534 research outputs found

    Inpatient Rehabilitation For A Cancer Survivor Following A Lumbar Spinal Fusion Secondary To A Pathological Fracture: A Case Report

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    Pathologic fractures are considered a skeletal-related event of bone metastasis. Bone metastases indicate a shorter prognosis with the survival rate varying from 6-53 months, depending on the primary type of cancer. Indications for surgery include spinal instability, vertebral collapse with or without neurologic deficit and intolerable pain that is not responsive to conservative treatment. Palliative physical therapy (PT) is provided to the patient and their family to offer education, optimize their functional independence and provide comfort and support. The purpose of this case report was to describe the plan of care for a man with advanced cancer to bone status-post lumbar spinal fusion prior to initiation of cancer treatment.https://dune.une.edu/pt_studcrposter/1171/thumbnail.jp

    Stability of periodic beams

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    An evaluation of the posterior cruciate ligament function in total knee arthroplasty with regard to its morphology and clinical properties

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    The aim of the study was to determine the degree of posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) degeneration and the reduction in the number of its mechanoreceptors, in patients with advanced degenerative joint disease. PCLs taken from study group of 50 patients in the mean age of 70.7 (53–84) years with a diagnosis of advanced idiopathic osteoarthritis undergoing condylar total knee arthroplasty were compared to those taken form the control group of 10 knee joints of cadavers. Groups were matched with regard to sex and age. Histological examination of PCLs of the study group showed changes of an inflammatory process and no significant signs of osteoarthritis in the control group. A close correlation was found between the severity of degenerative changes on the X-ray images according to the Ahlbäck scale, and the increased mucoid degeneration (p < 0.0001), the severity of the degeneration of the collagen structure (p < 0.0001) and the presence of proprioceptors of PCLs (p < 0.0001). Conserving the PCL by the use of type cruciate retaining knee arthroplasty does not guarantee the preservation of correct proprioceptive sensation

    Hepatocyte growth factor in exhaled breath and BAL fluid in sarcoidosis

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    Wstęp: Wątrobowy czynnik wzrostu (HGF) jest silnym mitogenem stymulującym wzrost komórek nabłonka pęcherzyków płucnych. Wyższe stężenia HGF w różnych materiałach biologicznych stwierdzono między innymi w zespole ostrej niewydolności oddechowej (ARDS), u chorych po przebytym zapaleniu płuc i po pneumonektomii. Niekorzystnym zejściem sarkoidozy jest włóknienie płuc. Wątrobowy czynnik wzrostu mógłby być przydatny jako marker pozwalający na rozpoznanie chorych obarczonych ryzykiem włóknienia płuc. Celem pracy była ocena: 1) czy HGF jest wykrywalny w popłuczynach oskrzelowo-pęcherzykowych (BAL) i kondensacie powietrza wydechowego (EBC); 2) czy stężenia HGF w BAL-u i kondensacie chorych na sarkoidozę różnią się od stężeń osób zdrowych; 3) czy istnieją korelacje z parametrami aktywności i wybranymi czynnikami rokowniczymi. Materiał i metody: Zebrano kondensat od 64 i popłuczyny oskrzelowo-pęcherzykowe od 30 chorych na sarkoidozę. Grupę kontrolną stanowiły osoby zdrowe (n = 15 dla EBC, n = 9 dla BAL). Wątrobowy czynnik wzrostu oznaczono immunoenzymatycznie. Wyniki: Stężenia HGF w kondensacie przekroczyły próg detekcji u 62% badanych (56% chorych i 87% zdrowych) i we wszystkich próbkach BAL. Nie stwierdzono różnic w stężeniach w EBC i BAL pomiędzy osobami chorymi i zdrowymi. Nie stwierdzono korelacji pomiędzy HGF w EBC/BALF a stopniem radiologicznym, parametrami czynności płuc, czasem trwania choroby, liczbą nawrotów, odsetkiem limfocytów w BAL, stężeniem enzymu konwertującego angiotensynę i wapnia w surowicy, utratą dobową wapnia z moczem. Wnioski: Wątrobowy czynnik wzrostu jest wykrywalny w BAL i EBC. Jednak brak różnic pomiędzy chorymi na sarkoidozę i osobami zdrowymi oraz brak korelacji z markerami aktywności i czynnikami rokowniczymi uniemożliwiają jego zastosowanie w diagnostyce i monitorowaniu sarkoidozy.Introduction: Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a strong mitogen stimulating lung epithelial cell growth. Elevated levels of HGF have been reported in various biological materials of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome and in patients recovering from pneumonia or pneumonectomy. Sarcoidosis may be complicated by lung fibrosis. Consequently, HGF could be considered a new biomarker identifying patients with a higher risk of lung fibrosis. The aim of the study was to verify whether: 1. HGF is measurable in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and exhaled breath condensate (EBC); 2. HGF in BALF or EBC is impaired in sarcoidosis; and 3. HGF correlates with chosen activity and prognostic markers. Material and methods: Sixty-four EBC and 30 BALF of sarcoid patients, and 15 and 9 of healthy controls, respectively, were collected for the measurement of HGF using an ELISA test. Results: HGF was detectable in 62% of EBC samples (56% sarcoidosis and 87% of controls) and in all the BALF samples. EBC and BALF concentrations were not different in comparison to the controls. Moreover, no correlation was found between EBC/BALF concentrations and radiological stage, lung function tests, duration of disease, number of relapses, BALF lymphocytes, serum ACE, or serum and urine calcium concentrations. Conclusions: HGF is detectable in BAL and EBC. However, it does not distinguish sarcoidosis patients from healthy subjects. The above, as well as the lack of correlations with various parameters of disease activity and severity rule out EBC/ /BALF HGF as a biomarker for sarcoidosis monitoring

    Present and past selves : a steady-state visual evoked potentials approach to self-face processing

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    The self-face has a prioritized status in the processing of incoming visual inputs. As the self-face changes over the lifespan, this stimulus seems to be well-suited for investigation of the self across time. Here, steady-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEP, oscillatory responses to periodic stimulation with a frequency that mirrors the frequency of stimulation) were used to investigate this topic. Different types of faces (present self, past self, close-other's, unknown, scrambled) flickered four times per second in two types of stimulation (‘identical', with the same image of a given type of face; ‘different', with different images of the same type of face). Each of the 10 stimulation sessions lasted 90 seconds and was repeated three times. EEG data were recorded and analyzed in 20 participants. In general, faces evoked higher SSVEP than scrambled faces. The impact of identical and different stimulation was similar for faces and scrambled faces: SSVEP to different stimuli (faces, scrambled faces) was enhanced in comparison to identical ones. Present self-faces evoked higher SSVEP responses than past self-faces in the different stimulation condition only. Thus, our results showed that the physical aspects of the present and past selves are differentiated on the neural level in the absence of an overt behavior

    Electrochemical Treatment of Mixed and Hazardous Waste

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    Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and The University of New Mexico are jointly developing an electrochemical process for treating hazardous and radioactive wastes. The wastes treatable by the process include toxic metal solutions, cyanide solutions, and various organic wastes that may contain chlorinated organic compounds. The main component of the process is a stack of electrolytic cells with peripheral equipment such as a rectifier, feed system, tanks with feed and treated solutions, and a gas-venting system. During the treatment, toxic metals are deposited on the cathode, cyanides are oxidized on the anode, and organic compounds are anodically oxidized by direct or mediated electrooxidation, depending on their type. Bench scale experimental studies have confirmed the feasibility of applying electrochemical systems to processing of a great variety of hazardous and mixed wastes. The operating parameters have been defined for different waste compositions using surrogate wastes. Mixed wastes are currently treated at bench scale as part of the treatability study

    Inhalations of 5-ALA in photodynamic diagnosis of bronchial cancer

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    Background: Photodynamic bronchoscopy (PDD) allows for early detection of bronchial cancer. Adverse effects and high costs, partly related to general application of photosensitisers, are important limitations of the method. The local application of a photosensitiser could help to minimize these problems. In this study the validity and safety of inhaled 5-ALA have been tested. Methods: We examined 49 patients (age 59±11, cigarette consumption 36±17 pack-years) with present or past respiratory neoplasms and other with increased risk of bronchial cancer by photodynamic bronchoscopy (Storz- D-light) after inhaled 5-ALA. Biopsies were taken from the fluorescence-positive and negative foci (control). Symptoms and pre-/post-inhalation spirometry were analysed. Results: The overall sensitivity was 82%, specificity 62%, positive predicted value (PPV) 45% and negative predictive value (NPV) 90%. Specificity decreased to 53% and PPV to 15% when visible tumours were excluded. PDD, when added to white light bronchoscopy increased sensitivity by 2.1% and NPV by 6%, but decreased specificity by 35.4% and PPV by 53.1%. In a group of actual or past tumours the sensitivity increased by 22% and NPV by 34%, whereas specificity decreased by 26% and PPV by 35%. In 2 cases a drop in FEV1 above 10% of pre-inhalation value was observed but no clinically relevant symptoms were reported. Conclusions: Photodynamic bronchoscopy with inhalation of 5-ALA is a relatively safe diagnostic method. The main disadvantage is high percentage of false positive results. Nevertheless, we believe, that it may be a useful adjunct to conventional diagnostic modes, especially in the detection of early lesions in patients operated due to cancer (stump control and detection of metachronous lesions) and those prepared for operation (synchronous lesions and detection of infiltration margins). However all suspected lesions must be verified by histo-pathological examination