507 research outputs found

    Indirect Sensitivity to Heavy Z' Bosons at a Multi-TeV e+e- Collider

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    We compare the phenomenology of two models, the so-called minimal Z' and an effective model for a SM-like Higgs realised as a composite state of a new strong interaction, at a multi-TeV linear collider in the hypothesis that the new physics is at a scale beyond the direct reach of the machine.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders LCWS201

    Future Electron-Positron Colliders and the 4-Dimensional Composite Higgs Model

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    In this note we analyse the prospects of a future electron-positron collider in testing a particular realisation of a composite Higgs model encompassing partial compositeness, namely, the 4-Dimensional Composite Higgs Model. We study the main Higgs production channels for three possible energy stages and different luminosity options of such a machine and confront our results to the expected experimental accuracies in the various Higgs decay channels accessible herein and, for comparison, also at the Large Hadron Collider.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, minor corrections for publication in JHE

    Top pair production at a future e+ee^+e^- machine in a composite Higgs scenario

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    The top quark plays a central role in many New Physics scenarios and in understanding the details of Electro-Weak Symmetry Breaking. In the short- and mid-term future, top-quark studies will mainly be driven by the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider. Exploration of top quarks will, however, be an integral part of particle physics studies at any future facility and an e+ee^+ e^- collider will have a very comprehensive top-quark physics program. We discuss the possibilities of testing NP in the top-quark sector within a composite Higgs scenario through deviations from the Standard Model in top pair production for different Centre-of-Mass energy options of a future e+ee^+e^- machine. In particular, we focus on precision studies of the top-quark sector at a CM energy ranging from 370 GeV up to 3 TeV.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures; v2: minor corrections, published on JHE

    Probing New Scales at a e+e- Linear Collider

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    Extending the sensitivity to New Physics beyond the anticipated reach of the LHC is a prime aim of future colliders. This paper summarises the potential of an e+e- linear collider, at and beyond 1 TeV, using a realistic simulation of the detector response and the accelerator induced background. The possible LC energy-luminosity trade-offs offered in probing multi-TeV scales for new phenomena with electro-weak observables are also discussed

    Realistic modeling of entorhinal cortex field potentials and interpretation of epileptic activity in the guinea pig isolated brain preparation.

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    Mechanisms underlying epileptic activities recorded from entorhinal cortex (EC) were studied through a computational model based on review of cytoarchitectonic and neurobiological data about this structure. The purpose of this study is to describe and use this model to interpret epileptiform discharge patterns recorded in an experimental model of ictogenesis (guinea-pig isolated brain perfused with bicuculline). A macroscopic modeling approach representing synaptic interactions between cells subpopulations in the EC was chosen for its adequacy to mimic field potentials reflecting overall dynamics rising from interconnected cells populations. Therefore, intrinsic properties of neurons were not included in the modeling design. Model parameters were adjusted from an identification procedure based on quantitative comparison between real and simulated signals. For both EC deep and superficial layers, results show that the model generates very realistic signals regarding temporal dynamics, spectral features and cross-correlation values. These simulations allowed us to infer information about the evolution of synaptic transmission between principal cell and interneuronal populations and about connectivity between deep and superficial layers during the transition from background to ictal activity. In the model, this transition was obtained for increased excitation in deep versus superficial layers. Transitions between epileptiform activities (interictal spikes, fast onset activity (25Hz), ictal bursting activity) were explained by changes of parameters mainly related to GABAergic interactions. Notably, the model predicted an important role of GABA(a,fast) and GABA(b) receptor-mediated inhibition in the generation of ictal fast onset and burst activities, respectively. These findings are discussed with respect to experimental data

    Ictal but Not Interictal Epileptic Discharges Activate Astrocyte Endfeet and Elicit Cerebral Arteriole Responses

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    Activation of astrocytes by neuronal signals plays a central role in the control of neuronal activity-dependent blood flow changes in the normal brain. The cellular pathways that mediate neurovascular coupling in the epileptic brain remain, however, poorly defined. In a cortical slice model of epilepsy, we found that the ictal, seizure-like discharge, and only to a minor extent the interictal discharge, evokes both a Ca2+ increase in astrocyte endfeet and a vasomotor response. We also observed that rapid ictal discharge-induced arteriole responses were regularly preceded by Ca2+ elevations in endfeet and were abolished by pharmacological inhibition of Ca2+ signals in these astrocyte processes. Under these latter conditions, arterioles exhibited after the ictal discharge only slowly developing vasodilations. The poor efficacy of interictal discharges, compared with ictal discharges, to activate endfeet was confirmed also in the intact in vitro isolated guinea pig brain. Although the possibility of a direct contribution of neurons, in particular in the late response of cerebral blood vessels to epileptic discharges, should be taken into account, our study supports the view that astrocytes are central for neurovascular coupling also in the epileptic brain. The massive endfeet Ca2+ elevations evoked by ictal discharges and the poor response to interictal events represent new information potentially relevant to interpret data from diagnostic brain imaging techniques, such as functional magnetic resonance, utilized in the clinic to localize neural activity and to optimize neurosurgery of untreatable epilepsies

    On the Complementarity of Higgs and Radion Searches at LHC

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    Models with 3-branes in extra dimensions typically imply the existence of a radion, phi that can mix with the Higgs, h, thereby modifying the Higgs properties and the prospects for its detectability at the LHC. The presence of the phi will extend the scope of the LHC searches. Detection of both the phi and the h might be possible. In this paper, we study the complementarity of the observation of gg -> h, with h -> gamma gamma or h -> ZZ -> 4 leptons, and gg -> phi -> ZZ -> 4 leptons at the LHC in the context of the Randall-Sundrum model. The potential for determining the nature of the detected scalar(s) at the LHC and at an e+e- linear collider is discussed, both separately and in combination.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Ultrasounds induce blood-brain barrier opening across a sonolucent polyolefin plate in an in vitro isolated brain preparation

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    The blood-brain barrier (BBB) represents a major obstacle to the delivery of drugs to the central nervous system. The combined use of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound waves and intravascular microbubbles (MB) represents a promising solution to this issue, allowing reversible disruption of the barrier. In this study, we evaluate the feasibility of BBB opening through a biocompatible, polyolefin-based plate in an in vitro whole brain model. Twelve in vitro guinea pig brains were employed; brains were insonated using a planar transducer with or without interposing the polyolefin plate during arterial infusion of MB. Circulating MBs were visualized with an ultrasonographic device with a linear probe. BBB permeabilization was assessed by quantifying at confocal microscopy the extravasation of FITC-albumin perfused after each treatment. US-treated brains displayed BBB permeabilization exclusively in the volume under the US beam; no significant differences were observed between brains insonated with or without the polyolefin plate. Control brains not perfused with MB did not show signs of FITC-albumin extravasation. Our preclinical study suggests that polyolefin cranial plate could be implanted as a skull replacement to maintain craniotomic windows and perform post-surgical repeated BBB opening with ultrasound guidance to deliver therapeutic agents to the central nervous system

    Can in vitro studies aid in the development and use of antiseizure therapies? A report of the ILAE/AES Joint Translational Task Force

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    In vitro preparations (defined here as cultured cells, brain slices, and isolated whole brains) offer a variety of approaches to modeling various aspects of seizures and epilepsy. Such models are particularly amenable to the application of anti-seizure compounds, and consequently are a valuable tool to screen the mechanisms of epileptiform activity, mode of action of known anti-seizure medications (ASMs), and the potential efficacy of putative new anti-seizure compounds. Despite these applications, all disease models are a simplification of reality and are therefore subject to limitations. In this review, we summarize the main types of in vitro models that can be used in epilepsy research, describing key methodologies as well as notable advantages and disadvantages of each. We argue that a well-designed battery of in vitro models can form an effective and potentially high-throughput screening platform to predict the clinical usefulness of ASMs, and that in vitro models are particularly useful for interrogating mechanisms of ASMs. To conclude, we offer several key recommendations that maximize the potential value of in vitro models in ASM screening. This includes the use of multiple in vitro tests that can complement each other, carefully combined with in vivo studies, the use of tissues from chronically epileptic (rather than naïve wild-type) animals, and the integration of human cell/tissue-derived preparations

    Studies of New Vector Resonances at the CLIC Multi-TeV e+e- Collider

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    Several models predict the existence of new vector resonances in the multi-TeV region, which can be produced in high energy e+e- collisions in the s-channel. In this paper we review the existing limits on the masses of these resonances from LEP/SLC and TEVATRON data and from atomic parity violation in some specific models. We study the potential of a multi-TeV e+e- collider, such as CLIC, for the determination of their properties and nature.Comment: 17 pages, 16 EPS figures, uses JHEP3.cl