widespread among wild ungulates in the south of the country, local infection prevalence being as high as 52% in wild boar and 27% in red deer. Risk factors identified include host genetic susceptibility, abundance, spatial aggregation at feeders and waterholes, scavenging, and social behaviour. An increasing trend of bTB compatible lesions was reported among wild boar and red deer inspected between 1992 and 2004 in Southwestern Spain. Sporadic cases of badger TB have been detected, further complicating the picture.Gene expression profiles were characterized in European wild boar and Iberian red deer naturally infected with M. bovis. The comparative analysis of gene expression profiles in wildlife hosts in response to infection advanced our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of infection and pathogenesis, revealed common and distinctive host responses to infection and identified candidate genes associated with resistance to bTB and for the characterization of host response to infection and vaccination.Ongoing research is producing valuable knowledge on vaccine delivery, safety and efficacy issues. Baits for the oral delivery of BCG vaccine preparations to wild boar piglets were developed and evaluated. The use of selective feeders during the summer was found to be a potentially reliable bait-deployment strategy. Safety experiments yielded no isolation of M. bovis BCG from faeces, internal organs at necropsy and the environment, even after oral delivery of very high doses. Finally, preliminary vaccination and challenge experiments suggested that a single oral BCG vaccination may protect wild boar from infection by a virulent M. bovis field strain.Studies on TB at IREC are supported by Grupo Santander – Fundacion Marcelino Botin, and by TB-STEP EU FP7 212414, INIA-MICINN FAU 06-017, and PAI07-0062-6611 Castilla – La Mancha.Peer Reviewe

    Del entretenimiento al conocimiento: acercamiento a los contenidos de los youtubers Nubia e hijos, Faber Burgos Sarmiento y Marce ‘la recicladora’

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    Analizar qué tipo de contenido generan los youtubers Nubia e hijos, Faber Burgos Sarmiento y Marce ‘La Recicladora’.La presente investigación aborda el fenómeno de los youtubers, haciendo énfasis en el tipo de contenidos que comparten en sus canales, teniendo en cuenta que hoy en día, con el desarrollo de la tecnología, las personas cuentan con más herramientas para comunicar, debido a que, Internet ha abierto las puertas para que el acceso a los canales de información y comunicación sea ilimitado y que las personas de manera libre y voluntaria puedan acceder y formar comunidades virtuales en las que repliquen sus conocimientos, cultura, creencias, posiciones políticas, entre otros. Actualmente, YouTube se ha convertido en un medio por el cual se entretiene, se narran experiencias de vida y saberes. Por ello, en esta investigación fue de interés analizar qué tipo de contenido generan específicamente los youtubers, Nubia e hijos, Faber Burgos Sarmiento y Marce ‘La Recicladora’, a través de un análisis de contenido que tuvo como criterio visualizar los cuatro videos más vistos de cada canal, durante el año 2020, estudiando algunos aspectos entre los que se destacan, la fecha de publicación, la duración, las temáticas tratadas en cada video y la cantidad de reproducciones, lo cual permitió observar y reconocer la categoría a la que pertenecen sus videos, según la clasificación de YouTube y la estrategia comunicativa que utilizan en su narración. Como complemento, se optó por la aplicación de un focus group o grupo focal, con nueve adolescentes entre los 15 y 19 años, residentes de la zona rural y urbana de Girardot; en este ejercicio, se reprodujo un video por cada canal y se explicó la clasificación de las categorías y estrategias comunicativas, para contextualizar la actividad, con el fin de indagar la percepción y opinión que tienen de los contenidos creados por los youtubers mencionados. Finalmente, los contenidos producidos por los youtubers analizados, son de carácter alternativo en los que se incluyen temas rurales, científicos y ambientales, respectivamente, que generan enseñanzas y motivación en los usuarios adolescentes.This research addresses the phenomenon of youtubers, emphasizing the type of content they share on their channels, taking into account that nowadays, with the development of technology, people have more tools to communicate, because the Internet has opened the doors so that access to information and communication channels are unlimited, since people can freely and voluntarily access and form virtual communities in which they replicate their knowledge, culture, beliefs, political positions, among others. Currently, YouTube has become a means by which people are entertained, life experiences and knowledge are narrated. Therefore, in this research it was of interest to analyze what type of content specifically generated by youtubers, Nubia and sons, Faber Burgos Sarmiento and Marce 'La Recicladora', through a content analysis that had as a criterion the viewing of the four most seen. videos of each channel, during the year 2020, studying some aspects among which the publication date, the duration, the topics covered in each video and the number of reproductions stand out, which allowed observing and recognizing the category to which their videos belong. videos, according to YouTube's classification and the communication strategy they use in their narration. As a complement, it was decided to apply a focus group, with nine adolescents between 15 and 19 years old, residents of the rural and urban area of Girardot; In this exercise, a video was reproduced for each channel, and the classification of the categories and communication strategies was explained, to contextualize the activity, in order to investigate the perception and opinion they have of the content created by the aforementioned YouTubers. Finally, the contents produced by the youtubers analyzed are of an alternative nature, including rural, scientific and environmental topics, respectively, which generate teaching and motivation in adolescent users