119 research outputs found

    Attività svolte dal gruppo di lavoro denominato “Gruppo di lavoro Procurement” periodo 2022/2023

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    Il presente documento ha la finalitĂ  di descrivere i principali flussi procedurali predisposti nell’ambito delle attivitĂ  svolte dal gruppo di lavoro Procurement PNRR richiamando l’attenzione su alcuni elementi, fasi e step procedurali nonchĂ© sugli obblighi e adempimenti posti in capo ai soggetti coinvolti a vario titolo nell’attuazione degli interventi PNRR. Lo scopo del lavoro svolto dal GDL Ăš stato quello di fornire alla rete scientifica e all’intera struttura CNR, linee di indirizzo, nonchĂ© indicazioni di massima e, per quanto possibile, suggerimenti operativi su elementi attuativi di particolare rilievo che caratterizzano le principali fasi amministrative degli interventi PNRR

    The Role of Pathological Method and Clearance Definition for the Evaluation of Margin Status after Pancreatoduodenectomy for Periampullary Cancer. Results of a Multicenter Prospective Randomized Trial

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    Simple SummaryThere is no clear evidence on the most effective method of pathological analysis and clearance definition (0 vs. 1 mm) to define R1 resection after pancreatoduodenectomy (PD). However, several studies showed that the R1 resection is a poor prognostic factor in patients that have undergone PDs for periampullary cancers. In this randomized clinical trial, specimens were randomized with two pathological methods, the Leeds Pathology Protocol (LEEPP) or the conventional method adopted before the study. The 1 mm clearance is the most effective factor in determining R1 rate after PD but only when adopting the LEEP, the R1 resection represents a significant prognostic factor.Background: There is extreme heterogeneity in the available literature on the determination of R1 resection rate after pancreatoduodenectomy (PD); consequently, its prognostic role is still debated. The aims of this multicenter randomized study were to evaluate the effect of sampling and clearance definition in determining R1 rate after PD for periampullary cancer and to assess the prognostic role of R1 resection. Methods: PD specimens were randomized to Leeds Pathology Protocol (LEEPP) (group A) or the conventional method adopted before the study (group B). R1 rate was determined by adopting 0- and 1-mm clearance; the association between R1, local recurrence (LR) and overall survival (OS) was also evaluated. Results. One-hundred-sixty-eight PD specimens were included. With 0 mm clearance, R1 rate was 26.2% and 20.2% for groups A and B, respectively; with 1 mm, R1 rate was 60.7% and 57.1%, respectively (p > 0.05). Only in group A was R1 found to be a significant prognostic factor: at 0 mm, median OS was 36 and 20 months for R0 and R1, respectively, while at 1 mm, median OS was not reached and 30 months. At multivariate analysis, R1 resection was found to be a significant prognostic factor independent of clearance definition only in the case of the adoption of LEEPP. Conclusions. The 1 mm clearance is the most effective factor in determining the R1 rate after PD. However, the pathological method is crucial to accurately evaluate its prognostic role: only R1 resections obtained with the adoption of LEEPP seem to significantly affect prognosis

    AttivitĂ  svolte dall'UnitĂ  Supporto al RUP periodo luglio-ottobre 2023

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    Vista la grandissima rilevanza che le procedure di acquisto di beni e servizi e l’affidamento di lavori assumono nelle varie attivitĂ  dell'Ente, particolare attenzione Ăš stata rivolta da parte degli organi di governo del CNR alla necessitĂ  di supportare il ruolo e le funzioni del responsabile unico del procedimento (oggi Responsabile Unico di Progetto) negli appalti e nelle concessioni. Con provvedimento del Direttore Generale CNR n. 63 del 31/05/2023 Ăš stata istituita l'UnitĂ  Supporto al RUP afferente alla Direzione Generale per adempiere alle disposizioni dell’art. 31 del Decreto Legislativo 18 aprile 2016 n. 50 che, al comma 9, espressamente prevedeva che “La stazione appaltante, allo scopo di migliorare la qualitĂ  della progettazione e della programmazione complessiva, puĂČ, nell'ambito della propria autonomia organizzativa e nel rispetto dei limiti previsti dalla vigente normativa, istituire una struttura stabile a supporto dei RUP, anche alle dirette dipendenze del vertice della pubblica amministrazione di riferimento”

    Transarterial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Clinical Practice: Temporal Trends and Survival Outcomes of an Iterative Treatment

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    Background: Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) is one of the most frequently applied treatments for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) worldwide. In this study, we aimed at evaluating whether and how TACE application and repetition, as well as the related outcome, have changed over the last three decades in Italy. Methods: Data of 7,184 patients with HCC were retrieved from the Italian Liver Cancer (ITA.LI.CA) database. Patients were divided according to the period of diagnosis in six cohorts: P1 (1988–1993), P2 (1994–1998), P3 (1999–2004), P4 (2005–2009), P5 (2010–2014), and P6 (2015–2019). All the analyses were repeated in the overall patient population and in Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) B patients, who are the subgroup of HCC patients originally supposed to receive TACE according to guidelines. TACE was defined as either the first or the main (more effective) treatment. Results: The proportion of patients receiving TACE as first or main therapy declined over time, and less than 50% of BCLC B patients were treated with chemoembolization from P3 onward. Conversely, TACE was widely used even outside the intermediate stage. Survival of TACE-treated patients progressively increased from P1 to P6. Although TACE was performed only once in the majority of patients, there was an increasing proportion of those receiving 2 or ≄3 treatments sessions over time. The overall survival (OS) of patients undergoing repeated treatments was significantly higher compared to those managed with a single TACE (median OS 40.0 vs. 65.0 vs. 71.8 months in 1, 2, and ≄3 TACE groups, respectively; p < 0.0001). However, after a first-line TACE, the adoption of curative therapies provided longer survival than repeating TACE (83.0 vs. 42.0 months; p < 0.0001), which in turn was associated with better outcomes compared to systemic therapies or best supportive care (BSC). Conclusions: Despite a decline in the percentage of treated patients over time, TACE has still an important role in the management of HCC patients. The survival of TACE-treated patients gradually improved over time, probably due to a better patient selection. Iterative TACE is effective, but an upward shift to curative therapies provides better outcomes while transition to systemic therapies and BSC leads to a worse prognosis

    Transarterial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Clinical Practice: Temporal Trends and Survival Outcomes of an Iterative Treatment

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    BACKGROUND: Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) is one of the most frequently applied treatments for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) worldwide. In this study, we aimed at evaluating whether and how TACE application and repetition, as well as the related outcome, have changed over the last three decades in Italy. METHODS: Data of 7,184 patients with HCC were retrieved from the Italian Liver Cancer (ITA.LI.CA) database. Patients were divided according to the period of diagnosis in six cohorts: P1 (1988–1993), P2 (1994–1998), P3 (1999–2004), P4 (2005–2009), P5 (2010–2014), and P6 (2015–2019). All the analyses were repeated in the overall patient population and in Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) B patients, who are the subgroup of HCC patients originally supposed to receive TACE according to guidelines. TACE was defined as either the first or the main (more effective) treatment. RESULTS: The proportion of patients receiving TACE as first or main therapy declined over time, and less than 50% of BCLC B patients were treated with chemoembolization from P3 onward. Conversely, TACE was widely used even outside the intermediate stage. Survival of TACE-treated patients progressively increased from P1 to P6. Although TACE was performed only once in the majority of patients, there was an increasing proportion of those receiving 2 or ≄3 treatments sessions over time. The overall survival (OS) of patients undergoing repeated treatments was significantly higher compared to those managed with a single TACE (median OS 40.0 vs. 65.0 vs. 71.8 months in 1, 2, and ≄3 TACE groups, respectively; p < 0.0001). However, after a first-line TACE, the adoption of curative therapies provided longer survival than repeating TACE (83.0 vs. 42.0 months; p < 0.0001), which in turn was associated with better outcomes compared to systemic therapies or best supportive care (BSC). CONCLUSIONS: Despite a decline in the percentage of treated patients over time, TACE has still an important role in the management of HCC patients. The survival of TACE-treated patients gradually improved over time, probably due to a better patient selection. Iterative TACE is effective, but an upward shift to curative therapies provides better outcomes while transition to systemic therapies and BSC leads to a worse prognosis

    Characteristics and outcome of anti-hepatitis D virus positive patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Background &amp; aims: Chronic hepatitis D virus (HDV) often leads to end-stage liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Comprehensive data pertaining to large populations with HDV and HCC are missing, therefore we sought to assess the characteristics, management, and outcome of these patients, comparing them to patients with hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Methods: We analysed the Italian Liver Cancer database focusing on patients with positivity for HBV surface antigen and anti-HDV antibodies (HBV/HDV, n = 107) and patients with HBV infection alone (n = 588). Clinical and oncological characteristics, treatment, and survival were compared in the two groups. Results: Patients with HBV/HDV had worse liver function [Model for End-stage Liver Disease score: 11 vs. 9, p &lt; .0001; Child-Turcotte-Pugh score: 7 vs. 5, p &lt; .0001] than patients with HBV. HCC was more frequently diagnosed during surveillance (72.9% vs. 52.4%, p = .0002), and the oncological stage was more frequently Milan-in (67.3% vs. 52.7%, p = .005) in patients with HBV/HDV. Liver transplantation was more frequently performed in HBV/HDV than in HBV patients (36.4% vs. 9.5%), while the opposite was observed for resection (8.4% vs. 20.1%, p &lt; .0001), and in a competing risk analysis, HBV/HDV patients had a higher probability of receiving transplantation, independently of liver function and oncological stage. A trend towards longer survival was observed in patients with HBV/HDV (50.4 vs. 44.4 months, p = .106). Conclusions: In patients with HBV/HDV, HCC is diagnosed more frequently during surveillance, resulting in a less advanced cancer stage in patients with more deranged liver function than HBV alone. Patients with HBV/HDV have a heightened benefit from liver transplantation, positively influencing survival

    Rapporto sull'efficienza energetica 2013

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    Rapporto tecnico sulla gestione energetica nelle grandi strutture del CNR e sui possibili interventi per la riduzione dei consumi (258 pagine, con contributi di 25 autori). Pubblicazione del progetto “Efficienza energetica”, promosso dal Direttore Generale del CNR con lettera prot. CNR n. 0075888 del 7/12/2012
