412 research outputs found

    About the Gender Issue in Italy between History, Politics and Research

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    According to the latest Global Gender Gap report which analyzes the breadth and scope of the gender gap around the world Italy has fallen sixteen places by 2023 compared to 2022 slipping from 63rd to 79th place out of 146 countries thus proceeding gender parity will not be achieved until 2154 the same year projected in 2022 1 This paper aims to explain on the basis of analyses made during a long research on the history of women in Italy2 the reasons why the seventh power in the world is still in many respects a macho and patriarchal country If equality is not yet a reality and feminism is not yet a legacy of the past it is due first of all to three factors work political participation and motherhoo

    A Statistical Framework for Automatic Leakage Detection in Smart Water and Gas Grids

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    In the last few years, due to the technological improvement of advanced metering infrastructures, water and natural gas grids can be regarded as smart-grids, similarly to power ones. However, considering the number of studies related to the application of computational intelligence to distribution grids, the gap between power grids and water/gas grids is notably wide. For this purpose, in this paper, a framework for leakage identification is presented. The framework is composed of three sections aimed at the extraction and the selection of features and at the detection of leakages. A variation of the Sequential Feature Selection (SFS) algorithm is used to select the best performing features within a set, including, also, innovative temporal ones. The leakage identification is based on novelty detection and exploits the characterization of a normality model. Three statistical approaches, The Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and One-Class Support Vector Machine (OC-SVM), are adopted, under a comparative perspective. Both residential and office building environments are investigated by means of two datasets. One is the Almanac of Minutely Power dataset (AMPds), and it provides water and gas data consumption at 1, 10 and 30 min of time resolution; the other is the Department of International Development (DFID) dataset, and it provides water and gas data consumption at 30 min of time resolution. The achieved performance, computed by means of the Area Under the Curve (AUC), reaches 90 % in the office building case study, thus confirming the suitability of the proposed approach for applications in smart water and gas grids

    There is no story without its heroes. Ten women and the right to vote in Italy in 1906

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    It is common opinion that the irst women voters in Italy were the women who voted in 1946. However, the very irst ones were ten bold teachers from the Marche area who had their right to vote recognized with a judgement issued on 25th July 1906 by the Court of appeal of Ancona headed by jurist Lodovico Mortara. Their story and oblivion thereof are explained by the process of women\u2019s liberation, the liveliness of Italian women\u2019s associations in the early 20th century and the political and civil dynamism of the time bearing the name of statesman Giovanni Giolitti

    MicroRNAs from saliva of anopheline mosquitoes mimic human endogenous miRNAs and may contribute to vector-host-pathogen interactions

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    During blood feeding haematophagous arthropods inject into their hosts a cocktail of salivary proteins whose main role is to counteract host haemostasis, inflammation and immunity. However, animal body fluids are known to also carry miRNAs. To get insights into saliva and salivary gland miRNA repertoires of the African malaria vector Anopheles coluzzii we used small RNA-Seq and identified 214 miRNAs, including tissue-enriched, sex-biased and putative novel anopheline miRNAs. Noteworthy, miRNAs were asymmetrically distributed between saliva and salivary glands, suggesting that selected miRNAs may be preferentially directed toward mosquito saliva. The evolutionary conservation of a subset of saliva miRNAs in Anopheles and Aedes mosquitoes, and in the tick Ixodes ricinus, supports the idea of a non-random occurrence pointing to their possible physiological role in blood feeding by arthropods. Strikingly, eleven of the most abundant An. coluzzi saliva miRNAs mimicked human miRNAs. Prediction analysis and search for experimentally validated targets indicated that miRNAs from An. coluzzii saliva may act on host mRNAs involved in immune and inflammatory responses. Overall, this study raises the intriguing hypothesis that miRNAs injected into vertebrates with vector saliva may contribute to host manipulation with possible implication for vector-host interaction and pathogen transmission

    Use of Nintendo Wii Balance Board for posturographic analysis of Multiple Sclerosis patients with minimal balance impairment

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    Background: The Wii Balance Board (WBB) has been proposed as an inexpensive alternative to laboratory-grade Force Plates (FP) for the instrumented assessment of balance. Previous studies have reported a good validity and reliability of the WBB for estimating the path length of the Center of Pressure. Here we extend this analysis to 18 balance related features extracted from healthy subjects (HS) and individuals affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS) with minimal balance impairment. Methods: Eighteen MS patients with minimal balance impairment (Berg Balance Scale 53.3 ± 3.1) and 18 age-matched HS were recruited in this study. All subjects underwent instrumented balance tests on the FP and WBB consisting of quiet standing with the eyes open and closed. Linear correlation analysis and Bland-Altman plots were used to assess relations between path lengths estimated using the WBB and the FP. 18 features were extracted from the instrumented balance tests. Statistical analysis was used to assess significant differences between the features estimated using the WBB and the FP and between HS and MS. The Spearman correlation coefficient was used to evaluate the validity and the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient was used to assess the reliability of WBB measures with respect to the FP. Classifiers based on Support Vector Machines trained on the FP and WBB features were used to assess the ability of both devices to discriminate between HS and MS. Results: We found a significant linear relation between the path lengths calculated from the WBB and the FP indicating an overestimation of these parameters in the WBB. We observed significant differences in the path lengths between FP and WBB in most conditions. However, significant differences were not found for the majority of the other features. We observed the same significant differences between the HS and MS populations across the two measurement systems. Validity and reliability were moderate-to-high for all the analyzed features. Both the FP and WBB trained classifier showed similar classification performance (>80%) when discriminating between HS and MS. Conclusions: Our results support the observation that the WBB, although not suitable for obtaining absolute measures, could be successfully used in comparative analysis of different populations

    Human chitotriosidase helps <i>Plasmodium falciparum</i> in the <i>Anopheles</i> midgut

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    High levels of plasma chitotriosidase (Chit) represents a marker of macrophage activation in human malaria infection. Plasmodium falciparum during its maturation cycle in the Anopheles midgut produces an analogue of Chit for the digestion of peritrophic matrix (PM). Our results confirm the hypothesis that Chit contained in blood of malaria patients could help P. falciparum to complete its cycle in the Anopheles midgut and to produce a bigger number of oocysts/sporozoites. This could balance the different genetic protection in humans conferred by the heterozygous Hb beta (S) gene, which seems to be associated with an increasing effect on P. falciparum transmission from humans to mosquitoes

    Functional outcomes in supracricoid laryngectomy

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    Supracricoid laryngectomies (SCLs) are conservative surgical techniques for the treatment of selected laryngeal carcinomas and are considered an organ-sparing alternative to total laryngectomy and chemo-radiotherapy. The main characteristics of SCLs are the preservation of the main laryngeal functions as respiration, phonation and swallowing, without a permanent tracheostomy. Supracricoid laryngectomies have been questioned for many years as regarding functional and oncological outcomes and are currently accepted, although patient selection criteria and functional results are still debated. The mainstream of this surgery is the maintenance of one functioning cricoarytenoid unit to allow restoring of swallowing and phonation. Thus, post-operative rehabilitation protocol is required to archive functional outcomes and avoid functional failure of this surgery; an early rehabilitation protocol improves functional results, in particular regarding swallowing. Swallowing and voice functional outcomes differ among several centres and are often related to the post-operative management, although SCLs provide commonly good swallowing and respiratory outcomes. To date, SCLs are proven surgical procedures for the treatment of laryngeal cancer and should be a valuable option to total laryngectomy and chemo-radiotherapy for selected advanced laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. In this clinical review, we discuss the clinical outcomes in patients treated with SCLs with particular attention to rehabilitation protocol and functional outcomes for swallowing and voice rehabilitation

    automatic detection of cry sounds in neonatal intensive care units by using deep learning and acoustic scene simulation

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    Cry detection is an important facility in both residential and public environments, which can answer to different needs of both private and professional users. In this paper, we investigate the problem of cry detection in professional environments, such as Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs). The aim of our work is to propose a cry detection method based on deep neural networks (DNNs) and also to evaluate whether a properly designed synthetic dataset can replace on-field acquired data for training the DNN-based cry detector. In this way, a massive data collection campaign in NICUs can be avoided, and the cry detector can be easily retargeted to different NICUs. The paper presents different solutions based on single-channel and multi-channel DNNs. The experimental evaluation is conducted on the synthetic dataset created by simulating the acoustic scene of a real NICU, and on a real dataset containing audio acquired on the same NICU. The evaluation revealed that using real data in the training phase allows achieving the overall highest performance, with an Area Under Precision-Recall Curve (PRC-AUC) equal to 87.28%, when signals are processed with a beamformer and a post-filter and a single-channel DNN is used. The same method, however, reduces the performance to 70.61% when training is performed on the synthetic dataset. On the contrary, under the same conditions, the new single-channel architecture introduced in this paper achieves the highest performance with a PRC-AUC equal to 80.48%, thus proving that the acoustic scene simulation strategy can be used to train a cry detection method with positive results


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    Nel presente lavoro vengono riportate le informazioni essenziali su tassonomia e biologia nonché sugli aspetti ecologici degli adulti dei Culicidi italiani. Attualmente la fauna culicidica italiana comprende 64 specie appartenenti a 2 sottofamiglie e 8 generi. Alla sottofamiglia Anophelinae appartiene soltanto il genere Anopheles, presente con 16 specie raggruppate in due sottogeneri. Alla sottofamiglia Culicinae appartengono i rimanenti 7 generi: Aedes con 6 specie raggruppate in 3 sottogeneri, Coquillettidia con 2 specie, Ochlerotatus con 20 specie raggruppate in 3 sottogeneri, Culex con 12 specie raggruppate in 4 sottogeneri, Culiseta con 6 specie raggruppate in 3 sottogeneri, Orthopodomyia e Uranotaenia con una specie ognuna. In questo contesto vengono fornite le chiavi di identificazione specifica per le zanzare adulte, in italiano e in inglese. Le chiavi sono corredate da un'ampia iconografia (figure 1-75). Alle chiavi fa seguito la diagnosi morfologica dell'adulto di ogni specie con note sulla relativa biologia e distribuzione. Per ulteriori approfondimenti viene riportata la bibliografia completa sulle zanzare della fauna italiana dal 1960 ed i precedenti lavori più autorevoli
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