18 research outputs found

    Specific Treatment of Elderly Pilgrims on Hajj According to the Hadith ; The Approach of Mukhtalif Ahadis

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    Most of Indonesian hajj pilgrims are elderly due to approximately 23 years waiting period. This paper aims to elaborate specific treatment of elderly pilgrims according to the hadith. Some hadith imply indirect prohibition to perform hajj by themselves while others still  motivate the hajj in a hard condition. Using the approach of mukhtalif ahâdits, this paper seeks to answer three questions. First, how did hadith say about specific treatment of elderly hajj pilgrims. Second, how to deal with two groups of hadith which slightly look different. Third, how is proper contextual interpretation on the hadith in Indonesian contemporary life. The data compilation is through literature reviews and interviews. Then, the two groups of hadith are compromised using a method called al-jam’u wa al-tawfiq. It truns out that the first hadith applies for those who can’t really perform the hajj while another is for those with physical problems but could still stand for hajj using some facilities and policies. Those all lead to an inevitable need for a special hajj manasik for elderly so they could perform the hajj with better preparation. (Dengan waktu tunggu keberangkatan kurang lebih 23 tahun, sebagian besar jama’ah haji Indonesia adalah lansia. Penelitian ini mendiskusikan pandangan hadist soal perlakuan khusus terhadap jama’ah lansia. Beberapa hadist menyiratkan imbauan untuk tidak melaksanakan haji secara langsung, sedang beberapa lain tetap memotivasi pelaksanaan haji dalam keadaan sulit sekalipun. Dengan pendekatan mukhtalif ahâdits, penelitian ini fokus menjawab tiga persoalan. Pertama, bagaimana pandangan hadist terhadap jamaah lansia. Kedua, bagaimana mengompromikan dua (kelompok) hadist yang sekilas tampak berbeda. Ketiga, bagaimana interpretasi kontekstual hadist-hadist tersebut dalam konteks Indonesia dewasa ini. Data penelitian didapat melalui penelusuran pustaka dan wawancara. Dua kelompok hadist kemudian dikompromikan dengan metode al-jam’u wa al-tawfiq. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa hadist pertama berlaku bagi jama’ah yang benar-benar tidak bisa melaksanakan haji, sedang yang kedua adalah bagi mereka dengan kemampuan fisik yang minim namun masih memanfaatkan fasilitas dan kebijakan yang ada. Dari situ, adanya sebuah manasik (kelas haji) khusus lansia di Indonesia menjadi keniscayaan agar jama’ah lansia dapat semakin maksimal memersiapkan dan melaksanakan haji

    Ayat-Ayat Al-Qur\u27an dalam Suf Healing Method; Pengobatan Alternatif Penderita AIDS Ala Muhammad Zuhri

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    Line"> <This paper aims to describe the use of Qur\u27anic verses in a Suf healing method of the late Muhammad Zuhri at a clinic called Yayasan Barzakh, which was open to any patient including AIDS sufferers. The research examines the profie of both Zuhri and his foundation, the mechanism of healing especially the use of Qur\u27anic verses in the healing process and the result of the method. Data includes the documentation and interview. The fidings of the research are, fist, Muhammad Zuhri was a local public fiure who was later widely known, while Barzakh Foundation was a nonprofi organization aimed to heal people mentally or physically. Second, Qur\u27anic verses use exists in his healing method by variety of ways. Third, in the record keeping, it was only one ODHA who totally recovered from AIDS while some others were able to extend the lifetim

    Berkenalan dengan Andrew Rippin, Spesialis Kajian Sejarah Tafsir Al-Qur'an

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    Andrew Rippin is one of contemporary orientalists who is interested in Islamic teaching as well as its implementation in Muslim's daily life. He focuses on development of tafsir in Islamic society especially the modern period with its basic assumptions and exegesis result which are, in some degree, different enough with what traditional exegete understood about Qur'an. Unlike most of traditional orientalists, Rippin seemed to be academically fair and neutral in revealing and analyzing the data related with his concern. Additionally, he tended to map the data under some categories he made and not interested in making any comment about the data including agreement, complement or critique as well. Unfortunately, Rippin is not still well-known as other modern orientalists that this paper is trying to introduce little thing about him and his academic findings on Islami, Qur'an, Qur'anic exegesis and contemporary Muslim word including its exegetical traditions

    Perempuan Madura Sebagai Simbol Prestise Dan Pelaku Tradisi Perjodohan

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    Maduranesse women are generally considered as prestige symbol of society, family, even a man. By this reason, they are treated as well as possible to keep the prestige stable even higher. However in some degree, the treatment seems not totally advantageous for women in the sense that they have limited access to make various important decisions for their lives especially in choosing the spouse. Maduranesse society still tend to choose arranged marriage for their daughters that the daughters don\u27t have significant role in making any decision related with arranged marriage, engagement, even marriadge itself. As the prestige maintainer, Maduraness female teenagers are also supposed to be in an engagement or marriadge relationship as soon as they get the first menstruation. They all are the common tradition of Maduranesse people which is also strengthened by some local wisdom well-alive in the society. In the other hand, this common ryhtm of arranged marriadge is in fact able to create a long-lasting marriage which is good for both, especially for women

    The Practice of Amal Masjid in Madura

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    This paper aims to portray a practice called ‘amal masjid’ which is very popular at Madura. It is performed at the street to get donation for mosque(s) construction. However, local MUI (Majelis Ulama Indonesia; Indonesian Ulama Council) issued a legal regulation to forbid it. This condition comes to a problem because the practice is the real solution for funding source. On the other hand, its existence is problematic as it disturbs even endangers street users as well as the amal men. The primary data of this research is from observation and interview at two location of amal masjid in Pamekasan and Sumenep. This paper is going to answer three questions. First, to what extent does the amal masjid represent the identity of local Maduresse Moslems? Second, how do the Maduresse Muslim negotiate the amal masjid to the local government and other stakeholders? Third, how can the amal masjid be located as a distinctive local Muslim philanthropy and the blueprint on ideal philanthropy to the world

    Semangat Egalitarian Al-Qur’an dalam Otoritas Menginisiasi dan Prosedur Perceraian

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    This article aims to elaborate the egalitarian spirit of Quran on divorce authority and related procedures. It is generally believed that only men can initiate the divorce, whereas Quran also gives the same chance for women as told in QS. al-Baqarah (2): 229 through khulu’ concept. Therefore, this article is going to explore firstly the concept of divorce in Islam, including law and ethical procedures that related parties have to obey, particularly, husband and wife. The next discussion focuses on the concept of khulu’ and insights (method and rereading product of Quranic interpretation) among tafsir ahkam experts and feminists. Besides uncovering the same chance for husband and wife to initiate the divorce in the different condition and emphasis, those insights show that divorce should be the last choice to take. As a consequence, the authority initiated the divorce of husband and wife should not be based on self-interest and egoism, but egalitarian norms consideration for both parties.[Tulisan ini berupaya mengelaborasi semangat egalitarian Al-Qur’an dalam hal otoritas menginisiasi perceraian serta berbagai prosedur dalam praktik perceraian. Sejauh ini lumrah dipahami bahwa otoritas menginisiasi perceraian hanya dimiliki laki-laki (suami). Padahal, dengan konsep khulu’ yang tertuang dalam QS. al-Baqarah (2): 229, Al-Qur’an juga menyiratkan kesempatan yang sama bagi perempuan (istri). Untuk itu, tulisan ini akan terlebih dahulu memaparkan konsep perceraian dalam Islam termasuk prosedur-prosedur hukum maupun etis yang harus dijalankan pihak-pihak terkait. Setelah itu, barulah pembahasan akan difokuskan pada konsep khulu’ dalam Al-Qur’an berikut pandangan (meliputi metode serta produk pembacaan) para penggiat tafsir ahkam maupun para feminis terkait hal tersebut. Selain mengemukakan adanya kesempatan yang sama bagi suami maupun istri dengan ketentuan dan penekanan yang berbeda, berbagai pembahasan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa perceraian benar-benar merupakan pilihan terakhir yang harus demikian dipertimbangkan. Karena itu, otoritas menginisiasi perceraian yang dimiliki suami maupun istri bukanlah untuk mengukuhkan egoisme pribadi masing-masing, akan tetapi lebih kepada upaya menegakkan norma-norma egalitarian bagi kedua belah pihak.

    Ayat-Ayat al-Qur’an dalam Suf Healing Method; Pengobatan Alternatif Penderita AIDS ala Muhammad Zuhri

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    line"&gt; &lt;This paper aims to describe the use of Qur’anic verses in a Suf healing method of the late Muhammad Zuhri at a clinic called Yayasan Barzakh, which was open to any patient including AIDS sufferers. The research examines the profie of both Zuhri and his foundation, the mechanism of healing especially the use of Qur’anic verses in the healing process and the result of the method. Data includes the documentation and interview. The fidings of the research are, fist, Muhammad Zuhri was a local public fiure who was later widely known, while Barzakh Foundation was a nonprofi organization aimed to heal people mentally or physically. Second, Qur’anic verses use exists in his healing method by variety of ways. Third, in the record keeping, it was only one ODHA who totally recovered from AIDS while some others were able to extend the lifetim

    Berkenalan dengan Andrew Rippin, Spesialis Kajian Sejarah Tafsir Al-Qur’an

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    Andrew Rippin is one of contemporary orientalists who is interested in Islamic teaching as well as its implementation in Muslim’s daily life. He focuses on development of tafsir in Islamic society especially the modern period with its basic assumptions and exegesis result which are, in some degree, different enough with what traditional exegete understood about Qur’an. Unlike most of traditional orientalists, Rippin seemed to be academically fair and neutral in revealing and analyzing the data related with his concern. Additionally, he tended to map the data under some categories he made and not interested in making any comment about the data including agreement, complement or critique as well. Unfortunately, Rippin is not still well-known as other modern orientalists that this paper is trying to introduce little thing about him and his academic findings on Islami, Qur’an, Qur’anic exegesis and contemporary Muslim word including its exegetical traditions.Keywords: Andrew Rippin, Sejarah Tafsir Al-Qur’an, Tafsir Al-Qur’an modern

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Lele Kering dan Pemasaran Daring pada Sektor Agrobisnis Perikanan di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Kasus di Kelurahan Bugih, Kabupaten Pamekasan)

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    This article observes training on producing dried catfish and seeling them online among catfish business owners at Bugih Village, Pamekasan Regency. Catfish cultivation in the area has been running so good that it is also processed into the dried catfish. Catfish cultivation and its processed products can be &nbsp;highly potential goods to sell amid the community's economic difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Catfish, which has been so far known only as fish eaten with rice in a meal, can be further processed such as becoming dried fish. The dried fish can increase public interest due to its durability. Those who don’t eat catfish in any common way can also be interested to taste the dried one. However, its market target is still limited to Pamekasan local area so that PKM (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) participants in the area initiated to train the catfish sellers to dry the catfish and use online selling to enlarge potential customers and selling. We use SWOT analysis to capture the community service agenda after explaining the program quite detail. It reveals that catfish businessmen in the area are interested in processing dried catfish due to easy making process and economic potential of the product. They are also enthusiast to use online marketing wishing that it can increase income and help them dealing with economic difficulties during Covid-19 pandemic. (Artikel ini menyoroti pelatihan pembuatan lele kering dan pemasaran daring di kalangan para pebisnis lele di Kelurahan Bugih, Kabupaten Pamekasan. &nbsp;Budidaya lele di Kelurahan Bugih Kabupaten Pamekasan berjalan cukup baik, bahkan ada yang sudah membuat lele kering. Budidaya lele dan olahan produknya sangatlah potensial untuk dijual di tengah kesulitan ekonomi karena pandemi Covid-19. Lele yang selama ini hanya dikenal sebagai lauk yang biasa dimakan bersama nasi dapat dikembangkan menjadi produk olahan seperti ikan kering. Lele kering berpotensi meningkatkan minat beli &nbsp;masyarakat karena sifatnya yang tahan lama. Mereka yang tidak mau mengonsumsi lele seperti biasa juga mungkin tertarik mencicipi lele kering. Akan tetapi, pemasaran lele kering ini masih terbatas di wilayah lokal Pamekasan saja sehingga peserta PKM daerah setempat berinisiatif mengadakan pelatihan pembuatan lele kering dan pemasarannya secara daring untuk menambah pembeli potensial dan jumlah penjualan. Kami menggunakan anailsis SWOT untuk memotret pengabdian masyarakat tersebut setelah menjelaskannya cukup detail)

    In Projecting Paddhu Madura at IAIN Madura Library, Pamekasan

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    Reliable collection of lliteratures about Madura is still rare to find in any libraries across Madura. Therefore, organizing Paddhu Madura (Madura Corner) is undeniable need for an emerging campus like IAIN Madura. This paper elaborates the initiative which has been arisen for long yet still got ups and downs. The research questions consist of the delay of establishment, detailed plan to implement this initiative in a close time and formulation on ideal concept of the project. As a field data research, compilation data of this paper will be through interview, observation and library search. Ruling officers, senior librarians and Madurese experts will be the main informants. Meanwhile, observation will take place to other libraries, particularly those organized any specific corner on local/national collection. This library research, in its turn, will uncover features and experience of certain libraries concerning on local collection preservation. It is hypothetically found that the initiative relatively remains stagnant due to financial management and unserious willingness. However, the plan can take place in a close time together with the moving moment into a newer building. Among others, this corner will not only provide literatures about Madura, but also encourage publication and documentation as its long term programs. Keywords: Paddhu Madura, IAIN Madura, librar