1,117 research outputs found

    Idiopathic chronic eosinophilic pneumonia

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    Idiopathic chronic eosinophilic pneumonia (ICEP) is characterized by subacute or chronic respiratory and general symptoms, alveolar and/or blood eosinophilia, and peripheral pulmonary infiltrates on chest imaging. Eosinophilia is present in most cases, usually in excess of 1000/mm(3). In absence of significant blood eosinophilia, a diagnosis of ICEP is supported by the demonstration of bronchoalveolar lavage eosinophilia. ICEP is typically associated with eosinophil counts higher than lymphocyte counts in the bronchoalveolar lavage. ICEP is a rare disorder of unknown cause. Its exact prevalence remains unknown. ICEP may affect every age group but is rare in childhood. It is twice as frequent in women as in men. One third to one half of the ICEP patients have a history of asthma. The mainstay of treatment of ICEP is systemic corticosteroids. Response to oral corticosteroid therapy is dramatic and has led to the consideration of corticosteroid challenge as a diagnostic test for ICEP. Nevertheless, relapses or development of severe asthma are frequent when tapering or withdrawing treatment. Long-term oral corticosteroid therapy is necessary in up to half of the patients

    An original settlement during the Tardiglacial in Brittany: the rock shelter of Kerbizien in Huelgoat

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    L’abri-sous-roche de Kerbizien sur la commune de Huelgoat (FinistĂšre) s’ouvre dans un Ă©norme bloc granitique installĂ© en sommet de coteau. Il mesure 9,50 m Ă  l’ouverture pour environ 5,50 m de profondeur, avec une hauteur sous plafond de 2,80 m depuis le socle rocheux et une surface habitable d’environ 16 mÂČ. Son remplissage sĂ©dimentaire a Ă©tĂ© presque intĂ©gralement dĂ©truit au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1980, mais un tamisage des dĂ©blais et un sondage dans la cavitĂ© avaient permis Ă  J.-M. Moullec de dĂ©crire avec prĂ©cision les diffĂ©rentes composantes chrono-culturelles prĂ©sentes, PalĂ©olithique final, MĂ©solithique et Moyen-Âge. La fouille rĂ©alisĂ©e en juillet 2011 a permis d’identifier des niveaux en place du Tardiglaciaire (Azilien) au fond de la caverne. Ils formaient une bande de deux mĂštres de large le long de la paroi et Ă©taient constituĂ©s d’un mĂ©lange de limons et de sables granitiques issus de l’érosion des parois. La totalitĂ© du site a Ă©tĂ© fouillĂ©e, Ă  l’exception d’un bourrelet limoneux au sud-ouest du bloc dont la partie supĂ©rieure comprend des occupations aux vestiges indĂ©mĂȘlables. Quelques charbons ont Ă©tĂ© recueillis dans les US 4 et 5, mais ils sont rares et donc sujets Ă  caution ; une datation par le radiocarbone l’a d’ailleurs confirmĂ©. Le mobilier archĂ©ologique recueilli lors de la fouille comprend des roches taillĂ©es Ă  destination de l’outillage (principalement silex, mais aussi grĂšs Ă©ocĂšne, microquartzite, cataclasite et calcĂ©doine), de petites plaquettes de schiste et trois gros blocs de granite taillĂ©s sommairement. Parmi les 1 313 objets archĂ©ologiques issus de la fouille et du tamisage, 20 % proviennent des unitĂ©s stratigraphiques tardiglaciaires en place. Pointes Ă  dos courbes, grandes lames trĂšs utilisĂ©s et chutes de burin composent un assemblage aisĂ©ment comparable Ă  l’Azilien dans une phase ancienne, trĂšs rare dans le nord-ouest de la France. Sa signature fonctionnelle est originale et serait tout Ă  fait compatible avec l’hypothĂšse d’une station logistique (i.e. halte de chasse) de groupes trĂšs mobiles. Leur connaissance des ressources gĂ©ologiques locales est un Ă©lĂ©ment important Ă  garder en mĂ©moire, qui dĂ©montre que les parcours Ă©taient rĂ©guliers dans cette partie occidentale de la rĂ©gion, dĂ©nuĂ©e de silex en position primaire.The Kerbizien rock shelter on the commune of Huelgoat (Finistere) opens in an enormous granitic block installed in top of slope. It measures 9.50 m with the opening for approximately 5.50 m of depth, with a height under ceiling of 2.80 m from the rock base. The liveable space is approximately 11 mÂČ. Its sedimentary filling was almost completely destroyed at the beginning of the years 1980, but a survey in the cavity allowed J.-M. Moullec to describe with precision various cultural components (Final Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and the middle Ages). The excavation carried out in July 2011 made it possible to identify Tardiglacial levels (Azilian) at the bottom of the cave in a two meters broad band along the wall. This level consisted of a mixture of silts and granitic sands resulting from the erosion of the monolithic block. Some charcoals were collected in the US 4 and 5, but they are quite rare and thus questionable as a radiocarbon date confirmed it. The archaeological materials collected during the excavation are lithic tools (mainly flint, but also Eocene sandstone, microquartzite, cataclasite and chalcedony), small pieces of schist and three large summarily worked granite blocks.Among the 1313 lithic pieces, 20% come from the homogeneous Tardiglacial stratigraphical units. Curved backed points, large blades very used and falls of graver compose an industry easily comparable with Azilian in an old phase. It is very rare in the North-West of France. Its functional signature is original and would be completely compatible with the assumption of a logistical station (i.e. field camp) of very mobile human groups. Their knowledge of the local geological resources is a significant component to be kept in memory, which shows that the courses were regular in this area

    Deterministic Sensitivity Analysis for a Model for Flow in Porous Media

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    A deterministic method for sensitivity analysis is developed and applied to a mathematical model for the simulation of flow in porous media. The method is based on the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the Jacobian matrix of the model. It is a local approach to sensitivity analysis providing a hierarchical classification of the directions in both the input space and of those in the output space reflecting the degree of sensitiveness of the latter to the former. Its low computational cost, in comparison with that of statistical approaches, allows the study of the variability of the results of the sensitivity analysis due to the variations of the input parameters of the model, and thus it can provide a quality criterion for the validity of more classical probabilistic global approaches. For the example treated here, however, this variability is weak, and deterministic and statistical methods yield similar sensitivity results

    An original settlement during the Tardiglacial in Brittany: the rock shelter of Kerbizien in Huelgoat

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    L’abri-sous-roche de Kerbizien sur la commune de Huelgoat (FinistĂšre) s’ouvre dans un Ă©norme bloc granitique installĂ© en sommet de coteau. Il mesure 9,50 m Ă  l’ouverture pour environ 5,50 m de profondeur, avec une hauteur sous plafond de 2,80 m depuis le socle rocheux et une surface habitable d’environ 16 mÂČ. Son remplissage sĂ©dimentaire a Ă©tĂ© presque intĂ©gralement dĂ©truit au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1980, mais un tamisage des dĂ©blais et un sondage dans la cavitĂ© avaient permis Ă  J.-M. Moullec de dĂ©crire avec prĂ©cision les diffĂ©rentes composantes chrono-culturelles prĂ©sentes, PalĂ©olithique final, MĂ©solithique et Moyen-Âge. La fouille rĂ©alisĂ©e en juillet 2011 a permis d’identifier des niveaux en place du Tardiglaciaire (Azilien) au fond de la caverne. Ils formaient une bande de deux mĂštres de large le long de la paroi et Ă©taient constituĂ©s d’un mĂ©lange de limons et de sables granitiques issus de l’érosion des parois. La totalitĂ© du site a Ă©tĂ© fouillĂ©e, Ă  l’exception d’un bourrelet limoneux au sud-ouest du bloc dont la partie supĂ©rieure comprend des occupations aux vestiges indĂ©mĂȘlables. Quelques charbons ont Ă©tĂ© recueillis dans les US 4 et 5, mais ils sont rares et donc sujets Ă  caution ; une datation par le radiocarbone l’a d’ailleurs confirmĂ©. Le mobilier archĂ©ologique recueilli lors de la fouille comprend des roches taillĂ©es Ă  destination de l’outillage (principalement silex, mais aussi grĂšs Ă©ocĂšne, microquartzite, cataclasite et calcĂ©doine), de petites plaquettes de schiste et trois gros blocs de granite taillĂ©s sommairement. Parmi les 1 313 objets archĂ©ologiques issus de la fouille et du tamisage, 20 % proviennent des unitĂ©s stratigraphiques tardiglaciaires en place. Pointes Ă  dos courbes, grandes lames trĂšs utilisĂ©s et chutes de burin composent un assemblage aisĂ©ment comparable Ă  l’Azilien dans une phase ancienne, trĂšs rare dans le nord-ouest de la France. Sa signature fonctionnelle est originale et serait tout Ă  fait compatible avec l’hypothĂšse d’une station logistique (i.e. halte de chasse) de groupes trĂšs mobiles. Leur connaissance des ressources gĂ©ologiques locales est un Ă©lĂ©ment important Ă  garder en mĂ©moire, qui dĂ©montre que les parcours Ă©taient rĂ©guliers dans cette partie occidentale de la rĂ©gion, dĂ©nuĂ©e de silex en position primaire.The Kerbizien rock shelter on the commune of Huelgoat (Finistere) opens in an enormous granitic block installed in top of slope. It measures 9.50 m with the opening for approximately 5.50 m of depth, with a height under ceiling of 2.80 m from the rock base. The liveable space is approximately 11 mÂČ. Its sedimentary filling was almost completely destroyed at the beginning of the years 1980, but a survey in the cavity allowed J.-M. Moullec to describe with precision various cultural components (Final Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and the middle Ages). The excavation carried out in July 2011 made it possible to identify Tardiglacial levels (Azilian) at the bottom of the cave in a two meters broad band along the wall. This level consisted of a mixture of silts and granitic sands resulting from the erosion of the monolithic block. Some charcoals were collected in the US 4 and 5, but they are quite rare and thus questionable as a radiocarbon date confirmed it. The archaeological materials collected during the excavation are lithic tools (mainly flint, but also Eocene sandstone, microquartzite, cataclasite and chalcedony), small pieces of schist and three large summarily worked granite blocks.Among the 1313 lithic pieces, 20% come from the homogeneous Tardiglacial stratigraphical units. Curved backed points, large blades very used and falls of graver compose an industry easily comparable with Azilian in an old phase. It is very rare in the North-West of France. Its functional signature is original and would be completely compatible with the assumption of a logistical station (i.e. field camp) of very mobile human groups. Their knowledge of the local geological resources is a significant component to be kept in memory, which shows that the courses were regular in this area

    De la pelle mĂ©canique aux remontages lithiques : espace habitĂ© et techniques au Tardiglaciaire sur l’habitat des Chaloignes (MozĂ©-sur-Louet, Maine-et-Loire)

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    Les informations recueillies dans la cuvette sĂ©dimentaire des Chaloignes (MozĂ©-sur-Louet, Maine-et-Loire) lors d’une fouille prĂ©ventive menĂ©e en 1999 permettent de recrĂ©er un espace d’habitat azilien, en cherchant des indicateurs pertinents pour l’analyse spatiale (matiĂšres premiĂšres, fragmentation des chaĂźnes opĂ©ratoires dans l’espace, remontages et raccords entre piĂšces lithiques). La topographie a favorisĂ© la conservation des niveaux tardiglaciaires, parfois sous un niveau d’habitat qui a fonctionnĂ© aux IIIe et IIe siĂšcles avant J.-C. (partie septentrionale du site), parfois sous la seule terre vĂ©gĂ©tale (partie mĂ©ridionale). Une frĂ©quentation sporadique de cet endroit durant le MĂ©solithique et le NĂ©olithique est enregistrĂ©e dans diffĂ©rentes unitĂ©s sĂ©dimentaires, venant parfois s’amalgamer aux vestiges aziliens. Les matĂ©riaux employĂ©s pour la fabrication de l’outillage azilien sont trĂšs majoritairement d’origine locale, mais des roches exogĂšnes nous montrent des dĂ©placements atteignant 75 km. Leur raretĂ© plaide pour une arrivĂ©e au grĂ© des mouvements humains. Des locus homogĂšnes (2, 4 et 13) sont dĂ©crits et illustrĂ©s afin d’aider Ă  la dĂ©finition des caractĂšres typologiques et techniques de l’Azilien. L’étude de zones moins homogĂšnes (locus 10 et zone 5) mais placĂ©es au cƓur du site permet de complĂ©ter les informations. Plusieurs modĂšles de fonctionnement de l’habitat sont proposĂ©s, qui tous convergent pour montrer son intĂ©gration dans un rĂ©seau.The information collected in the sedimentary basin of Les Chaloignes (MozĂ©-sur-Louet, Maine-et-Loire) during a preventive excavation in 1999 allows the recreation of an Azilian habitat, by seeking relevant indicators in spatial analysis (raw materials providing, spatial segmentation of “chaĂźnes opĂ©ratoires”, lithic refittings). Topography enabled supported the conservation of the Tardiglacial levels, sometimes under a La Tene level (3rd and 2nd centuries cal. BC – in the northern part of the site), sometimes simply beneath topsoil. A sporadic frequentation of the site during Mesolithic and Neolithic is recorded in various sedimentary units, sometimes mixed with the Azilian assemblage. The flints used for the manufacture of the azilian tools are of local origin, but exogenic rocks show us displacements for as much as 75 km. Their argues in favour of a chance arrival with the human movements. Homogeneous loci (2, 4 and 13) are described and illustrated to refine the definition of the typological and technical characteristics of Azilian. The studies of zones less homogeneous although placed in the middle of the site (locus 10 and zone 5), provide complementary data data. Several models are proposed, which all show the integration of the site in a network

    Un visage original du Tardiglaciaire en Bretagne : les occupations aziliennes dans l’abri-sous-roche de Kerbizien à Huelgoat

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    L’abri-sous-roche de Kerbizien sur la commune de Huelgoat (FinistĂšre) s’ouvre dans un Ă©norme bloc granitique installĂ© en sommet de coteau. Il mesure 9,50 m Ă  l’ouverture pour environ 5,50 m de profondeur, avec une hauteur sous plafond de 2,80 m depuis le socle rocheux et une surface habitable d’environ 16 mÂČ. Son remplissage sĂ©dimentaire a Ă©tĂ© presque intĂ©gralement dĂ©truit au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1980, mais un tamisage des dĂ©blais et un sondage dans la cavitĂ© avaient permis Ă  J.-M. Moullec de dĂ©crire avec prĂ©cision les diffĂ©rentes composantes chrono-culturelles prĂ©sentes, PalĂ©olithique final, MĂ©solithique et Moyen-Âge. La fouille rĂ©alisĂ©e en juillet 2011 a permis d’identifier des niveaux en place du Tardiglaciaire (Azilien) au fond de la caverne. Ils formaient une bande de deux mĂštres de large le long de la paroi et Ă©taient constituĂ©s d’un mĂ©lange de limons et de sables granitiques issus de l’érosion des parois. La totalitĂ© du site a Ă©tĂ© fouillĂ©e, Ă  l’exception d’un bourrelet limoneux au sud-ouest du bloc dont la partie supĂ©rieure comprend des occupations aux vestiges indĂ©mĂȘlables. Quelques charbons ont Ă©tĂ© recueillis dans les US 4 et 5, mais ils sont rares et donc sujets Ă  caution ; une datation par le radiocarbone l’a d’ailleurs confirmĂ©. Le mobilier archĂ©ologique recueilli lors de la fouille comprend des roches taillĂ©es Ă  destination de l’outillage (principalement silex, mais aussi grĂšs Ă©ocĂšne, microquartzite, cataclasite et calcĂ©doine), de petites plaquettes de schiste et trois gros blocs de granite taillĂ©s sommairement. Parmi les 1 313 objets archĂ©ologiques issus de la fouille et du tamisage, 20 % proviennent des unitĂ©s stratigraphiques tardiglaciaires en place. Pointes Ă  dos courbes, grandes lames trĂšs utilisĂ©s et chutes de burin composent un assemblage aisĂ©ment comparable Ă  l’Azilien dans une phase ancienne, trĂšs rare dans le nord-ouest de la France. Sa signature fonctionnelle est originale et serait tout Ă  fait compatible avec l’hypothĂšse d’une station logistique (i.e. halte de chasse) de groupes trĂšs mobiles. Leur connaissance des ressources gĂ©ologiques locales est un Ă©lĂ©ment important Ă  garder en mĂ©moire, qui dĂ©montre que les parcours Ă©taient rĂ©guliers dans cette partie occidentale de la rĂ©gion, dĂ©nuĂ©e de silex en position primaire.The Kerbizien rock shelter on the commune of Huelgoat (Finistere) opens in an enormous granitic block installed in top of slope. It measures 9.50 m with the opening for approximately 5.50 m of depth, with a height under ceiling of 2.80 m from the rock base. The liveable space is approximately 11 mÂČ. Its sedimentary filling was almost completely destroyed at the beginning of the years 1980, but a survey in the cavity allowed J.-M. Moullec to describe with precision various cultural components (Final Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and the middle Ages). The excavation carried out in July 2011 made it possible to identify Tardiglacial levels (Azilian) at the bottom of the cave in a two meters broad band along the wall. This level consisted of a mixture of silts and granitic sands resulting from the erosion of the monolithic block. Some charcoals were collected in the US 4 and 5, but they are quite rare and thus questionable as a radiocarbon date confirmed it. The archaeological materials collected during the excavation are lithic tools (mainly flint, but also Eocene sandstone, microquartzite, cataclasite and chalcedony), small pieces of schist and three large summarily worked granite blocks.Among the 1313 lithic pieces, 20% come from the homogeneous Tardiglacial stratigraphical units. Curved backed points, large blades very used and falls of graver compose an industry easily comparable with Azilian in an old phase. It is very rare in the North-West of France. Its functional signature is original and would be completely compatible with the assumption of a logistical station (i.e. field camp) of very mobile human groups. Their knowledge of the local geological resources is a significant component to be kept in memory, which shows that the courses were regular in this area

    Comorbidities of COPD

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    International audienceBy 2020, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) will be the third cause of mortality. Extrapulmonary comorbidities influence the prognosis of patients with COPD. Tobacco smoking is a common risk factor for many comorbidities, including coronary heart disease, heart failure and lung cancer. Comorbidities such as pulmonary artery disease and malnutrition are directly caused by COPD, whereas others, such as systemic venous thromboembolism, anxiety, depression, osteoporosis, obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, sleep disturbance and anaemia, have no evident physiopathological relationship with COPD. The common ground between most of these extrapulmonary manifestations is chronic systemic inflammation. All of these diseases potentiate the morbidity of COPD, leading to increased hospitalisations and healthcare costs. They can frequently cause death, independently of respiratory failure. Comorbidities make the management of COPD difficult and need to be evaluated and treated adequately. Extrapulmonary comorbidities are common in COPD and influence prognosis; we propose an exhaustive comorbidities revie

    Changes in regional cerebral perfusion over time in idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder

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    Background Idiopathic rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder is associated with increased risk of neurodegeneration, but the temporal evolution of regional perfusion, a marker of cerebral activity, has not been characterized. The objective of the current study was to study longitudinal regional perfusion in patients with idiopathic rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder. Methods Thirty‐seven patients and 23 controls underwent high‐resolution single‐photon emission computed tomography. After 17 months on average, scans were repeated for idiopathic rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder patients. We compared regional cerebral blood flow between groups and over time. Results At baseline, patients showed lower relative regional perfusion in the anterior frontal and lateral parietotemporal cortex compared with controls. However, over time, patients showed an increase in relative regional perfusion in the anterior frontal, lateral parietal, and occipitotemporal cortex, reverting toward normal control levels. Conclusions Patients with idiopathic rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder showed significant areas of relative regional hypoperfusion, which disappeared over time to finally return to average levels, suggesting possible developing compensation in areas affected by neurodegeneration
