24 research outputs found

    Sosialisasi penanaman dan pemanfaatan tanaman obat keluarga (TOGA)

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    Indonesian people have used herbal plants for generations to overcome health problems, but some people are still lacking in obtaining health services. Tenggareng hamlet, North Jenggik Village, Montong Gading Dstrict, East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province is one of the hamlets that has not optimized the yard as land for growing herbal plants. The yard house is suitable land for planting various types of plants. The purpose of this activities was to increase the knowledge of the community, especially about the cultivation and use of medicinal plants. The method used in this community services were lecturing and discussion method. Involving 42 participants. The results of community services are increasing people knowledge and skills related to the planting and utilization of herbal plants. This can be seen from the occurrence of interactive discussions. In conclusion, by conducting socialization and utilization of Family Medicinal Plants can increase public understanding to optimize Family Medicinal Plants

    Kemampuan guru dalam menerapkan pembelajaran tematik kelas iv di SDN 3 Tanjung Pinang Palangka Raya

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    Pembelajaran tematik gabungan antara satu mata pelajaran dengan mata pelajaran lainnya sehingga membuat proses pembelajaran menjadi bermakna untuk peserta didik yang mana tematik adalah tema-tema sebagai pemersatu untuk mengembangkan ranah kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik. Persiapan tersebut membutuhkan peran serta pemerintah dalam memberikan sosialisasi kepada guru-guru tentang implementasi Kurikulum 2013 khususnya penerapan pembelajaran berbasis tematik. Penulis tertarik untuk mengangkat judul “Kemampuan Guru dalam Menerapkan Pembelajaran Tematik Kelas IV di SDN 3 Tanjung Pinang Palangka Raya”. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk 1) Mendeskripsikan kemampuan guru dalam menyusun perencanaan pembelajaran tematik kelas IV. 2) Mendeskripsikan kemampuan guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran tematik kelas IV. 3) Mendeskripsikan kemampuan guru dalam evaluasi pembelajaran tematik kelas IV. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran/kombinasi (mixed methodology), bertujuan untuk meneliti fenomena yang ada pada objek penelitian adalah kemampuan guru menerapkan pembelajaran tematik di kelas IV. Sedangkan subyek penelitian ini adalah guru kelas IV SDN 3 Tanjung Pinang Palangka Raya yang sangat diutamakan adalah mengungkap makna, yaitu makna dan proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran tematik. yang menjadi informan adalah kepala sekolah SDN 3 Tanjung Pinang Palangka Raya. Adapun teknik mengumpulan data melalui teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Instrumen yang dikumpulkan dalam pengumpulan data yaitu dengan menggunakan angket. Kemudian data dianalisis dengan 4 tahapan yaitu Data Collection, Data Reduction, Data Display, Conclusing Drawing. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Guru melakukan perencanaan pembelajaran tematik sudah sesuai dengan kriteria perangkat pembelajaran yaitu menyusun rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, menentukan indikator, metode, langkah mengajar, menentukan alokasi waktu, media dan sumber pengajaran, dan merencanakan penilaian berpedoman pada kurikulum, dengan presentase 80% kategori tinggi. 2) Guru melaksanakan pembelajaran tematik dengan menyampaikan bahan pengait atau bahan apersepsi, memotivasi siswa, menyampaikan bahan, mengorganisasi peserta didik, memadukan mata pelajaran, menyimpulkan pelajaran dan memberi tindak lanjut, dengan presentase 78,2% kategori tinggi. 3) Guru melaksanakan evaluasi dan penilaian selama proses belajar mengajar berlangsung, dengan presentase 73,3% kategori tinggi. ABSTRACT Thematic learning combines one subject with another made the learning process meaningful for learners where thematic themes are unifying to develop cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. The preparation requires the participation of the government in providing socialization to teachers about the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum in particular the application of thematic-based learning. The reseracher was interested in raising the title "Teacher's Ability in applying Thematic Learning Class IV in SDN 3 Tanjung Pinang Palangka Raya". The research aims to 1) Describe the ability of teachers in preparing thematic class IV learning plans. 2) Describe the ability of teachers in carrying out the thematic learning class IV. 3) Describe the ability of teachers in the evaluation of thematic learning class IV. This research used mixed methodology (mixed methodology), aims to examine the phenomena that exist on the object of research was the ability of teachers to apply thematic learning in class IV. While the subject of this research was the fourth grade teacher in SDN 3 Tanjung Pinang Palangka Raya, which was highly prioritized to reveal meaning, namely the meaning and process of implementing thematic learning. the informant was the principal of SDN 3 Tanjung Pinang Palangka Raya. The technique of collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation. The instruments collected in data collection are using a questionnaire. Then the data were analyzed with 4 stages namely Data Collection, Data Reduction, Data Display, Conclusing Drawing. The results showed that 1) The teacher made a thematic learning plan that was in accordance with the criteria of the learning device that was compiling the lesson plan, determining the indicators, methods, steps of teaching, determining the allocation of time, media and teaching resources, and planning the assessment based on the curriculum, with the percentage of 80% the category high. 2) The teacher carried out thematic learning by conveying hooks or apperception material, motivating students, delivering material, organizing students, integrating subjects, concluding lessons and giving follow-up, with the percentage of 78,2% the category high. 3) The teachers carried out evaluation and assessment during the teaching and learning process with the percentage of 73,3% and the category high


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    Salah satu bahasa internasional, bahasa Inggris sering digunakan sebagai bahasa perantara untuk melakukan komunikasi dengan berbagai orang dari berbagai Negara. Pemahaman kosakata sangat penting yang harus dikuasai oleh seseorang dalam melakukan komunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Model Cooperative Learning Tipe Picture and Picture dapat digunakan sebagai media dalam memahami kosakata. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk 1) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh model Picture and Picture terhadap peningkatan kosakata siswa di SD kelas rendah. 2) mengetahui apakah setelah diterapkannya model Picture and Picture meningkatkan kosakata siswa kelas rendah lebih baik , dibandingkan sebelum diterapkannya model Picture and Picture. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Pre-Eksperimen jenis One Group Pretest Posttest dengan subjek yang berjumlah 20 siswa di kelas III SDN Karang Satria 04 Bekasi. Dari hasil penelitian, rata-rata skor pretest 78,5 yang tergolong dalam kategori cukup dan rata-rata skor posttest sebesar 92,8 yang tergolong sangat baik. Dapat dikatakan bahwa Model Cooperative Learning Tipe Picture and Picture dapat meningkatkan kosakata bahasa Inggris siswa. Hal ini diperkuat dengan perolehan hasil rata-rata skor N-Gain yaitu sebesar 0,62 yang tergolong dalam kategori sedang. Hasil analisis regresi linear sederhana menunjukan 0,769 yang tergolong dalam kategori tinggi. Pada penelitian ini dapat dikatakan juga koefisien determinasi sebesar 59% yang berarti bahwa penggunaan Model Cooperative Learning Tipe Picture and Picture memiliki pengaruh kuat terhadap peningkatan pemahaman kosakata bahasa Inggris siswa. ----- One of the international languages, English is often used as an intermediary language to communicate with various people from various countries. Understanding vocabulary is very important that must be mastered by someone in communicating in English. Cooperative Learning Model Picture and Picture type can be used as a medium in understanding vocabulary. The aims of this study are 1) To determine the effect of the Picture and Picture model on increasing students' vocabulary in lower grade elementary schools. 2) to find out whether after the implementation of the Picture and Picture model the vocabulary of the lower grade students improved better than before the implementation of the Picture and Picture model. This study used a pre-experimental method with the type of One Group Pretest Posttest with 20 students in class III SDN Karang Satria 04 Bekasi. From the results of the study, the average pretest score was 78.5 which was included in the sufficient category and the posttest average score was 92.8 which was classified as very good. It can be said that the Picture and Picture Cooperative Learning Model can improve students' English vocabulary. This is reinforced by the acquisition of the average N-Gain score of 0.62 which belongs to the medium category. The results of simple linear regression analysis showed 0.769 which was included in the high category. In this study, it can also be said that the coefficient of determination is 59%, which means that the use of the Picture and Picture Cooperative Learning Model has a strong influence on increasing students' understanding of English vocabulary


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    Education is not only related to students\u27 cognitive abilities and skills, but also to attitudes, character, and self-confidence. Self-confidence is an individual\u27s belief in their ability to take action to achieve the desired goals. This study aims to improve the self-confidence (self-efficacy) of fourth grade students through the application of the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model at SDN 31 Mataram. The Classroom Action Research method is used with two cycles, namely planning, action, observation, and reflection. Data collection techniques are taken with questionnaires and observations. The data analysis technique used in this study is quantitative analysis. The results of the study showed that there was an increase in self-efficacy in each cycle, including indicator 1 by 50% increasing to 88%, indicator 2 from 60% to 88%, and indicator 3 from 50% to 85%. Based on the results of the study and discussion, it can be concluded that the application of the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model can improve students\u27 self-efficacy.  Keywords: Self efficacy, Project Based learning (PjBL


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    This study uses the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method which aims to describe the improvement of understanding of science concepts by applying the Experiment method. The design of this study uses the Kemmis and Mc Taggart model which is carried out in two cycles. Participants in this study were 15 students of grade III SDN 31 Mataram consisting of 8 male students and 7 female students. This study used data collection techniques in the form of evaluation tests and non-test techniques in the form of observation, while the data analysis technique used was quantitative descriptive. The results of the study in cycle I with a percentage reaching 67% of the total number of 15 students. In cycle I, students who did not meet the KKM were 5 students or around 33% in the sufficient category. In cycle II, students who met the KKM (70) were 13 students or 86% of the total number of 15 students with the good category. In cycle II, students who did not meet the KKM were 2 students or only 14%. Thus, through the application of the experimental method, understanding of science concepts can be improved


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1)Mengetahui minat dan hasil belajar fisika pada materi Usaha dan Energi peserta didik kelas X IPA yang tidak menggunakan media game roulette. (2) Mengetahui minat dan hasil belajar fisika pada materi Usaha dan Energi peserta didik kelas X IPA yang menggunakan media game roulette. (3) Mengetahui peningkatan minat dan hasil belajar fisika peserta didik kelas X IPA pada materi Usaha dan Energi setelah menggunakan  media game roulette. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta didik kelas X IPA SMA Al-wasliyah Medan Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019 yang terdiri dari X IPA 1 dan X IPA 2. Dan sampel yang digunakan adalah seluruh populasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Quasi Experimental Design. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah angket minat dan tes hasil belajar pretest dan posttest peserta didik yang sudah divalidasi sebelumnya. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan SPSS versi 21. Berdasarkan analisis data yang telah dihitung menggunakan SPSS versi 21, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Kelas kontrol yang tidak menggunakan media game roulette memiliki nilai rerata angket minat belajar awal dan akhir 75,70 dan 81,70, Sedangkan nilai rerata hasil belajar pretest dan posttest kelas kontrol adalah sebesar 31,30 dan 58,91.(2) kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan game roulette terdapat nilai rerata angket minat belajar awal dan akhir peserta didik adalah sebesar 75,20 dan 100,70.Untuk hasil belajar pretest dan posttest peserta didik didapatkan bahwa nilai reratanya adalah 32,25 dan 72,00. Dan, (3) Media game roulette dapat meningkatkan minat belajar peserta didik dengan persentase N-Gain sekitar 57 %, peningkatannya termasuk dalam  kategori sedang. Media game roulette juga dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik  dengan persentase N-Gain sekitar 59 % termasuk dalam kategori cukup efektif

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Audio Visual Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Gaya

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    Penelitian ini merupakan quasi eksperiment yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh penggunaan media audio visual terhadap hasil belajar.Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah One-Group-Pretest-Posttest. Sampel pada penelitian  ini adalah kelas VIII, dengan jumlah siswa 30 orang yang diberikan  pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media audio visual.Uji Hipotesis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah uji t. Instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah tes objektif untuk mengukur hasil belajar siswa dengan  penggunaan media audio visual. Hasil pengujian hipotesis dengan menggunakan uji t diperoleh nilai signifikan 0,027, sehingga sig 0,05. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut maka dapat dikatakan bahwa H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima, yaitu terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara data pre-test dengan data post-test  siswa yang menggunakan media audio visual pada materi gaya pada kelas VIII SMPIT Al-Fauzi. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran audio visual memberi pengaruh yang baik terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Kata Kunci : Media, Audiovisual,Gay


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    The research objectives of the Physics learning module based guided inquiry models on the material of  Suhu dan Kalor (Temperature and Heat)for class X SMA: (1) knowing the characteristics of the physics module based guide inquiry on the material of suhu dan kalor (temperature and heat); (2) testing the feasibility of the Physics module based on guided inquiry at the material of suhu dan kalor (temperature and heat). The design of this research is ADDIE development wich is developed by Dick and Carry (1996), which includes: Analyze  (Analisis), Design (Design), Develop (Development), Implemen (Application), and Evaluate (Evaluation). The research instrument uses a feasibility questionnaire sheet. Data analysis was carried out by means of a feasibility test by the learning experts. Based on the data analysis, the results showed: (1) Physisc module products based on the guided inquiry were developed based on guided inquiry activities, based on the assesment of the instructional experts on the characteristics of guided inquiry modules in the “very feasibel” category with a percentage of eligibility of 92,6%; (2) the feasibility of the Physics module based guide inquiry on the material of suhu dan kalor(temperature and heat), it is based on the assessment of learning experts in the category of “very feasibel” with the percentage of feasibility of 91,6%; (3) The practicilaty of physice module based guide inquiry on the material of suhu dan kalor (temperatire and heat) based on the assesment of class X Students of SMA PAB 4 Sampali in the “very practical“ category with apa feasibility percent of 90,3%. So, it can be concluded that the Physics learning module based on the guided inquiry model is very valid to be used in the learning process


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    This study aims to determine the impact of local wisdom-based virtual media assisted by smart application creators on optical material on high school students' critical thinking skills. Purposive sampling was used as a research sampling strategy in a quasi experiment and used a nonequivalent control group design. The experimental class set was class XI-MIPA 1, while the control class selected was class XI-MIPA 2. In July 2022, this research was carried out at SMAS PAB 8 Saentis. Students' capacity to think critically was assessed as part of the data collection process. The results of the study show that local wisdom-based virtual media assisted by smart application creators on optical material has an impact on high school students' critical thinking skills. The t test at = 0.05 obtained sig. (2-tailed) is 0.00, the average value of N-Gain in the control class is 0.53, and the experimental class is 0.74. Observations show that this method increases the progress of critical thinking skills in the aspect of drawing conclusions 84.3 %, identifying assumptions 80.4%, reasoning deductively 75.2%, making logical interpretations 65%, and evaluating arguments 88.2