534 research outputs found

    An Investigation of the Mechanism of Water Molecules Interaction with Hydrophilic Disperse Substances by the NMR Method

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    The paper presents the results of an investigation of the linewidths and chemical shifts of, the NMR of protons of water molecules and some magnetic nuclei of counterions (Li+, F-, NH4+, H+) in aqueous dispersions of a number of ion-exchange resins and alumosilicates in solutions of high-molecular compounds. The spectra have been recorded by the high-resolution NMR type INM-4H-100 spectrometer with a 100 MHz work frequency for protons and 40 MHz for 7Li in a wide temperature range from 173 K to 373 K. The phenomenon that the shift of water ·signal versus tern- . perature variation is smaller for electrolyte solutions that for pure water, is proposed to be utilized for the evaluation of the hydratation numbers of ions in electrolyte solutions. The activation energy of molecular motion at low temperatures, calculated, from temperature dependence of the linewidth is 8-16 kcal moi-1 and it is in good agreement with the results obtained by other techniques. A model of interaction of water molecules between each other and with the active centres ·Of hydrophilic disperse systems has been proposed. The peculiarities of the interaction of water molecules with ions of various electron structure have been elucidated. The hydratation numbers of counterions have been determined and compared with those for equeous solutions of corresponding salts. The special features of water molecules on the interface at low temperatures have been discussed. The role of hydrogen bonds in the determination of the freezing temperature of water has been elucidated

    Opto-mechanical probe for combining atomic force microscopy and optical near-field surface analysis

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    We have developed a new easy-to-use probe that can be used to combine atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM). We show that, using this device, the evanescent field, obtained by total internal reflection conditions in a prism, can be visualized by approaching the surface with the scanning tip. Furthermore, we were able to obtain simultaneous AFM and SNOM images of a standard test grating in air and in liquid. The lateral resolution in AFM and SNOM mode was estimated to be 45 and 160 nm, respectively. This new probe overcomes a number of limitations that commercial probes have, while yielding the same resolution. (C) 2014 Optical Society of Americ

    Convergent recombination suppression suggests role of sexual selection in guppy sex chromosome formation.

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    Sex chromosomes evolve once recombination is halted between a homologous pair of chromosomes. The dominant model of sex chromosome evolution posits that recombination is suppressed between emerging X and Y chromosomes in order to resolve sexual conflict. Here we test this model using whole genome and transcriptome resequencing data in the guppy, a model for sexual selection with many Y-linked colour traits. We show that although the nascent Y chromosome encompasses nearly half of the linkage group, there has been no perceptible degradation of Y chromosome gene content or activity. Using replicate wild populations with differing levels of sexually antagonistic selection for colour, we also show that sexual selection leads to greater expansion of the non-recombining region and increased Y chromosome divergence. These results provide empirical support for longstanding models of sex chromosome catalysis, and suggest an important role for sexual selection and sexual conflict in genome evolution

    General lack of global dosage compensation in ZZ/ZW systems? Broadening the perspective with RNA-seq

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    Background Species with heteromorphic sex chromosomes face the challenge of large-scale imbalance in gene dose. Microarray-based studies in several independent male heterogametic XX/XY systems suggest that dosage compensation mechanisms are in place to mitigate the detrimental effects of gene dose differences. However, recent genomic research on female heterogametic ZZ/ZW systems has generated surprising results. In two bird species and one lepidopteran no evidence for a global dosage compensating mechanism has been found. The recent advent of massively parallel RNA sequencing now opens up the possibility to gauge the generality of this observation with a broader phylogenetic sampling. It further allows assessing the validity of microarray-based inference on dosage compensation with a novel technology. Results We here expemplify this approach using massively parallel sequencing on barcoded individuals of a bird species, the European crow (Corvus corone), where previously no genetic resources were available. Testing for Z-linkage with quantitative PCR (qPCR,) we first establish that orthology with distantly related species (chicken, zebra finch) can be used as a good predictor for chromosomal affiliation of a gene. We then use a digital measure of gene expression (RNA-seq) on brain transcriptome and confirm a global lack of dosage compensation on the Z chromosome. RNA-seq estimates of male-to-female (m:f) expression difference on the Z compare well to previous microarray-based estimates in birds and lepidopterans. The data further lends support that an up-regulation of female Z-linked genes conveys partial compensation and suggest a relationship between sex-bias and absolute expression level of a gene. Correlation of sex-biased gene expression on the Z chromosome across all three bird species further suggests that the degree of compensation has been partly conserved across 100 million years of avian evolution. Conclusions This work demonstrates that the study of dosage compensation has become amenable to species where previously no genetic resources were available. Massively parallele transcriptome sequencing allows re-assessing the degree of dosage compensation with a novel tool in well-studies species and, in addition, gain valuable insights into the generality of mechanisms across independent taxonomic group for both the XX/XY and ZZ/ZW system

    Protection against Diarrhea Associated with Giardia intestinalis Is Lost with Multi-Nutrient Supplementation: A Study in Tanzanian Children

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    Giardia intestinalis is a well-known cause of diarrhea in industrialized countries. In children in developing countries, asymptomatic infections are common and their role as cause of diarrhea has been questioned. In a cohort of rural Tanzanian pre-school children, we assessed the association between the presence of Giardia at baseline and subsequent diarrhea risk. The study was conducted in the context of a randomised trial assessing the effect of supplementation with zinc and other micro-nutrients on malaria, and half of the children daily received a multi-nutrient supplement. Surprisingly, we found that the presence of Giardia at baseline was associated with a substantial reduction in diarrhea risk. Multivariate statistical analysis showed that this protection could not be explained by differences in age or walking distance to the dispensary between children with and without Giardia. Because we cannot exclude that children differed in other (unmeasured) characteristics, we cannot draw firm conclusions about the causality of the observed association, but our findings support the view that the parasite is not an important cause of diarrhea in highly endemic settings. Striking was that the Giardia-associated protection was lost when children received multi-nutrients. Our data do not provide information about the mechanisms involved, but suggest that multi-nutrients may influence the compositionor pathogenicity of intestinal biota

    How to make a sex chromosome

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    Sex chromosomes can evolve once recombination is halted between a homologous pair of chromosomes. Owing to detailed studies using key model systems, we have a nuanced understanding and a rich review literature of what happens to sex chromosomes once recombination is arrested. However, three broad questions remain unanswered. First, why do sex chromosomes stop recombining in the first place? Second, how is recombination halted? Finally, why does the spread of recombination suppression, and therefore the rate of sex chromosome divergence, vary so substantially across clades? In this review, we consider each of these three questions in turn to address fundamental questions in the field, summarize our current understanding, and highlight important areas for future work

    Rapid De Novo Evolution of X Chromosome Dosage Compensation in Silene latifolia, a Plant with Young Sex Chromosomes

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    Evidence for dosage compensation in Silene latifolia, a plant with 10-million-year-old sex chromosomes, reveals that dosage compensation can evolve rapidly in young XY systems and is not an animal-specific phenomenon

    Characterizing Ligand-Gated Ion Channel Receptors with Genetically Encoded Ca++ Sensors

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    We present a cell based system and experimental approach to characterize agonist and antagonist selectivity for ligand-gated ion channels (LGIC) by developing sensor cells stably expressing a Ca2+ permeable LGIC and a genetically encoded Förster (or fluorescence) resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based calcium sensor. In particular, we describe separate lines with human α7 and human α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, mouse 5-HT3A serotonin receptors and a chimera of human α7/mouse 5-HT3A receptors. Complete concentration-response curves for agonists and Schild plots of antagonists were generated from these sensors and the results validate known pharmacology of the receptors tested. Concentration-response relations can be generated from either the initial rate or maximal amplitudes of FRET-signal. Although assaying at a medium throughput level, this pharmacological fluorescence detection technique employs a clonal line for stability and has versatility for screening laboratory generated congeners as agonists or antagonists on multiple subtypes of ligand-gated ion channels. The clonal sensor lines are also compatible with in vivo usage to measure indirectly receptor activation by endogenous neurotransmitters