3 research outputs found

    Human Rights and Persons with Disabilities: Design of Buk-Smart-Logi Learning Media (Technology Smart Books) as an Islamic Education Learning Media Innovation

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    The success of a teaching and learning process, especially in religious learning is largely determined by the learning media used. However, a problem arises, which is namely the lack of inclusive system learning media in learning. Therefore, the equality of human rights to education has not been implemented. This is based on the author's observations regarding the analysis of inclusive learning media in schools in Indonesia. Thus, educational institutions need to have learning media that can be used for people with disabilities. Hence, children without disabilities can study together with those with disabilities in one educational institution. Therefore, it is necessary to innovate a new learning media Buk-Smart-Logi (Book Smart Technology) to improve student learning outcomes and to be utilized by all children in Indonesia. Considering that education is the right of every citizen, including people with disabilities. This research is research and development using the simplified Borg and Gall model. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of validity of the Buk-Smart-Logi media and to find out how what the role of the media is in supporting inclusive learning in Islamic Religious Education subjects, as well as being a human-friendly media


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    The Islamic community's ability to understand the Koran and Hadith has given rise to various forms of understanding with a variety of practices. The response of people in an area to religious practices is often entrenched to the point that it becomes a community tradition. Such as understanding the text of the Koran and Hadith regarding the reception and implementation of practices on the Muslim victory day (Eid al-Fitr). Performing prayers, listening to sermons, visiting graves, gathering and so on decorates Eid al-Fitr in various parts of Indonesia. The practice of interpreting the meaning of Eid al-Fitr in Koto Padang Village is of particular interest in this research, because before the Eid al-Fitr prayers there is a tradition of respecting previous ulama who have made a major contribution to the development of Islamic religious knowledge in this region. This form of attitude of respecting and remembering the cleric is actualized by the community in the practice of visiting and performing sunnah prayers at the cleric's house. Then proceed with prayer or pilgrimage at the cemetery of the cleric named Sheikh Haji Ismail. Interestingly, this tradition is not carried out individually. But it is carried out by the congregation and Eid prayer officers. In the local community's understanding, this phenomenon is a form of interpretation of the Koran and Hadith which is realized in the form of practice. In analyzing the phenomena in this research, field research was used with qualitative methods, living Qur'an and phenomenology approach models. By conducting observations, interviews and documentation as data collection techniques. The aim of this research is an effort to reveal the community's reception and the connection between this tradition and the meaning of certain verses as a basis for implementing this routine tradition. The community's interpretation of this tradition has functional and spiritual values which include acts of respect for ulama, tawassul, friendship, and self-introspection (remembering death).Abstrak: Kemampuan masyarakat Islam dalam memahami al-Qur’an dan Hadist telah memunculkan berbagai bentuk pemahaman dengan ragam praktik. Respon masyarakat dalam suatu wilayah terhadap praktik agama seringkali membudaya hingga menjadi tradisi masyarakat. Seperti pemahaman terhadap teks al-Qur’an dan Hadist mengenai penyambutan serta pelaksanaan amalan pada hari kemenangan umat Islam (Idul Fitri). Melaksnakan shalat, mendengarkan khutbah, ziarah kubur, silaturahmi dan lainnya menghiasi hari Idul Fitri di berbagai penjuru Indonesia. Praktik pemaknaan hari Idul Fitri di Desa Koto Padang menjadi perhatian khusus dalam penelitian ini, sebab sebelum pelaksanaan shalat Idul fitri terdapat suatu tradisi penghormatan terhadap ulama terdahulu yang memiliki kontribusi besar dalam perkembangan Ilmu agama Islam di wilayah ini. Bentuk sikap menghormati dan mengenang ulama tersebut di aktualisasikan masyarakat dalam praktik mengunjungi dan melaksanakan shalat sunnah di rumah ulama tersebut. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan berdo’a atau ziarah di pemakaman ulama yang bernama Syekh Haji Ismail tersebut. Menariknya, tradisi ini tidak dilakukan secara individu. Melainkan dilakukan oleh jama’ah dan petugas shalat Idul Fitri. Secara pemahaman masyarakat setempat, fenomena ini merupakan bentuk dari pemaknaan terhadap al-Qur'an dan Hadist yang direalisasikan dalam bentuk praktik. Dalam menganalisis fenomena pada penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan metode kualitatif model pendekatan living Qur’an dan fenomenologi. Dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni suatu upaya mengungkapkan resepsi masyarakat dan keterkaitan tradisi ini terhadap pemaknaan ayat tertentu sebagai landasan dalam pelaksanaan tradisi rutinitas ini. Pemaknaan masyarakat terhadap tradisi ini memiliki nilai fungsional dan spiritual yang meliputi tindakan menghormati ulama, tawassul, silaturahmi, dan intropeksi diri (mengingat kematian


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    Digital era has influenced most local television to retreat in media and also factors such as human resources and production financing are thing that hinder growth of local television in entering digital system. However, since the issuance of Law no. 32 of 2002 about Broadcasting, ownership of local television station in Indonesia is increasing. This law can be a rule as well as a protector for diversity of content and ownership of local television station in maintaining their existence. Local television existences have an important role in changing function of mainstream media, especially in raising local issues. The presence of local television expected to display regional culture, local event, or region identity, as well as live of surrounding public. Thus, local television can represent overall local cultural identity based on local wisdom while still existing with digital