42 research outputs found

    Vessel Axis Tracking Using Topology Constrained Surface Evolution

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    An approach to three-dimensional vessel axis tracking based on surface evolution is presented. The main idea is to guide the evolution of the surface by analyzing its skeleton topology during evolution, and imposing shape constraints on the topology. For example, the intermediate topology can be processed such that it represents a single vessel segment, a bifurcation, or a more complex vascular topology. The evolving surface is then re-initialized with the newly found topology. Re-initialization is a crucial step since it creates probing behavior of the evolving front, encourages the segmentation process to extract the vascular structure of interest and reduces the risk on leaking of the curve into the background. The method was evaluated in two computed tomography angiography applications: (i) extracting the internal carotid arteries including the region in which they traverse through the skull base, which is challenging due to the proximity of bone structures and overlap in intensity values, and (ii) extracting the carotid bifurcations including many cases in which they are severely stenosed and contain calcifications. The vessel axis was found in 90% (18/20 internal carotids in ten patients) and 70% (14/20 carotid bifurcations in a different set of ten patients) of the cases

    Vessel enhancing diffusion: a scale space representation of vessel

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    A method is proposed to enhance vascular structures within the framework of scale space theory. We combine a smooth vessel filter which is based on a geometrical analysis of the Hessian's eigensystem, with a non-linear anisotropic diffusion scheme. The amount and orientation of diffusion depend on the local vessel likeliness. Vessel enhancing diffusion (VED) is applied to patient and phantom data and compared to linear, regularized Perona-Malik, edge and coherence enhancing diffusion. The method performs better than most of the existing techniques in visualizing vessels with varying radii and in enhancing vessel appearance. A diameter study on phantom data shows that VED least affects the accuracy of diameter measurements. It is shown that using VED as a preprocessing step improves level set based segmentation of the cerebral vasculature, in particular segmentation of the smaller vessels of the vasculature

    Validated imaging biomarkers as decision-making tools in clinical trials and routine practice: current status and recommendations from the EIBALL* subcommittee of the European Society of Radiology (ESR)

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    Abstract: Observer-driven pattern recognition is the standard for interpretation of medical images. To achieve global parity in interpretation, semi-quantitative scoring systems have been developed based on observer assessments; these are widely used in scoring coronary artery disease, the arthritides and neurological conditions and for indicating the likelihood of malignancy. However, in an era of machine learning and artificial intelligence, it is increasingly desirable that we extract quantitative biomarkers from medical images that inform on disease detection, characterisation, monitoring and assessment of response to treatment. Quantitation has the potential to provide objective decision-support tools in the management pathway of patients. Despite this, the quantitative potential of imaging remains under-exploited because of variability of the measurement, lack of harmonised systems for data acquisition and analysis, and crucially, a paucity of evidence on how such quantitation potentially affects clinical decision-making and patient outcome. This article reviews the current evidence for the use of semi-quantitative and quantitative biomarkers in clinical settings at various stages of the disease pathway including diagnosis, staging and prognosis, as well as predicting and detecting treatment response. It critically appraises current practice and sets out recommendations for using imaging objectively to drive patient management decisions

    Shape contrained vessel centerline extraction by integrating surface evolution and topology analysis

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    Shape contrained vessel centerline extraction by integrating surface evolution and topology analysis

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    Evaluation of a Potential for Automatic SIMD Parallelization of Embedded Applications

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    This paper investigates the potential for automatic mapping of typical embedded applications to architectures with multimedia instruction set extensions. For this purpose a (pattern matching based) code transformation engine is used. The experiments show that about 85% of the loops which are suitable for Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) parallelization can be automatically recognized and mapped