10 research outputs found


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    Selama ini, penyiraman tanaman dilakukan secara manual. Akan tetapi, terkadang kita tidak punya cukup waktu untuk menyiram tanaman. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu alat yang dapat membantu meringankan kegiatan menyiram tanaman. Alat tersebut berupa sistem yang dapat bekerja secara otomatis. Dengan menggunakan alat ini, maka diharapkan penyiraman tanaman dapat dilakukan pada waktu dan saat yang tepat. Dalam penelitian ini, alat penyiram tanaman otomatis dengan android berbasis Arduino Uno, menggunakan Arduino Uno sebagai sistem pengendalian, modem digunakan sebagai penerimaan perintah yang dikirim melalui smartphone android. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kemudahan dalam penyiraman tanaman secara otomatis berdasarkan waktu yang ditentukan dan kondisi cuaca yang terjadi dengan memnggunakan rain sensor sehingga proses penyiraman tanaman dapat dijadwalkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dari tanaman tersebut.Kata Kunci: Alat Penyiram Tanaman, Arduino, AndroidAbstrak: Selama ini, penyiraman tanaman dilakukan secara manual. Akan tetapi, terkadang kita tidak punya cukup waktu untuk menyiram tanaman. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu alat yang dapat membantu meringankan kegiatan menyiram tanaman. Alat tersebut berupa sistem yang dapat bekerja secara otomatis. Dengan menggunakan alat ini, maka diharapkan penyiraman tanaman dapat dilakukan pada waktu dan saat yang tepat. Dalam penelitian ini, alat penyiram tanaman otomatis dengan android berbasis Arduino Uno, menggunakan Arduino Uno sebagai sistem pengendalian, modem digunakan sebagai penerimaan perintah yang dikirim melalui smartphone android. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan cahaya yang dideteksi oleh sensor cahaya dan akan tersiram secara otomatisKata Kunci: Alat Penyiram Tanaman, Arduino, Android


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    ABSTRACT During this time, watering the plants is done manually. However, sometimes we don't have enough time to water the plants. Therefore, we need a tool that can help ease the activities of watering plants. The tool is a system that can work automatically. By using this tool, it is expected that watering the plants can be done at the right time and time. In this research, automatic plant watering devices with Android based on Arduino Uno, using Arduino Uno as a control system, modems are used as receiving commands sent via Android smartphones. This study aims to provide convenience in watering plants automatically based on the specified time and weather conditions that occur using a rain sensor so that the plant watering process can be scheduled according to the needs of the plant. Keywords: Plant Watering Tools, Arduino, Androi

    Dns Server And Web Server Simulation With Debian Operating System On Local Area Network

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    The web server can be implemented on a local network and accesses the ip address of web server. To make it easier to access the web server, a DNS server can be applied which can translate ip addresses into domain names. This study aims to provide an overview of how to implement a DNS server and web server with the Debian operating system on a local area network, translate ip addresses into domain names, and provide web server services for clients. Where the research method used is NDLC, using the NDLC method the research process can be repeated to get good results. The result of this research is that the web server can be run on the local network by accessing the domain that has been configured on the DNS server, namely dinakartika.com, where in its implementation a response time test has also been carried out with the result that the more users access, the greater the response time. got. for testing the performance of the web server to get results with more and more users accessing the greater the memory usage and for processor usage there is a not too large increase, while for the network to get results with more and more users accessing the web the bandwidth usage will also increase

    The Design Of Network Monitoring System Using SNMP Protocol With Telegram Notification

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    One of the network monitoring systems that use SNMP protocol using Nagios. Nagios is an open source application for monitoring and has many plugins, one of which is through Telegram. Where the monitoring results report can be sent via Telegram in real time. This SNMP protocol has many features such as IP Address-based relationships, can exchange data, configure other devices, monitor networks, monitor other devices. With the many features and capabilities of the SNMP protocol, this protocol can be used for network monitoring. From a series of tests carried out by the network monitoring system using the SNMP protocol with telegram notifications running well, according to the design and configurations implemented. Starting from the installation of linux ubuntu server, LAMP Server (Apache2, PHP and MySQL) and the Nagios Core System, then login to the Nagios core system, after successfully logging in, a dashboard page appears that can be used to display network monitoring results in real time.

    Rainfall Prediction In Bengkulu City Fuzzy Logic-Based

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    The purpose of this study is to predict the rainfall in the city of Bengkulu using fuzzy logic . The boundary problem in this research is a fuzzy method used is Fuzzy Method Sugeno , testing was conducted using the software Matlab version 2013a , the data used in this study is the rainfall data from October to December 2015 were taken from the Meteorology , Climatology and Geophysics , the Center for Meteorology , Climatology and Geophysics ( BMKG ) Bengkulu. Of a series of studies conducted with reference to the design of the block diagram of the results obtained in the form of cuara on the day or the future (tomorrow) with Sugeno mentode this is to conduct experiments for 7 days with accuracy levels of over 60%. From 7 days forecasting error occurred as much as 2 day

    Mobil Remote Control Berbasis Arduino Dengan Sistem Kendali Menggunakan Android

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    Sistem Operasi Android adalah sistem operasi yang berbasis Linux yang bersifat open source yang tentunya akan memudahkan para pengembang aplikasi untuk menciptakan aplikasi-aplikasi mereka sendiri. Boarduino total control merupakan aplikasi untuk mengontrol Arduino android.  Mobil Remote Control adalah konstruksi  yang ciri khasnya mempunyai actuator berupa roda untuk menggerakkan seluruh badan robot tersebut, sehingga robot tersebut dapat melakukan perpindahan posisi dari satu titik ke titik yang lain. Mobil Remote Control ini dirancang bergerak menggunakan pengontrol yang berasal dari sebuah smartphone android yang memilki aplikasi yang cocok untuk pergerakan robot. Alat ini menggunakan Arduino Uno sebagai penghubung antara perangkat dan smartphone android serta bluetooth. Alat ini akan bekerja berdasarkan perintah yang diberikan melalui smartphone android dengan aplikasi Boarduino. Hasil analisa Mobil Remote Control berbasis Arduino dengan sistem kendali menggunakan android , pada Mobil Remote Control  ini menggunakan Arduino Uno sebagai sistem pengendali atau mikrokontroller, modul Bluetooth HC-05 digunakan sebagai penerimaan perintah yang dikirim melalui smartphone android, motor DC difungsikan sebagai penggerak mobil yang dikendalikan menggunakan Smartphone Android melalui aplikasi Boarduino yang di install dari Playstore. Berdasarkan pengujian koneksi Bluetooth pada Mobil Remote Control dapat disimpulkan untuk jangkauan jarak koneksi Bluetooth antara smartphone dan Mobil Remote Control dapat dikendalikan sepenuhnya dengan jarak jangkauan 25 meter, untuk 25 meter sampai dengan 32 meter mengalami sinyal yang berkurang dan putus-putus, sedangkan untuk jangkauan sinyal yang lebih dari 32 meter akan mengalamai koneksi sinyal yang terputus sehingga Mobil Remote Control tidak dapat dikendalikan lagi

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi (IT) Bagi Siswa Sekolah Menegah Atas Negeri 6 Kabupaten Kepahyang

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    The development of technology requires a variety of activities that can be easily accessible regardless of time and space. The development of information technology becomes innovative, dynamic, and economically beneficial solutions. The information technology is an answer to the problems and challenges faced by the world of education. Cloud computing changes the way information technology services are provided and distributed, so that institutions have the opportunity to access educational and scientific information. Cloud computing is a computing model, where the resources such as processor or computing power, storage, network, and software become abstract and are provided as a service on a network or internet by using remote access patterns. The use of cloud computing based technologies in the learning process can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness in improving the quality of learning outcome


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    The Mobile Robot is a robot construction whose characteristic is to have an actuator in the form of a wheel to move the entire body of the robot, so that the robot can shift positions from one point to another. This Mobile Robot is designed to move using an Android Smartphone controller that has an application that is suitable for robot movements. This robot uses Arduino Uno as a Bluetooth robot control system, the Bluetooth module functions as receiving commands sent via an Android Smartphone, a DC Motor is functioned as a controlled Robot drive using an Android Smartphone and Boarduino application installed via Playstore. The method used is the experimental method, the research will focus on communication between smartphone devices and Arduino Uno microcontrollers via Bluetooth to control robotic devices. Based on testing Bluetooth connections on robots, it can be concluded that the Bluetooth connection between the Smartphone and the Bluetooth robot can be fully controlled by a range of 25 meters, for a distance of 25-32 meters has a signal drop and is broken, and more than a range of 32 meters will experience a broken connection so that the robot cannot be controlled anymore

    Kendali Robot Bluetooth dengan Smartphone Android Berbasis Arduino Uno

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    The Mobile Robot is a robot construction whose characteristic is to have an actuator in the form of a wheel to move the entire body of the robot, so that the robot can shift positions from one point to another. This Mobile Robot is designed to move using an Android Smartphone controller that has an application that is suitable for robot movements. This robot uses Arduino Uno as a Bluetooth robot control system, the Bluetooth module functions as receiving commands sent via an Android Smartphone, a DC Motor is functioned as a controlled Robot drive using an Android Smartphone and Boarduino application installed via Playstore. The method used is the experimental method, the research will focus on communication between smartphone devices and Arduino Uno microcontrollers via Bluetooth to control robotic devices. Based on testing Bluetooth connections on robots, it can be concluded that the Bluetooth connection between the Smartphone and the Bluetooth robot can be fully controlled by a range of 25 meters, for a distance of 25-32 meters has a signal drop and is broken, and more than a range of 32 meters will experience a broken connection so that the robot cannot be controlled anymore