1,106 research outputs found

    New order in banking

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    Corporate Governance in the Banking Sector; rozdziałThe fi nancial crisis has highlighted many areas of corporate governance failures system in banks. Currently, politicians, regulators, supervisors and environmental bodies are trying to create the foundations for a new order in banking. The article presents the key areas of identifi ed irregularities and new regulations introduced to tighten the system. The main focus is however is on the issue of ethical culture, which should become the cornerstone of the reforms and to shape the new rules of corporate governance in banks

    The Lithuanian Long-term Care System

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    The remarkable growth of older population has moved long-term care to the front ranks of the social policy agenda in the European Union. This paper addresses the issue of the longterm care in Lithuania, its philosophy, the legal and funding regularities, management issues and LTC policy. Its attempt is also to provide a complex set of information about the demand side of long-term care including the demographic characteristics of people in need. The paper also presents a detailed description of types of LTC available. The results confirm that the main problem of the LTC system in Lithuania is still its division between the health care system and the social system and the weak integration of these two parts of LTC services. The formal LTC system in Lithuania is still biased towards the provision of institutional care, despite the fact that a number of social projects have started in order to expand the supply of semi-stationary LTC and care provided in homes. Moreover, most care provided to the elderly and disabled is still carried out by family, neighbours, friends and volunteers. The demand for LTC, approximated by the demographic and epidemiologic structure of the population at the national and regional levels, remains high and it is expected to increase. The middle-aged population’s longer average lifespan and progress in the field of medicine greatly contributes to an increasing number of disabled and older people who have difficulties in caring for themselves

    Provision of Long Term Care for the Elderly in Poland in Comparison to Other European Countries

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    In recent years, population ageing has attracted the attention of research and policy advisors in all European countries. Several policy actions have been directed toward ensuring optimal long-term care (LTC) for elderly people while maintaining fiscal rationality. LTC systems are very different across all European countries. Their design is characterized by diverse arrangements for the provision of care/organization and financing. Despite general concerns, the Polish LTC system is still at the bottom of the pile in terms of the organization and provision of care.LTC system,Labor market, social policy and social services, Europe, long-term care

    The Gender Wage Gap among Young People in Italy

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    This paper provides evidence of the gender wage gap among young people (18-24) in Italy based on the YUSE data set and involves the Oaxaca and Ransom (1994) decomposition of the unconditional gender wage gap into discrimination and productivity components. About 70% of the overall gap is unexplained, a component which is higher than among adults. Almost 11% of the gap is explained by segregation of women in low wage industries. In the Northern Veneto, the explained component of the gap is almost double that in the Southern Campania (36.4%). This is clear evidence of the remarkable discrimination that young women experience especially in Southern regions, similar to the adult women.gender wage gap; returns to education; young people; Italy

    Bankowiec jutra, czyli o praktycznym programie kształcenia na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim

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    Artykuł dotyczy programu kształcenia na kierunku bankowość i finanse cyfrowe, funkcjonującego na Wydziale Ekonomiczno-Socjologicznym Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Program ten jest przykładem kooperacji uczelni wyższej z partnerami biznesowymi (mBankiem i Accenture). Przedstawiono podejście przyjęte podczas opracowywania założeń programu: analizę zawodów przyszłości w sektorze bankowym, oczekiwań pracodawców i studentów, standardów oraz dobrych praktyk z wiodących uczelni. W przyszłości będzie duży popyt na „cyfrowych bankowców” – pracowników dysponujących kwalifikacjami zarówno z obszaru finansów, jak i IT, zatem można oczekiwać, że absolwenci z łatwością znajdą zatrudnienie w zawodzie

    Społeczna odpowiedzialność przedsiębiorstw – wpływ na zawartość raportów rocznych

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    The paper outlines the idea of corporate social responsibility, which stresses the role that company has to perform within the society. This idea is being propagated as "stakeholder capitalism". The stakeholders of a company - being very wide group of organizations and individuals - have influence on company's actions and are influenced by the activities undertaken by a firm. The "stakeholder value" and the "shareholder value" concepts are outlined. The main issue of the paper is the influence of corporate social responsibility concept on company reporting. The triple-dimensional framework of reporting is presented, underlining the necessity of corporate disclosure on financial, environmental and social aspects. The scope of what citizen is entitled to know about company performance is addressed. The examples of reports within the sustainable development concept are discussed

    Rola Komisji ds. Audytu we wspieraniu efektywnego nadzoru korporacyjnego

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    Ekonomiczne i społeczne problemy nadzoru korporacyjnego - rozdziałOsłabienie zaufania inwestorów do sprawozdań finansowych spowodowane licznymi skandalami na wielką skalę powoduje negatywne skutki dla rynków finansowych i całej gospodarki. Zarówno regulatorzy, jak i ciała środowiskowe i zawodowe podejmują wiele działań, mających skutkować poprawą wiarygodności spółek i przekazywanych przez nie informacji. Wiele z tych działań odnosi się do zwiększenia nadzoru nad podmiotami gospodarczymi i procesem sprawozdawczości finansowej, a także do zmian standardów rachunkowości. Niniejszy referat poświęcony jest zagadnieniom związanym z funkcjonowaniem komisji ds. audytu - organu wydzielonego z rady nadzorczej, odpowiedzialnego za zagwarantowanie uczciwości sprawozdań finansowych spółki. Przedstawiono regulacje związane z powoływaniem i działalnością komisji, omówiono zadania tego organu oraz związane z nimi kwalifikacje osób w nim pracujących. Zaakcentowano także czynniki wpływające na efektywność pracy komisji ds. audytu.The investors' trust and confidence in financial statements has been weaken after the series of accounting scandals - this causes negative consequences for the financial markets and the whole economy. Regulators, as well as professional bodies undertake many actions in order to restore the credibility of companies and information disclosed by them. Many of those undertakings relate to the increase the supervision and control over the companies, some concern the changes in the accounting standards. The paper presents the aspects regarding the activity of the audit committee - the body formed within the board of directors, being responsible for ensuring the integrity of financial statements. The regulations concerning the audit committee and its duties have been outlined, and the qualifications ofthe committee members have been stressed. Issues relating to the effectiveness of the audit committee have also been presented

    Władztwo publiczne – jak wdrożyć zasady corporate governance w sektorze publicznym?

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    The goal of the paper is to clarify the concept and principles of corporate governance in the public sector. The starting point for the development of the idea of public sector governance are the business models (the principles of economic entities management) and accountability. The concept brings together the characteristics of "New Public Management" and principles of corporate governance, stressing the necessity of public sector institutions to be accountable before their stakeholders for their activities and resources used. The paper describes the structure and components of the public sector governance system and characterizes its basic principles. The examples of recommendations and codes of good practices are presented

    Dyscyplina rynkowa – czyli czy prywatny monitoring zwiększa bezpieczeństwo systemu bankowego

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    The article outlines the issues of market discipline - that is the private monitoring and oversight over banks. Market discipline is considered to be an important component of the supervisory system, which can significantly influence the stability of individual institutions, as well as the whole banking system. The paper presents the theoretical considerations about private monitoring and the possibilities of its widespread application. The recommendations of Basel Committee on Banking Supervision are discussed. The discussion of conditions for the limits and the conditions for effective market discipline is the complement for those considerations

    Internetowe innowacje finansowe: agregatory i aukcje finansowe

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    The paper presents two kinds of technological innovations in the financial world: aggregators and auctions. Those 'inventions' foster entrepreneurship and personal finance management: they facilitate the access to funds, increase economic know-how and reduce financial costs. Aggregators offer the complex access to financial services in one place: they group infonnation about financial products from different institutions; on higher level they also enable the transactions on-line. Lending auctions idea is transferred from the scheme of internet auctions of physical goods: potential borrowers place the tender offer and users interested in lending money bid the amount at a rate regarded as fair concerning the creditworthiness of a borrower. As these are usually peopleto- people loans, the idea was named sociallending. Both innovations raise some competitive concerns for financial institutions as they lower the cost of financial products (mainly loans, but also insurance, investments, leasing, derivatives) and increase their accessibility for individuals and micro- and small companies