13 research outputs found

    The Features of Leisure Physical Occupations on Adults: A Descriptive Study

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    AbstractThe aim of this study is to identify and evaluate the features of the leisure physical occupations at the adult age. We realized a descriptive study (N = 80, adults in the urban area), through which we tried to determine the relationship between the leisure physical occupations and the socio-demographics variables (gender, level of education, achieved incomes, parental status). The study's results offer us the possibility of identifying the social groups with the lowest chances of practicing leisure physical activities. Starting from these results, we should be able to propose possible strategies of people's involvement in this kind of activities


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    The last decade has witnessed an exponential growth of interest in organizational learning and Knowledge Management. This comes as a natural consequence of the ever more widespread understanding of the knowledge-based economy as a revolutionary change in the global economy. The rise of the service economy, the increasingly flow of global information, and the growing recognition of the importance of intellectual capital are turning knowledge into a key critical resource and a source of competitive advantage in the global economy, making from KM an evolutionary rather than a revolutionary development.knowledge management, knowledge workers, learning organization


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    We chose to present an exemplifying case-study of occupational therapy (OT) application in an adult patient with depression and hypoacusis by using the narrative interview method. We started from the principle that in each OT case-study it is important to identify the patient’s previously life roles held and the activities that were fulfilled within these roles. As methodological tool, we applied the Person-Environment-Occupation Model (PEO) in a 48 years old woman, with reactive depression (after her husband’s death) and congenital hypoacusis. After identifying the occupational routine and life style of the client, we established as a valid aim of OT intervention the client’s return to an old hobby, the flowers photography, and we described the PEO factors that influence flower shooting performance. From a global perspective, client’s occupational performance was considered as satisfactory. Her abilities and independent functional status allow her to be engaged in different daily occupations that match with her environment. After completing the PEO transaction for flower shooting, we extracted the occupational needs of the client. This client centered case study is an example of good practice, which reveals the possibility of achieving a higher level of occupational performance and to increase self-esteem for individuals with depression

    Nonlinear Dynamics of Reaction Time and Time Estimation during Repetitive Test

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    (1) Background: In this research, we aimed to investigate a computational model of repetitive reaction time (RT) and virtual reaction time (VRT) testing. (2) Methods: The study involved 180 subjects (50 men, 130 women, mean age 31.61 ± 13.56 years). The data were statistically analyzed through the coefficient of variation (CV) and the Poincaré plot indicators. (3) Results: We obtained an excellent level of reliability for both sessions of testing and we put into evidence a relationship of association of the RT and VRT with the subjects’ age, which was more pregnant for RT (p < 0.05). For both RT and VRT data series, we determined a consistent closer association between CV and the Poincaré plot descriptors SD1, SD2 (SD—standard deviation), and the area of the fitting ellipse (AFE) (p < 0.01). We reported an underestimation of the time interval of 2 s during the VRT session of testing, with an average value of CV of VRT, the equivalent of the Weber fraction, of 15.21 ± 8.82%. (4) Conclusions: The present study provides novel evidence that linear and nonlinear analysis of RT and VRT variability during serial testing bring complementary insights to the understanding of complex neurocognitive processes implied in the task execution

    Hand grip strength as a physical biomarker of aging from the perspective of a Fibonacci mathematical modeling

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    Abstract Background The Golden Ratio (GR) and the Fibonacci sequence have wide applications in biodiversity research, and recent studies indicate that the GR can be highlighted in the organization and physiological functioning of many body systems. The aim of this cross-sectional descriptive study is to determine the applicability of a mathematical model derived from the Fibonacci sequence to investigate the changes in hand grip strength (HGS) induced by the aging process. Methods We assessed the HGS for both hands, using a Saehan hydraulic hand dynamometer in a group of autonomous elderly subjects. One hundred twenty 55-year-old subjects (58 males and 62 females) and seventy 89-year-old subjects (31 men and 39 women) were included in the study group. All subjects were completely independent or independent with minimal assistance in activities of daily living (ADL), as determined after applying the Barthel index of ADL. The data series were statistically processed using descriptive statistics (univariate analysis) and inferential statistical methods (the t test for unpaired groups, with effect size measure – Cohen’s d and the ratio of the means method). Results The decline of the relative HGS between the two age groups can be expressed by values close to the GR value (p < 0.001), both in relation to body symmetry (left hand/right hand evaluation) and laterality (dominant hand/non-dominant hand evaluation), for both sexes. For the whole group of men and women, the rhythm of HGS decline may be expressed by a value (1.61) notably close to the GR, regardless of body symmetry or laterality. Conclusions The common pattern of the relative HGS reduction between 55 and 89 years, as expressed by a value notably close to GR, can be considered to be an expression of a specific and predictable manifestation of the aging process, in the absence of disability

    The Relationship between Physical Activity Level and Sociodemographic Factors in Romanian Adults in the Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Period

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    Background: This study examines how socio-demographic factors relate to post-pandemic physical activity patterns among Romanian adults. Methods: A cross-sectional study explores post-COVID-19 physical activity levels (PAL) and their correlation with socio-demographic factors in Romanian adults (n = 237, average age 28.23 ± 9.91 years). An online questionnaire covering constitutional, socio-demographic, and physical activity-related variables was administered for data collection. Data analysis involves descriptive and inferential statistics, including Kendall’s tau correlation, along with multinomial regression analyses. Results: Noteworthy correlations emerged, including a robust association (r = 0.79, p p p p < 0.001). Conclusions: Revealing significant links between PAL and socio-demographic factors among adults in Romania’s post-pandemic landscape, this study emphasizes the interaction between health changes and activity involvement. It also highlights the potential to guide interventions for rehabilitation and healthier living

    Opinions about judo athletes’ image

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    OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to evaluate opinions of persons who are involved with judo about judo athletes’ personality. METHODS: For this purpose 132 coaches, athletes, students of Department of Physical Education and Sport Science (DEPESS) and students of military school answered to a 35-item questionnaire describing their image towards judo athletes, in regard to social, volition, active, physical and emotional nature. RESULTS: statistical analysis showed that all the groups rated from the average, to somewhat strong and, also, to strong, while coaches rated higher to the most items. More specifically, one way ANOVA revealed significant differences, with coaches rating significantly higher, in the items of “being healthy” in physical nature (F=2.85, p<0.05), in items “having proper manner” and “being sincere” in social nature, (F=3.41, p<0.05 and F=3.09, p<0.05 respectively), “being positive” in active nature (F=3.95, p<0.05). Also in the items “being mild” (F=3.04, p<0.05), “being cheerful” (F=3.60, p<0.05) and “being carefree” (F=2.98, p<0.05) in emotional nature. Moreover, students of military school rating significantly higher in the item of “being cautious” in active nature (F=2.51, p<0.05) and in the item of “having power of concentration” in active nature both students of military school and of DEPESS rating significantly higher (F=5.66, p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The high rating in the most items might be due to the nature of the attitudes provided and cultured during the judo lessons, practice time and matches. Moreover, the differences between the groups for the coaches group might be observed because they have the most real image for judo athletes

    Comparative Analysis of Social Networks in Institutionalized Older Adults versus Aging-in-Place Scenarios

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    (1) Background: This research aims to compare social networks among institutionalized and aging-in-place (AIP) older adults through the validation of a new questionnaire. (2) Methods: The cross-sectional study included 100 older adults (mean age: 73.53 ± 5.49 years; age range: 65–85 years), with 48 institutionalized subjects and 52 AIP subjects. We developed, validated, and administered a new questionnaire, the Social Network Assessment for Older People Questionnaire (SNAOPQ), to assess older adults’ social networks using descriptive and inferential statistical methods. (3) Results: The SNAOPQ demonstrated excellent internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha of 0.91 and McDonald’s omega of 0.91). Statistical analysis revealed significant associations between variables, highlighting differences in social networks between institutionalized and AIP individuals (p ≤ 0.001). Sociodemographic factors like age, education, living arrangement status, and number of descendants significantly influenced SNAOPQ scores (p ≤ 0.001). Age and residence type notably impacted participants’ scores, indicating reduced social network size with age. Tertiary education and living in a couple were associated with more extensive social networks, while a higher number of descendants correlated with social network expansion. (4) Conclusions: Our study highlights significant differences in social networks among older adults based on residence type, emphasizing the impact of sociodemographic factors such as age, education, living arrangement, and the number of descendants

    A Pre&ndash;Post Study on the Cardiorespiratory Response to Different Protocols of Exposure on a Vibratory Platform in Young Healthy Individuals

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    This study aimed to investigate the acute specific physiological effects of 15 min of whole-body vibration (WBV) exposure at six different types of vibrations on cardiorespiratory function in 26 healthy young subjects (sex ratio, 1:1; mean age, 20.73 years). The protocols included six variants of a combination of mechanical stimuli with different frequencies (15, 25, and 35 Hz) and direction of stimuli (vertical or diagonal). The investigated cardiorespiratory parameters were heart rate (HR), arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2), respiratory rate (RR), and spirometric indicators: tidal volume (TV), vital capacity (VC), forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume at 1 s (FEV1), and maximum voluntary ventilation for 12 s (MVV). The data series were statistically processed by using descriptive and inferential statistical methods: the Shapiro&ndash;Wilk test, the two-way ANOVA with repeated measures, and post hoc analysis. We obtained significantly higher values for HR, TV, VC, FVC, FEV1, and MVV after the WBV exposure. These parameters are significantly influenced by both the frequency and direction of stimuli, and certain protocols of WBV are noticeable for their distinct effects. Our results offer a new perspective on the possibility of using preferential variants of vibratory stimulation to obtain maximum cardiorespiratory physiological effects